The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 1-26

4 » r J - ^ \ CEDA&VjLLE HERALD, FRIDAY, IAN. W? m ^ i ^ A a v t o i r e S i i o safe <Mr- -■ imwihiiijiiwiiibwmi —Minmif—wiiMHmwimiww»w , Sunday School at ten A. M« Bette CHU RCH NOTES Nelson* supt. »liliillnirrtnininnirim-iitTT— -r-*"' — H o m i n g S t lV i C * > t U ' W * ' METHODIST’ CHURCH IThe serman.subject will be "The Gift William B. Collier, minister ! of Talents/*_______ , . _ Builda HOME Get ready to build that home you have dreamed about by buying bonds regularly, putting them away to meet the necessary down payment when changes in restrictions, priorities, etc., allow private home building in this area. BuyaFARM We have money to loan on farms at attractive in­ terest rates with easy repayments. If you own a farm and desire financing or refinancing we will be glad to consider your needs. BUY YOURSELF A HOME Finance your home, buying through our easy pay­ ments just-like rent with monthly reducing plan. BUY BONDS HERE HOME FEDERAL Saviags&Loan Association Intemedihle Fellowship at |i:4£» a. m. /Senior YouthsFellowship alt 7:- QQ*p<m. Nekfc-Wednesday there .will* begin a stewardship mcetingfor ► the members and friends.Jt will begin ■with a covered dish supper at 6:30 jn the Snday School. Following the supper will be a devotional program with* Rev. Wedgewood, pastor s o f Trinity Methodist Church, aas the speaker. OF XENIA, OHIO, A ll Accounts Insured up to $5,000 4-6 N. Detroit St. *i<THd‘'Bi4ade**tej?3 ■clMiihvill*- hold their January, meeting with Mrs. afiftyi:Ittehcatyfr. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN . . . Ralph A. Jamieson, Minister Sabbath School 10:a,m. Supt. Ar-' thr B. Evanus. Preaching 11:00 a.m. Theme, “ Soul Winning.” YPCU 6:30 p.m. Subject: This is the second tbpic on the theme “ The Church Makes History.” The special topic for this eveing, "Recent Church­ men Who Risked Much.” Leader, TedHarsh. We are giving EVANGELISM prominence during the coming few weeks, carrying out the suggested program of the “World Wide Christ­ ian Advance” jnevemen t of tour church. We plan to hold six Cottage Prayer Meetings during the next three weeks, three in the rural dis tricts, and three in the village. The first of these wil be .held next Mon­ day, January 13th. at 7:30 pan. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bull. The leader will be Emile Finney. These meetings are eespecially to unite in prayer for theunsaved in our com­ munity, as well as for a spiritual Re­ vival in our own hearts. The Union Mid-Week prayer ser­ vice will be held next Wednesday at 7:30 pan. in our church. Choir rehearsal Saturday will be at 7:00 p.m. The hour is set early irr order to attend the Colleg Basketball Game at 8:16 p.m. : GLIHEDN UNITED PRESBYTERIAN GHURCH Dr. JOhA-Blfekattv minister Mrs, Eiwood~Shaw, organist Sabbath school 10 a,m. William Ferguson, supt,, Miss Jeanette Spahr. pianist. Lesson subject ‘An Open Road* by Dr. Bickett. The oyung people will meet at 7: 30 p. m. ** . 4, IMPROVED UNIFORM' (INTERNATIONAL S UNDAY I ch o o l Lesson By HAROLD U LUNDOUIST, D. D. Of Tha -Moody -Bible • Institute oj Chicago. Rtiaaaed toy WMtem Nmrapapm -Union. Lasses for January 12 Le**on. nibjscis •and 'Scripture texts *e- Jected and copyrighted by International Council h i ReUcioua -Education: used by permission. • •APOSTOLIC -GOSPEL * CHURCH OF. COLUMBUS ’’ ;Ifc -,has-been , announced- by the W. T. Witherspoon, pastor, that-the pro­ gram- will -beoheard. only on ;Sunday mornings over -WHKC-,<(610 on your dial)- froneT:30 to 8 'instead of each morning as in the past. Washington Letter {Continued from first page ) the new Congressional session. -The proposed legislation covers almost every phase o f the Labor-Manage­ ment field. Borne of,, the.-new pro­ posals are- very 4 drastic,-.-.while others are^very mild. Senator Taft of Ohio who* will be the ''Chairman of the ‘ that new labor legislation will be pre­ sented to-the Senate by the first of March, Congressman (Hartley of New Jersey,-- -who is ^expected to be the Chairman of the House •Committee on labor,--states his Committee will start work on labor legislation promptly and that he have a bill ready for the House consider­ ation within sixty days. Those who feared the Legislative Reorganization Act would be set a- side by the new Congress, and that the number o f committees in the House and Senate would-, npt be re­ duced, :can now rest easy. As was pre-dicted in this column before the 79th Congress arjoumed, the new 80th Congress did adopt, without change, the provisions o f the Leg­ islative Reorganization® Act as the official rules to govern in this ses­ sion of the Gongress. Under the Constitution each new Congress not only has the authority, but the duty of adopting its own rules, notwith­ standing any statutory law to the contrary. BUY VICTORY BONDS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH S„ S, meets at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. nr. The midwinter communion service will be observed at this service. Rev. William.Waide will preach and Conduct the commun­ ion service. All members#are urged to be present. BOY YOUR FENCING REQUIREMENTS WHILE SUPPLY ISAMPLE Height Distance Between. Stay Wires Size of Filler 47 6 11 47 12 11 47 12 9 32 6 11 *Top and Bottom Wires are No. 9 Wire ------ ALSO------- Price per Rod 74 56 76 59 STEEL FENCE. POSTS— FARM GATES— BRACE WIRE— LOCUST POSTS W e Deliver FARM BUREAU COOPERATIVE A«SN. H ill St. Xenia, Ohio Phone 758 is is our best hat . . . The emblem on it means we sell the tire that OUTWEARS PREWAR T IRES B.F. Goodrich built the new postwar SiWertown . . . the rite that has proved In the laboratory, on police cars, taxi fleets, special test cars nod in: actual car owner use that it outwears prewar tires. They counted on us, the B.P. Goodrich retailer, to give the kind o f service that would help you get out of those new tires all the extra miles of use B.F-.Good­ rich had built into them. We value your patronage and know that by serving you best, our cap that carries the emblem that stand* for "first in Rubber" will stand foe "First in Service" to you. AKM* r lu d t i t Fleet W ing Station, THE AUTHORITY OF JESUS LESSON' TEXT—John 2:1-18. MEMORY SELECTION—Whatsoever he salttr unto, you, do it.—John 2:5. The witness of John -concerning Jesus as the Son o f God had been attested by tne divine knowledge ol Jesus and his personal call to his disciples. Now the time had come for him to declare hi3 authority as God by an overt act which all men could see.and understand. It is Interesting to note that for this, the first of his miracles, he chose a festive occasion in the home. He had been, invited to be a guest . at a wedding (v. 2). Those who ask j him to be present at their marriage |may confidently .expect him to be present and ta add greatly to the rehl joy of. the occasion. The authority of our Lord shows here in three different ways: I. He Commands (w . 1-8). He was neither host nor was he the one charged with responsibil­ ity for the serving, but when the time came for him to do his mighty act the servants were ready to obey the admonition of his mother and do what he said, j Mary may have had some respon- sibility for serving the guests. Why then had she not looked to the sup­ ply of wine? Apparently she who knew of -what had taken place at the- baptism of Jesus and immedi­ ately sifter, and having in her heart the memory- of what occurred at his birth (Luke 2:14), thought it time for him to do: some great miracle. I- He was indeed ready to do so, but In his own way. “What is, that to thee?” in verse 4 really carries the meaning: “ This is a matter which I must care for in my own way,” and he did. t We do well to seek grace to be- |like the servants who did what - . the Lord commanded, even though ‘ ‘ it did not seem to be a' sensible solu- . tion to fill the jars with water, Obe- ■dlence without- hesitation and with­ out .question i j the price of blessing 1 II. He .Creates (vv. 9-11). The act of-creation was already - done, but now the fact came to light. He had changed the water into wine, s the juice of the grape. This was not r a case of adding something or dilut- Ing the remaining wine. Here the *, water, a? he .decreed it even with-- out the use of a spoken word, wa§- no longer there, but-the best of wine. Jesus was and is the Creator. He j was present at the.beginning of all., things (note the “ let us” in Gen./ 1:26), and it is declared that “ by* him were all things created” (Col. ‘ • 1:16, 17). In fact, "without -him was not anything made’ * (John 1:3). Wliat he created was gdod, so good in fact', that the one in charge’ : of the feast -remarked about it. The' Lord never does anything by halves,' nor in a careless or defective way. He made a great quantity of wine, (probably more than 100 gallons) and it was of the greatest excellency. Some would road verse 10 asj though our Lord were here helping.1' along a drunken '.wedding party, but' of course that ii not true. The stew-'c ard was simply recognizing the ordi* *. nary rule o f serving whereby one * uses the best one has until there is no more like it, then takes the in­ ferior provision. To use this verse* to excuse drunkenness is only-, pos­ sible for those “ eager to mar, if by means they,could, the image of”' perfect holiness which offends and ‘ rebukes them” (Trench, quoted by , - III. He Controls (w . 12-16). ; After a few days with his family 1 and his disciples, heJwent down to 1 Jerusalem for the great feast of the* • Passover. There jie found his Fa-:: ther’p house being misused and de- pj, filed. His holy indignation kindled, he spoke and* acted with authority as he drove these "racketeers” out of the templet People like,.to. hear.about a God &f love, one Who knows their weak­ ness, and is kind toward their in­ firmities. But we must not forget that God shows his love by a: great and holy/hatred of sin, and-a desire to deliver us from that sin. - This means that Juunust .and wilkdeal in drastic fashion, with those who per­ sist in their sin, This 5s a^in'ajestie picture. The Son of Goditand Sod o f Man steps“ into the»bente5}of this*-unholy traffic and with mighty.,- 'holy .indignation (not angerj^dijlves it out. ** _ men who were so* ted and so eager tb l 'ore thewrath o f , Itrwes only’fbeeaus¥u tdivine authority. He 1 i^ttoehtfneh, for he Xenia Ave. CHARLES HICKMAN Phone 6.1000 ■H F I R S T I N R U B B E R Why did deeply Intr make: a lone ms they re has tnrtiRht is God. It is not form.dojf’-i tempi*?*! oiSi m ■ *S As Coca-Cola is still 5 cents SPRINGFIELD COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY White Villa — Complete Vegetable Line— FLORIDAORANGES UNK GRAPEFRUIT LEAF LETTUCE Per HOMINY White Villa No. 2% can PORK ANDBEANS PINEAPPLE G# matter of re- is-cleinSing the ft 6fr-thgfJife*. 6tdealPWiib“ a“,h 'Admire ?! Jciuest been, lr and >4 Aj*i Ef*. BAMBERGER lb. ................... FRESHSIDE „ ROUNDSTEAK . UXTUOL BUZ i laige box .: BREFT large box TV€RYFLAKES |. 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