The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 1-26

Page Six ManKilled ByAutoon DaytonPike Joseph Massie, 63, home-at- lai'ge, was struck by an auto and killed instantly a t 4 a. m. Friday on the Dayton pike, quar­ te r of a mile ivest of Xenia, the sheriff’s office reported, Driver of the car was Sherman Holland, 30, Spring Valley, who drove into Xenia and called Sher­ iff Walton Spahr to report his auto had struck “something in the fog” hut a search failed to reveal what it was. He was made aware of it, he said, by the im­ perfect operation of his auto. The sheriff and a deputy drove to the spot and another search disclose! the body of the victim, his head crushed, in a ditch along the road, Massie had apparently been hurled against a mail box which was found to be damaged. Holland is not being held al­ though he may be questioned la­ ter by Coroner H. C. Schick. A search for the victim’s sis­ ter, believed to he living in north­ ern Ohio, is being conducted by the sheriff’s office and Milton Stockwell, Jeffersonville, Massie’s employer. The body was taken to the Nceld Funeral Home. The fatal accident was the third Greene county traffic death this year. The other two occurred in Jan­ uary. All three have been on the Dayton, pike. Stolen Car Located In Missouri Jefferson City,, Mo., police offi­ cials informed the sheriff's office Sunday they had recovered a car stolen from A. B, Goldburg, Sky- PLUMBING SERVICE • New and ® Repair Work Shank’s Pl&mbing Phone Xenia 1875 or Phone Jamestown 4-3775 way Park, Osborn, last Tuesday night. Arrested in connection with the theft were Carrie Young, 23, Day- ton, R. fit 8; Kenneth W. Nolan, 26, Oakland, Calif., Lossie Mc- Graw, 20 Manchester, and Wil­ liam Guthrie, Jr., 16, also of Man­ chester,, An officer of the sheriff’s de­ partment went to the Missouri capital, Monday, with arrest war­ rants. 4-HOfficers AdvisorsHold AnnualMeet Officers and advisers of Greene county 4-H clubs held-their an­ nual conference a t Xenia Central high school last Thursday even- ing. „ Approximately 200 officers and advisers met in individual discussion groups to talk over special club problems. Groups and their leaders were men advisers, E. A. Drake; county agricultural agent; women advisers, Mrs. Dor­ othy C. Stamback; presidents and vice presidents, Ralph Harnev; secretaries and treasurers. Sue Williams; news reporters, Betty Manry; and recreation leaders, Lowell Woods and William Kyle. RedCrossHas NewVolunteer ServiceHead Mrs. W. J. Kennedy, Xenia was introduced to twenty chair­ men and vice chairmen of the Greene county Red Cross volun­ teer services as their new leader at a luncheon given by Miss Katjh- erine Smith, county Red Cross executive director, at her home in Xenia last Wednesday. Mrs. Kennedy replaces Mrs. Austin Patterson, Xenia, as chair­ man of the services. Both Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Kennedy spoke briefly of the work of their group. . Miss Elizabeth Gotte, field di­ rector in charge of volunteer spe­ cial services a t the veterans ad­ ministration center, Dayton, was guest speaker. She told of the work there and of the need for volunteers. ditorium for a motion picture and group singing led by Mrs. Mary Mott. A demonstration on proper milking technique was presented by two members of the Clifton 4-H Boys club, A recreation per­ iod, led by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dean, ended the meeting. Horace E. Ferguson was program chair- Members assembled in the au- man. ........... ........ .................. SPECIAL JUNE 9 TO H 4 - $12.50 Helene Curtiss ColdWave $ 10,00 $8 50 Machine or Maehinless Evening1 Appointments—Tuesday, Thursday and ' ALLEN BEAUTY SHOP Dial 6-2651 . Cedarville Of Course it’s Good.. And It’s Good for Them, Too Because it’s mixed to your formula that’s designed to meet your special Require­ ments. Come in and let us help you outline a feeding pro­ gram for all your live stock. We are equipped to mix it for you or, if you prefer, you can buy the ingredients from us and mix it yourself, at a sav­ ings of $10 to $12 per ton over any branded bag feed. BETTERFEEB-BIGBEBPROFITS-LOWERCOST W e buy ingredients in carload lots which means a savings o f $5 to $8 per ton to you! Let us show you how we can save you money on all youf feeds by buying from us. Our ingredients are of the high­ est quality, hut we buy them in carload lots and pass the savings on to you. ' COME IN AND WATCH US MIX IT TO YOUR FORMULA m v FRANK CRESWELL t* Friday, June 6,1947 The Cedarville, O. Herald Contrary to popular belief, she said, the work of the veterans' center, which includes a hospital, a tuberculosis sanitorium and a re s t home, is increasing now that the war is over and will probably ’ continue to do so until 1965. Miss Cotte appealed for “gray lady” volunteers to help with en­ tertainment and extra services to disabled veterans. She also stress­ ed the need for organized groups to sew once a month at the center. A course for “gray ladies” will be given at the Dayton center the second week in June, she an­ nounced, and will he held four' hours a day for four days, Those interested are requested to call the "Greene county chapter house. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cumm­ ings, Oskaloosa, Iowa are visiting several days with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Agnor and Mrs. Jennie Agnor. TwoWorkers Electrocuted AtAlpha Two brothers, Aron P. Collins, 24, and Noel Collins, 21, Russell­ ville, Ky.,' R.. R. 3, members of a family of thirteen children, were electrocuted in Alpha, five miles west of Xenia, .Friday at 3:45 p. m. when one of the men attempted to save the other who had fallen against a wire re­ portedly carrying 6,900 volts of electricity. The men, employed by the Scott-Myers Construction com­ pany, Indianapolis, engaged in sub-contracting work for the Day- ton Power and Light company, .were pronounced dead upon ar­ rival in a Neeld ambulance at Miami Valley hospital, Dayton. H. P. Dunbar, 942 North De­ troit street) Xenia, foreman of the crew engaged in constructing a new power line through Alpha, said the brothers were working on a pole about forty feet above the ground when the. accideht occurred. The younger brother struck! what he thought was a “dead” wire and Aaron attempted to free him. Neither fell to the ground as both were wearing safety belts and neither was burned seriously. They were removed from the pole by Mr. Dunbar, assisted by fellow workmen. The brothers had been employed by the Indianapolis company eight months.^ They resided in Xenia temporarily. State highway patrolmen, Sher­ iff Walton Spahr and Deputy Homer Spahr investigated the accident. Mrs. Hattie Hudson of Detroit visited here over Memorial day. Clifton Childreiife day will be observed a t the Presbyterian church June 8 at 10:30 in the morning. Rev. Paul Duncan of Coulter- ville, 111.,will be the guest speaker at the United Presbyterian church Sunday morning in the absence of Dr. John W. Bickett, who left Monday to attend the General As­ sembly of the United Presbyterian churcH at Sterling, Kansas. Mr, and Mrs. Irvin Cultice en­ tertained the Westminister Sun­ day School class of'ijjhe Presbyter­ ian Church at the Opera House Friday evening. Thirty-two mem­ bers were present. The' regular business meeting was held and re­ freshments were served later in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Garl Wasner en­ tertained relatives with a dintier Wednesday evening celebrating their fourth Wedding anniversary. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Junior Luse and children of Ur- bana, Mr, and Mrs. D. B. Wasner and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Luse. Mrs. Harold Frances spent last week visiting relatives in Coffee- ville, Kan. The monthly meeting of the deacons of the Presbyterian Church was held Tuesday evening at the Jiome of Mr. Irvin Cultice on the Wilberforce pike. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Coleman will leave Sunday for a three week's visit with Mrs. Coleman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Clark of Hollywood, Fla. T. Sgt. and Mrs. Charles Drag- ich and daughter, Dian of Osbom visited Mr. ancLMrs. Nelson Stret­ cher Monday evening. POST 544 TO MEET Wallace C. Anderson Post 544 will hold their bi-monthly meet­ ing Thursday evening June 32 at 8 p. m. a t the Masonic Lounge. Refreshments will be served. A Day In and day out you’ll fare bet­ ter at Super “E," Here you’ll find all your food needs aat down-to- earth. low everyday prices which chanoo only when the costs change or the markets decline. We do net advertise so-called week end spec­ ials. Shop any day you qhoose — the savings are the same. Quaker’s Brand PUFFED WHEAT Pkg . 10c Breakfast of Champions WHEATIES ..8 o z Pkg . 12c Crackle In milk. Kellogg's RICE KRISPIES ....Pkg, 12c A healtlifl ubrenkfast food POST BRAN . 8 oz Pkg. l i e Boat's Corn Flakes Corn Toasties 13 o z Pkg, 13c GRAPEFRUIT Merrit Brand, Whole segments. Fine for salads Plump and mealy. Delicious baked with pork and molasses NO. 2 GAN I7 !4C 2 LBS. 33“ Tangy, dellcios TANGERINE JUICE No. 2 can 13% Maxwell House Brand. Rich, fragrant COFFEE .............. ............ . . . lb. 46c Fancy Dried Peaches .... .. . .. lb. 29c FLOUR TOILET-TISSUE Cream Velvet Brand. Finest enriched bread flour in America • Charmin Brand. Soft, absorbent Old Reliable Brand. Always good—always fresh COFFEE................... ....... ..... lb. 46c Eavoy's Brand. Regular, Drip, or Sllex. Vacuum packed COFFEE......................... „..... lb. 44c Pine Cone Tomatoes ....No, 2 can 16c 25 LB. BAB31.98 • ROLL V .Tack Frost or Franklin. Pure Cane. 10 lb, bag 04c SUGAR..... .................5 lb. bag 47c Delicious Mint Drops CANDY....... . ............ . lb. 89c Light, fluffy biscuits In a jiffy : BISQUICK...............40 oz pkg. 45c California Pearl. Snow white after cooking RICE............... ....... . 2 lbs. 27c lid Monto Brand. Rich, and spicy CATSUP ................. 14 oz bot. 22c Nu Maid Brand, Fine for baking, cooking, or frying OLEO....................... ........ ..... lb. 35c Envey’s Brad. Home made. Fine - Medium - Wide NOODLES....... ......... 16 oz pkg. 21c Red Rose Brand. In rich tomato sauce POKK’N BEANS 2 No. 300 cans 19c Baked beans and weiners—all In the same can i BEENIE WEENIES 2 llo z cans 35c Makes delicious coffee in an instant NESCAFE ....... ........ ... 4 oz jar 37e PEAS RAISINS Country Garden Brand. Fancy, sweet Thompson’s Brand. Seedless. Tender, thin-skinned NO. 2 CAN 15 OZ PKG. 16' 19 ' Sun Gold Brand. Fancy quality APPLE SAUCE . 2 cans 29c Sun Gold Brand. Fancy whole, nnpceled APRICOTS No. 2 1/2 can 31c Golden City halves PEACHES . No. 21/z can 28c Spring Garden Brand. Cream Stylo. White CORN ............ .. No. 2 can 17c Spring Garden Brand. Tender, fine-flavored LIMA BEANS No. 2 can 22c Thank You Brand. Cut. Green ASPARGUS .. No. 2 can 25c Campbell’s Chicken Noodle SO U P ___ - _______ _ can 16c Campbell’s Vegetable SOUP ....._______ .... can 13c Mott's Brand Distilled VINEGAR ....... . Pt. Bot. 9c Mott’s Brand Cider VINEGAR ....... Qt. Bot. 18c Jumbo Size California | LEMONS Full of juice. Time for a cooling glass of lemonade DOZ. 39' Long, green Tor slicing. Prepare'lh sweetened vinegar CUCUMBERS.... ............................................ lb. 10c * k . , California Valencias. Largo 220 slzo ORANGES..........„.......................................Doz. 37c * $ <#■ Long, well filled pods 3 PEAS .................... I ............... .....................2 lbs. 31c Crisp, fresh ^ GREEN ONIONS .................................. 3 bchs. 10c Red Ripe. Approximately l lb. TOMATOES................ .............................. Tray 25c Large, clc*n roots . CARROTS........................................ 2 bchs. 13c APPLES, GOLDEN DELICIOUS...:.........2 lbs,'29c Build Your Sunday Dinner Around POT ROAST OF BEEF Lean and tender. Serve with Eavey’s kNoodles for a nataural combination !c LB. 49* Servo golden brown with cream-gravy PORK STEAK-...................................... lb. 49c For a tender, flavorful *pork roast FRESH CALLIES.... ......................... lb. 33c Plump, tender young chickens. Split, and broil BROILERS.............................................................. lb.65c Skinless, tedder, juicy. -Best grade WEINERS......................................................r lb. 45c Assorted kinds sliced luncheon meats COLD 45c In the slab. Whole or half BACON..... :....... lb. 59c Mild cream. Yor eating or cooking CHEESE............. ..................... lb. 49c » ■ Green Pastures. In 1-4 lb. prints BUTTER......................... . In y4 lb. prints lb. 63c GREEN BEANS Round, stringless. Boil with bacon for a tasty dish 2 LBS. 29' Very lean — no bone, no waste. Priced to allow a large- serving for everyone