The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 27-52

■[ The Cedarville, O. Herald Friday, June, 13, 1947 Page Three v Society ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Rogers, near Jeffersonville, are announc­ ing the marriage o f their daugh­ ter, Miss Jean, to Mr.. Richard E. Dennehy, son o f Mr. Frank Den- nety, Cedarville. The ceremony was performed Monday evening at the home o f the bride’s brother-in-law and sis­ ter. Mr. and Mrs* Floyd Liming, Federal pike. Dr. H. H. Abels, pastor of the Jamestown Method­ ist Church, read the double ring service. Mrs. Liming, sister o f the bride, and Mr. Robert Dennehy, the bridegroom’s brother, were attendants. The bride wore a two-piece blue dress with black accessories and a corsage o f red roses, Mrs. Liming appeared in a pink and white dress with black accessories and her flowers were pink and white carnations. Lynda Lou Liming, niece of the bride, was flower girl. She wore a pink frock with white accessor­ ies and carried a minature cor­ sage o f pink and white carna­ tions. Thirty-five guests attended a reception at the Liming home following the service. The bride’s table was centered with a three­ tiered wedding cake. An ice course was served. Mrs. Rogers, mother of the bride, wore a brown and white dress with brown accessories and a corsage *o f white carnations. Mrs. Effie Woolley, Athens, O., grandmother o f the bride, was a guest at the wedding. Both Mr. and Mrs. Dennehy are graduates of Cedarville high school. Mr, Dennehy is a World Warr II veteran and served in the armv thirty-four months. He is employed by the Cummings Ga­ rage, Cedarville. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Delmer C. Jobe, o f “ Forest Grove Farm,” Cedar­ ville, are announcing the engage­ ment o f their elder daughter, Miss Dorcas Ann, to Mr. Beryl A. Gru- baugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Grabaugh, Van Wert, 0 . Miss Jobe is a graduate of Selma high school and attended Southern SeminaVy and Junior College, Buena Vista, Va. She has been a library assistant at this college the last two years. Mr. Grubaugh served with the 12th Army Air Force in the Medi­ terranean theater in World War II and was released with the rank o f first lieutenant. He is a stu­ dent at Bowling Green State Uni­ versity, Bowling Green. 0., and is a member o f Sigma Nu Frater­ nity. ATTEND STATE DAR Mrs, Fred Dobbins, Mrs. Anna Wilson, Mrs,, Irvin Kyle and Mrs, M. C. Bohin o f Springfield attend­ ed the Chapter Regent Meeting of the D. A. R. at the D^shler Wallick Hotel in Columbus last Thursday. Mrs. Bohin is Sifte Chapter Regent and Mrs. Wilson Is Vice Regent. Mrs. Dobbins is State chairman for Americanism. Mrs. Dobbins gave a talk on “ WM i expected of future D. A , R. Officers.” These ladies are members of the Cedar Cliff Chap-, ter o f the D. A . R. ! PIANO RECITAL ! Kay Kantz, daughter o f Mr. and and Mrs. Richard A . Kantz i (Frances Kennon) ofDayton i gave a piano recital in the Gar- \ den Center at Dayton Art insti- 5 tute Sunday. She is the grand daughter of Mrs. Grace Kennon Stachler. She is studying piano under Mrs. Jennymae Stephan and is her youngest student. This is her second appearance at the Art institute. She is five years old and has won many honors. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Mrs, Morris Boggs and daugh­ ter Mildred entertained last week with a miscellaneous shower fo r Mrs. Lewis Boggs at their home on the Columbus pike. A color scheme o f pink and white was carried out. Contests were won by Mrs. Charles Hollingsworth Mrs Iola Creamer and Mrs. Fred Boggs. Pink and white ice cream and cake was served to 25. guests. GRADUATES ! Mrs. Homer McIntyre Jr. (Joy­ ce Clemans) St. Louis Mo. grad­ uated Monday from the school of Liberal Arts at Miami University, Oxford. The daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clemans, she is now assistant to the head o f occupa­ tional therapy dept, at Kock Hospitay in St}. Louis. ATTEND COMMENCEMENT Mrs. W. P. Collier and daugh­ ter Patsy and Mrs. Robert Huf­ fman and daughter Anne attend­ ed commencement at Ohio Wes- lyn University in Delaware, Mon­ day. Miss Helen Collier who has been a student there accompanied them home fo r the summer. Miss Patsy Collier visited two days in Dayton last week. DAUGHTER GRADUATES Mr. anu Mrs. David Bradfute attended the commencement at, 0 . S. U. Friday night Jeannie Bradfute was a member o f the graduating class. Their son John, accompanied them: home. .He is a student at O. S. U. SON BORN Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Stahl are announcing the birth o f a son, John Kent, born last Wednesday at Springfield City hospital. The new arrival weighed 10 pounds and 11 ounces. HOME CULTURE, CLUB ____ The regular meeting o f the Home Culture club will be held, Tuesday June 17 at the home of Mrs. Paul Edwards. There will be a special speaker for this meeting. GUEST SPEAKER Mrs. W. B. Collier was guest speaker at a mother and daughter banquet of the W. S. C. S. and the Wesleyan Service Guild of the Trinity Methodist Church at the First Methodist in Xenia, Monday o f last week. DORCAS CLASS The Dorcas bible class o f the United Presbyterian Church met Tuesday after noon at the home o f Mrs. Ida Stormont. 18 members enjoyed sewing fo r the afternoon. Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Ida Wright. WSCS TO SELMA The ladles o f the W, S, C. S. of the Methodist Church will be guests o f the Selma W. S. C. S. Wednesday June 18 for a lunch­ eon at the home of Mrs. Henry Schickedantz. All Wanting reser­ vations please contact Esther Reynolds by Saturday June 14. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Walker and Mr. Walkers parents Mn and Mrs. Ray Walker o f Dayton visited Mr. and Mrs, Ray Welch in Fenton Mich., last week. n o z v V THEATRE 1 Fri. - Sat. June 13 - 14 Charles Starrett - Smiley Burnett ‘‘Terror Trail” Musical - Sports - Comedy Photographs of Children In Your Home Babies A Specialty SCHW A B 106 Corry Street YELLOW SPRINGS Phone for Appointment Just Dial 7-5482 (No Toll Charge) Sun. - Mon. June 15 - 16 Katherine Hepburn Robert Taylor .“Undercurrent” Also Fox News Wed. - Tliurs. Ken Curtis June 18 « 18 Joan Barton ‘Lone Star Moonlight* News - Cartoon • Comedy TWELVE CLUB The Twelve Club held 1st May meeting at the Country home o f Mrs. Alfred Brightman. The President Mrs. Alfred Brightman called the meeting to order. It was first decided that Mrs. Ray Chapman would have the June meeting. The secretary Mrs. Russell Wisecup called the roll and read minutes o f last meetings The treasurer Miss Doris Truesdale gave a report .on money in trea­ sure. Refreshments were then served to 10 members by hostess. We then played Bingo and Mrs. Ralph Truesdale won. 1st and Mrs. Henry Wisecup wc/i 2nd prize. DAUGHTER BORN Mr. and M rs.‘ Clayton Wise­ man, Jamestown are announcing the birth of a daughter Wednes­ day afternoon in the Springfield City hospital. The baby weighed 5 lbs. 11 oz. and has been named Bonnie Jo. John Frey, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Frey was one o f the boys chosen to attend Buckeye Boys State at Ohio Wesleyan Univer­ sity, Deleware. The project lasts 10 days and opens Saturday. This is a ten day school on gov­ ernment training. It is sponsored each year by the Ohio department o f the American legion. Miss_ Beatrice Vanderver o f Crossville, Tenn. and Miss Betty Cotton of Dayton *pent the week end with Miss Cottons parents Mr; and Mrs. Sherman Cotton. Mi\ and Mrs. Lloyd Benham visited Dr. and Mrs. Leo Ander­ son Sunday. Mrs. Benham is a teacher at Miami University and Mr. Benham, is a student there. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gaiser and ; son John visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson over the week end. Mr. Gaiser returned to their home in Bloomington Ind., and Mrs. Gaiser and son remained for a visil. Miss Betty Nelson has been visiting at the Gaiser home re­ turned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. iPennypacker o f Bowling Greene spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Williamson and family. Mrs. Mary Harbison is spend­ ing several weeks with her daugh­ ter and son in law Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Dean in Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Edwards are home after a few days visit at Lake of the Ozarks, in the Ozark§ mountains o f Mo. - Miss Martha Jane Creswell is home from Miami University where she attended school this past year. Mr. ahd MVs. James Xlontz are .announcing the birth of a son June 4 at Springfield City hospi­ tal. THis is their third child. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sharpin and son o f Springfield spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur demons, • Mrs. J. W. Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Barlow and son will leave soon fo r New York to spend the summer. * Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Owens o f Milford spent Sunday with the West family. Mrs, John Hilt is home after a week"with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Robe o f Columbus. Mr. Bind Mrs. H. H Brown spent last week at their cottage at Indian lake. Mrs. Vincent Rigio and daugh­ ter are home after visiting rela­ tives in Detroit the past week. Mr. Charles apd Clyde Barr of Dayton spent last Wednesday here, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robinson FOR COCCIDIOSIS, ROUND AND TAPE WORMS AND MANY OTHER USUAL INTESTINAL DISORDERS, hundreds of poultrv- men (large and small) have re­ peatedly bought and used Neo*SoJ since 1930. , . An intestinal antiseptic and tonic. For all poultry from one day old on add tablespoon to each gal­ lon drinking water As preventive give 3 consecutive days at 2 week intervals. Peps chicks up aids dl- gcslfnn and thrift hens lav better. 65c pint $1.00 qt. $3.00 ga l, with money back guarantee at BROWN’S DRUG STORE Be sure to investigate the economy of PACKAGE BLOOMS Available in many different kinds that are cut at just the right time, sealed in package's, and shipped direct to us thereby reducing the number of handlings and cutting their cost to you tremendously. W e Deliver (no charge) in Cedarville Anderson’s FshST Phone 681 Xenia, Ohio 44 W. Main St. FLOWERS BY WIRE EVERYWHERE “ Say It W ith Flowers” KING for a DAY Be sure to pamper papa with a decorated cake on his day o f days. Place your Order Now A t Your DORSTEP Too busy to bring your cleaning in or pick it up? If you are and live with­ in the corporation limits of Cedarville, Clifton or Selma— we pickup and deliver. & THE CEDARVILLEBAKERY Phone 6-1861 Cedarville and family will live in the John- ston home for the summer. Accent on Glamour t*Let us give you soft, enchanting loveliness to your hair this summer with the accent on glamour. Phone for appointment today. _____ ^ ___ _________ _____ __________________ GCGLEANERS Look fo r the Red Fox in the window Xenia Ave, Phone 6-3411 Cedarville GLOSINGOUT Watch bands and straps wrist watches - pocket watches preconditioned and guaranteed) 25 ft to 50 ^ Discount HARYH. MOGLE Phone 6-2931 ATTENTION FARMERS HYBRIDSEEDCORNFLASH The seed corn situation for next year may be serious. Seed corn growers cannot plant corn in the rain, and seed may be scarce and o f poor qual­ ity. Intelligent farmers will buy seed corn NOW, and store it at home, to be sure o f good quality seed corn for next year. Seed carried over one year is just as good as new seed. Our treated seed corn will be practically free from damage by nuce or weevil. As we do not have the room to carry over any geed corn, we are making it worth your while to buy your next years needs now, by closing out the present stock o f all varieties listed below at a DRASTICALLY RE­ DUCED PRICE. U . S. 13 W 10 C 38 Iowa 4059 C 12 sr*'. ‘ " 7.00 bushel while it lasts GreeneCountyFarmBureauCo-op.Ass’n. Xenia, Ohio 1 1 5 H ill S t. Phone 756 Fill out this-coupon and bring it with you. Value 50c Good all through June. Name. ..................... .................................... ..................... Address ...................... ............................................ ........ ANN’S BEAUTYSALON McMillan St Phone 6-3131 Cedarville TG HOUSE PAINT J| America’s first—and still its best — prepared pure linseed o il house 4 paint.N ow in gorgeous new colors, as well as in a super and a fume- resisting white. Use it to assure years o f extra wear and extra beauty! adreaf Namein PAINTS. $5.15pergallonin5s Pure Gum Spirits Turpentine ....____________ gal. 1.75 Pure Raw Linseed Oil ........................................ gal. 3.60 Linseed Replacement O i l..................... 3.25 Paint Brushes......................................................15c to 8.50 Most all -colors in Enamels and Flat Paints Phone 6-1941 Cedarville RAISE GANEI New Sorghum mill —steam process— ready for opera­ tion by September 1. Location— Goes Station, Route 68, halfway between Xenia and Yellow Springs. Freed seed available at Frank Creswell’s PROCESSORS, ING, e|o L. A. Weimer 1118 Kemper Ave. Dayton, O. Father’sDayIsNextSunday, June15th TH EW S MO SUCH THING A S A EAST MINUTE FROM THE VOGUE SHOP M, Pr—JXJH, All our stocks (well 9 almost all) are ffe* mehdduslf complete • • » more complete, than they have been in years . * • and all of the identical high quality merchandise, that you always bought at Vogue Shop regardless of season . “After your name—hefll look for oun Springfield, O. - J1 . . . .