The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 27-52

The Cedarville, O. Herald ' Friday, -'Atig: 1,1947. Page Three Society TO GIVE DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Delmer C. Jobe, o f "Forestgrove Farm,” will en­ tertain at dinner at their home Friday evening Aug.8, honoring their daughter, Miss Dorcas Ann Jobe, and her finance, Beryl Gru­ baugh, Van Wert, O. The dinner will precede the wedding rehear­ sal. The wedding of Miss Jobe and Mr. Grubaugh will take place in an open ceremony in the Cedar­ ville United Pyesbyterian church Saturday, Aug. 9, at 8:30 p. m. Dr. R. A. Jamieson, pastor of the church, will officiate at the serv­ ice. A musical program, begin­ ning at 8 o'clock, will precede the service. In honor o f the bride-to-be, Mrs. Newell Elder and daughter, Miss Nancy Ann, entertained home, near Springfield, recently, eight guests at luncheon at their Mr. Grubaugh is the son o f Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Grubaugh of Van Wert. REUNION The Ralph A . Jamieson family held a family reunion Friday, July 25, at the United Presbyter­ ian Parsonage. Those present, which included the entire family were: Rev. and Mrs. A . Freder­ ick Buish and son Geoffrey Alan o f Jamestown; Mr and Mrs. Har­ ley \Y. Bohlke ar.d children, Car­ ole Augusta and Ralph Frank from Pattersonville, New York; Rev. and Mrs.Frank E. Wiley and daughters Marjorie Jean and Edith Ann o f Monroe, Ohio. Also Mrs. Jamiesons nephew, Dr. Ri>ger Henderson, wife and son Jimmy o f Xenia. TWELVE CLUB The Twelve Club was held at the home o f Mrs. Ray Littler on July 16th. As the President Mrs. Bright- man was not present we had no business meeting. Miss Doris Truesdale decided she would have next meeting in August. We then were served refresh­ ments by the hostess. We then played Bingo and prists were won by Mrs. Earl SEHsworth and Mrs. Russel Wise- cup. SHOWER Miss Margaret Stftrmont was complimented with a miscellan­ eous shower given by Miss Flor­ ence Bowers, at her home in New j Burlington, Saturday afternoon, [ 12 guests were present. All were! college mates o f Miss Stormont. Pink and White appointment were [ followed and the gifts were re-1 ceived from a table decorated in i pink and white and the same color i scheme was followed in refresh-* ments. ^ jf VISIT HERE Mr. and Mrs. Harley Bohlke and children Carole and Ralph of Pattersonville N. Y. are spend­ ing a few days with Mrs. Bohlke’s parents. Rev. and Mrs. Jamieson. They had as their guests Friday Rev. and. Mrs. Frank Wiley and children Majorie, Jean and Edith Ann o f Monroe Ohio and Rev. and Mrs. A. F. Huish and son o f Jamestown. This was a gathering o f the entire Jamieson family. WEEK END GUESTS Mrs. Thora Ridgway had as her week end guests Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forkner o f Hartmord City Ind, and her mother Mrs. Anna Coulter o f St Glairsville, Ohio. Her mother will remain for &few days visit. Dr. and Mrs. W. W . Morton and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morton and son Mickey o f Louisville K y . a r e visiting Miss Ina and Mr. Ralph Murdock. TO FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. Joe Flatter will leave Friday fo r a three weeks vacation. They will go by car to Florida and from there to Cuba. They will fly to Cuba and return by boat. ALL DAY MEETING . Springfield district B a p t i s t Missionary Guild girls held an all day meeting at St John’s Bap­ tist church in Springfield, girls were prtsent from London, Xenia, Jamestown, Springfield and Ce­ darville. Local girls present were Betty White, Mary Ann Walker, Charlene Walker, -Joyce Smith, Nora Smith, Wanda Mills, Reva Hall and their counciler, Rosetta Taylor. WESTMINISTER CLASS Mr. and Mrs* Junior Grumrine assisted by Mr* and Mrs. James Bailey Jr* entertained 25 mem­ bers and their families o f the West Minister Class, o f the First Presbyterian Church, Friday even­ ing. A covered dish picnic dinner was held on the porch o f the Grumrine home. Rev. Elliot led devotions and a social hour follow­ ed the business meeting. MISSIONARY SOCIETY o The Woman’s Missionary Soc­ iety o f the U. P. Church met at the Church Monday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Dobbins and Mrs. Jo­ seph Ferryman were hostess and Miss Mable Stormont and Mip- Warren Barber had charge o f program. Mrs. Barber gave a very good talk on History o f Rural Churches and dealt mostly on churches of this vicinity. RETURN HOME Mr. ami Mrs. Donald Leaason have returned from a motor trip to California and Yellow Stone park. They were gone three weeks and visited relatives and friends. Enroute home they visited grand Canyon, The Petrified Forest and the Painted Forest. C U S S REUNION Members o f the sight saving class o f Cedarville school is in­ vited to attend a reunion, Sun­ day at 4 p. m. at Shawnee park in Xenia. Election o f officers will be held, class members and their families are urged to attend. ILLINOIS GUESTS Rev. and Mrs. W . A . Condon had as their guests last week Mrs. Paul Harrod and son Skipper o f Dundee, III., and Mrs. Robert Condon and daughter Janice o f Timsborry, Conn. Mr. Harrod spent two days here. * RETURN HOME Mrs. Hazel Gaiser, and son.John returned to their home in Bloom­ ington Ind. after several weeks visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson* Miss Betty Nelson accompanied her home for a visit* VISIT PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. William Lister and family left Sunday fo r a visit with Mr. Lister’s mother in Toledo and Mrs. Lister's parent], Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stiffler in Oak Harbor. VISIT MOTHER Mrs. C. A* Hutchinson and chil­ dren Clyde Allen and Sally J. o f Chicago are spending the week with her mother Mrs, J. S. West and other relatives. PLAY AT FAIR The Cedarville summer band under the direction o f Mrs. Mil­ dred Foster played at the Xenia fair Tuesday afternoon and even­ ing* A T CHURCH MEETING Mrs. David Reynolds attended a church meeting in Point Plea­ sant, 0 . It was a meeting from charges all over Ohio. Ward Creswell is home after a trip to Florida. Miss Mary Bird is spending several days in Dayton. Alva Chaplin is visiting rela­ tives in Hillsboro this week* Mr. Elmer Owens is visiting relatives in Dayton this week. Ray McFarlaand o f Spring- field is spending the week hefe. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Everhart o f Springfield visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. W* G. Downs is visiting at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. John P. Blocket in Xenia. Mrs. Majorie Rigio and daugh­ ter Deslie are visiting relatives in Worthington, O. Shjriey and Roberta Jackson o f Columbus are visiting their grandmother Mrs. Opal Ja c k s on . s p en t Thursdaywith Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shinkle in South Solon. ^Mr. and Mrs. .Harmon had as their Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. William Roach and family of N. Burlington and Mrs. Sadie Mit- chel of N. Jasper. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slaughter o f New Carlisle spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hampton. The Huish's, Bohlke’s and Wileys had a family picnic at Le Sourdesville Lake on Tuesday, July 29. Mr. and Mrs. Perrein Smith and Mr. and Mrs, George Rogers o f Xenia visited friends in Rich-’ mond, Ind. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith -and daughter Zeda of Springfield spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson Gibbs and Mr. and Mrs. Obigal Gibbs o f Frankfort spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Weakley. Misses Kathleen Evans and Helen Williamson and Mr. Paul Strewing and Kenneth Wilburn spent Sunday at Coney Island. Mr. akd Mrs. Harold Tuller and children*1Jtidy and Buddy o f To­ ledo spent the week end with Mr. and MrA*William Lister and fam- , fly - : f - - I ‘ .Mr. and Mrs. Donald ffagler f nV|4 spn 'Phillip had as their week end ‘guests Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kuebler and children Charles and Iniogelie o f Cincinnati* Mrs. Kue­ bler and'children will remain for an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd and son Mr. and Mrs. J. G . Manning and son Of Louisiana visited friends her last week. Mrs' J. V. Tarr has been visiting here and accompanied them hack to their home. Mrs. Manning is the for­ mer Dorothy Tarr and Mrs. J. V. Tarr is her mother. Martin Weimer Sr. has return­ ed from a'two weeks trip to Mis­ souri* Arkansas, Oklahoma and Louisiana. While there he con­ tacted several noted breeders and trainers of Coon Hounds also fished in White river and several large lakes in the Ozark moun­ tains. Large and small mouth bass are very plentiful. He re­ ports all crops are in need of water, but are in excellent con­ dition. Com is past the hard roasting ear stage and canning factories are tunning day and night to take care of the large crops, especially tomatoes. A t t h e Courthouse A $12,500 breach o f promise suit was filed in common pleas court this week by Louise Gray, 900 East Main street, against George Lee, 1013 East Main St. The petition claims Lee sev/ral times during the last four years, promised to marry Miss Gray and introduced her publicly on various occasions as his wife. A t other times, according to the petition filed by James C. Cobb, attorney, the defendant denied such promises and these culminated last June 22 in his driving her with all her belong­ ings to her aunt’s home in Spring- field. At that time he said he would not according to Miss Gray, and had never intended to. The plaintiff charges that Lee once had her jailed on a grand larceny charge which he failed to Big Values for You THURSDAY. AUGUST 7TH City-Wide DOLLAR DAY IN SPRINGFIELD Heat Your Home Better! AUTOMATICALLY! r o z v V THEATRE 1 Fri. - Sat. Aug. 1 - 2 Clark Gable - Hedy Lamarr “Boomtown” Also Pete Smith Sun. - Mon. - Tues. Aug. 3 - 4 - 5 Walt Disney’s “Song of the South” Including antimated tales of Uncle Remus ~ A ls» News and ’ Sports- ~ Wed. - Thurs. Aug. 6 - 7 Dennis O’Keefe - Adolph Menjou .“Mr. District ‘ Attorney” * « News —Musical - Snapshots Announcing— Re-Weaving Stoting It is a pleasure for us to announce a new Re-Weaving and Stoting service to our customers. We are in the position to give five day service on this type work to the people of Cedarville and community and the prices for this work are very reasonable. Of course you’ll want us to do your DryCleanig *■ Pressing Too busy to bring yourin the corporation limits cleaning in or pick itof Cedarville, Clifton or up? . w ^ Selma-—we pickup and; / ^ If you are and live with-deliver. ' ^ "- - - - G0 GLEANERS Look for the Red Fox in the window Xenia Ave. Phone 6-3411 Cedarville See *74e Coleman o n Floor Furnace It's WARM .FLOOR H«otI Yes—Coleman Oil Floor Furnace sets IN the floor. Needs no basement. Auto­ matic1—no fire tending. Clean!—no dirty fuel, no ashes; Exclusive Coleman features save fuel, move th* heat to keep the Soon, toasty-warm. Coate^ in—let os show you. . J t Low In Cost!—We Gan Install Quickly MoMs m itik k m siz«s '30,000BTUto50,000BUI upto5 rowRs. Iktai byBadurtKan*labsratoriee. C.C, BREWER Cedarville, Ohio Photographs o f Children In Your Home Babies A Specialty- SCHWAB 1M Corry Street YELLOW SPRINGS Phone for Appointment Just Dial 7-5432 CN& Toll Charge) FERNDALE FARMS * i t 38TH BREDROWSALE THURSDAY. AUG. 22 ONFARM . Sale starts at 1 P. M. R 70 HEAD OP BRED HAMPSHIRE i f SOWS FOR PALL FARROW fe. i DOBBINSANDEVANS B i f Cedarville, Ohio f | f & **-*•«.- CARPEL'S AUGUST FURNITURE SALE STARTS THURSDAY tsacu OR MORE Discount On Everything Except Contract Items £ ALWAYS | TRY | CAPPEUS FIRST SPRINGFIELD, OHIO -prosecute, and-subsequently pro­ cured her release. Divorces Applied For Lou B. Adkins against Earl, Osborn; neglect and cruelty charged; married at Elliott City, Ky. March 11, 1939; plaintiff seeks custody o f one minor child. Glenna E. Graham, against Thomas H., Xenia; neglect and cruelty charged; married in Xenia Dec, 16, 1946; plaintiff seeks, res­ toration o f former name, Free­ man. . Roy R. Harness, 19 Stelton road, against Margaret J., Belle- fontaine; neglect charged; mar­ ried in Bellefontaine, Sept. 4, 1944. George Bicking against Alice E .; 104 East Second street; neglect charged; married at London, Eng­ land June 9, 1945* Margaret "Beeren, 62 Center street, against Harold, Creston, la .; neglect and cruelty charged;* married in Xenia, Aug. 2, 1943. Foreclosure Sought Foreclosure on a chattel mort­ gage and judgement fo r $2,200 was sought in a suit filed by the Farmers and Traders Bank o f Jamestown against Oscar Lee Allender and others. Divorces Granted Lurena Bastin from Arbra O., grounds o f neglect. Wilma Smith from James G.; grounds of neglect; married at Malden/ Mo., Oct. 13, 1941. , Martha* Louise Trimble £rom Owen L.; grounds of neglect; plaintiff restored to former name Kimsey; married at Covington, n \i ! ONE GALLON OF PESTROY COSTS S42J MIX WITH WATER TO GET 5 GALLONS OF INSECT KILLER YOUR COST READY-TO-USE 99 < PER GALLON %>■ P E S T R 0 Y TRADE MARK REG. U. S. PAT. O ff. Sure D eath to Flies, Ants, M osqu itoes, S ilv e r F is h , F lea s, Gnats, R oaches, B e d b u g s , W a s p s , C r ic k e ts , M o th s . EASY TO USE*-Pestroy can be applied to walls, ceilings, screens, light bulbs with a brash or with a common spray. LONG CASTING—Indoors one application o f Pestroy. will lost two to three months. Even on outside'surfaces exposed to sun* light, Pestroy retains its potency, killing most all bugs o n c o n t a c t f o r tw o o r three weeks: ECONOMICAL-A gallon o f teady-to-ut* Pestroy only costs 9 9 (. th a t low price is possible because Pestroy comes In a Z S % concentrated solution and you add water before using. MANY FARM USES-Use Pestroy on walls and surfaces in barns, stables, pig houses. Outhouses—anywhere where insects thrive. Phone 6-1941 Cedarville. beauty. . . Within reach o f every woman who puts herself in our skilled hands. Ask about our low prices on— • Permanents ? . • Finger Waves ~ • Shampoos • Manicuring phone 6-3131 Now for Appointment ANN’S BEAUTYSALON McMillan St. Phone 6-3131 Cedarville