The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 27-52

«*+*!*' n r I The Gedarvfllei O. *HeraM Society NEW YORK WEDDING OP LOCAL INTEREST The marriage of Miss Maxine Bull to William Neil Hunt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ren Hunt of Farm, ersville Center, took place in the United Presbyterian Church on Saturday afternoon, June 28, a t 4 o’clock. The bride is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Fred Bull and the .single ring ceremony was per, formed by the bride’* father. She •was given in marriage by her brother, Merrill R. Bull. The chan, cel was decorated with pink and white peonies with palms and candiabar. Miss Marjorie Graves presided a t the organ with Miss Pauline Wallace singing “I Love You Truly” and “O Promise Me.” The sister of the bride, Miss Phyllis Anne Bull was brides: maid with Sharon McMahon as flower girl. Carlton E. Burrell was the groom’s attendant. Leon­ ard Law* and Robert Bull were ushers. The bride was attired in white flowered marquisette with high neck line, long sleeves, eep ruffl­ ed train and finger tip veil of il­ lusion net gathered with a wreath of orange blossoms. She canned a white Bible with white sweet peas. The bridesmaid was dressed in blue marquisette fashioned after the bridal gown with rose buds for a head p ine. She carried a colonial bouquet of pink rose buds and blue delphinium. The flower girl was dressed in yellow taffeta and carried a basket of pink rose petals which she dropped down the aisle. The bride’s mother wore a dusty pink silk print with white accessories and a corsage of white gardenias. The groom’s mother was dressed in dark navy blue with white accessories and wore a corsage of pink rose buds. A reception was held in the church parlors where dainty re. freshments were served to about 200 guests. During the reception Richard Lane played the clarinet. The social rooms of the church were profusely decorated with white linen set with cut glass and crystal. The happy couple left that eve­ ning for a trip to the Adirondacks and will be a t home a t 3 Third Avenue, Franklinville. Mrs. Hunt is a graduate of Ten Broeck with, the class of 1940 and also attended Bryant Stratton Business Institute of Buffalo. For Two years she has been employed by tbe^S ifh tiige -4Mihtial Insur­ a n c e Compahy b f Buffalo' *and "'morsRecently been In the of. fice of the Ontario Knife Comp. any; Out of town guests included the bride’s grandfather and grand, mother, Mr. and Mrs. J . M. Bull of .Cedarvillejand Mr. and -Mrs. Paul Ramsey of Gedarvllle, Ohio. MARRIED AT PARSONAGE Miss Glenna Stine* daughter of Mrs. J. R. Stine, Clifton, became the bride o f Ralph W. Dickman last Thursday afternoon in a cere­ mony performed a t the home of Dr. Arthur P. Schnatz, Dayton pike, brother-in-law of the bride, groom. Mr. Dickman is the son of Mrs. Joe Dickman,. Dayton, Dr. Schnatz pastor of Beaver Evangelical and Reformed church, read the serv. ice. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Armstrong of Osborn, and sister of the bride. Mrs. Armstrong wore a dusty pink crepe dress with white accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The bride chose a dress of poudre blue crepe com. plemented by white accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds. Mr. Dickman is employed by the Lelaivi Electric company, Dayton. Mrs. Dickman is former postmistress a t Clifton. After a wedding trip through the Smoky Mountains, the couple will be at home at 51 West Bruce avenue, Dayton. TWELVE CLUB The Twelve club held its June meeting at the home of Mrs, Ralph Truesdale with Mrs. Roy Chapman as hostess. The president, Mrs. Alfred Brightman, called the meeting to order: I t was decided that Mrs. Ray Littled have the July meet, ing. .Airs. Alfred Brightman gave some estimates on our club pins. But we are still undecided. I t was then decided tha t the families of Twelve club members have a picnic a t the Roadside park July 10 and each member bring covered dish. The secretary, Mrs. Russell Wisecup, called the roll and read minutes of last meeting. The treasurer, Miss Doris Truesdale, gave a report on money in trea. surer. Refreshments were then served f o z v V THEATRE 1 Fri. - Sat. July 11 . 1 Double Feature Program “The Last Frontiersman” and “Child of Divorce” Sun. - Mon. July 13 - 14 Joanne Dru - Richard Norris “Abie’s Irish Rose” News - Cartoon . Sports Wed. . Thurs. July 16 - 17 Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey Janet Blair j “The Fabulous Dorseys” News - Cartoon . Sports Dry Gleaning Laundry Shoe Repair Alterations Hats Cleaned and Blocked DRYGLEANERS Residence Phone 6-2231 international LjWES FOOD 1 h a r v e s t e r t a g s saves time SAVES MONET H ere "and ready fo r your inspection. Big* ; roomy*, ll-cubic-fboc s-capacity. Freezes and 1 9KlS*f^85fgpttnds o f | ,) dd jdqqs food. DON’T* WAIT.*?. supply a unlimited, f -vl; :" :' l l members by this hostess.' We then played games with Mrs. Arthur Judy winning first and Mrs. Henry Wisecup second prize. GIRL SCOUTS MEET On Monday afternoon the Ce- darville Girl Scouts and Brownies met a t the scout room a t the opera house to work oh their con. tribution to the Greene county Girl Scout display for the ‘Greene couhty fair. The meeting was attended by Martha Gonzales, a Girl Scout from San Juan, Puerto Rico, who told of her experiences as a mem­ ber of a Puerto Rican scout troop. The scouts will meet again on Monday, July 14. On Wednesday evening 21 Girl Scouts completed their third les- sonjn outdoor cooking when they cooked a one.pot meal on the out­ door fireplace at Dorothea Hub. bard’s. Bread twisters on peeled green sticks were also cooked, then filled with rrVirmalade. Games, stunts and songs were enj’oyed by the group. SHOWER Mrs. R. T. Williamson and daughters Janet and Mildred en. tertained with a miscellaneous shower Wednesday afternoon hon­ oring Miss Dorcas Jobe. A color scheme of pink and white was carried out. The house was dec. orated with summer flowers and each guest was given white cap daisies as favors, Miss Jobe was seated among the guests and her gifts were delivered to her in a wheel barrow decorated with pink and white. Contests and games were played during the afternoon and prizes were presented to the guest of honor. A desert course was served to fifty guests by the hostess. Miss Jobe is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Jobe and will be married to Beryl Gru. baugh of Van Wert in August. WEDDING DATE SET Mr. and Mrs. Greer McCallister were hosts to members of the United Presbyterian church choir at a picnic honoring Miss Mar­ garet Stormont at their borne Thursday evening. Miss Stormont, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Meryl Stormont, Fed. eral pike* is the bride-elect of Millard H. French, South Solon. Announcement of the wedding date was concealed in a sand­ wich served to Miss Carolyn Gal­ loway, a former resident of Ce. darville now visiting there from California, The wedding will take place Aug. 1. MARRIED IN COLUMBUS Miss Kathleen Aleshire became the bride of Mr. James Howard Finney, son of Mrs. Donna Finney near Cedarville, in a ceremony performed in the Indianola Pres­ byterian church, Columbus, Thurs- day afternoon. Forty relatives and friends attended the service. Both Mr and Mrs. Finney are students a t Ohio State University. Mrs. Finney, mother of the bride­ groom, and daughters, Misses Helen, Nancy Carolyn and Rachel Finney, were guests a t the wed. ding. SURPRISE BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Brewer en­ tertained with a surprise birth, day party for their daughter, Mrs. Edward Irvine, Saturday evening a t their home on the Col­ umbus pike. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'Corry, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Troute, Jack Brewer and Miss Betty Brewer and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Irvine. Refresh­ ments of home made ice cream and cake and lemonade was ser­ ved by Mrs. Brgwer. Mrs. Irvine received many nice gifts. IN MINNESOTA Mrs. J. E Kyle and her niece Mrs. Hugh Campbel and son Rich­ ard of Winchester O., and her granddaughter Eileen Kyle of Manchester, 0. left Monday for a visit to Mrs. Kyled brother Dr. Homer Mclntire and family in Waseco Minn, on their return home they will visit in Poznette Wisconsin and Chicago. They expect to be gone 10 days or 2 weeks. OPEKASIT CENTER- ' H a r r # Pjtyer&fct ¥ g r . MONEY to LOAN » r - % For Buying a Home or Farm Repairing or Refinancing CONVENIENT & FRIENDLY SERVICE All Savings Insured to $5,000 Cedarville Federal Savings & Loan Association Phone 6-2141 Cedarville* Ohio Build a HOME Get ready to build that home you have dreamed about by buying bonds regularly, putting them away to meet the necessary down payment when changes in restrictions, priorities, etc., allow private home build­ ing in this area. Buy a FARM We have money to loan on farms at attractive interest rates with easy repayments. I f you own a farm and desire financing or refinancing we will be glad to consider your needs. BUY YOURSELF A HOME Finance your home, buying through our easy pay­ ments just like rent with monthly reducing plan. BUY BONDS HERE FEDERAL Savings & Loan Assn. OF XENIA,-OHIO * 4-6 N. Detroit St. All Accounts Insured Up to $5,000 w m r n n w . - p Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Collier and family Wfere at home Sunday after ntioii add ’evening to around 85 persons. The- guests were ser. yefij^unchjah’d 'cookies. The ladies the Wesley class assisted Mrs, Collier in serving. Rev. and Mrs. -Hill of Columbus, former pastor bf the Methodist Church here was among those present. Sevei-al members of the Selma Church called during the afternoon. ATTEND RECITAL Mr. and Mrs. iWilbur Lemons and John Sharpin of Selma at. tended a duo piano recital in the high school auditorium at De Graff, O. Thursday evening. Howard Sharpin, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Lemons took part in the recital, They returned to Spring Hill and spent Thursday night and Friday with Mr. and Mi's. Mark Sharpin and family. W S C S SCHOOL . The Methodist Woman society of Christian Service Laboratory School has been in progress all week at Sabina Camp Grounds. This includes, Wilmington, Day- ton, Springfield and Cincinnati ^districts. Special school and lec­ tures are in progress each day. Mrs. David Reynolds is president of the Wilmington district of which Cedarville is a member, HERE FROM PUERTO RICO .Mrs. . R a l p h Gonzalez and daughter’Martha of*Puerto Rico, visited Mr, and Mrs. John Davis and family Monday. Mrs. Gon. ■Zajez is the former Ruth Braden of Jamestown. She is spending a month with her parents Mr. and Mi’s- Braden Smith in Jamestown. GEORGIA VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bagford Main street had as their guests Tuesday afternoon- D^n-and Mrs, Roy S. King of Atf^fita,“Gai Dr. King was retired, last September as head of the department of mechanical engineering at the Georgia 1 School of Technology, ENJOY PICNIC A group of young people e n .. joyed a picnic and swimming party a t Lake Wood Beach near Springfield, Friday evening, The group included Mr. and Mrs. Bud Irvine, Mr. and Mrs, John San­ ders, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Troute, Misses Martha. McGuinn and Don. na Thompson and Keith Wright and John Wajtjrins. r.ij lyi.-ad.ii'-qrrJ Page Three VISIT IN GALLOPLIS Rev. and Mrs, Raymond Strick.^ land and family visited friends in Gallopolis the Fourth and fol. lowing week end. They also visit, ed Mr. Stricklands mother Mrs. Nancy Strickland in Columbus last week, Rqv. Strickland is en. joying a vacation from his work at the Crowell Publishing Co. STEAK FRY Mr. and Mrs. John Mills enter­ ta ined ; with a-steak f r y at;their •home Friday! evening.'The guests were, Mr.' ancf'Mrs. Robert Huff, man' and Anne, Mr. and Mrs. David Reynolds and family, Mr. and’Mrs. Herbert Pickering and "Mr.'and Mrs.-Mills. AT- j CHITRCH CAMP Misses Shirley Powers, and Dorothy Creswell and Kent Wil­ liamson of the P r e s b y t e r i a s church are attending summer church conference this week a t junior high camp, St. Edmonds, Glendale* Q. SUPPER MEETING The Tuxis Group of the F irst Presbyterian ijhurch held a supper meeting at the church Sunday evening. The Devotions were led by Miss Diana Brightman. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED George Robin&tt, Xenia is an. nouncing the engagement of his daughter, Miss Regina, to Mr. Melvin Tomlinson, Xenia. No date has beep set for the wedding. HOLD PICNIC The Dinner Bridge club enjoyed a picnic Thursday evening at the Creswell shelter house. Ten mem­ bers and their families were pres­ ent. Roger Charles spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Edwards and Mrs. Williams at their cot­ tage on the Miami river, near Goes Station. Mr, Edwards, sis­ ter also spent the day there. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swaim and son Billy of New Lebenon spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Townsley. Photographs of Children In Your Home Babies A Specialty- SCHWAB 106 Corry Street YELLOW SPRINGS Phone for Appointment Just Dial 7-5482 (No Toll Charge) This Week We Are Featuring BOSTONCREAMPIE STRAWBERRYANGELFOODCAKE ! PECANANGELFOODCAKE Of course you’ll be in for one and some of our other baked goods including—— « • Pies • Rolls • Cakes i t . ’ *’ t • Cookies • Doughnuts • Jelly and Marsh- mallow Rolls Thonef,6-1861 Cedarville TG HOUSE PAINT ; ||| firsthand still its best prepared -pure lioseed oil house *• paint.Now ingorgeous newcolors, as well as in a super and a fume* resisting white. Use it to assure ""lyearsof extra wearand extra bej||y! Phone 6-1941 Cedarville *• A within reach of every^woman who puts herself in our skilled hands. Ask about our low prices on— m Permanents •-F inger Waves 1 Shampoos•&»*?-. ©Manicuring , Pj^one 6-3131 Now for Appointment. i'T i » >'.M .. • * ■ ■ . ■ * ' ■4 ' ■. »*»• ANN'SBEAUTY SALON m - j McMillan * •PL bfce 6 - £ l 3 f v • '^ ^ e d a r : At Your DOORSTEP Too busy to bring your cleaning in or pick it up? I f you are and live with­ in fhe corporation limits of Cedarville, Clifton or Selma—we pickup and deliver. GGGLEANERS Look for the Bed Fox in the window Xenia Ave. . . Phone 6-3411 Cedarville Be surfe ’investigate the economy of $ PACKAGE BLOOMS Available in many different kinds that are cut at just the right time, sealed in packages, and shipped direct to us thereby reducing the number of handlings and' cuttinjftheif cost to you tremendously. We Deliver- (no- charge) lit Cedarville "Ait f ; *'*•}'? "■* K > A n d e r s o n ’ s * & £ 44 W. Main SL Phone 681 Xenia, Ohio FLOWERS BY WIRE EVERYWHERE , F tewersRhJ >, ■;/».