The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 1-26

The "Gedarville, O. Herald Friday, -Msty‘9 //t94f:i Society WINS SUPERIOR Miss Phyllis Bryant won a “ Superior” rating at the audi­ tions held in Dayton Saturday evening by the Ohio Federation o f Music clubs. She was in the advanced soprano group and was the only one receiving “ Superior” in this group. Clubs from all! the leading cities of Ohio were represented by the largest group o f partici­ pants ever to compete in these auditions. IN COLUMBUS Thurman Miller, Jr., publisher of the .Herald attended the meet­ ing o f the Ohio Weeklies at the Deshler-Wallick in Columbus last Saturday. The W.S.C.S. o f the Methodist church held their meeting in the church Wednesday. A covered dish dinner was enjoyed at noon. Mrs. Bonnie Basden of Columbus was guest speaker. Children re­ presenting four nation’s sang Jesus loves me. Joyce Sipe re­ presented Japan in a costume brought to her by her father from Japan. Larry West, dressed in a costume brought from India by the Colliers. Sussie Reynolds as a South Sea Island child and Judy Wiseman as an American child. Mrs. A . E. Richards had charge of devotions. Rev. W. B. Collier, Mrs. David Reynolds, Mr. Ralph Kennon and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wiseman at­ tended the district conference of the Methoclist church in Wilming­ ton Wednesday. This was the farewell fo r Dr. Andree, district supt. who is retiring. The Quarterly Conference was held in the Methodist church Thursday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Andree were present. A few friends visited with Rev. and Mrs. Collier after the meeting. Miss Phyllis Bryant was one o f the graduates of the Spring- field Junior Fortnightly Music club at the commencement held at the Springfield Y.W.C.A. on Wednesday night. Miss Martha Bryant was accompanist. Phyllis is now a member of the Senior Fortnightly Club. .Her mother, Mrs. D. R. Bryant is also a mem­ ber of this club. Mr. Ernest Gray, formally of Cedarville died Sunday, following an explosion o f a car on which he was working. Mr. Gray owned and operated a garage in Mt. Sterling. He is survived by his wife and two sons. He is the brother of Mrs. David Ramsey and Mrs. Guy La Forge. The Cedarville college Mixed Chorus presented an Oratorio “ Holy City” Sunday evening at the Clifton U. P. church. The group enjoyed a covered dish dinner following the musical. This same chorus will be pre­ sented here next Sunday in the United Presbyterian church. Mrs. Robert MacGregor will be hostess to members of Cedar Cliff chapter, D. A. R. at her home Saturday afternoon. Annual reports wi\l be given and officers for 1947- 1948 will be elected. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Charles spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. O. N. Hautan o f Springfield. Rev. Hautan is pastor o f the L. D. S. church in Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hostetler spent Sunday with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miller, at their home in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Harmon and son visited Mrs. Sadie Mitch- el in New Jasper, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pickering attended the Hoover dealer’s meeting and dinner at the Gen­ eral Denver Hotel, Wilmington, 0 . Wednesday afternoon and evening. The McKibben Bible Class of the United Presbyterian church held their monthly meeting, at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillick Thursday evening. A cov­ ered dish dinner was enjoyed by the group. The ladies of the McKibben class o f the U. P. church will serve a mother and daughter banquet for the college Y.W.C.A. Friday night in the church din­ ing room* Miss Doris Hartman will arrive this week end from Barton, Ver­ mont to spend three weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Hartman. Next week end Miss Hartman will go to Chicago to visit Misses Ruth and Suzanne West. The Past Matrons Circle o f Cedarville Chapter o f Order of Eastern Star met at the home o f Mrs, Robert Nelson Monday evening. Mrs. E. E. Neal has received word that her nephew Mr. Robert Stewart is iv>w an ordained min­ ister o f the Christian Union Church. Mr. Stewart is Pastor of a church in Ygnacio, Texas. * Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and daughter live in Ygnacio. Mrs. Stewart was Virgie Gossard be­ fore her marriage and both Mr. and Mrs. Stewart are graduates , of CedarviHe Coollege. Mr. Stew­ art made his home with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Walker spent the week end with Mr. and 1 Mrs, Wayne Yobo of Pennsboro t W. Va. Mr. Walker and Mrs. Yobo j were stationed together in China, J both were in the medical corps o f the army. Mrs. Perry Wilson oof Tampa Fla. is visiting her daughtre and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs, Fred Baldwin. Mr. Wallace Illif is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter Illif. Mr. Illif will return to Florida this week to attend a reception to be given him, by the church he is leaving. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbens are visiting their son and daugh- tre-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Max Dobbins in Knoxville, Tenn. Mr. Harley Detty is enjoying a two weeks vacation from his duties as driver o f C. & L*. E. B us * Mr. and Mrs Frank Creswell entertained Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lorenz Friday evening. Mr. Lor­ enz is out o f the service and they have returned to Mississippi to make their home; Misses Magadaline and Helen Le Master visited in Ashland Ky. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garringer will make their home with Mrs. Joe Gano. Mr. and Mrs* C. C* IJreVtrer en­ tertained 30 guests a t their home Thursday evening. The party was honoring Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hall o f Cambridge, who were visiting here. Mr. and Mrs/. J<^n*Pahl jand daughter o f Midland vfsited’ Mr. and Mrs. Aden Barlow Saturday evening* Mr* and Mrs. Raymond Owens, Milford visited their daughter and son-in-law Mr* and Mrs* Montgomery West and sons, Sunday. Mrs, Bertha Bryan, Jamestown spent last week with her sister Mrs. Albert Jones. Mr* and Mrs. Hugh Grindle Cincinnati visited friends here Sunday* Mrs. Irvin Kyle entertained the research club at her home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R* D* Williamson spent the week end in Bowling Green and Sunday visited Mr. and Mrs. Penuypacker in Toledo. Mrs. Rachel Harriman Rhine- hart has been visiting friends here for a few days* She will go from here to Wash. D. C. to- visit her brother, Robert. Dr. C. A. Turley, former supt. of the Wilmington district o f the Methodist church, will preach here May 18. Cedarville high school will he represented at the W* M. C, A . Monday when the drawings are made for the game schedule, for the class B championship dis­ trict baseball play o f the upper half o f the South Western dis­ trict. Mr. Charles Whittington, of Wash* D. C. visited his parents Rev. Frederick Huish o f James­ town preached in the United Presbyterian church herey-junday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E . Neal en­ tertained a group o f friends with a covered dish dinner at their home, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Whitting­ ton, last week. He stopped here ehroute to Umiat, Northern Alaska, where he will work this summer fo r a United States'Geo- logieal survey. TechTraining IsOfferedby RegularArmy Today’s young men realize the importance o f technical training in this age of atomic power and supersonic missiles,'1st Sgt. Merle Frideaux o f the Xenia army re­ cruiting station stated today, in announcing that a recent survey places educational and training apportunities offered by the reg­ ular army at the top o f the list o f reasons for enlistment by young men. “ Electronics, supersonic planes, flying wings, jet propulsion and television were comic page fan­ tasies a few years ago, but today they are realities. They are the tools and instruments o f the new regular army,” 1st Sgt. Merle PrideaUx declared. He pointed out that the ablest young men the Special for SUNDAY, MAY 1 Chicken Burner __ ________ ....... $1.50 Why not bring Mother out for a treat on her day, Sun­ day. You’ll like it, too, and so will the Whole family; OLDMILLCAMP Route 42 Cedarville, O. Phone 6-1026 Photographs o f Children In Your Home Babies A Specialty SCHWAB 106 Cofry Street YELLOW SPRINGS Phone for Appointment Just Dial 7-5482 (No Toll Charge) ANNOUNCING I will continue the Fire Casualty and General Insurance business o f my late hus­ band. LITTLE INS. Neta L. Little Phone 6-1511 Cedarville O ' a W e Deliver (no charge) in Cedarville Anderson’s FsZp 44 W. Main St, Phone 681 Xenia, Ohio FLOWERS BY WIRE EVERYWHERE “ Say It With Flowers” NOTICE The lands and Quarry lake o f the Old Ervin Quarries on Xenia Avenue, CedarviHe, O., West o f town (U. S. Route 42) are now the property o f H* A . Tyson. Trespassing for any purpose is strictly for­ bidden and trespassers w ill be personally* liable./ : *'V • * A. TYSON, London, Ohio country- 'can produce aire- needed to operate these instruments in the modern army of science, Sgt. Frideaux explained that the modern army is really a vast training school in which more than *200 trades and skills are taught by Army technicians, each an expert in his field, and-today’s soldier can obtain valuable-tech- nicial training which has a de­ finite cash Value, should he de­ cide to return to civilian life. Additional information about the many opportunities for tech- nicial training is available at the Page/Thr^e*, NO OTHER PEN CAN COM PARE ! ONLY .$1250 Tiunni ii imTi i ii ini New m pm w pw * fn tfrikfngly smart combination of 10-Karat Gold-filled fop and teffn-finlfth slalnfati .steel barrel*- NO CAP! Point “Clicks” in’ and out with y o u r thumb! No other pen can compare! It rolls the GA* ink on dry! Writes up to 3 yeafs without refilling* You refill it yourselfwith a cartridge! _____ . O N SALE TOMORROW AT] BROWN’S DOUGS U. S. army Tecruitin'g station, post office building, Xenia. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS , Lfester Reed to Ralph Williams, " lot in Wright View Heights, Bath ‘ township, "$I. '* Aleita ' thicker to Ralph, hhd 'Martha Williams, lot in Wi-ight 'View Heights, Bath township,"$1. , Ralph Gastiger to Eugene T. and Louisa Clark, lot in Xenia, $1. Odetta Leach, executrix of the of Guy Leach, to Herbert George and Ruth Sweat, 1.44 Broadnax, lot in Xenia, $4,100. acres in Beavercreek township, Earl - F. and Hattie Perrin to $1. Bring youi- shoes that need re­ pairing to us. We have made arrangements with a Spring- field repairman fo r shoe re­ pairing. We offer this as an added service. CHAPLIN'S ml • - •I t .—. + Residence0Phone ' .'i,- .. WATERPROOF A WATCH VALUE YOU'LL NEVli FORGET! & S i <v *3 SO $ V ^ A % Select Now At This Sensational Low Price ! The watch that has everything!! Rugged, d u r a b l e , accurate timekeeper. . smart­ er than ever!! USE YOUR CREDIT . Federal Tax Included * . PAY $1.25 A WEEK GRADUATION GIFT Choose now and lay-away until wanted!! • BURR * BUL0VA • GRUEH • WIHT0H • HELBR0S * GROTON •WALTHAM* ELB0N | •ELKIN Starting with Croton Watches at .95 Arid Up FEDERAL TAX t M U K l ’ S V v s r o R i i . L I M E S T O N E ST • J bi U Springfield, Ohio .- LoD 3c alqoorj fit;, J . j , Mjk A , A V* - J We just arrived ~ * Time to get McCULLOUGH'S SEEDS Sw* 307 APRIL '47 GARDEN TOOLS il Hoes .............. ............................ ... 1.39 and up Rakes ........ ...... ........... ............... . 75c and up Shovels ....................................... 1.69 and up Spading Forks ......................... . 2.00 and up Speedy Cultivator . ............ ..... 1.47 and up Plant Setting Trowel_________________ _ 15c Hand Scratcher__________ _________..... 25c We have a limited supply of OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT Made with best quality White Lead with Pure Lin­ seed Oil. 5 ; Phone 6-1941 Cedarville Buying A WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUYING HOMES OR FARMS, REFINANCING OR MAKING REPAIRS COME IN AND TELL US YOUR NEEDS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $5,000 WE MAKE GI LOANS TO VETERANS & Savings Company Xenist, Ohio 11 Green St. Phone 11 COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY b y RICHARD A. RAMME Wedding Pictures Family Groups Industrial and Agricultural Photos j- * * i t ■ j ■- • ■ „ * ‘ ,X! f ■ i. * ' > ' I,' V S<■ 8 • . n.* *'■ ,, - ... , rr Make Appointments Through CEDARVILLE HERALD Phone 6-1711 .... ..*• -.-**■ * - - , * * . . ^ ______ I’ mj - jiu ; * -.bbij.i ** - -*-* _____*' • s i -jsak.--..* ■>*., .j*a