The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 27-52

The Cedarville, O. Herald Friday, Jtine 27, 1947 Page Three Society ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Announcement o f the date o f the forthcoming' marriage o f Miss Dorcas Ann Jobe and Beryl Gru- baagh was made at a tea at which Mrs. Delmer C. Jobe, mother o f the bride-elect, and daughters, Misses Dorcas Ann and Joan, were hostesses at their home, Forest Grove farm, Sat­ urday .afternoon. The announcement, “ Dorkie and Beryl, Aug. 9,1947," appeared on the napkins. Mr. Grubaugh is the son o f Mr, and Mrs. W . P . Gru­ baugh, Van Wert, O, One hundred and twenty-five guests were received by Mrs. Jobe and daughters at the tea. During the afternoon a musical program was presented by Mrs. Harold Price and Mrs. Ernest Morgan, Yellow Springs. Sirs. Price played a group o f violin solos, accompa­ nied by Mrs. Morgan, and Mrs. Morgan sang several songs. Refreshments were served from a table decorated with bowls o f summer flowers and white tapers. Mrs. Jobe and daughters were as­ sisted by Mrs. J. Karl Hirtzinger, Springfield; Mrs. Louis Utrecht and Miss Julia Utrecht, South Charleston; Mrs. Raymond T. Williamson, Misses Helen, Janet and Mildred Williamson, Cedar- villa. Guests were present from Ce- daxville, Selma, Clifton, Yellow Springs, Jamestown, South Solon, South Charleston, Springfield, Dayton, Xenia and Denver, Colo. APPRAOCHING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Meryl Stormont, Federal pike, are announcing the engagement o f their daughter, Miss Ida Margaret, to Millard H. French, South Solon. The wedding will take place in August. Miss Stormont, a graduate o f Cedarville college, is employed as bookkeeper by the Cummings Chevrolet sales, Cedarville. Mr: French, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harley L. French, South Solon, is a World War II veter­ an. He served In the United States and in the European thea­ ter as a bomber pilot In the army air forces. He atteded Cedarville college- P IN HOSPITAL Mrs. William Lafferty, Spring- field pike was taken to the Spring- field City hospital Tuesday fo r an. emergency operation. ATTEND REDDING 1^.2 HL S t o r m o n t , Mr. and Mrs. Myerl Stormont and family, Mr*, and Mrs. Paul Ram­ sey and family^and Mr. and Mrs. David Ramsey attended the wed­ ding o f Miss Phyllis Adams to Rev. Virgil Rogers in Cincinnati Thursday night. Phyllis is the daughter o f Rev. and Mrs. B. N. Adams former pastor o f the First Presbyterian Church here. Her father performed the mar­ riage ceremony and she was given in marriage by her brother James. About 300 attended the wedd­ ing and reception following the wedding in the church parlors. Miss Ruth Ramsey accompanied the organist with violin music preceding the ceremony and dur­ ing the reception. The groom Rev. Rogers is from Chicago. WESLEY CLASS The Wesley Class o f the Meth­ odist Church met Monday night at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ vin Agnor. 22 members enjoyed a covered dish supper on the lawn o f the Agnor home. The annual election o f officers was held and the following elected, Chloe Wise- cup president; Herman Randall vice-presid<>it; Virginia Sipe, sec­ retary and Wilbur Wisecup, trea­ sure. July meeting will be held at the Creswell shelter house with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Randall as host and hostess. YOUNG PEOPLES RALLY The Young Peoples Rally o f the U. P. Church was held in Xenia June 15th. Delegates from each church participated in a Bible reading contest. Miss Jo Ann Sanderson o f Clifton won the contest for the age group o f 15- 17. She will go to Hanover Ind. as a delegate from her church to participate in a contest there. Mr. John Skillings also won a second prize. Miss Sanderson and Mr. Skillings are members o f the Clifton U. P. Church. METHODIST DAY Sunday June 29 is Methodist day at the Sabina Camp ground. Rev. Turley will speak at the 3:30 session and Dr. Andre will speak at the 8 o’clock session. Both Rev. Turley and Dr. Andre are former district Supt's. o f this district. There will be a Youth rally at 4:30. Anyone wanting to stay all afternoon and evening can join a covered dish supper Bring dish and table service. JR. MISSIONARY The Junior Missionary Society w ill' he-: guelt o f 'the Womans - Missionary Society o f the U. P. Church at the church Monday June 30 at 2 p. m. The Juniors will have charge o f the program, under the direction o f Mrs. Arnett Gorden and Mrs. Donald Kyle. Hostesses fo r the afteroon are Miss Carrie Rife, Mrs. Leo An­ derson and Mrs. Roy Waddle. FAMILY DINNER About fifty guests enjoyed a Basket Dinner on the lawn, at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilburn. This was a surprise dinner fo r Lawell -Cassel, son o f Mrs. W . E. Surssalem, Townsley road. Guests were present from Cedarville, Springfield, South Solon, Charleston, West Jeffer­ son and Grape Grove. The after noon was spent playing soft ball. CLASS MEETING The West Minister Class o f the First Presbyterian Church will meet Sunday June 29th after church, at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mott. This will be a pork barbecue and fellowship dinner. Held on the lawn o f the Mott home. Assisting Mr. and Mrs. Mott will "be Mr. and Mrs. John Powers and Mr. and Mrs. John Blazer. DAUGHTER BORN Mr. and Mrs. John Richards, Benson, Arizona are announcing the birth o f a daughter Kathryn Lynn, Thursday morning at Mi­ ami Valley hospital. This is their second child. Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ ards are spending the summer at the home o f Mr. Richards parents Mr. and Mrs. A . B. Richards. Mrs. Ada Jones o f Dayton is the mater- al grandmother: ATTEND WEDDING Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Bull accom­ panied by Mr. and Mrs, Paul Ramsey left Wednesday to at­ tend the “Wedding o f the former'? grandaughter, Miss Maxine Bull, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bull, at Franklinsville, N. Y . On their return trip they will visit Mr. Ramsey’s two sisters, Mrs. Elder at Darlington, Pa., and Mrs. Rife at New Concord. ATTEND MEETING A delegation from the Womans Missionary society o f the First Presbyterian Church attended the annual denominational convoca­ tion at Wooster, Ohio June 16-18. Those attending ’were, president o f Local Society Mr?. R . *T. Wil­ liamson, Mrs. Lina McCallough, Mrs. A. E. Huey and Mrs. Paul Elliott, who report 'a- very fine and inspirational meeting. * * AT WEDDING Miss Helen Collier was brides­ maid, Saturday at the wedding o f Miss Katherine Richter to Mr. Marion Fitch in Cleveland at the Eudlid Methodist Church. Miss Richter was a College Glass mate o f Miss Collier. Mr. Fitch is serving the Middleburg Method­ ist Church, o f the Springfield district, r * ATTEND DINNER . Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Picker­ ing and son Nelson attended a family dinner at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hurley. Mr. and Mrs. Hurley celebrated their 36th wedding anniversary and their son Robert and wife celebrated their first wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hurled are the parents o f Mrs. Pickering. ON TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Townsley and sons left Friday for a visit through the west. They'will go to Yellow Stone park, Denver and Salt lake City. They will return to Jamiaea Iowa where Mrs. Townsley and sons will remain fo r a visit with her brother and family Mr. and Mrs. Wendel Jones. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. John McMillan entertained with a dinner party Friday after­ noon, honoring the third birthday o f her daughter Margaret Ann. 23 children enjoyed the dinner and spent the afternoon playing and' taking pictures. Margaret Ann received many nice gifts. SINGS AT WEDDING Miss Helen Collier sang three 3 numbers proceeding the wedding of Miss iSue Downard and Mr, William Brown which took place in Chillicothe, Thursday. Miss Collier served at the reception following the wedding. LEG BROKEN Mrs. R. B. Barber is in a New­ ark hospital suffering from a broken- leg. She has been making her home with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jobe in Granville. CLUB TO MEET The KYN club will meet Fri­ day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Robert Townsley on the Jamestown pike. Mrs. Helen Cooper o f Chicago is visiting her sister and brother- in-law Rev, and Mrs. R. A. Jamie­ son. Larry West is spending a week at the home o f his grand parents Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Owens in Milford. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Voss and children visited Miss Mary Wil­ liamson Monday. Mr. Voss was a former music teacher here. Grand Opening »*»*** PORTRAIT — COMMERCIAL — PRESS EQUIPPED TO PHOTOGRAPH ANYSITUATION • WEDDINGS • BANQUETS • SOCIAL EVENTS Specializing in Photographing Children, Adults, Family Groups Right in Your Own Home as.Well as in a Studio Phone Cedarville 6-1541 for an Appointment (no toll charge) VINCENTRIGIOSTUDIO Cedarville, Ohio Phone 6-1541 Chas. Harvey in N. Fairfield, O. Orr invPatkersburg W. Va. ‘They !were feittfotite Genava,* rt»wMissea.IJaaie Purdom and Diana , Pierre . McCorkell spent the Ohio where he Will teach next Reiter are. visiting Mr; and M r s . W e e k end with Mr. and;,Mrs. Paul year. . Mrs. Mendell Beattie, Mrs. Frank Bird and Mrs, Bird’s sister Miss Anna Vaughn attended inspection of the Neil Chapter of the Eastern .Star -held in Neil Temple in Springfield, Monday night. . Mrs. Rosa Smith and Dr. and Mrs. James Gregory and son Dredge o f Cuyahoga Falls are visiting friends and relatives here. Mrs. O. P. Elias of Wellston visited Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mas­ ters last week. Mrs. Elias went from here to visit her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ ert White in La fayette, Ind, Photographs of Children In Your Home Babies A Specialty SCHWAB 106 Corry Street YELLOW SPRINGS Phone for Appointment Just Dial 7-5482 (No Toll Charge) r o z y V THEATRE I Fri. - Sat. June 27 - 28 William Boyd - Andy Clyde “Unexpected Guest” Cartoon - Musical Sun. - Mon. June 29 - 30 Dennis Morgan - Jack Carson ‘The Time, the Place and the Girl” In 'Technicolor . Also Fox News Wed. - Thurs. July 2 - 3 Robert Montgomery Audrey Totter “Lady in the Lake” Also Paramount Newfr FOB COCCIDIOSIS, ROUND AND TAPE WORMS AND MANY OTHER USUAL INTESTINAL DISORDERS, hundreds of poultry- men (large end small) have re­ peatedly bought end used Neo-Sol eince 1930." . „ An Intestinal antiseptic end tonic. For all poultry from one day old on add tablespoon to each gal­ lon drinking water. At preventive give S consecutive days at 2 week interval*. Peps chicks op. aids di­ gestion and thrift, hens lay bitter. Send 21.00 for qt., 28.00 for gal. postage included, with money heck guarantee. Territory open to dealers. .^ FRANKLIN MFG. CO, Columbus 2 .Ohio » Our Special for This Week? ? -------It’s Different -------It’s Delightful The entire power unit (motor, pump, pulsator) is on the pail. No complicated, expensive installations to make. Just plug in to any electrical outlet and you are ready to milk . . . in the stanchions, U/x stalls, milldpg parlor, sheds . . . w where, ___ 12 Plus Advantages fo r easier, BETTER Milking Including: • Exclusive 1-2-3-* hots. tion Action • Cow conditioning tnatinge • Alt wetther dependability • Finger-tip control • Stcitsry, esiy clewing • Balanced ciaw 0 Precision built far Precision performance See this m o d em m i l k e r t o d a y . A%k fo r free demons* rqf/oh ir your own bof*0- ’ , * ; 160 Gallon Carr Hog Waterer Winter and Summer with two Burners, Heavy gauge Phone 6-1941 Cedarville. -It’S PECANANGELlOP « Of course you’ll be in for one and some of our other baked goods including------ - • Pies i 9 Rolls • Cakes • Cookies • Doughnuts • Jelly and Marsh­ mallow Rolls THE CEDARVILLE BAKERY Phone 6-1861 Cedarville Buying A Home? WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUYING HOMES OR FARMS, REFINANCING OR MAKING REPAIRS COME IN AND TELL US k YOUR NEEDS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $5,000 WE MAKE GI LOANS TO VETERANS es & Savings Company Xenia, Ohio 11 Green St. Phone 11 b e a u t y . . . within reach o f every woman who puts herself in our skilled hands. Ask about our low prices o n ~ • Permanents • Finger Waves • Shampoos 1 • Manicuring Phone 6-3131 Now for Appointment ANN'S BEAUTYSALON McMillan St. Phone 6-3131 Cedarville A t Your DOORSTEP Too busy to bring your cleaning in or pick it up? If you are and live with­ in the corporation limits of Cedarville, Clifton or Selma— we pickup and deliver. CGGLEANERS Look fo r the Red Fox in the window Xenia Ave. Phone 6-3411 . Cedarville Be sure to investigate the economy of PACKAGE BLOOMS Available in many different kinds that are cut at just the right time, sealed in packages, and shipped direct to us thereby reducing the number of handlings and cutting their cost to you tremendously. -1 ■ K .Ji. r 4 k We DeliVet (no charge) in Cedarville Anderson’s FlZp 44 W. Main St. Phone 681 Xenia, Ohio FLOWERS BY WIRE EVERYWHERE ' »!f (“Say It With Flowers”