The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 27-52

The Cedarville, O. Herald Friday, July 4, 1947 Society HETSEL- SWABB A gown of white brocaded satin and marquisette was worn; by Miss Doris Joan Hetsel,_ Xenia, when she became the bride of Robert S. Swabb, Dayton, in the Xenia First Methodist Church, Saturday at 8:30 p, m. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hetsel, 328 East Third street Xenia. Mr. Swabb is the son of Mr; and Mrs. East Third street. Mr. Swabb is Lawrence E. Swabb, Sr., 125 Edgar avenue, Dayton. The altar was banked with palms and ferns and white tapers in seven-branch candelabra were set among the greenery. JThe double ring service was read by candle-light by Rev. Hugh S. Graham, pastor of the church. A musical program was pre­ sented preceding the service. Mrs. Robert Jarvis, organist, played “Clair de Lune” (Debussy); “Prayer” from “Hansel and Gret- el” (Humperdinck) and “To an Evening Star” from “Tannhauser” (Wagner). Miss Elizabeth Luce was violin soloist and her num­ bers were “Serenade” (Toscelli) and “Ave Maria (Schubert). Miss Zella Soward, Xenia, aunt of the bridegroom, sang “Be­ cause” and “0 Promise Me.” For the processional, Mrs. Jarvis played the “Bridal Chorus” from “Lohengrin” and for the reces­ sional, the “Wedding March" from “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” (Mendelssohn). Mrs. James W. Steel (Helen Hetsel), Cedarville, sister of the bride was matron of honor. She appeared in a two-piece floor- length gown of rose moire, styled with a low neck, cap sleeves and a slight peplum. She wore a band of rose moire in her hair and lace- trimmed mitts. Her jewelry was a strand of pearls, a gift of the bride. She carried an arm bouquet of yellow and white summer flow­ ers. Jane Anne Menchen, 17 Utah center, Dayton, niece of the bride­ groom, was Dower girl. She wore a floor length frock of white taffeta, fashioned with a low neck and short puffed sleeves, carried a miniature shower bouquet of summer flowers and wore a gold filigree bracelet, a gift from the bride. The bi-ide given in marriage by her father, appeared in a gown of white brocaded satin with a deep yoke of marquisette. The gown was styled with a bus­ tle back extending into a slight train. She >wore a fingertip veil of illusion tulle and carried a shower bouquet of white roses. Her jewelry was a strand of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom, and a gold bar pin worn by three generations of brides in the bride­ groom’s family, Lawrence E. Swabb, Jr., Day- ton, brother of the bridegroom, served as the best man and the ushers were Messrs, James W. Steel, Cedarville, brother-in-law of the bride, and George E. Men­ chen, Dayton, the bridegroom’s brother-in-law. Following the- service »' recap­ tion was held a t the home of Mr, and Mrs. Steel in Cedarville. Mrs. Hetsel, mother of the bride, re­ ceived the guests in a gown of lavender silk jersey with which she wore white accessories and a corsage of white roses. Mrs. Swabb, mother of the bridegroom, wore a light blue crepe gown with white accessories and a corsage of pink roses. For the. reception,, the bride’s table was decorated in a color motif of pink, green and white and was., centered with a three- tiered wedding cake topped by a miniature bride and groom. Assisting at the reception were Misses Joan Bickett, Irene Lee and Phyllis Robinette, formerly employed with the bride in the county clerk of courts office; Mijjsa Lena Hetsel, aunt of the bride, and Mrs. Ludwig Frazon, Dayton. "When Mr. and Mrs. Swabb left Saturday night on a week’s wed­ ding trip to Indiana, the bride wore an aqua suit with black ac­ cessories and a corsage of white roses from her bridal bouquet. The couple will reside a t 1800 Hale avenue, Dayton. Mrs. Swabb attended Ohio uni­ versity, Athens last year and was a member of Alpha Lambda Delta a scholastic honorary society for freshmen women. Prior to that she was deputy clerk of courts in Greene county. Mr Swabb, a World War II veteran, served in the European theater. He is now employed at the National Cash Register com­ pany, Dayton. k * AT CAMP '| Miss Junia Creswell was one of four girls representing the Springfield Business Girls Ser­ vice Fellowship club at the sum­ mer conference held at Forest Beach camp, New Buffalo, Mich. June 14 to June 21. i The theme of the conference was “Learning by Living” which emphasized human relations. Miss Creswell was chosen as finance chairman for the coming ye; for this area, which includes (. Indiana, Illinois, Michigan »■i<-< iisiii . ohe will go to Chicago in the winter to help plan 1* next year’s summer conference. RETURN HOME Mrs. Howard Creswell and daughter Ruth spent this past week with Rev. and Mrs. Robert W. Stewart and family of Sparta, 111. They returned this Monday by bus to Springfield. Miss Ruth is employed by Transcription Sales of Springfield. K Y N CLUB Twenty members of the K. Y«N. met at the home of Mrs. Robert Townsley on the Jamestown pike Friday. Contests and games were played during the afternoon after which a salad course was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Paul Townsley, Mrs. Dan Marshall and Miss Lula Hender­ son. Mrs, Robert Nelson underwent a major operation at Springfield hospital, Tuesday morning. MISCELLANEOUS, SHOWER Miss Margaret Stormont, bride elect of Mr. Millard French of South Solon was compliment­ ed a t a party given by Mrs. Leo Anderson and daughter Dorothy a t their home. The party was a miscellaneous shower and gifts were arranged on a table center­ ed with a bowl of white lillies and baby breath, green and white streamers extended from the the chandelier to the corners of of the table, games were played and prizes were presented to Miss Stormont. A desert coures was served to 12 guests. The wedding of Miss Stormont and Mr. French will take*place in August. WEST MINISTER CLASS MEET Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mott en­ tertained "the West Minister Class of the F irst Presbyterian church, with a fellowship dinner and pork barbecue a t their home Sunday afternoon. Twenty-five members and families enjoyed the afternoon. Mr. and * Mrs. ■w- James Daugherty o f Xenia. Sunday was annual Methodist day of the Wilmington district, held at the Sabina camp grounds. About 300 attended the after­ noon session and heard Dr. Tur­ ley, former district supt. deliver the address. A youth rally fol­ lowed this address and several business meetings were held. At six o'clock a covered dish dinner was held in the large dining hall. Those attending from Cedarville were Rev. W. B Collier, Mr. and Mrs. Ames Frame; Mrs. Robert*1 Wilbur Wisecup, Misses Anne Huffman, MrS. John Mills, Mrs.* Huffman, Cloreta Wiseman, Fat- sy Collier and Helen Collier and Mr, Charles Collier and Carl Wise­ man. The district Junior high camp will be held a t these grounds July 13-18 and the Senior group from July 21-27. These groups are under the direction of Mrs. Jane Mills. The Ladies Aid society of Clif­ ton Presbyterian church enter­ tained the charter members of the Aid society with a Golden Tea Saturday afternoon at the Clifton Opera house. Six of the seven charter members were pres­ ent. Rev. Brownlee was pastor 50 years ago when the society was formed. Mrs. Belle Confarr, mother of Lloyd Confarr was one of the seven charter mem­ bers. Other guests from here were Mrs. Lloyd Confarr and Mrs. Leo Anderson. Mrs. Larry Puckett and Mrs. Maude Rcwand complimented Mrs. Milton Turner with a Mis­ cellaneous shower a t their home in London, Thursday evening. A color scheme of pink and white contests and games were given to Mrs. Turner. Thirty guests enjoyed the evening. Among guests present were Misses Maud and Dessie Shaw of Yellow Springs, Mrs. Robert Armstrong, * Osborn, Mrs. Fred Dobbins, Mrs, Harold Dobbins, Mrs. Maud Tins- ldr, Miss Bee Turner and Mrs. Lucy Turner, of Cedarville, Builda HOME Get ready to build that home you have dreamed about by buying bonds regularly, putting them away to meet the necessary down payment when changes in restrictions, priorities, etc., allow private home build­ ing in this area. Buy a FARM We have money to loan on farms at attractive interest rates with easy repayments. If you own a farm and desire financing or refinancing we will be glad to consider your needs. BUYYOURSELF A HOME Finance your home, buying through our easy pay­ ments just like rent with monthly reducing plan. BUY BONDS HEBE HOMEFEDERAL Savings & Loan Assn. OF XENIA, OHIO 4-6 N. Detroit St. All Accounts Insured Up to $5,600 MONEY to LOAN 's r jT jr jr jr jr ^ For Buying* a Home or Farm Repairing or Refinancing CONVENIENT & FRIENDLY SERVICE All Savings Insured to $5,000 Cedarville Federal Savings & Loan Association Cedarville,, Ohio Phone 6-2141 ‘ :«**> ;means new eye* saving comfort for reading, sewing, school homework and farm account keeping. It means safer stairways, fewer trips and falls, greater en­ joyment o f the hours after sundown. Eyes are precious, hut good lighting is cheap. Outdoor ligh ting makes after-dark chores easier and safer. Well-placed reflector units con­ veniently placed are a great help when you want to finish urgent work such as silo filling after dusk or get the hay in before an impending storm. Good lighting protects your home and your poultry and stock against prowlers and thieves. In barns and other buildings, electric lighting re­ duces fire hazards, and makes safer working con­ ditions the whole year through. Now is a good time to check up on your light­ ing arrangements and insta ll modern electric lighting equipment. Ask your County Agricul­ tural Agent for advice on the latest wiring and lighting helps, or consult the Farm Representa­ tive o f The Dayton Power and Light Company serving your neighborhood. THE DAYTON POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY The. Womans Society of Methodist church are holding their summer school a t the Sab­ ina Camp grounds from July 7 to 11 July 11 is guest day. Any one Wishing transportation to Sab­ ina on tha t day contact Mrs. Chloe Wisecup. The Golden Rule Circle Class of the Methodist church, met a t the church T hu rsdayeven ing .. Hostesses were Mrs. Robert Nel­ son, Mrs. •Pearl Huffman, Mrs. J. 0. Connor and Mrs, W. B. Col­ lier. Mrs. Donna Blosser had charge of the devotions and pro­ gram. After the business meeting refreshments were served by the hostesses. . Page Three Kenneth Talbott, Jamestown ha3 accepted a position as teacher and principal of the Sharonyille elementary school for the coming year. Mr. Talbott will graduate from college this fall. He spent two and a half years stationed in Italy while in the Army. Mr. and Mrs. Guy La Forge and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. David Ramsey and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Jones of Dayton enjoyed a picnic a t Bryan Park Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. A.- C. Smith (Martha Finney) of Springfield are announcing the birth of a daughter Zeda Caroline a t Spring- field City hospital. Mrs. Smith is the granddaughter of Mrs. W, C. Finney. Mrs. Paul H. Elliott visited with her son and wife Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aitkin of Canto last week. Mr. Aitkin is in charge of instrumental music a t Middle Branch school near Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones spent the week end in Dayton with friends. Miss Carolyn .Galloway, Pasa­ dena California is visiting her sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Francis Clark in Dayton and is visiting among former school mates and friends here. Mrs. Tinsley Com is visiting her son and family Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Corn in Dayton. Judith Ann Com has returned to her home in Dayton. Mrs. Jessie Kamp and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kamp of Cleveland visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rein- hard over the week end. Mrs. K&mp is a sister of Mr. Reinhard. Sandra Lee Strickland of Day- ton spent last week with her grand parents Mr. and Mrs. Sher­ man Cotton. A number of children took part in Children’s day service Sun­ day a t the Nazarene Church. The program was directed by Mrs. Carl Bagford. Sunday evening twenty persons from here attended the recital given by*a group of voice pupils from the Dorothy Wiegel Stu­ dios in .Springfield. The recital: was held in the Y. W. C. A. and Miss Phyllis Bryant was one of the participants. Mr. and Mrs. Ray King, Atlan­ ta Ga., visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Confarr and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bird Tuesday. Mr. King was formerly the head of the Chemistry Dept, a t Georgia Tech. They are enroute to Lake Mich, for a vacation. Miss Estelle Boyd and M rs., D. D. Me Clellan of St. Peters­ burg Fla. are visiting Dr. and Mrs. Donald Kyle and Mrs. Mil- licent. Mrs. Me Clellan is en­ route to New York and Miss Boyd will spend several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Millicent and the Kyle family Mr., and Mrs. Harley Gebhari of Columbus spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Charles. Miss Medrith Miller of Spring- field spent Sunday with Mr. Her­ bert and Miss Winifred Myers. Mr. adn Mrs. Paul Townsley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Huffman in Milford Cen­ ter. Photographs of Children In Your Home Babies A Specialty SCHWAB 106 Corry Street YELLOW SPRINGS Phone for Appointment Just Dial 7-5482 (No Toll Charge) ALENBEAUTYSHOP Machine Permanent________ 4,00 Machineless Permanent............... 5.00 Cold W ave..... ....................... 7.50 The above prices include shampoo, haircut and hairstyle Shampoo and Fingerwave _________ 1.00 OPEN-—Monday and Friday 9:60 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Wednesday 9:00 A. M. to 12:00 Noon Dial 6-2651 Cedarville This Week We Are Featuring BOSTON CREAMPIE STRAWBERRYANCELFODCAKE PECANANCELFODCAKE • . * Of course you’ll be in for one and some of our other baked goods including------ • Pies • Rolls • Cakes • Cookies 9 Doughnuts • Jelly and Marsh- * mallow Rolls ' THE CEDARVILE BAKERY Phone 6-1861 Cedarville Buying A Home? WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUYING HOMES OR FARMS, REFINANCING OR MAKING REPAIRS COME IN AND TELL US YOUR NEEDS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $5,000 WE MAKE GI LOANS TO VETERANS Peoples Building & Savings Company Xenia. Ohio 11 Green St. Phone 11 ¥ beauty within reach of every woman who puts herself in our skilled hands. Ask about our low prices on— • Permanents • Finger Waves • Shampoos - . . • Manicuring Phone 6-3131 Now for Appointment „ ANN’S BEAUTYSALON Me>MilIan St. Phone 6-3131 Qedarvilie At Your DOORSTEP Too busy to bring your cleaning in or pick it u p ? If you are and live with­ in the corporation limits of Cedarville, Clifton or Selma—we pickup and deliver. CCGLEANERS Look for the Red Fox in the window Xenia Ave. Phone 6-3411 Cedarville Be sure to investigate the economy of PACKAGE BL001 Available in many different kinds that are cut at just the right time, sealed in packages, and shipped direct to us thereby reducing the number of handlings and cutting their cost to you tremendously. We Deliver (no charge) in Cedarville Anderson’s Fs£5T 44 W. Main Sfc. Phone 681 Xenia, Ohio FLOWERS BY WIRE EVERYWHERE “Say It With Flowers” i ■