The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 27-52
The Cedarville, CL Herald Friday, July 18, 1947- Society NAME ATTENDANTS Miss Margaret Stormont, Fed eral pike, will have her cousin, Mrs. Elwood; Shaw (Jean Fergus son), east o f Xenia, as her matron o f honor and her sister, Miss Claire Stormont, as her maid of honor when she is married to Mil lard H. French, South Solon, Aug.. 1. The wedding will take place in an open ceremony in the United Presbyterian Church at 8:30 p. m. A thirty-minute musical pro gram, beginning at 8, will precede the service. Miss Lena Hastings will he organist and the vocalists wilt be Miss Beverly .Carzoo, Ce darville, and John Stevens, Kirk land, Ind. Dr. R. A. Jamieson will officiate at the service. Miss Mary Louise Stormont, another sister of the bride, and Mrs. Richard Grimm, South Char leston, W. Va., sister of the bride groom, will; be bridesmaids. Joann Cummings, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cummings, will be flower girl and Roger Dobbins, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dob bins, will be ring bearer. Lawrence French, South Solon, will attend his brother as best man. The ushers will be Harold Stormont, brother o f the bride; William Ferguson, the bride’ s cousin; Richard Grimm, brother- in-law of the bridegroom, and Ted Harsh, Sidney. A reception in the church par lors will follow the service. Miss Stormont, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Meryl Stormont, Feder al pike, is a graduate o f Cedax*- ville college and Mr. French at tended the same school. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harley L, French, South Solon. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. Curtis Hughes entertained eleven children Thursday after noon honoring David Hughes sixth birthday. Those present were Tommy Eideimiler o f Day- ton, Virginia and Kathleen Cahil, Betty and Charlotte Charles, Connie and David Williamson, Susie Taylor, Julia Staigers and David Hughes. The children en joyed games and was served ice cream and cake by Mrs. Hughes. Mr, and Mrs. Clarkson Gibbs and Franklin and Don Harris of Chiiocethe spent last Friday with Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Weakley and family, ENTERTAIN CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Paul Edwards entertained the Sunny side club at their Cottage on the Miami river Sunday evening with a pic nic dinner. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Aden Barlow, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Nagley, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Frame and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Preston. Out of town guests were Mrs. Lottie Reed of Clifton, Miss Majorie Campbel of Springfield and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Davis of Troy. GO TO CONVENTION Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crane, county engineer o f Xenia and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Turnbul left Tues day fo r Salt Lake City to attend the national county official con vention enroute they will visit relatives in Denver and Greely, Colo, and before returning will visit Yellow stone park and the Black hills. They will be gone two weeks The convention is held in New House hotel and one evening session in the Morman temple. CHURCH NURSERY Starting next Sunday, July 20, there will be some one to attend a nursery for babies and young children during church: hour at the Methodist church* Any one with babies wishing to attend church can have their children cared fo r during the time. If this proves satisfactory it will be continued each Sunday. Every one come and bring the babies along. ATTEND SHOWER Mrs. Raymond Strickland at tended a miscellaneous shower in Springfield, Saturday eve. The shower was given for Miss Mar cella Ramsey, niece o f Mrs. Strick land. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ramsey and her marriage will take place July 18 in Springfield. Lowell and Richard Strickland will he ushers at the wedding. •i‘ ♦ ON VACATION Mr. and Mrs. A . G. Davis, owners o f the Old Mill Camp are on a tour of the states. They are now in Maine and expect to make several stops on their way to California, which is their destin ation. Their business in in charge o f Mrs. Davis’s nephew, Larry Brooks. HAVE PICNIC - Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ervine Smith of South Solon, Mr. and Mrs. Thur man Bentley o f Jeffersonville, Charlotte and Charles Smith Mil- edgeville and Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Hertenstein and Eleanore and David Hertenstein enjoyed a picnic Sunday at Indian Lake. IN REST HOME Miss Wilma Spencer and Will Spencer and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Huffman .visited* Ed Hamilton Sunday. Mr. Hamilton is in Evens rest home in Washington C. i f . He is, in poor health and would be glad to hear from any o f his friends or former associates here. HONORED AT PARTIES Miss Dorcas Ann Jobe, near Cedarville, bride-elect o f Beryl Grubaugh, Van Wert, 0 ., is being feted at a series of parties pre ceding her marriage in the United Presbyterian Church, Saturday, Aug; 9; MOTHER JLJ* Mys. Paul Ramsey was called to the home o f her mother, Mrs. Leonia-Gardiner, in Idaville, Ind., last week due to the illness o f her mother. Mr. Ramsey returned but Mrs. Ramsey will stay to care for her mother indefinitely. CLASS .TO MEET The" Wesley class will meet Tuesday evening, July 22 at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Herman Randal on the Jamestown pike. Bring covered dish and table Ser vice. Dinner will be s e r v e d promptly at seven o’clock. ATTEND REUNION Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Agnor and family, Mrs. Jennie Agnor, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Huffman and family attended the Huffman reunion, held at Legion park, Marysville, O., last Sunday. RETURN HOME Alfred Townsley and sonJMike are home after a three weeks va cation through the west. Mrs. Townsley and son Joe remained in Jamaica, Iowa to visit Mrs. Townsleys brother and family. DAUGHTER BORN Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yeakley (Mildred Marshal) o f Xenia are announcing the birth o f a daugh ter Thursday at Haines hospital in Jamestown. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Edgar 0 . Lynch (Martha Kritzer) o f Clarksburg, W. Va., are announcing the birth of a daughter, Marylin Jean Mon day July 7. TO HOLD LUNCHEON Mrs. Greer McCallister has issued invitations for a luncheon, to be given at her home July 19 honoring Miss Dorcas Jobe. NO JULY MEETING The Kenningston club will not meet this, month, but will have a picnic in August. Mrs. Rosa Smith, Mrs. James Gregory and son and Mrs, Win. Hopping visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis in Leesburg, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis former ly lived here and Mr. Lewis was- manager o f Cedarville Grain company. Rev. Wm. J. David, his choir Photographs o f Children In Your Home Babies A Specialty SCHWAB 106 Corry Street YELLOW SPRINGS Phone for Appointment Just Dial 7*5482 (No Tall Charge) GREENE COUNTY FAIR “ Your Fair’ and Night Xenia, 0 . July 29 ,3 0 ,3 1 , Aug. 1,1947 Vocational Agriculture 4-H Clubs Juvenile Grange Ohio Conservation Show Granges Livestock Shows Horse Show Poultry-Cavie-Rabbit Shows Women’s Handwork Garden Club Show Racing Parade Good Midway SPEED PROGRAM Tuesday, July 29 Purse Thursday, July 31 Purse Free fo r A ll P a c e ........... 600.00 2:28 T r o t ............................ 6.00.00 2:23 Pace ....................... 600.00 Wednesday^ July 30 Free fo r A ll Trot ...____ 600.00 3-Year-Old Pace (OCRA Stake closed) Est.......... 800.00 2-Year-Old Trot (OCRA Stake closed) Est......... . 800.00 2:23 Trot ......................... 600.00 3-Year-Old Trot (OCRA Stake closed) E s t ..... . 800.00 2-Year-Old Pace (OCRA Stake closed) Est.......... 800.00 Friday, August 1 2:28 P a c e .......................... 600,00 2:18 T r o t ......:................ 600.00 2 :18 Pace (Stake closed) 2000.00 Speed entries............................... .......................... CLOSE, July 25th, 1947 Ail other entries........... ........ ....... .......................... CLOSE, July 24th, 1947 General admission including t a x ......................... *___ ... 50c GusSunVaudeville and Circus R. K. Haines, President J. Weir Cooper, Vice President. B. U. Bell, Treasurer Mrs, J. Robert Bryson, Secretary and members' o f the St. Paul A. M. E.‘ Church were guests o f Rev. Elmer Martin o f St. Paul Church in Cincinnati- Sunday evening July 14. Mrs. Grace Millison o f Wheel ing, W . Va., js visiting her sister- in-law, Mrs. B. B. Millison. She will leave by plane for California. Mrs. Mary McChesney has re turned home after a successful operation in Bluffton, Ind., and is feeling fine. Misses Dorothy and Bessie Von Engelen Mrs. Frank Murphy, Miss Anna Sayre, Mrs. Butts and Mrs. Helen Zwazer o f Dayton spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Col lier and family. Mrs. Lee Lynch is visiting Mrs. Edna Stangle in Chicago for a week. Lewis Lee Lynch is spend ing the week with his grand parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lynch in New Carlisle. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reardean and son visited Mr. and Mrs. Gil bert Smalling in Newport, Xy., and also friends in Earlanger, Ky. over the week end. Charles Santmyer of Engle wood, Calif., is visiting his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W . Sant myer, and aunt, Miss Helen. With Charles is his friend Charles Riley also o f Englewood. The two boys flew here from California. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Engle had as their Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hunt and children, Har old Eugene and Martha Ann, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frey all from the Sycamore community near Westboro, Ohio. Mrs. Walter Huffman and Mrs. Carl Spracklin visited, Vernon Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph .Moore in Toledo the past week. Nathan Elder, Ralph Spracklen and John Townsley. ‘ Miss Lena Hastings goes as Dean o f Wom en and Mrs. Lucy Turner as nurse* L. L. Hurley, Wilmington, for mer supt. here, has been employed as principal of St Marys, Ohio, school fo r the coming year. Miss Linda Gordon is visiting her uncle and family Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dorn in Sedalia. Mrs. Lawrence Williamson and children left Thursday to join Capt. Williamson in Washington, D. C. They will make their home there as long as Capt. Williamson Is stationed there. Capt. William son has been given a permanent commission in the army* Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Williams o f Lebenon, Ind., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Paul Edwards and Mrs. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wilson and Mrs. Fearheiley of Centralia, 111., arrived here Tuesday to spend a week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reinhard. They are the sisters of Mr. Reinhard. While here, they with Mr. and Mrs. Reinhard will go to Cleveland to visit another sister Mrs. Jessie Kamp. Misses Nancy Mae Shewey of Buena Vista Va. and Miss Mary Bewley o f Bellfountaine were the ‘ house guests o f Misses Dorcas and Jo Ann Jobe the past week. Mr* and Mrs. John Davis and family attended the Sheep dog trials at Carpenter Ohio last week. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Charles spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fristoe in Peebles,: Ohio. Mrs. Chloe Wisecup and sister Mrs. Donna Schoumacher of Chicago spent last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Kermii Kel- lough in Urbana. •Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stoneburner and son o f Columbus spent the week end with Mr. Marion Hugh es and other relatives. , Mr. and Mrs. John Harvey had as their guests the past week Dr. and Mrs. C, A. Hoffman and chil dren Joyce Lynn and Sara, Mrs. Harry Jack and Miss Lewis Har vey of Huntington, W. Va., and Cameron Harvey of Osawatomie, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Harmon had" as week end guests Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shack o f Xenia. ' Mr. and Mrs. George A. Elliot o f Baltimore Md. visited their parents Rev. and Mrs. Paul H. Elliot last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gibson and family of Jacksonyille Flar, are Page Three visiting relatives and friends here, Miss Claire Stormont has been hired to teach in the Jamestown schools this coming year. Miss Stormont graduated from Cedar ville college tWs year. Mrs. James McDorman and* her sister-in-law, Miss Janyce MeDor- man, will entertain at a luncheon at the latter’ s home, near Selma, Friday afternoon. Invitations have been issued by Mrs. Greer McCallister, Cedarville for a dessert party "and “ shower” at her home Saturday afternoon, complimgyting Miss Jobe. Miss Jobe is the £iughter of Mr. and Delmar C. Jobe, of “ Forest Grove Farm,” near Cedar ville. Mr. Grubaugh is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Grubaugh, Van Wert; FundNears$100 InSalvation P o z V V THEATRE 1 Fri. - Sat. July 18 - 19 Peter Lorre - Robert Alda “Beast with Five Fingers” Cartoon and Musical Sun. - Mon. - Tues. July 20 - 21 -22 Judy Garland - Van Johnson “Till the Clouds Roll By” In Technicolor Also Fox News Wed - Thurs. July.23 - 24 Claudette Colbert Walter Pidgeon “The Secret Heart” Paramount News - Pete Smith WallaceC. AndersonPost 54 AmericanLegion of Cedarville is sponsoring a Historical Service Record of all CedarviUe Township World War I and II Veterans. This will bo a hound book with pictures and historical data of each veteran. All veterans are requested to send, picture, if possible', in uniform (any size) together with.the fill ed out questionnaire below to: Harvey Atild,' Adjutant, Wallace C„ An derson Post No. 544 American Legion, Cedarville, Ohio. All pictures will be returned if desired. All Gold Star boys will be placed at the front of the book. Complete pictures of local landmarks and places of inter est. FILL OUT AND MAIL AT ONCE! Name ________ _______ ____________ Address ------ -------------------—---------- 1. Date of Induction -------------- 2. Branch of S e rv ice _________ 3. Training Stations and Dates 4. Date o f Embarkation . 5. Theatre o f Operation List Engagements 6. Medals Earned — ----- 7. Date Returned to U. S. 8. Discharge^ Station ___ 9. Date o f D ischarge___ 10. Rank -------------------------- 11. Total Months Served - O* 12. Present Occupation.__ REMARKS—Experiences and other data not covered by questionnaire: If your family had more than one in service, copy above on sheet of paper. If any dates are not known, leave blank. This book will sell for $3.00. It is worth more than that to your relatives and friends. It will preserve memories of yourself and buddies. All money will he receipted. Check below: I desire a copy of this book ( ) ^ I enclose $1.00. Balance to be paid on delivery ( ) I enclose $3.00, full payment ( ), - * . — *• - 4 ’ ■ : , •• Committee In Charge ^ Publication: Gathering Pictures, General Interest— P. J. McCorkell, John Bull, Earl Chaplin, Arthur Evans, W .J .B a rb e r ’ Gathering Information: World War I—-II. K. Stormont, Walter Boase W orld War II—Larry Waddle, Ralph ShaW, Bryon Stewart? Sales—Harvey Auld, James Bailey, William. Nagley, Frank Creswell, Oscar Lee- - ■ -• >*• ■ , ^ ” r-; ,3**3** ArmyDrive Clarence McKeever, chairman o f the Salvation Army’s local service unit committee, said that donations in the current fund raising drive totalled $956.75 Mon day morning. '‘ Mr* McKeever was encouraged by ‘ the response in comparison with the results of last year’ s ap peal, and urged citizens to be generous during the remaining days o f the campaign. Charles Allison, -S a l v a t i o n Army representative who came to Xenia last Monday to make per sonal calls, will be in Xenia this week, too, and then, visit towns in the county. Wearing full Army uniform he bears credentials from the committee authorizing him to* do follow-up work for the drive and turns these funds in to NowinStock—Immediate Delivery Here’s some o f the hard to get merchandise that Is now in stock at DUVALL’S. These items are all of top quality and are priced right. Gas, Duo-Therm Oil HotWaterHeaters Electric with double ele ments, 66 gal. oversize for 148.50 100 gal. Summer- Winter Hog Waterer 32.50 Barbed Wire, 4 point......80 rod spool 5.75 ConcreteMixer 3 1 4 cubic fo o t 59.00 Pump Jack .............................. ............... 37.50 8 cu. ft . General Electric Home Freezer Phone 6-1941 Cedarville. Announci g— Stoting It is a pleasure fo r us to announce a new Re-Weaving and Stoting service to our customers* We are in the position to give five day service on this type work to the people o f Cedarville and community and the prices fo r this work are very reasonable. Of course you’ ll want us to do your DryCleaning Too busy to bring your cleaning in or pick it up? I f you are and live with in the corporation limits o f Cedarville, Clifton or Selma— we pickup and deliver. * CCCLEANERS Look fo r the Red Fox in the window Xenia Ave. Phone 6-3411 Cedarville beauty... within reach o f every woman who puts herself in our skilled hands. Ask about our low prices on— • Permanents • Finger Waves • Shampoos • Manicuring 'Phone 6-3131 Now for Appointment ANN’S BEAUTY SALON McMillanrSt.. V'* ■ • f M Phone 6-3131 Cedarville
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