The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 1-26
*4ft • ♦ The" Cedarville, O. Herald Friday, "April 25, 1947 . Page Three' Society ENTERTAIN RESEARCH CLUB The members of the home eco nomics classes under the direction o f their instructor Mrs. Thora C. Ridgeway entertained the mem bers' o f the Research club at a tea in the home ec room a t the high school Wednesday afternoon. The Ohio Federation o f Wom en's club, to which the local club belongs, has been trying to create interest in girls taking home eco nomics in the public school. The Cedarville organization is spon soring awards for outstanding girls ip the classes. It was $he honor of this that the club was entertained. A reading was given by Betty Wisecup while Naomi Conner and Phyliss Bryant assisted at the tea table which used a large punch bowl for a centerpiece and was decorated with Easier lilies. The girls had on display arti cles made by hand, crochet, Knit ting and sewing. Others in the department are Helen LeMaster, Lois Printz, Helen Roberts, Sarah Ann Swig- art, Eleanor Vest, Phyliss Bald win, Marie Carroll, Erma Glass, Flora Howell, Anna Mae Hopkins, Dorothy Hopkins, Betty Spence, Charlotte Harphant, G e n e v a Heathcook, Phyliss Frame, Nao mi Luse, Betty Ann Richards, Regina Stewart, Joan Stewart, Juanita Shaw, Carol Schwab, Alice Spracklin, Vera Thordsen, Margie Owens, Jane Chaplin, Dorothy Cooper, Patricia Gil- lough, Patty Koppe, Dolores Lit- teral, Jo Ann Lister, Norma Mar shall, Doris Peterson, Eleanor Sparrow, Florence Shaw, Mary Ann Walker, Wanda Willis and Dorothy Chenoweth. ATTEND BANQUET Mrs. Howard Creswell and Mrs. A. Ward Creswell were in Spring- field Tuesday to attend a mother- daughter banquet given by the Business Girls Service Fellowship club of the YWCA. Miss Junia Creswell, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Howard Creswell, was chairman o f the banquet. Mrs. A. W&rd Creswell played piar.o solos and Mrs. Howard Creswell and Junia sang duets. Mary Helen Creswell is president o f the club. KENSINGTON CLUB The Kensington club held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. John Davis. An interesting paper was read by Mrs. Frank Creswell. Her topic \was “Amer ica’s Place, Among the Nations.” A fter business a desert course was served to members and guests. TO HOLD FISH FRY Fish fry Saturday Night April 26. 5-9:30 given by Eastern Star | in Masonic hall. I ATTEND CONFERENCE Mrs. David Reynolds spent two days las week attending the Ohio days last week attening the Ohio conference o f the W . S. C. S. in Wilmington. Mrs. Frank Creswell and Mrs. W. B.. Collier attended the Thursday meeting and several more ladies attended the banquet Wednesday night in the Wilming ton Methodist church. GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Turn- bull will hold open house at their home on Xenia avenue, to their friends from 2 to 5 in the after noon and 7 to 8 in the evening Monday, April 28th in celebration o f their fiftieth; wedding anni versary. HOLD FIRST REHEARSAL The first rehearsal o f the mu sical sponsored by the Cedarville Clubs, was held Friday night in the Methodist church. It will be a program of Stephen Foster music and ds under the direction of Mrs. A. Ward Creswell and Mrs. Elliott. CIRCLE MEETS The Golden Rule circle o f the Methodist church, held their meeting in the church Thursday evening. Mrs. Paul Orr, Parkersburg, W. Va. is visiting at the home of her father Marion Hughes. Little Sue Cotter is ill at her home with the mumps. Mrs. Clara Morton is ill at the home of her daughter Mrs. Jean Sweet in Rossford. Mr, and Mrs. William Nagley have moved into their new home on the Columbus pike. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duvall ar.d family and Mrs. Grandstaff visited Mr, and Mrs. William Secrist, in Sardinia, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kling of Summerford entertained seven couples o f ex G I's and their wives at their home with a pot luck dinner last week. They are form ing a club and will entertain each other, every month. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Vayhinger were guests. Mr. and Mrs.cWilbur Lemons spent Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Copes in Springfield. Mrs. Copes is Mrs. Lemons sister. Miss Josephine Randal had as her week end guest Miss Parker o f Osborn. Miss Parker is dean o f girls in Osborn high school and is a sister o f L. D. Parker a for mer superintendent o f schools here. The Bi-county Brotherhood met Monday night in Jamestown Methodist church. Mrs. Marion Young a Chinese lady was the speaker. Mrs. P. M, Gillian was visited Sunday by her sister and brother- in-law from Dayton. The Wesley Med Class o f the Methodist church will hold their monthly meeting in the church, Monday evening April 28, at 7:30. Bring covered dish and table service. One hundred people enjoyed a skating party at Hodges rink in Springfield, Tuesday evening. The party was sponsored by the Intermediate Youth group o f the Methodist church. Rev. W. B. Collier and family Photographs of Children In Your Home Babies A Specialty SCHWAB 106 Corry Street YELLOW SPRINGS Phone for Appointment Just Dial 7 -5482 ’ (No Toll Charge) p o z v V THEATRE I Fri. - Sat. April 25 - 26 Yuan Blaine - Harry James “I f I’m Lucky” Cartoon - Sports - Travel Sun. - Mon. Tues. - Wed. April 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 Larry Parks - Evelyn Keyes “The Jolson Story” In Glorious Technicolor Shows Nightly at 7 and 9:30 p. nv. Special Matinee Sunday at 2 p. m. Thurs. only May 1 Bing Crosby - Gloria Jean “If I Had My Way” Paramount News - Cartoon We Deliver (no charge) in Cedarville Anderson’s FsZpr Phone 681 Xenia, Ohio FLOWERS BY W IRE EVERYWHERE “ Say It W ith Flowers” 44 W . Main St. a JohnDeerFarmMachinerySalesand Service (W e Repair A ll Makes of Tractors) FrigidaireSalesand Service Drop in and see our New 1947 Model Ranges and Refrigerators MaytagWashers & Gas Ranges(nat.orhot. gas) Repairs and Service \ LawnMowers—Handand Power Edison SparkPlugsforallmakesofTractors HotWaterHeaters—Gas,OilandElectric Full LineofFishingTackleand Guns Hanna’sGreenSealPaint HardwareofAllKinds ValvolineOilsand Greases Closing outKemtone Regular3.49galnow 2.59;Regular89c 79e CEDARVILLEFARMIMP. & SUPPLYGO. Phone 6-1781 spent Sunday afternoon an,d had evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wiseman and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Garner have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lynch and family. They have gone to Arkansas for a visit and will return to make their home in the Lynch apartments. Mrs. Gamer is a feister o f Mrs. Lyuch. The couple have just re turned from Japan where they have been entertaining American troops. Several people from this city * attended the community concert in Xenia high school auditorium April 17. This was the third and last number. Sascha Gerodnitijki Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Reasonable Charges DR.C.E.WILKIN Optometric Eye Specialist Xenia, Ohio was guest pianist. Harry Ralls, butcher at Thrift “ E” Market is ill at his home in Xenia.. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson were visitors here last week. - The executive committee of (the W. S, C. S. held a business-meet ing at the Collier home Friday. Miss Claire Stormont has been visiting Miss Phyllis Adams,** a student at Wheaton college, Wheaton, 111. Miss Adams father was a former pastor here. Mrs. Vance Burba and daughter Peggy of Grand Rapids Mich., visited Mr. and Mrs. James Duf- field over the week end. Mr. and Mrs Melvin Charles had as their Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Forest Charles of Greenfield. ■ Miss Mary McConnel of Xenia visited here Friday. The American Legion Sponsors___ The Two SMITHS Merry MagicalMakers in a full evening show of Magic and Illusions * TUESDAY, APRIL23-8:15 Cedarville Opera House Adult Admission.... .«............................ 60c Child Admission.............................. ... 35c W@haveaComplete Stock WATCHNEXT WEEK’S PAPER FORANNOUNCEMET OF ANNIVERSARYSALE Complete Line of Yigoro in 5 to 50 lb. pkgs. 80 lb. bag Garden and Lawn Lime .... 65c ® Complete Lina of Garden Tools Phone 6-1941 Cedarville. Whatcanyouwishfor • o / ta 'Y Y TH A T can you wish fo r . . . when you' know cancer will VV snuff out Ids life before his next birthday ? Do you wish you’ d recognized cancer’ s danger signal when it first appeared, and taken him to a doctor? Do you wish, that science had found a cure? Your wishes won’ t help. But your money will. I f your children are healthy__keep them that way. See a doctor if you suspect cancer* on any one of your family. For cancer strikes an average of 1 out of 2 U. S. homes. And join the American Cancer Society's Apill drive. Give . . . and give often. Those nickels you drop into a Cancer Donation Box help finance research to find the cause of cancer. . . those dimes and quarters help pay for costly new equipment that may drive cancer from the bodies of thousands. . . those dollars you donate in the April Drive can help scientists keep at it till they find a cure. f So help them protect your family. For cancer is everybody’s enemy. Give whenever you can. You can’t make a better investment. LiFE-AND-DEATH FACTS ABOUT Cti/fCOK One-eighth of our entire population —17,000,000 Americans —are today doomed to die of cancer. This is a shocking, but absolutely true fact. But there is hope « * * even today, one out of three may be cured of cancer, and in at least one type, 92% is curable — when caught in time. And tohelp sciencefinallycow^wercancer, the American Cancer Society has made more than 100 grants for research projects. Right now, the same scientific group responsible for the atomic bomb is directing the research to conquer cancer. Every dollar you give speeds the search. * - - . . . . ♦Cancer ’ s D an g e r S igna ls 1. Any sore that does not heal. . . particularly about the tongue, mouth, or lips. 2. A painless lump or thickening, especially In the breast, lip, or tongue. i - 3. Bloody discharge from the nipple or irregular bleeding from any of the other natural body ■ * openings.* 4. Progressive change in the color or size of a wart or mole. 5. Persistant indigestion. 6. Persistent hoarseness, unexplained cough, or difficulty in swallowing. 7. Any radical change in normal bowel habits. The American Cancer Society — ...— . . . • - -— . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ ______
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