The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 27-52

*TK£AUedarvillfei" ‘O, ^Hetfitld .-^riday, Page Three Society FERGUSON - K Y L g Miss Sarah Catherine Fergu­ son, near Clifton, became fiie bride of William Harvey |Xyjle, near Xenia, in a cetremony sol­ emnized in the Clifton United Presbyterian church Saturday at 8:30 p. m. Dr. John W. Bickatt, pastor o f the church, read the single ring service. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. William B. Ferguson, Old* Tcwn-Clifton pike, and the late Mr. Ferguson. Mr. Kyle is the is the son o f Mr. and Mrs. David M. Kyle, New Jasper pike. For the service, the church al­ tar was decorated with tall vases o f white chrysathemums against a background of honeysuckle vines. White tapers in s e v e n - branch candelabra were placed on either side o f the altar and single tapers burned in each of the church windows. Preceding the service, a musi­ cal program was presented by Miss Charlotte Colins, organist, and Mrs. Ernest Collins and. Wil­ liam Ferguson, brother o f the bride, vocalists. Miss Collins’ numbers were “Evening Star” from “ Tannhauser,” “ Always,” “ Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life..” “ At Dawning,” “ The Lord’s Pray­ er” and Thine Alone.,, Mrs. Col­ lins sang “ Through the Years” and “ Because” and Mr. Ferguson sang “ I Love You Truly” and “ 0 Promise Me.” Miss Nancy Ferguson, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and her only attendant. Her gown o f true blue taffeta was styled with a high neckline, cap sleeves and a long skirt gathered to the bodice at the waistline. She wore long mitts and carried a shower bouquet of pink chrysanthem­ ums. For her marriage, the bride appeared in a gown of white satin styled with a bateau neckline and long sleeves. The bodice was fashioned with a tunic which ex­ tended into a long train. Her veil of illusion tulle was edged in lace and was held in place with a. band of orange blossoms. She carried' a shower bouquet of white chrysanthemums centered with gardenias and caught with white satin streamers. Mr. Dalton Drake, Elizabeth, N. J., served as best man and the ushers were Messrs. Robert Haines, Charleston, W. Va., and John Winter, Xenia. Following the service, 125 guests attended a reception at the Ferguson home. Mrs. Ferguson mother of the bride, wore a med­ ium blue crepe dress and Mrs. Kyle, the bridegroom’s mother’, wore a navy crepe dress. Both had corsages of pink chrysanthe­ mums, The Ferguson home was decor­ ated 'with bouquets of chrysan­ themums in ^arious hues, The bride’s table was centered with a three-tiered wedding cake, Mr. and Mrs, Kyle left Sat­ urday night on a wedding trip for which the bride wore an aqua •wool" su it;with* blade accessories and a corsage o f gardenias. They will be at home after Dec. 15 on a farm on the Old Town-Clifton pike. Mrs. Kyle attended Cedarville college where she was a member of Chi Sigma "Phi sorority. She was chief deputy in .the county recorder's office here four years but', resigned recently. f i . : Mr. Kyle, a graduate o f Xenia Central high school, is engaged in fanning. Guests were present at the wedding from Elizabeth, N. J.; Charleston, W. Va.; Morning Sun; Springfield, Pleasant Hill, Ash- ville, Fairfield, Dayton, Cedar­ ville and Xenia. ATTEND BRIDGE Mrs. Macon G. Williams, Xenia, was hostess to twelve guests at a bridge party at her home Wed-; nesday. The party was in honor of Mrs. Lott Rogers, Osborn, al­ though the guest o f honor was unable to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers moved a few days ago from Osborn to Maxton, S. C., where Mr. Rogers has accepted the position o f city manager. He formerly was a lieu­ tenant colonel in the engineering corps at Wright field. Mrs. Williams, in colonial cos­ tume, greeted her guests at 10 a. m. The guest list included friends o f Mrs. Rogers from Os­ born, Wilmington, Dayton, Cedar­ ville, Yellow Springs and Xenia. In addition to a guest prize for Mrs, Rogers, ‘ other prizes were awarded to Mrs. Oliver D. Bur­ den, Mrs. Arthur Reynolds and Mrs. Gene G. Williams. At 2 p. m. guests were seated for luncheon around the dining ranged an antique show o f “ lav- table where the hostess had ar- ender and old lace.” Guests were Mrs. Oliver D. Burden and Mrs. Charles U. Bom- brach, Osborn; Mrs, J. M. Gilles­ pie, Wilmington; Mrs. Warren Barber, Cedarville; Sirs. C. R. Sotherland, Mrs. H. B, Notting­ ham and Mrs. Sidney S. King, Jr., Dayton; Mrs. Gene G. Williams, Yellow Springs; Mrs. J. E. Bal- mer, Mrs. Arthur Reynolds, Sirs. Ernest JL Schmidt and Sirs. Hugh F. Ash, Jr.‘, Xenia. SIISSIONARY SOCIETY Tuesday afternoon the Mis­ sionary society o f the First Pres­ byterian church held a beauti-l ful and impressive candle light | service in the church. Sirs. Will- * ter Condon was the leader fo r the j afternoon and her assistant was ( Sirs. Dana Bryant. The program was made up of Christmas Carols and scripture reading. Mrs. Fred Townsley as guest speaker de­ lighted her audience with ’ ft Christmas selections. Closing the program was the candle service. The members had brought to the meeting gifts to he sent the mission school at Pillonvale, 0 , A nice assortment of gifts were provided for these children of kindergarten age, From an attractively decorated silver and white tea table the hostesses served dainty refresh­ ments. The hostesses for this meeting "stere Mrs. Paul Ramsey, Mrs. F. A . Jurkat, *Mrs. S. C. Wrikht, Mrs. H. K. Stormont, Miss Erma Creswell and Miss Josie Charlton. IN DAYTON Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cotter and family and D. W.' Marshall1spent Thanksgiving in Dayton with Mr. and Mrs. Bond. IN WASHINGTON C. H. Thanksgiving afternoon Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Masters called on E. S. Hamilton in Washington 0 . H. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE For the pleasure o f her mother, Mrs. Louella Bailey whose birth­ day anniversary was on Thanks­ giving day, Miss Margaret Bai­ ley planned a delightful celebra­ tion. The dinner was held at the home o f Mrs. Baileys parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Batson of Xenia. Other guests present were Mr. and Mrs. James R. Bailey; Earl Bailey; Bill Bailey and Don Bailey o f Dayton. VISIT IN OLDTOWN Mr. and Mrs. William Nagley and Mr. and Mrs. M. C, Nagley spent Thanksgiving day with Mr-, and Mrs. W. F. McCoy in Old- town. TARBGX FAMILY The annual Tarbox family Thanksgiving dinner was held last Thursday at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Fred Townsley and son, John. Those enjoying this annual ^celebration were •^Srs-.W. J. ,Tgr- fandTis visiting iri^fie libme’ o f box; Mr. and Mrs.-Albert Payne; -- he^parentj Mr.' and Mrs! Walter Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barber aadi’. A ?.“ » % *whil<J her husband is children; Mrs. R. S. Townsley; - attending., the meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Waddle and legislature Columbus. three daughters, of Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Harry W'addle, Wil­ mington; Mtf. and Mrs. Robert ■Powers and daughters, Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swain and' son, New Lebanon aand Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders o f Castalia, Ohio. SUNDAY IN XENIA Mr. and Mrs. Earl Chaplin spent Sunday in Xenia the guests o f Mr. and Mrs. John Garvic. % FAMILY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Carroll en­ tertained with a family dinner at their home Thanksgiving day. The members o f the family pres­ ent included Mrs. W. L. Clemans; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clemans; Mr. and Mrs. Home Mclntire; Mrs., Tiffin Walker, Jamestown; Hr. L. C. Walker, Jamestown, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Walker and children,. Springfield; Mr. and Mrs* Vus- hong, Springfield; Mr. and Mrs., Frederick Heisner and family, Ada; and Mr. and Mrs. Kent Cle­ mans and son of Xenia. ILL Mrs. Albert L. Nash has been confined to her home the past week with chicken pox aiid a throat infection. VISITING PARENTS Mrs. R.- F. McMahon of Cleve-' Prevailing Prices paid for DEADSTOCK FARM BUREAU COOP. ASSN. call collect Xenia 756 - Dayton KEnmore 5742 Farm Drain Tile Ditching Trenching Service RUSS COTTER P. O. Box Springfield Phone 3-6810 Make It Your Business To visit our store when in Springfield Watches - Diamonds - Jewelry - Guns Suits - Top Coats - Cameras - Radios New and Used - A t prices yo can’t heat Open Evenings B&B 65 W. Main St. * • — : i -i Springfield, O. BAR TO MEET The Cedar Cliff Chapter,' Daughters o f the American Revo­ lution will hold its meeting Dec. 9 at 7:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. George Braley, Clifton. As­ sisting Mrs. Braley, will be Mrs. Ethel Buck, Cedarville and Mrs. 0, J. Burnett, Xenia. Mrs. Fred Townsley is in charge of the pro­ gram. IN SPRINGFIELD On Thanksgiving day Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lemon were enter­ tained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Copes in Springfield, Mrs. Lemons and Mrs. Copes are sisters. Other guests present were John Sharpin of Selma and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sharpin and sons of Spring Hill. IN WILMINGTON Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duvall and daughters, Ann, Mary Joe and Carol Sue enjoyed Thanks­ giving dinner at the home of Mrs. William Grandstaff in Wilming­ ton. ’"IN DUVALL"HOME ’ ' Billy Horton of Cincinnati has spent several days in the home o f his aunt Mrs. Charles Duvall and family. FAMILY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Alva Chaplin.'and daughter, Jane; M r.’ and “Mrs. Earl Chaplin; Mr. and Mrs. Har­ ry Powers and daughters, Bertha and Phyllis of London were din­ ner guests, of Mr. and Mrs. Her­ bert Powers and family Thanks­ giving day. VISITING TOWNSLEYS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Giffen- and children of Covington, Ohio spent the week end in the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Townsley. IOOF MEET At the regular meeting, Dec­ ember 3 the following officers were duly elected for CedarfCliff Lodge No. 630; Noble Grand, Lee Jordon; Vice Grand, Roy ChaJpman; Secretary, M. C. Char­ les Treasurer, C. A. Townsley and Trustee for three years, Fred Ewry. WEEK END IN MILFORD Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery West TheLoanThatFinancedAMilion FarmsWilLFinance Yours, Too You- get fair treatment with a Federal Land £ank Lo&h. ** -* • ................ *— It’s easier to pay for a farm with the payments spread over a long period of time. You may pay any amount in advance at any time. The FEDERAL LAND BANK system has BO years • experience in extending sound farm credit. Interest rates are low — 4% . No appraisal or application fees; no commission. Investigate this local farmer owned association, today Write or Call , Earl Skillings, Secretary-Treasurer SpringfieldNationalFarmLoanAsn. Serving Greene, Clark and Champaign Counties New Zimmerman Bldg. Springfield, -O, Phone 3-3491 Build a HOME Get ready to build that home you have dreamed about by buying bonds regularly, putting them away to meet the necessary down payment when changes in restrictions, priorities, etc., allow private home build­ ing in this area. Buy a FARM W e have money to loan on farms at attractive interest rates with easy repayments. If you own a farm and desire financing or refinancing we will be glad to consider your needs. BOY YOURSELF A HOME Finance your home, buying through our easy pay­ ments just like rent with monthly reducing plan. BUY BONDS HERE HOM E F ED E R A L Savings & Loan Assn. OF XENIA , OHIO 4 -6 N. Detroit St. A ll Accounts Insured U p to $S,GQG Specials fo r Dec. 5 through Dec. 11 Your Profit Is In Your Buying! Nescafe Coffee 12 oz. J a r .......... .....$1.05 Tide Large pkg. .......................... ........ 34e. Toilet Tissue (all you want) .... 2 rolls 27c Totem Towels (all you want) 3 rolls 27c Milk Carnation & Wilson Large can 3 Cans ................................... ........... 37cJ Van Camp’ s Pork & Beans No. 2 can 17c , Jackson Hominy No. 2 ca n ....... 2 cans 23c Red Crown Corn Beef 12 oz. c a n ....... 63c Kirks Coca Hardwater Castile (1-bar) 10c Mortons Salt (Free Running & Iodized) i lb B o x .................................................. 9c White Linen Granulated Soap large 33c Dove Black Pepper one & one fourth oz 12c Ozark Sweet Potatoes No. 2% c a n ..... 21c Quick Mothers Oats 3 lb Box ........... 34c Lake Shore Prune Juice Qt. B o t ........ 25c Betty Zane White Pop Com c a n ....... 14c Del Monte Peas No. 2 c a n ............ ...... 17c Lava Soap med B a r ..... ..... 2 b a r .........19c Sailor Cherries No. 2 c a n .................. 25c Stemley Tomatoes No. 2 can . .. 2 fo r 35c Del Monte Fruit Cocktail No. 2 y2 can 39c Del Monte Seedless Raisins 15 oz Box 16c Brooks Catsup B o t .............. ................. 17c Quaker White Corn Meal 1 lb 8 oz box 20c Confectioners XXXX Sugar lb box 2—25c CJabber Girl Baking Powder 10 oz can 2 f o r .......... 17c Crites Succotash No. 2 c a n ....................16c Pard D og Fo§d ~~........... 2 can .......... . 25c Clapps Instant Cereal x/ 2 f t pkg........ 4 t 4 c Duz Jarge pkg. ......................................&7c V eg Beef S ou p ............................. 2 fo r 29c RIGIO S E R V E GASHANDGARRY ** , N i M am St. Cedarville, O . -T OTHER DIAMONDS $12.50 to $1,500 WE HAVE ALL THE FAMOUS WATCHES • ELGIN • B E LO V A ® BENKUS • WESTON GROTON • GREEN . W.tche. m U , AND'* • HELBROS LKWIMI a t ............ H T T UP • WALTHAM* ELBON -FEDERAL TAX.INCLUDED 35 S. L I M E S T O N E ST -and sons- Larry and Raymond .amber 8 at the Mrs. Hartman’s spent t h - ^ hanksgiving week end home. A covered dish supper will with Mrs. Wests parents, Mr. be’ served at 7 o’clock. Bring and .Mrs, Raymond Owens in Mil- your own table service and also ford. your g ift boxes* WOMENS SOCIETY TO MEET GUESTS OF MRS. TRUMBO The^ day and •evening circles " Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wester- of the Women’ s Society o f Chris- feld o f Cincinnati’spent Thanks- tian Service will have the Christ- giving day and the week end with Arms meiting Monday night, Dec. Mrs. Cora Trumbo. < 5 2 " ' , Doll Carriages ______________ _ 5.75 up Wagons „ .............. ........... ... 2.75 to 10.50 Buddy “ L” Pedal B ik e .......... . 5.85 Desk, large student s iz e .................14.40 Doll Cradle ........ 1......................... 2.35 Betsy Wetsy Dolls and Wardrobe 7.95 Magic Skin D o lls ...............................5.95 Doll Babies J il............. ............. 2.95 Electric Train ...................................22.00 Delux Tool Chest.... ..........................4.95 Table & Chair S e t s ...............................5.25up Double Decker. B e d s ........ ........ —... 2.75 Sleds - Shoe Skates - Tricycles - Wagons Card Tables Phone 6-1941 Cedarville. AMERICA’S MOST FAMOUS SWEATER! The Perfect G ift- Each In A Box hjjfi xh-f • . . Springfield, O. s i r s ’ * ’ ■ nu w ig ? ! « i n - Button or Zipper Style Y© RIBSKI Oft won 't run won't sag 5.95 Won't shrink won't streteh McGregor Yorkshire is fhe most practical sweater ever knitted! It holds its shape come what may — won’t run, stretch, sag or shrink because of its patented interlock knit. That—plus a mighty hand­ some appearance — has made Yorkshire the most popular sweater in AmericalGet yours now. i S hop 22 SO. FOUNTAIH AVE. Springfield, Ohio