The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 27-52
The Cedarville, O. Herald ATTENDANTS CHOSEN Miss Laura Collins Bickett, Clifton, who will be married to William Snodgrass, Springfield, in an open service in the Clifton United Presbyterian church Sat urday at 4 p. m., will have her sister, Mrs. James W . Marshall (Isabelle Bickett), Monmouth, HI., as her matron o f honor and only bridal attendant. Miss Bickett is the daughter o f Dr. and Mrs. John W. Bic kett, Clifton. Dr. Bickett, pastor o f the Clifton church will offic iate at his daugSityr’s wedding assisted by J)r. Robert W. Ustick, pastor o f the First U. P. church, Springfield. Preceding the ceremony a thirty minute program o f nuptial music will be presented, beginning at 3:20 p. m. fSrs. A. Ward Creswell (Mildred Bickett), another sis ter o f the bride, will be organist. Vocal music will be presented bjy a mixed chorus o f which Miss Bickett formerly was a member. Members of the group are Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Stevenson, Troy, Roger Donohoe, Vernon Hands and Dwight Parrett, Miss Gladys Parretfc and Miss Eula Watt, all o f Greenfield. Mr. Marshall, brother-in-law of the bride, will serve as best man and the ushers will be A. Ward Creswell, another brother-in-law o f the binde, and James T. Watt, Boston, Mass., the bride's cousin. Following the service, a recep tion fo r 100 guests will be held at the Bickett home. Mr. Snodgrass is associtcd with the Snodgrass Jewelry com pany, Springfield. BIRTHDAY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Evans entertained Sunday with a dinner honoring four members of the family. Mrs. II. W. Evans, Mrs. Alma Cluxton, Mrs. Helen Dean and Nancy Dean whose birthdays are all in September. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clux ton and children, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dean and'-children Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eddinger and son, Miss Alta Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Evans and daughter. Miss Barbara Smith. GOLDEN RULE CLASS The Golden Rule Circle Class of the Methodist church met Thurs day evening in the .chu.rch, Mrs. Maywood Horney, Mrs. Della Johnston and Mrs. Wilbur Lem ons were hostess. Each member answered roll call with naming a Bible Character. BOYERS MOVE Mr. and Mrs. Waite) Boyer and family have moved to their home on Chillicothe street. They re cently purchased; this property. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lewis and family have purchased the house vacated by Boyer's and have moved there. GUESTS Miss Suzana West o f Toledo and Miss Ruth West of Chicago are visiting their mother Mrs. J. S. West. Mr. and Mrs. Joe West and son o f Woodstock were Sun day guests at the West home. BABNE&oEHIKJIQNv / * 7 '* '’The'BafnSs was held Sunday at the home a f Mr. and Mrs, Clyde .McCallister 25 people enjoyed a basket dinner noon. Guests were present from, Xenia, S. Vienna, Cincinnati and India napolis,. Ind. •’ " WSCS The W. S. C~S. o f the Method ist Church held their all day meeting at the church Wednes day. Mrs. Della Johnston had charge o f the program and Mrs. Chloe Wisecup had charge o f devotions. The committee o f Mrs. Clyde McCallister, Mrs. Walter Huffman, Mrs. Pearl Sipe and Mrs. Cora Trumbo served a luncheon at noon. BROADCASTERS CLASS The executive committee will be in charge Tuesday evening when the Broadcasters class o f the First Presbyterian church meets in the church parlors. A special speaker and social hour have been planned and all mem bers are urged to be present. WESLEY CLASS The Wesley Clas^of the^Meth odist Church met Friday evening at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. John Mills. A picnic spper was held on the lawn. Mrs. Mary Pickering had charge o f devotions and a social hour followed the business meeting, HOME FROM FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bales o f Xenia and Mr. and Mrs. Roy St. John have returned after a 12 day motor trip to Florida and New Orleans. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer St. John in St. Petersburg. RETURN FROM TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cotter and daughter Sue and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Townsley an s.on Jim have returned after a trip to Detroit, Ontario Canada, Buffalo and Erie N. Y . and Cleveland. PARENTS. HRRE ; : / ' « Mr. -arid "Mrs. 'Charles Duvall had as week end guests, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Duval, Lynchburg and Mrs. Alice States o f Wilming ton. Mrs. Duval's mother, Mrs. Grandstaf, is visiting here for two weeks. ILLINOIS GUESTS Mrs. Dennis Murphy and chil dren Richard, Barbara and Patri cia o f Ogden 111. were guests at the home o f Mrs. Tinsley Com last week. M rs/ Murphy is a sister-in-law o f Misses Alta and Dora Murphy. WEEK END GUEST Mrs. Inez Rigio had as her week end guest Mrs. Freda Went- zei o f Dayton. Mrs. Wentzel is a german translator working in the analysis Division at Wright Field with german scientists. RETURN TO ILLINOIS Dr. and Mrs. H. L . Main and son have returned to their home in Onley, HI. after spending a week with Mrs. Main's mother Mrs. Della Johnston. * SUNDAY GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nagley had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. "Waldo McCoy o f Old Town and Mr. and Mrs. Earl McCoy and son o f Xenia. VISIT HERE Mrs. Robert Bardon (Eleanor McElwain) and son Donald of Cincinnati are spending several days with the former’s aunt Mrs. Cora Trumbo. IN CANADA John McMillan and “ Skeet” Williamson are in Canada on a fishing trip. FORD MECHANICS For Either Day or Night Work Incentive Pay with Guaranteed Salary Must furnish hand tools STENGER’S NEW FORD DEALER 817 N. Main Street DAYTON , OHIO Discs Over America The most amazing event in his tory is the appearance o f unex plained discs over America. Their explanation is necessary to every Man and Womean in this country. The amazing explanation in volves not only the disee alone . . but it answers the greatest and most potent o f mysteries,— Why da anthropoid apes sit spell bound before two crossed sticks? ■■Why do children draw an arc one third o f the way up a sheet o f paper when confronte with the idea o f death? What is the meaning of the twenty eight fireg that struck at the exact center of the American: population ? The answer to these questions .is the most important information you have ever received. Send one dollar now fo r your copy of the survey. “ Discs Over America.” Mail to Des Arc Foundation, Lake Forest, 111. How many rings in a school hell? Ann’s Beauty Shop 6-2131 The answer to the question Is my telephone number. THEATRE MONEY to LOAN For Buying a Home or Farm Repairing or Refinancing CONVENIENT & FRIENDLY SERVICE All Savings Insured to $5,000 Cedarville Federal Savings & Loan Association Phone 6-2141 Cedarville, Ohio OPEN EVENINGS Fri. - Sat. Sept. 5 - fi Robert Mitchum - Teresa Wright “PURSUED” Also Color Cartoon Sun. - Mon. Sept. 7 * 8 Robert. Young - Barbara Hale- • “LADY LUCK” ■ Fox News - Cartoon Wed. - Thurs. Sept. 10 - 11 James Cagney • Annabella “13 Rue Madeleine” RIGIO’S GASH AND SELF SERVE N. Main at Bridge k - ■ * -S W**- Quality Groceries Meats Vegetables *• A* . l - W * Cedarville Fruits Page Three SflQWElS Mrs. Kelly Morris o f Xenia was honored with a miscellaneous Shower Wednesday evening at thAV.home o f Mrs. Earl Chaplin. A sch'errie of pink and green was used afadJt6 guests were ser ved ice creaift, cake and-ice tea by ; - IN MICHIGAN Mrs. Chapliiri Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Huffman o f Melford Center spent the week end with, their.fdaughter and son- in-J.awMr. and .Mrs. Marvin Agnor and fajnily. . ; 1 CAPITAL VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Ira Townsley and faihily o f Washington D. C. are visiting Mr. Townsley’s mother, Mrs. Arthur Townsley and other relatives. Mrs. A . L. Thompson o f Wilmington was a, week end guest at the Townsley home. RETURN HOME Mr. and Mrs. Leon Buffenbar- ger, Mrs. Ervine Buffenbarger and “ Dick” Stormont have re turned from a trip to Smokey mountains, Atlanta Ga. and visit ed friends in Newport Tenn. ~~ WEEK END GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Wade Charles had as week end and Labor day guests Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mere dith and children o f Washington C. H. and Mrs. Nancy Stanley of Hillsboro. Mr, and Mrs. John Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pickering and son Nelson' are spending several days, fishing ,and vaca tioning at Cedarville,"Michigan. MOVING Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Townsley and family are moving to Wells- ville, O. where Mr. Townsley has accepted a position as Supt. of Schools/ VISIT HERE Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bratton and family of Union City, Ind. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bratton and son of Cincinnati visited rel atives here over Labor day. RETURN FROM TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barber and. Bill and Janie Purdom have returned from a trip through the Smokey mountains,' Washington D. C. and Baltimore. ^yiSITHERE;LABOIUjpA¥- '‘ Mr. ar.S Mrs.' Datfry' 'Bratton ' and family of Union City Ind'. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bratton and son, o ff Cincinnati were week end Labor day visitors -here, MISSOURI .VISITOR - Dr. H. G. JBeauman* Spring-^ field Mo. visited his sister arid brother-in-la.w Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith last week. RETURN HOME Mrs. Alfred Brightman and daughter' Diana have returned after visiting relatives in Cleve land, Detroit and Canada. TO STAY HERE Jene Cultice of Troy will stay at the home of his uncle and aunt, R{r. and Mrs. Arthur Cultice and attend Cedarville college. TO ATTEND SCHOOL Bobby Longbaugh is staying at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Don Hubbard and will attend school here this year. ; L A B O ^ AY-VISITORS-- .. M rs/ feattm Drake arid* "Mrs. Minnie Caldwel ai* Springfield were visitors in town over Labor day. WEEK END VISITOR . Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Miller of Inianapolis spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mc Callister. SON BORN Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marshal are announcing the birth, o f a son, in the Springfield City hos pital. spentjhfcweek end and Labor day with his daughter and §on~in-law MrUanQ Mrs.- James Bailey Jr. DAUGHTER b o r n Mr. and Mrs." Clarence Howell are" announcing the birth Of a baby girl, born Sunday morning. RETURN HOME Mrs. John Hilt and son John Folger Jr., have returned to their home, from Columbus. IN XENIA Miss Clara Mossman spent Saturday night in Xenia with VISIT DAUGHTER Eddie Schoonover o f Dayton, Milo Van Nay o f Springfield, visited friends here Labor day. This Store will close Sept. 8 and Open Sepi 13 PICKERING ELECTRIC CLOSED LABOR DAY TILL 6 P. M. OLD MILL GAMP Now Serving Noon Lunches 55c to 75c Grill Service j? «• Breakfast — Lunch — Dinner Sundaes Malts Milk Shakes Open 7 :00 A . M. — 12:00 Midnight Sijpday 9:30 A . M. — 12:00 Midnight Closed Mondays 1 :00 - 6:00 p. m. GOOD osts so l i t t le e n d neon s s o moth Photographs of Children In Your Home Babies A Specialty SCHWAB 106 Corry Street YELLOW SPRINGS . Phone for Appointment Just Dial 7-5482 (No Toll Charge) I n l U i m b i L H I l'/z Aliles East of Springfield City Limits On U. S. 40 2 Shows Nightly, Starting 8 p. m. 1 Thurs. & Fri. Sept. 4 & 5 “ SALOME WHERE SHE DANCED” Jn technicolor Saturday, Sept. 6 “ DARK WATERS” Sun, & Mon. Sept. 7 & 8 “ JUNIOR MISS” Tues. & Wed. Sept. 9 & 10 “WITHOUT RESERVATIONS” Thurs. & Fri. Sept. 11 & 12 “NAUGHTY NINETIES:’ Extra Midnite Show Sat. Nite IRONS EVERYTHING BEAUTIFULLY IN A FRACTION OF HAND -IRON ING TIME The perfect team-mate for your automatic washer is the modern automatic Ironrite ironcr. Go automatic all the way with Iron- rite! It has that exclusive roll with the two open, identical ends! Just as the automatic washer saves you time, trouble and steps in laundering, so Iron- rite’s automatic features will save you energy and time in ironing. You sit relaxed before Ironrite, simply guiding the work through. Don’t stop halfway- add the automatic Ironrite. Go automatic! Try Ironrite: Buy I r o n r i t e ! (Easy terms, too!) Call us for FREE home d em on stra tion! MCALLISTER RADIO SERVICE Phone 6 -1301 m s ^ m s r n m m i ^ “ ~ “ * , £ T i O N J Top production usually m akes the profits. It pays to u se Purina Chow s andJFarm Supplies. * \ 4 9 9 IT’ S MILK IN THE BAG ■ It’s the ingredients in the bag that add up to lots of milk. Purina Cow Chow has plenty of milk “ built in” ! . WhenYou Buy PURINAYou BuyMILK! m 'oultry HouseSpray Kills mites and germs; saveswood. PURINA INSECT OIL PRESSURE SPRAYERS 3V2- gallon capacity. t * A E. L. RITENMK#Y r R. 1, Jamestown,’ Ohio LT . S&f l TH , . ‘4 ; ^ X e ^ O M o l 6tsiB3*«s6^ :iiee 8Sliieti<■* “p e e d / fM PURINA LAYENA A complete, balanced all-in*one ration. PURINA LAY CHOW Mi? with your grain for top production. Get your turkeys off to market fast, heavy and at lowcostwith— PURINA TURKEY CHOWS "m LOW-COST GAINS balance your grain with PURINA Pie i HOG CHOW « i.? -.*4/ i V i R. C. WELLS . I i !‘
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