The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 1-26

*-?ruy** f t ■MUSS IJ~L s r a g CTDARvn j^e h e r a l d , F r i d a y , m a r c h 7 , 1947 , cedam iie > 0 C lu b am octai M s \ j — DAR NAMES DELEGATES Members of Greene county's chapt- ers of the Daughters of the American Revolution are making plans to at-* tend the annual Ohio DAR conference in Columbus next week* The conven­ tion opens Wednesday and will con­ tinue through Friday. 1 chapter-, Jamestown, are Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Braden Smith. Bliss NAMED MUSICAL HEAD I Mrs, Frank Creswell was elected ; general chairman o f the May music j festival committee when the 1946 icommittee reorganized recently, Headquarters will be at the Desh- preparatory to the annual concert scheduled in May. Mrs. David Reynolds was named secretary-treasurer* and Mrs. A . Ward Creswell, who served as chair­ man last year, will head this year's program committee. Serving with her will be Mrs. Paul: Elliott, Mrs. Walter C. Cory, Mrs. Harold Rein- hard and Mrs. Ira D. Vayhinger. ler-Wallick hotel and sessions will be held in the ballroom there. Delegates have been named by the three chapters in this county. Cath­ arine Greene Chapter, Xenia, Will send as its delegates Mrs. II. G. Messeng­ er, regent; Mrs. W. H. McGervcy, who is state chairman o f “ real grand­ daughters” ; Mrs. C. 0 . Rankin and Mrs. George Eckerle. Mrs. A. C. Messenger, a past vice president general of the organization and one­ time state regent, also will attend. Cedar Cliff chapter, Cedarville, lias named Mrs. M. J. Bahin, regent;Mrs. Anna 0 . Wilson, vice regent; Mrs, J. A. Finney, Xenia, and Mrs. Ray­ mond Williamson as its delegates. Delegates elected by George Slagle ton, Research, Women's and Home CdUare. .'... MR. and MRS. ORR HONORED ' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Orr, who are moving to Parkersburg, W. Ya* were honored by members o f their dinner- bridge club at a farewell party at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Townsley, last Thursday evening. Guests were entertained at dinner after which the group formed five tables fo r bridge. Guests o f the club were Mr. and Mrs. John Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar C. Jobe, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reinhard and Miss Wil- mah Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Orr went to Parkers­ burg Saturday afternoon and Mr. Orr will enter upon a position there Mon­ day as manager o f Peerless Mills. A former athletic coach* at Cedarville high school, Mr. Orr served in the navy thirty-four months and was re­ leased with the rank o f lieutenant commander He recently has-been em­ ployed at Wright Field, Sub-committee chairmen are Mrs. J. W Johnson, date and place; Mrs. Loon King receptionist; Mrs. Wal- £yicKIBBEN CLASS MEETS ter Cummings, social; Mrs. Donald ! , . ,, Kyle, publicity, and Mrs. Fred Clem- TTThe MeKibben Bible class o f the ens, decorations. Their comm ittees1- ” 1*! Prcsb^ cm r\ church met at will be named later. thc home o f Mr* and Mrs* Arthur B* The festival, in celebration o f Nat- Bvans last T ^ s d a y evening. Mr. an^ ional Music Week, will be sponsored IMr3* Robert Cotter and Mr* and Mrs -meeting at the. chggeh Friday eyen- ing. 'Twenty members and guests enjoyed a cojgred dish supper, after which'Mr. Watkins o f the Good Will Industries of -Dayton, gave an interesting talk concerning the work o f Good Will Industries. TWINS BORN Twins, a boy and a girl, were horn to Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Carpenter, Springfield, in Springfield City hos­ pital Monday. The Carpenters operate the Blue Bird restaurant in Cedar­ ville. a to their home here following a trip to New Orleans, where they attended the Mardi Gras, and Florida. , Chicken supper at U. P. church parlors Friday, March 14, from 5:- 39 to 8:30 p. m. sponsored by Ladies Aid. MEETING POSTPONED The Cedarville Woman’ s club will postpone its meeting from March 13 to Thursday, March 20. The meeting will be held at the home o f Mrs. Clara Morton. four clubs. They are the Kensing- We Deliver (without charge) in Cedarville Anderson's FtZr 44 W. Main St. Phone C81 Shop Xenia, Ohio FLOWERS BY WiRE EVERYWHERE “ Say It With Flowers” Lee Jordan acted as assistant hosts. | About thirty members enjoyed a covered dish dinner after which the } president, Robert Cotter, conducted i,a short business meeting. The devotions were led by Lewis Lillick. Contests and games were provided I y the program committee which consisted of Mrs. Harold Dobbins, Mrs. Roberta Hubbard; and Lewis Lillick. TO HOLD DINNER MEETING The members o f the Research club, together with their husbands, will have a dinner meeting at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dobbins tonight (Friday) a t 8:30. WESLEY WEDS MEET The Wesley Wed class o f the Meth­ odist Church, held their February ENLIST IN ARMY Two Greene countians, who have the same surname but are not related, enlised this week at Xenia army re­ cruiting office, for three years’ army service, according to 1st Sgt. Merle A, Prideaux, They are Frank Davis, 19, of 231 E. Church St., Xenia atfd Robert F. Davis, 17, Cedarville Frank Davis served eighteen months in the merchant marine and since his release has been engaged j in construction work in Xenia. He ! has been assigned to the army engi­ neers. Robert Davis has been employ­ ed at Patterson Field. RETURN FROM FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. H. H- Brown have re- WHISPERING CAMPAIGN Mrs. So-And-So's clothing and that o f her family are -the town scandal. How about yours ? Send them to Chaplin’s Dry Clean­ ers and have your neighbors ad­ mire them, exclaim about them and try to imitate them — not make disparaging remarks behind your back about them. DRY CLEANERS Residence Phone 6-2231. r A cx t ■ „r ; ? -ii- r ...** *• ’t'.. . *r 1’ •*.'15 it;. tf- “What could the Red Cross do ior you?” —A.**. In Hardware is important, You wouldn’t hitch a dray horse to a racing sulky for best results and in hardware and houseware buying the CORRECT ITEM for your individual needs is equally important. Even when buying unfamiliar articles at DUVALL’S you are sure of a variety of quality merchan­ dise plus the kind of INTELLIGENT!* SERVICE that fills your needs with accuracy. Our prices are right too. This is the place for you to deal. kfmudrni Killft** ‘ KEMTONE Just add water and get the fin- set inside finish there is. 1.17 qt. Paint Brush lOcnp 3.49 g a l Gallon Thermos Jug 3.25 ( J ustfind yourself—or your in the. pictures below) v* ARE YOU A VETERAN WITH A PROBLEM? You can get help with anything from stubborn personal troubles to your benefit claims! The Red Cross helped more than 1,100,000 veterans last year, through home service workers in chapters. WILLYOUR CHILDGO SWIMMING THIS SUMMER? The Red Cross may save her life! Throughoutthenation,theRedCrossgives training In swimming and wafer safety. The drowning rate in the U. S. has been cut in half since this programwas begun. DO YOU LIVE IN ONE OF THESE AREAS? Every one had a serious disaster last year* Your Red Cross saves lives, supplies emergency food and medicine, even restores homes according to need. HAVE YOU A BOY (OR GIRL) IN THE ARMED FORCES? Today—tomorrow— any day maybring areal need for the services of a Red Cross field director, recreation or hos­ pital worker! At homeandabroad,theessen* liai wartime activities of the Red. Cross far the armed forces are a continuing responsibility. WILL YOU BE IN AN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT? Even the most careful driver can’t be sure! There are 12,000 Red Crose highway first-aid stations and mobile units operating in your interest. WILL ILLNESS INVADE YOUR HOME? No family is immune! Red Cross training In home nursing is a protection fo the home and the community. Altogether 2,710,980 in­ dividuals have received Red Cross Heme Nursing certificates. FUSES We have them in, all sizes. Quality products. 8c ' NIGHT LOCK Absolutely jim­ my proof all brass lock. 1.95 f Fluorescent Fixtures Two tube style—an asset to any kitchen. 9.95 with tubes Venetian Blinds Come in and give us your measure­ ments. A n y shape, any size fo r 60c sq. ft . Two week deliv­ ery. HAND SAW Keystone, Dis- stos and Atkins. 1.75 to 4.30 * Y NEW 1947 GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERA­ TOR NOW ON DISPLAY— COME IN AND SEE IT ! Phene 6-1941 C e d a r v ille . BIST BUY B I G M The Miami Fertilizer Company is an inde­ pendent Miami Valley concern under direct operation of its owners. FERTILIZERS OF PROVED QUALITY FOR ALL SPRING CROPS Formore than 20yearssuccessfulfann­ ers have depended on B IG M Ferti­ lizers for maximum yield o f all crops. Theyknow free-fiowmgBIG M brand is always manufactured up to highest standards . . . never dotm to price*. Better get thebest...b est BuyB IGM . The M iam i Fertilizer C om pany OmCE IN DAYTON, OHIO FACTORY IH TREBEtHUOHIO GOING TO HAVE A BABY? You ’ll be a better mother after Red Cross training! Class®* In nutrition, mother and baby car®, and family health, are availableinhundredsofRedCross chapters. D o n ’t you see? How easily it may be you who will need the Red Cross? See—how much —how very much—it means to your country, to your community, to you yourself to have this great organization ready and able to answer the next cry for help? See—why you should give now—give all you can­ to the American Red Cross? so your RED CROSS f Old Mill Camp Carlisle Market Thrift «E” Market Creswell Concrete Products Co. P. J. McCorkell e Duvall Hardware Brown’ s Drug Store C. E. Masters Grocery and Meats can ca rry ojns Frank Creswell Cedarville Herald ,w « w * 8 r . . ie Lumber Co. 4 CLINTON ROUSH ■ m i SEED CORN The dependable HYBRID that has been grown by this company for the past 20 years, with one of the best crops ever grown ready to plant. If you are in need of Seed Com, see or call either HERBERT POWERSOR HAROLD HANNA Cedarville, Ohio Dial €-2202 il FEET’S PERFECTION MINERAL The Complete Mineral that will take care o f your Livestock troubles Call or see your Local Representative WAR! ANDM E ADS PAY «>-? . \ - A *.