The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 1-26
C E D A R V I L L E ’ S OLDEST INSTITUTION The- Herald P u b l i s h e d i n t h e I n t e r e s t o f C e d a r v i l l e a n d S u r r o u n d i n g C o m m u n i t y PEE Y E A R ______ _ PER CO PY _______ _ 5e Volumn LXX Cedarville, Ohio, Friday, April 25, 1947 Seventh Grade of CedarvilleSchoolsIsPictured Number 20 1st row—Walker Williamson, Dean Carzoo, Sammy Lemaster, Max Ritenour, Buddy Cox, Wil liam Walker, James Walsh, Billy Lumpp. 2nd row—Carolyn Stewart, Evelyn Williams, Evelyn Burba, J.R.Gano, 82, DiesSaturday AtHomeHere Joseph R. Gano, 82, died at his home on the Yellow Springs pike, at 12:50 p. m. Saturday after an illness of five weeks. The son o f John and Sarah Daidington Gano, he was bora Feb. 4, 1865 in Cedarville and spent his entire life in this area. He was a retired farmer and a member o f the Methodist church. Survivors are his widow, Min nie; a sister,. Mrs. J. J. Negus, Xenia; and a brother, John Santa Ana, Calif. Services were at the McMillan Funeral Home, Codarville, Tues- H. H. Abels and .Rev. W . B. Col lier. Burial was in Grape Grove Cemetery. 3 HurtinPlane Crash Near Wilberforce One negro college student was injured critically and two others suffered severe face lacerations when the plane they were flying, a Stinson Reliant, crashed on the Wilberforce university f a r m, about four miles east o f Xenia, at 4 p. m. Monday. The pilot, Theodore Davidson, 22, of Concord, N. G., suffered internal injuries in addition to a broken right shoulder, hip and arm. His companions, Perry Bid dle, 22, and S. L. Hargrove, 22, both of Nashville, Tenn., sus tained cuts and bruises. The three youths, students at Tennessee State college, were under instructions at the Taylor Flying School in Nashville, Tenn., according to Sheriff Walton Spahr. They had been visiting over the weekend, leaving Port Xenia to go to Columhus Mon day and were returning to Wil berforce when the mishap occur red. Sheriff Spahr and three other deputies at the scene of the crash —Homer Spahr, Robert L. Wood and Fred M. Lewis—surmised that the plane was trying to land when the right wing appar ently struck an anchor wire on a utility pole and then nosed over on its right side. It did not burn or explode. Davidson is being treated at the veterans administration hos pital in Dayton. Biddle and Har grove were taken to Wilberforce university hospital. Hanna to Attend Sales Meeting Charles Hanna, local repre sentative o f the Peet Perfection Mineral company, will attend the annual meeting o f their Indianap olis sqles force Friday at the Altmeyer hotel in Findlay. Mr. Hanna has been one of the 10 highest fo r the past 3 months and heads the April sales sheet for all Peet salesmen. This com pany has offices at Indnanapolis, Oakland, Calif., and Council Bluff, la., which supplies mineral from coast to coast. Patricia Thornton. Glenna Jones, Jane Davis, Opha Burton, Frances Lowry. 3rd row—Santa Manor, Joanne Baker, Eileen Roberts, Joan Ham- man, Myrtle Vest, Maxine Lit- teral, Phyllis Spurgeon. Kyle Is Named Manchester Supt. Willard Kyle, son o f Mrs. J. E. Kyle, was recently elected super intendent o f the Manchester schools. Mr. Kyle substituted in that capacity during the war when Supt. John Walton was in service and now Supt. Walton has re signed to take up work in Johns Hopkins university, Baltimore Md., in September. LegionWill Sponsor Show Here Tuesday The local post of the Amotioan L?«dco- -js >nnn?orinsr $ magic show at the opera, housefon'fues- day evening at 8:16. rlh e two Smiths, Howard and Martha* will present a 2 hour show o f magic and illusions that is elaborately staged and hilar iously funny. Proceeds from the sale o f tick ets will be used by the local post for its park fund. The Smiths, who make Hills boro their home, say that the -how will furnish entertainment for both young and old and fea ture magic with rabbits, doves, chickens, papasols, bottles, beau tiful silks and flowers. They promise laughs thrills, chills. MOTHER DIES Word has been received here of the death o f Gearge Hall's mother in Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Hall are former residents of Cedarviile. There is no door that cancer enter! Guard yourself and those you love! Give to conquer cancer! 4th row—‘Kenneth Lins.on, Bill Rader; Paul Mathews, Gene Pur- din, Junior Jones, Lowell Strick land, Waldo Williamson, Rus sell Lister, James Stewart. —Photo by Ramme. Hartman’sShip HasTroubles EnRoutetoChina The UNRRA cattle ship on which Neil Hartman, son o f Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Hartman, is sail ing to China with a load o f cattle is now in San Pedro harbor near Los Angeles for boiler repairs. Forty five of the milk cows, put aboard the ship Plymouth Victory at Newport News, Va., on the UNRRA account, died along the Mexican coast after the ship's power faired and only makeshift ventilation was avail- The anijnals are attended^ by 32, cowhands, two vetcrinar- ians and a supervisor. Boiler trouble stopped the freighter 1600 miles south of Los Angeles and she was for a time a dead ship, under tow of the Long Beach bound freighter Baylor Victory. The navy tug Te- kesta took over the tow later after which the Plymouth Vic tory's port boiler was repaired to enable her to-make 10 knots with the help of the tug. Cattle lay prostrate from the heat and poor circulation o f air. Calves were" born prematurely and others born died naturally. Every movement of the ship was utilized in an effort to trap air in canvas windsails. The ship will be repaired in San Pedro at the dock and the cattle reembarked from their* nearby corral for their voyage to China. The Plymouth Victory was orginally scheduled to have been in China with the load of cattle by May 1. CedarvileWoman’sParentsAre HonoredbyPennsylvaniaProgram The parents of a Cedarville woman were honored at a mem orial service at the high school auditorium in Ligonier, Pa., on last Friday evening. Rev. and Mrs. E. H. Dickinson, parents of Mrs. Gowdy William son, near Cedarville, were hon ored at the Pennsylvania high school* fo r educational services Tenderer in Westmoreland coun ty thru the Ligonier Classical institute. Rev. a n d Mrs. Dickinson founded the institute which trained teachers and business people and was succeeded by Li gonier high school. Hundreds of notable people were graduated from it and students came from alt over the country as well as surrounding counties for an ed ucation. Mrs Williamson’ s sister, Miss Eunice Dickinson, is the present mathematics teacher and dram atic coach in Ligonier high school. Rev. Dickinson was born and reared at Amherst, Mass, He re ceived his early education in the public schools o f his native state and was graduated from Amherst college, receiving the A.B. and A . M. degrees from that institution. Later he was graduated from the Western Theological seminary of Pittsburgh, Pa., and was ordained a Presbyterian minister in Dec. 1882. For 38 years he served as pastor of the Ligonier church, giving half his time to the work o f the church and half to educa tion. His death occurred Aug.2, 1921. Mrs. Dickinson was also a pro duct o f New England, being born at Sandwich, Mass. After com pleting her public school educa tion. Mrs. Dickinson entered and was graduated from Salem col lege, receiving her A.B. and A.M. degrees from this college. While engaged in educational work in the old Greensburg seminary, these two teachers met and were later married. Thus formed not only a fine Christian home hut an ideal association which enabled these educators to work together in developing the characters of hundreds o f worthy young people. Mrs. Dickinson passed away Feb. 5, 1930. Highlight o f t h e program, which was presided over by George M. Peoples, president of the general committee, was the unveiling of the memorial tablet by Miss Dickinson. Addresses were made by C. C, Wylie, super vising principal, Ligonier high school; George M, Peoples; and S. Carson Wallace, College toHold CoachingClinic August18-23 Mendel! E. Beattie, head of the department o f physical education and athletics o f Cedarville col lege, has announced that a phy sical education and athletic clinife will be held at the local institu tion fo r higher education from Aug. 18 to 23. * Many outstanding men in the* field o f physical education and coaching will be on the faculty fo r the one week clinic. Ellis Johnson, Morehead State Teachers college, Morehead, Ky«* graduate o f the University of Kentucky where he received all* ' American honors in football, will be at the head o f the gridiron in* struction. Aside from his football at U. K., Johnson also served under Don Faurot when the latter was coaching the Iowa Pre- Flight - Sea Hawks during the war, The instructor in basketball will be Robert Laughlin, coach of Breckinridge, Xy./h igh school winners o f the i946 Kentucky’ state cage title. Laughlin is a? graduate o f Morehead State Teachers college and has been outstanding in his success as bas ketball coach. Others scheduled to take part in the clinic are Paul Landis, state director o f health and physical education, and H. M. Emswiler, director o f the Ohio State High School Athletic association. Mr. Beattie states that other, leaders in the field o f physical education will be added to the faculty and will he announced at" a later date. Folders describing the clinic have been sent to all the high school coaches in the state, Mr, Beattie said. GreeneCounty GirlScout Group Mee ts inXenia „ Accomplishments o f the Greene county Girl Scout council in the last year were summarized and. plans fo r the coming year were outlined at the council's annual luncheon meeting at Geyer’s res taurant Xenia, last Thursday afternoon. Preceding the business meeting at which Mrs. Robert W. Mac Gregor, Cedarville, council pres ident, presided, a playlet was pre sented by the Xenia eighth grade Scout troop, directed by Mrs. H. C. Schick. The meeting marked the first anniversary o f the county group. Mrs. Mac Gfegor reported that in the lasb. year the council had maintained a central office at the Xenia Girl Scout headquarters, Market and Green -streets, with Mrs: C. W. Lane, Xenia, as coun ty executive director. Mrs. Lane also gave a resume o f her year's work. Training courses, outdoors activities course, looking toward a summer camp for Scouts, are being conducted by the council. Plans were announced fo r a camp licensing course which will be started as soon as the outdoor activities training for leaders is completed. Mrs. J. O. McDorman, Xenia; Mrs. Bruce Baughman, Osborn, and Mrs. A. C. Swinnerton, Yel low Springs, were elected to the nominating-membership commit tee and will serve with Mrs. Ru fus Kendig, Fairfield, and Mrs. Harold Reinhard, Cedarville, pre sent committee members, Present council officers, be sides Mrs. MacGregor, are Mrs. Paul Snider. Xenia, vice presi dent; Mrs. LeRoy Loe, Yellow Springs, secretary, aipl Miss Jo sephine Wolf, Xenia, treasurer. These officers with the following committee chairmen comprise the executive committee: Mrs. Ray mond Gegner, Xenia, •sta ff and office; Mrs. Frank Smith, Bow- ersville, training; Mrs. Roger Henderson, Xenia, organization; Mrs. J. F. Corwin, Y e l l o w Springs, program; Mrs, John Scott, K n o l l w o o d , established camp; Mrs. Ralph Donges, Xenia, day camp; Mrs. Harold Reinhard, Cedarville, troop camp; Mis. Ver din Moll, Xenia, public relations; Mrs. S. M. McKay, Xenia, finance, and Mrs. Rufus Kendig,. Fairfield, nominations and membership. Money is o f no value to a man in his grave. Give to conquer cancer. Memorial Forest To Be Dedicated The memorial forest honoring those who gave their last measure of devotion for their country from the state o f Ohio will be dedicated near Loudonville on Sunday, the Ohio Fedaration of Women’s clubs has informed the Research club, one o f the member organizations. The park which contains ap proximately 3000 acres will be dedicated by the ,officers o f the state group. All clubs affiliated with the federation helped raise the funds for the forest and after its completion it will be turned over to the state conservation department. MayCourt Term JurorsDrawn OnSaturday Forty names, including persons destined to be members of the county grand jury fo r the May term in common pleas court, were drawn from the jury wheel in the clerk o f courts’ office in the Court House Saturday, The three-man jury commission also selected twenty-five names from the wheel for petit jury service. Prospective grand jurors are Loretta Donovan, Xenia city, pre cinct two;' Jake Barr, Wright View Heights; Paul Lewis, Xenia city, precinct three;- Mary K. Bath, Xenia city, precinct ten; Mrs. J, Ersle Hutchinson, Beaver creek Twp.; Florence Campbell, Miami Twp,; Robert Andrews, Cedarville; Frank Berryhill, Sug- arcreek Twp,; John E.’ Kohl, Xenia city, precinct five; John L. Beason, Xenia city, precinct ten; Earl Flatter, Bath Twp.; H. C. Aultman, Xenia city, precinct five; James Barber, Xenia city, precnict five; Noi-wood Shields, Wilberforce; and Lawson Ordean, Sugarcreek Twp* The following were selected as petit- jurors, fo r ^the next term: Lucille Eyler, Xenia city, pre cinct seven; Helen S. Wolf, Xenia Twp,; Rollo Chitty, Jefferson Twp.; Charles Ritenour, James town; Mrs, Juanita Brown, Xenia city, precinct thirteen; R. E. Fer guson, Beavercreek Twp.; James Few, Wilberforce; Bud Edwards, Bath Twp.; Lawrence F. Coyle, Bath Twp.; Sam Meredith, Xenia city, precinct six; Lester Batdorf, Fairfield; Lucille Roush, Beaver creek Twp.; Edith M. Johnson, Xenia city, precinct eleven; Thel ma Crawford, Xenia city, pre cinct eight; Mabel Hurley, Silver- creek Twp.; Lawrence Moore, Xenia Twp.; Naomi Moore, Xenia city, precinct two; C. F. Bell, Wright View Heights; Fred De- Voe, Caesarcreek Twp.; Leonard Glass, Cedarville Twp,; Gladys Glass, Xenia city, precinct twelve; Homer Pratt, Xenia Twp.; James K. Brown, Wilberforce; Loreen Ackerman, Xenia city, precinct eleven; and Harry Eibeck, Xenia Twp. - Negro Quartet to Sing at Church The Betbesda quintet o f Day- ton who sing over radio station WHIO will sing in the Methodist church at 3 p. m, on May 11. This is a group o f colored men sponsored by the negro business men o f Dayton. You may hear this group over WHIO at 9:30 on Sunday morning May 4. They will not he heard April 27 due to a public appearance. The Bethes- da quintet is being brought to Cedarville by the Youth Fellow ship o f the Methodist church. The public is cordially invited. Schools Get 2 y% Tons o f Beets Two and a half tons of beets, to be distribut'd to cafeterias in the county school system and to the schools in Xenia and Osborn, were received in Xenia Saturday from the federal surplus commod ities office in Dayton, County Supt. S. O. Liming disclosed. The surplus foodstuff, which enables the cafeterias to operate ort a savings were hauled here in county trucks and will be dis patched to all but Clifton, the only school without lunchroom facilities, this week. Dollars'-for research will help to find the cause and cure of cancer. Give generously during tiiSi A-mril v x im iira ' D.C.Bradfute NamedModerator Of U. P. Churches David C. Bradfute, near Cedar- ville, well known Greene county farmer, was elected moderator o f the Xenia Presbytery of the United Presbyterian church at its annual meeting in the U, P. church, Reynoldsburg, O., last week. This marks the first time in the Presbytery’s history a layman was elected to this office. Mr. Bradfute succeeds Dr. John W. Bickett, pastor of the Clifton U. P. church, who served as moder ator the last year. The Presbytery embraces U. P. churches in cen tral Ohio. Mr. Bradfute addressed the Presbytery on “ Problems of the Rural' Church” and Rev. J. Rus sell Dugan pastor o f the First U. P. church, Xenia, spoke oii “ Evangelism.” Reports w e r e given by William W- Anderson, Xenia, on the Presbytery’s fin ances; Dr. Bickett, reporting for Roger Collins, Clifton, on the budget for missions; Rev. Day Kennedy, of Sugarcreek *U. P. church, on evangelism, and Dr. R. A. Jamieson, o f the Cedarville U. P. church, on missions. Ministerial commissioners were elected to a meeting o f the church's general assembly in Sterling, Kan. in May. They in clude Dr: Bickett o f Clifton; Dr. Leslie Mountford, Columbus, and Rev. John Vance, New California. Three laymen-delegates will he named later. CleanupWeek ToBeObserved In GreeneCounty The week o f April 28 to MayS will be observed as clesan-up week in Greene county and Xenia city, according to the health commis- sioner. This program includes fhe^ following items: 1. Clean premises, alleys, streets, water courses o f all trash, garbage, lumber, etc. If — lumber cannot be removed it should be piled on a platform elevated eighteen (18) inches above the surface o f the'ground. 2. Repair, clean or correct sew age disposal systems i.e. septic tanks, privies, etc. Make connec tion to sewer Where available. Discontinue the discharge of wastes on to the surface o f the ground. 3. Repair and paint (if possible) all buildings, 4. Plant flowers and grass. The initiation o f the above pro gram would have the following public health results: 1. Prevention and elimination of nuisances & as odors. 2. Improvement and beautifi cation o f property and Communi ties. 3. Mosquito control by the elim ination o f stagnant water. 4. Rat control by the removal of harbors and food supply. 5. Protection of water supplies and prevention of stream polu- tion. We would appreciate the co- ' operation of all officials and pro perty owners in making this pro gram a success, ' Both rich and poor are among the 17,000,000 Americans now living who will die o f cancer. Give to conquer cancer! Cub Scouts Hold Supper at School The Cub Scouts together with their parents held a covered dish dinner at the high school home economics room Tuesday even ing. i The boys exhibited their hobby collections which was the project fo r the past month. They included guns, coins, postal cards and stamps. Next month they will study nature and will take hikes through the gorge and other near by spots. Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Lafferty are the entertainment committee fo r the next month’s meeting of the boys and their parents. Mrs. William Collier will assist the leaders with the nature study. OneHitterin CollegeOpener With Marcus ToWnsley hurl ing a one hitter in his first ap pearance in a cpllegiate ball game, the Cedarville Yellow Jackets spanked the Findlay Oilers in the opening game o f the college season on the local’s diamond last Friday afternoon by a 4-1 count. The former Cedarville high school Chucker had the Oilers completely at his mercy fo r eight innings with over half o f the visitors going down swinging. The lone Findlay tally came in the ninth and was unearned. The Jackets wrapped up the game in the bottom o f the fourth when they put together a pair o f hits and were aided by a walk and two Findlay errors. Until the Oilers singled into center field in the ninth only two balls had been hit out o f the in field o ff Townsley with Barger hauling both o f them down, one after a long run. Findlay went on to Springfield on Saturday and sunk Wittenberg by-a cb'ont.of 4-2.,OnMonday the '“Springfield club was scheduled, to play bn the local diamond, bat "rain prevented playing the game,. The losing battery was Pritts and Cole with *Strand, coming on in the ninth after Pritts had been removed fo r a pinch hitter in the eight, Barton was fee catcher fo r the Jackets. On Friday the locals will take to the road and will play the Ohio State university JVs at Columbus, On Tuesday they will play host to Wilberforce and then encounter Bluffton on the latter’s diamond on next Satur day. F in d la y ___ 000 000 001—1 1 5 Cedarville _ 000 300 lOx—4 6 3 McNulty Named On AP AB Ohio The Associated Press all Ohio basketball team taken from a poll o f all college coaches in the state was released Wednesday in a story by Fritz Howell, Ohio AP sports editor. Included in the list o f players receiving honorable mention as forward was McNulty of Cedar ville. (Presumably Virgil Me Nulty, Yellow Jacket, senior and guard.) Don Farmer leading scorer fo r the locals and one o f the leading scorers o f the. state was unmentibned. Every three minutes someone in the United States, dies of can cer! NO ONE IS SAFE! Guard yourself and those you love! Give to conquer cancer! ‘PlayBall’ BringsBackMemories OfBumpsJonestoCedarvileMates With the opening o f the big league baseball season this year, as it has in other years, brings hack fond memories to Jim Duf- field and Walter Iliff of Cedar- ville’s" immortal hall player, tlie great Charles “Bumpus” Jones. Duffield and Iliff played first and second on the Cedarville nines of ’93 and ’94 when the one and only Bumpus was foggin’ -’em through from the hill. The pair are the only living members of . those teams. Bumpus got his chance in the big show after the Cincinnati Reds had to face his slants in a game at Wilmington. Charles Comisky, later owner o f the Chi cago White Sox, was then the Cincinnati manager. Comisky gave Bumpus his big chance in a game against the Pittsburgh Pirates. Undoubtedly he had a severe case o f the jitters at the start for he walked the first four men he faced. But then he settled down. And how! From there he preceded to hurl a no-hitter. And to this day it remains the only no-hit game ever pitched by a rookie in his initial appearance in a major league monkey suit. After a stay with the Reds, he was with the Giants and then began a tour o f the minors. Re tiring from baseball, Bumpus lived fo r a while in,Dayton and then returned to his native haunts < and died here some years ago. Jones was no giant, standing only about five feet eight su'd weighing 180 but he had a barrel chest and wore a 17% collar. ClubsVisiting ParktoSee Board’sPlans The various clubs, groups, or ganizations and individuals o f the Cedarville community have been visiting the local park during the past week to get first hand know ledge o f the plans that the park board has approved to date and to formulate plans. On Tuesday evening the pro- gessive club, one o f the sponsor ing organizations, looked over the grounds, Wednesday two Cedar ville church groups and Thursday evening the members o f the local post o f the American Legion, the other sponsoring organization, were at the park. The park board is also inviting other groups and individuals in the community and township to contact the members o f the hoard to see the park and to make sug gestion on future plans. To date the board, which is composed o f Wilbur Wisecup, Mil- ton Turner and Hugh Turnbull from the American Legion; R. G. Frederick, C. C. Brewer and Ar thur Cultice representing the Pro gressive club; and M. C- Charles appointed hv the hoard as trea surer; has approved the following plans: A walk in from the street with a flag in the center o f a horse shoe drive hack to the buildipg site with parking space between the drive and the creek; combined shelter house and dining hall 24 by 40 feet; two outdoor cooking furnaces with as many tables and benches as possible; small shelter house over pump; east of the shelter house will he a com bined tennis court and outdoor skating rink o f concrete 65 by SO feet; horseshoe court with lights for night play (location undecided); baseball diamonds (one hardball and one softball) south o f shelter house; area set aside east o f tennis courts and rink for Boy and Girl Scout build ings. BigRedsGo IntoDistrict Tournament The B ig Reds o f Cedarville high school were assured o f a berth in the Dayton district baseball tour nament as they won their semi final game in the county tourna ment Wednesday afternoon by downing Brjan o f Yellow Springs 6-4 on the Cedarville college dia mond. The Big Reds had advanced into the semi-final round by win ning their first round game from Spring Valley by the almost un- helieveahle score o f 39-6. The locals will meet; the winner of the Beaver-Bellbrook game in the county final. A t press time that date o f the Beaver-Bellbrook game had still not been decided as fa r as was known locally, so when the Reds will meet the win ner remains a question. Don Rheuberi was on the hill fo r the locals, starting both games. In the Spring Valley track meet he was relieved in the sixth by Norman Grindle, freshman hurling prospect, and went the route against the boys from Bryan. Errors both o f omission and commission cost Rheubert a shut out against Bryan, while four o f the local baserunners were caught o ff base costing them several runs. Bryan broke the ice in the sec ond. when they plated one run. They added another in the third. The Big Reds picked up one in tile third with Bryan nullifying that in the top o f the fourth. In the last o f the fourth the home team came through with three runs and added one each in the fifth and sixth. The visitors picked up their final telly in the seventh. Against Spring Valley they had things all their own. way with every thing they did turning in to runs. Baseball Meeting To Be Sunday Due to the rain hist Sunday the scheduled meeting o f baseball players at the park was post poned. It has been rescheduled fo r this Sunday afternoon at 2:30. A ll those interested in playing base ball this summer are requested to he present fo r the meeting.
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