The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 27-52

The Cedarville, O. Herald j.- ........... ' * ..-■.... ' ~ ---- -- -- •• >-•-i >•■ Society MISS JOBE HONORED Miss Dorcas Ana Jobe, whose marriage to |Beryl Grubaugh, Van Wert, will take place Aug. 9, was complimented at a party and “ what-not shower” at which Mrs. Greer MeCallister was hostess at her home on Gedar street, Sat­ urday afternoon. Mrs. MeCallister was assif/ed in entertaining by her 6% year old son, Karlh, who w ill be ring- btarer in the Grubaugh-Jobe wed­ ding party. Guests were invited to the Me- Callister home fo r a dessert course served at a table centered with a wedding cake topped by a minia­ ture bride. White satin ribbons to which miniature bags o f rice were attached extended from the cake to each cover. For entertainment, the guests fashioned “ brides” from clothes pins. Gifts for Miss Jobe were arranged in a small wagon and were presented to her by Karlh MeCallister. Miss Margaret Stor­ mont, bride-elect o f M i l l a r d French, South Solon, was a guest at the party and was presented a g ift by Mrs. MeCallister. The wedding of Miss Jobe and Miv Grubaugh will take place in the United Presbyterian church. TWO SHOWERS Miss Margaret Stormont bride- elect o f Millard French was com­ plimented this week with two parties. Mrs. H, K. Stormont and daughter N o r m a entertained Tuesday afternoon with a mis­ cellaneous shower. Forty guests were present and the bride to be received her gifts from a table decorated with flowers, pink and white colors were used and heart shape ice cream and cake decor­ ated with hearts were served to the guests. Thursday evening Mrs. Arnet Gordon and Mrs. Ray­ mond Spracklin entertained with a miscellaneous shower at the home o f Mrs. Gordon. The guests were Sunday school primary teachers and members of the for­ mal' Sunday school class of Miss Stormont. Appointments o f pink „ and white were used in decorat­ ions and refreshments. Miss Florence Bowers has issued in­ vitations for a shower, to be held at her home in New Burlington, Saturday evening, honoring Miss Stormont. SET WEDDING DATE Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Muller, Ross township, are announcing plans for the open church wedding o f their daughter, Miss Marion, to; Jack T. Shepherd, Covington, Ky., on Saturday, Aug. 2. i Dr. H. H. Abels will officiate at the service in the Jamestown ( Methodist church at 4 p. m. A reception in the church parlors * will follow the service. j Miss Muller is a- graduate of Ross high school and Cedarville college, She served in the waves eighteen months and since her discharge has been attending the graduate school o f the University o f Cincinnati. Mr. Shepherd is the son of Mr. and Mrs. .Harry T. Shepherd, Park Hills, Covington. He attended Harvard university and the Uni­ versity of Cincinnati. He is now an instructor for GI’ s at Hughes high school, Cincinnati. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. George Windon, are announcing the marriage of their daughter, Miss Phyllis, to Thomas Robert Williamson, son o f Mr[ and Mrs. Edward William­ son, Nash road east o f Xenia. The couple was married by Rev. Van Thorn in the Presby-j terian church, Maysville, Ky., last Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. El­ don Rhoads, Hillsboro, accompa­ nied the couple to Maysville. Mrs. Williamson, a graduate o f Ross high school, is employed in the business office of the Chew Publishing Co. Mr. Williamson attended Hillsboro high school. A World War II veteran, he is now assiciated with his father in farming. = = = = = = = = = = = = = Photographs of Ch ild ren In Your Home Babies A Specialty SCHWAB 106 Corry Street YELLOW SPRINGS Phone for Appointment ■ Just Dial 7-54S2 (No Toll'Charge) Friday/ July m 194 & ..; FAREWELL PARTY A group Of 'neighbors' and friends met Tuesday evening at the home o f Mrs. Cora Trumbo and daughter Mildred. The party was planned fo r Bernice, Helen and Francis Kimble, who are moving soon to Springfield.^The evening sjjent placing flinch and refreshments were ‘served to the following guests. Mrs. B. H. Little, Mrs. Kenneth Little, Mrs. Pearl Huffman, Miss Josie Charl­ ton, Mrs. Ethel Buck, Miss A l­ berta Owens, Mrs. Anna Wilson, Miss Mary Flanigan, Mrs. Cash Cordon, Miss Mary and Florence Williamson, Mrs. Wilbur Lemons, Mrs. Leo Anc^rson, Mrs. Cora and Miss Mildred Trumbo. The group presented the Kimble girls with a gift. SOCIETY MEETS The Queen Esther Missionary society o f the Zoin Baptist church~ met at the home o f Mrs. Rebecca Spencer Thursday afternoon. A ll members were present and guests were Mrs. W. B. Collier, Mrs. David Reynolds, Mrs. Tony o f Wilberforce and Mrs. Belle and Mrs. Bruce o f the Colored Meth­ odist church. Talks were given by Mrs. Collier and Mrs. Reynolds and a (falad Course was served by the hostess. EVANS REUNION The Evans family reunion o f the direct decendants o f the late Robert and Mary Virginia Evans of Xenia held their annual re­ union at the Westerville park north of Columbus Sunday July 20; Ninety-nine attended from Dayton, Xenia, Jamestown, Ced­ arville, New Carlisle, New Bur­ lington, Springfield, Columbus, Reynoldsburg, Baltimore and Westerville. HERE FROM FLORIDA Mr; and Mrs. Ernest Gibson and family and Alfred Townsley and son Mike spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Townsley. The Gibsons are visiting here from Jacksonville Fla. Mrs. Arthur Cummings o f Tam­ pa Fla. is visiting her sons Wal­ ter and Paul Cummings and families. DINNER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Willard Tobin had as dinner guests Friday even­ ing Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rockhold and children o f Xenia. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Tobin entertained, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Brown o f Cin­ cinnati, Mr. and Mrs. Grover To­ bin and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Tobin of Jamestown. WEEK END GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Dredge and daughter Mary Jane o f Middle- town, Otto Tuddle o f Elmhurst, 111., and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Rigio o f Covington, Ky, were the week end guest o f Mrs. Inez Rigio. Mrs. Rigio accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Dredge to spend, s week near lake Michigan. BIRTHDAY PARTY . Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Derinim en­ tertained Sunday in honor o f the birthday o f their daughter Mrs. Albert Harphant. A basket din­ ner was held in the new garage near the Harphant home. About 45 guests surprised Mrs. Harphant and she received many birthday gifts. NEW TiSACHjERS Five new teachers complete the faculty fo r the coming year. Rob­ ert Guthrie high school science, comes from Jamestown. Miss Olive Mallow, Xenia comtfiercial teacher. Mrs. Lamar Reed fourth grade, Miss Betty Sickle, fifth grade and Mrs. Beryl Dolphin, sixth grade. WESLEY CLASS The Wesley class o f the Meth­ odist church met Monday night at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Herman Randall. Eighteen mem­ bers and their families enjoyed a covered dish dinner. Mrs. David Reynolds led Devotions. Social hour followed the business meet­ ing. BIRTHDAY HONORED Clyde MeCallister was honored on his birthday, by a family din­ ner at his home Sunday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Omar Weaver and daughter Nancy of South Vienna, Sgt. and Mrs. John MeCallister o f Fairfield and Mr. and Mrs. Greer MeCallister and family. VISITS HERE Willard Cooper Hall, y3c, o f San Diego, Calif., arrived in Ced­ arville Wednesday to visit his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bar­ ber, and brother, Desmond Hall. After spending a few days here he will go to Cambridge to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hall. He is on a 30 day leave. IOWA VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dennis- tan, and sons Charles Edward and Donald o f Newton, Iowa stopped over for a little while last Thurs­ day with Dr. and Mrs. John W. Bickett o f Clifton. They were enroute to Portland, Maine, for a few weeks vacation. ATTEND WEDDING Mr; and Mrs. Charles Rheu- bert attended the wedding o f Mrs. Rheubert’s brother Kenneth McCoy to Miss Majorie Green- wait. The wedding to o k " place Tuesday evening in the Old Town Take advantage o f merchandise bought BEFORE PRICE ADVANCE Car of White Hominy on Track Full line Sherwin-Williams House and Barn Paints Priced to Sell Also Full Line Vitrified Sewer Plenty o f 4 inch Tile Some Special Prices on 32Dairy Feed, Lin­ seed Meal, Soy Bean Meal and Sacco Min­ eral FRANK CRESWELL FERNDALE FARMS 38TH BRED SOW SALE THURSDAY, AUG. 22 ONFARM > . -Sale starts^at 1 P. M. 10 HEAD OF BRED HAMPSHIRE sows ' f G r FALL FARROW DQBBINS AND EVANS ,r'i ... Cedarvffle, Ohio ^ ^ jB jS S ^SSSSSSmSSKS S ^m ^m ^L a^m m m a^m m Methodist church. The couple will make their home in Old town. DUPLICATE BRIDGE Members o f the Duplicate Bridge club and their families enjoyed a picnic dinner Wednes­ day, at the" cottage o f Mr.*'and Mrs. Walter Cummings at Rus­ sels Point. Mrs. Cummings and children are living at the cottage fo r the summer. MOVING Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mogle and daughter will move to Xenia this week. They recently purchased property there. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Miller and family have purchased the Mogle house and will move there by Aug. 1. RETURN FROM CAMP Patsy Collier, Ted Reiter, Phyl­ lis Spurgeon and Corena Wiseman returned last Friday from a week o f junior high camp at Sabina Methodist cmap ground. They were under Mrs. Jana Mills. VISIT IN ST. LOUIS Mrs. A..;E, Huey,. Mrs. Jennie Richie, Mr. apd Mrs. Ernest Huey and*Mr. and Mrs. Paul Huey of ‘Springfield, spent a few days in St. Louis. They visited two of Mrs, Huey's brothers an also saw a sister-in-law from Colorado. STICK AND CHATTER CLUB The Stitch and Chatter club met Tuesday evening at the Zoin Baptist church. The club en­ joyed a program and the com­ mittee in. charge was Mildred Jackson,' Naomi Jones, Roseline Smith and Anna Bennette. ' ATTEND CONFERENCE Miss Florence Williamson at­ tended the Boyd H. Bode, mem­ orial Conference at 0 S U in Col- Page Three umbus~~this~ Tweek. Mrs,,. John ' Hilt accompanied Miss “William­ son to Columbus and visited her parents. AT LAKE Dr. and Mrs. Paul and child­ ren o f Columbus and‘Mrs.’ Alvin" Hostetler, Cedarville,1have re-', turned to their homes after a . pleasant week at Lake Hope near Athens. Mr. Hostetler- joined them for the week end. WESTMINISTER CLASS The Westminister class of the First Presbyterian church will hold a picnic supper at'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Junior Crumrine, Friday evening July 25. Mr. and Mrs. James Bailey Jr. will assist the Crumrines. RETURNS HOME Susanne Miller daughter o f '■M ?f arid Mr«r Thumsan-Miller is . home after a six»weeks visit-with her grandparents in Wilmington. They spent several days visiting relatives in Reading Pa. ‘ suir TO LYNCHBURG * in' Mr. and Mrs. Albert DuvaJS, ’'’have -moved to-their former home -in Lyiichbutg.. They have been ' living a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles’ Duvall. ■ATTEND REUNION ’ - Mrs. George Gordon attended the Dorn reunion in Sedalia Sun­ day. Linda Gordon returned home with her mother after a weeks visit in Sedalia. „ *v* * ENTERS SCHOOL : Mrs. B$tty Brewer Irvine has entered Fredrick Beauty school in Springfield, for a b e a u t y course. P o z v V THEATRE I Fri. - Sat. July 25 - 26 Double Feature Program "Crime Doctor’s Manhunt” and "Landrush” Sun. - Mon. - Tues. July 27-28-29 Cary Grant - Ingrid Bergman "Notorius” . Also Fox News Wed. - Thurs. July 30 - 31 Constance Bennett - Bruce Cabot "Wild Bill Hickok Rides” News - Cartoon - Sports Re-Weaving Stoting It is a pleasure for us to announce a new Re-Weaving and Stoting service to our customers. We are in the position to give five ’day service on this type work to the people of Cedarville and community and the prices'Jor this work are very reasonable. ii*#, ■ - Me v ' ‘ II' Of course you’ll want us to do your Pressing Too busy to bring your cleaning in or pick it up? I f you are and live with­ in the corporation limits of Cedarville, Clifton or Selma— we pickup and deliver. G G CLEANERS Look for the Red Fox in the window Xenia Ave. Phone 6-3411 Cedarville WallaceC. AndersonPost544AmericanLegion o f Cedarville is sponsoring a Historical Service Record of all Cedarville Township W orld W a r I and 11 Veterans. This will be a bound hook with pictures and historical data of each veteran. A ll veterans are requested to send picture, if possible, in uniform (any size) together with the fill­ ed out questionnaire below to : Harvey Auld , Adjutant, W a llace C. Anr; derson Post No. 544 American Legion,-Cedarville, Ohio. A ll pictures w ill be returned if desired. A11 Gold Star boys will! he placed at the front o f the book. Complete pictures o f local landmarks and places of inter­ est. FILL OUT AND MA IL A T ONCE ! Name _____________________________ Address ---------------------------------------- ’ 1. Date of Induction ------ ------- 2. Branch of Service — --------- 3. Training Stations and Dates 4'. Date o f Embarkation . 5. Theatre of Operation List. Engagements — 6. Medals E a rn e d -------- 7. Date Returned to U. S. 8. Discharge Station ___ 9. Date o f Discharge.___ 10. Rank__________________ Magic Weed Killer Kills Ugly Weeds But Won' t 11. Total Months Served 12. Present Occupation _ REMARKS—Experiences and other data not covered by questionnaire: I f your fam ily had more than one in service, copy above on sheet of paper. If any dates are not known, leave blank. This book w ill sell for $3 .00 . It is worth more than that to your relatives and friends. It w ill preserve memories of yourself and buddies. A ll money w ill he receipted. Check below : „ I desire a copy o f this book ( ) I enclose $1 ;00 . Balance to be paid on delivery ( ) . - . ■ v t . *** I enclose $3 .00 , fu ll payment ( - ) >*? ................ Committee In Charge o f Publication: ■ ' ‘ Gathering Pictures, General Interest— P. J. McCdrkell, John Bull, Earl Chaplin, Arthur Evans, W.. J. Barber - Gathering Information iW o b ldW a f I-—H. K. Stormont, Walter Boase World War II—Larry Waddle,, Ralph'Shaw, Bryon Stewart Sales—Harvey Auld, James Bailey, William Nagley, Frank Creswell, Oscar Lee _ ^ ‘ . a •” ** -i 8-oz. lawn size package treats 1600 sq. ft. Economy 'quart size $2.98 NO MORE Lack-breaking weed digging! Now you can en­ joy a beautiful, weed-free lawn by justmixing 2 tablespoons of WEED -NO -MORE to a gallon of water and spraying it on.* Weeds will soon begin to shrivel and die. W EED -NO - MORE kills dandelion, plantain and other ugly weeds-—yet won’t injure soil. Get it today! Just spray on '. . . WEED -NO -MORE , * Old Fashioned Gallon M ilk Crocks^ 2 , 3 , 5, 10, 15 Jars......... ................ ............. ....... gal. 25c Vases Havilan China Pattern Dishes......... ....................54 piece set 15.50 Arsenate o f Lead.................. ....... 1 lb. 35c Rotenone ..... ................... ..... ...... 2 lbs. 40c For Potato Blight, Tomato Leaf Spot Dry Bordo Mixture ................. . 4 lbs. 1.45 Hand Sprayers.............................from 35c beauty. IB W within reach o f every woman who puts herself in our skilled hands. Ask about our low prices on— • Permanents # Finger Waves ..'. r # Sham poos............ / ' V v # Manicuring Phone, 6-3131 Now fo r Appointment ANN’S BEAUTY SALON .McMiUan^t.^, %Phone 6-3131 * Cedarville,. to ‘Jt -i< ,? • f