The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 27-52
% C E B A R Y I L L E T S OLDEST INST^ITION > > , Volunrn LXX 4U Society HANNUM - DOBBINS Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dobbins (Dola Dean Hannum), who were married in the United Presbyter ian Church Sunday noon, will establish their home on the Dob bins farm, Turnbull Rd„ upon their return from a wedding trip at the end of the week. „ The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry II, Hannum, West LaPayette, Ind. Mr. Dob bins is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbins, near Cedarville. The double ring service was read by Dr. R. A, Jamieson at the - close of the morning service in the church. Miss Lena Hastings was organist and Miss Dorothy Waddle, sang "Just for Today”. Miss Martha Helmerick, West Lafayette, and Robert Dobbins, brother of the bridegroom, were attendants. The bride wore a pearl grey wool dress with brown accessories and a corshge of red Toses. Miss H.elMerick wore a rose crepe dress. Her accessories were brown and her flowers Following the service a wed- were white carnations, ding dinner fop the. bridal p.Vrty and the immediate faroalies was served at the Old Mill Camp. Mrs. Dobbins, a graduate of W. Lafayette high school and the Indiana School of Beauty Culture in Indianapolis, has been employ ed as a beautician in Jamestown. Mr Dobbins, a graduate of Cedar ville High School, studied agri culture at Purdue University. He is a World War II veteran. Out of town guests at the Wed ding were the brides parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry If. Hannum and daughter, Marybelle, of West Lafayette, Indiana. IN MEXICO Mrs. Iva Floyd of Cedarville went by plane to Mexico where she is visiting relatives. McKIBBEN BIBLE CLASS The McKibben Bible class o f the United Presbyterian church will ^peet at the home of Rev, and Mrs. W» P. Ghase on Tuesday evening, Sept, 23, at 7 o’clock. VISIT RELATIVES George M, Chase of Englewood has been spending some time with relatives in Cedarville and other places in this part of the state and is now planning to return to his home. HOME CULTURE CLUB Greetings from former memb ers were read ' when the Home Culture club, organized in Ced arville in 1907, observed its fort ieth anniversary at the home of Mrs. W. C. Iliff, N. Main street Tuesday afternoon. Thirty-five members and guests, including eight charter members, were present. Mrs, Ira D. Vayhinger, retiring president, introduced: the new president, Mrs. Chester Murphy, who gave the address of welcome. Mrs. F. A. Jurkat was program chairman and Mrs. J. W. Jolm- * ston conducted a memorial ser vice for deceafed members and sang a hymn. A history of the club was pre sented by Mrs. S. C. Wright, a charter member. Her paper wa3 divided into six parts, each repre senting a book of the Bible, open ing with Genesis, or the club’s beginning, and concluding with Revelations, predicting the clubls future. The club was organized at the home of Mrs. Ida Eveleth, now of Akron, a guest at the meeting, and was named by the late Mrs. W. E. Putt, who died in Cincinnati recently. Mrs. Cora Trumbo, another charter member, read a paper on “Memories of the Club”, in which she reviewed its social act ivities. She oJeJ-.ed her paper with an origional poem. Greetings were read by Miss Carrie Rife from the following former memb ers; Mrs. H. G. Gunnett, Croton, O.; Mrs, Martin Bartels, Cinci nnati; Mrs. J. W. Patton and Mrs. Fred Shew, Indianapolis; Mrs. V. E. Busier, Marion; Mrs. David Marble, Forest, 0 .; Mrs. Charles Johnson, Springfield; Mrs. H. H, Abels and Mrs. Clarence Mott,' Jamestown; Mrs. George Hart man, Cedarville; Mrs, Paul Orr, Parkersburg, W. Va.; Mrs. Grace Lewis and Mrs. Julia Guthrie. Former members present at the meeting were Mrs. Martha Northup/ Springfield; Mrs. Ida Eveleth, Akron; Mrs. B. E. Stev ens, Cincinnati; Mrs, G. E, Hill, Columbus; Mrs. F, M. Ingmite, Newark; Mrs. C. E . Oxley, West' P u b l i s h e d i n t h e I n t e r e s t o f C e d a r v i l l e a n d S u r r o u n d i n g C o m m u n i t y PEE YEAR PER COPY. Cedarville, Ohio* Friday, September-19, 1947 Number 41 \ Edith Town- Liber sley, Cin An ice co, was served from a table where Mrs. Murphy pre sided. Appointments were in pink and white and the numeral? “40” were molded in the ices. Tiny candles individual cakes emphasized the birthday motif. FAMILY. DINNER Mr. and Mrs, Robert Cotter entertained with a family dinner Sunday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Cotter Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Good of Indianapolis Ind., Mrs. Janet Boswell of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cotter of Springfield and Mr. and Mrs. George Bahian of New York City, Mr. and Mrs. Bahian, are spend ing two weeks at the Cotter home. Mrs. Bahian is the sister of Mr. Cotter. VISIT FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baldwin and son of Columbus are visit ing relatives and friends hefe for two weeks. SON BORN Mr. and Mrs. Ned Brown of Cincinnati are announcing the birth of a son; David Gregory, Saturday morning at Christ Hos pital. Mifc. Brown was the for mer Marcella Tobin of James town. Mr. Brown is assi\tant to administrative executive of the Cincinnati College of music/ ATTEND CONVENTION Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Hughes and family attended the Well Drillers Convention i# Columbus Saturday. ATTEND WEBAHNG Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Brown at tended the wedding of Miss Ann Wikoff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wikoff to Norman Hoperwood of Mt. Vernon. The wedding took place at the Wikoff home on Neal Ave. Columbus. Mrs. Charles Baldwin (Lois Brown) was matron of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin attended the re ception following the wedding, Miss Wikoff and Mrs. Baldwin were colleg eclass mates. RETURN HOME John Hook, Been Hook of Xenia Warner Cummings and Howard AH;hqr have returned from sev eral days of fishing in Michigan. CUB SCOUTS The Cub Scouts under the di rection of Mrs. Fred Ewrv en joyed a picnic at Bryan Park Thursday noon. Those present were Jackie Lillick, John Kyle, Sonny and Billy Lister, Tommy and Jimmy Ewry, Bill and Bobbie Arthur, Larry Stover and Dickie Dungen. SON IS BORN Mr. and Mrs. Robert Staiger are announcing the birth of a son, last week, at the Springfield City Hospital. The Staigers mov ed Friday to their home on N. Main street recently vacated by John Powers family. SELL HOME Charles Townsley has sold the four room cottage on S. Main street to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stittsworth of Jamestown. This property was recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lewis and family. IOOF PICNIC The IOOF lodge member and their families enjoyed a picnic Sunday at the IOOF home grounds in Springfield. VISIT IN CAMBRIDGGE Mrs. Mary' Lee Millison and sister Mrs. Stella Boyd of St. Petersburg Fla. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Armstrong in Cambridge this week. LEAVE'FOR NEW YORK Mr. and Mrs. Dan Marshal are leaving Friday for New York City. They are taking Mr. and Mrs. George Bahlam to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Bahlam have been visiting here. IN HOSPITAL David Wayne, 1 year old son of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Har- phant of Clifton is in Childrens Hospital in Columbus. His illness is not known at the present. Mr. Harphant is employed at Cum mings Chevrolet, DAYTON VISITOR Miss Gloria Hampton of Day- ton spent A few days la$t week with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lin- son. FRAME - RHODES - Mr. and Mrs. T. B, Frame are announcing the marriage of their Rhodes of Xenia. The single ring ceremony was read by Rev. W. B. Collier at the Frame home . Saturday afternoon at 1:30. The couple was attended by the brides sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. John Carey. The bride wore a street dress of black and pink and a corsage of pink car nations. Mrs. Carey wore navy blue with a corsage .of red carna tions. The wedding was attended by the immediate families of the couple. Mr. and M?s. Rhodes left Saturday for^ a trip to Niagara Falls and other places in the East. Mr. Rhodes is employed at the Chenoweth motor sales in Xenia. The couple will make their home with the brides parents for the present. VISIT IN INDIANAPOLIS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hammon and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Towns ley spent two days last week in Indianapolis, Ind. VISIT HERE Mr. 'and Mrs Arliss Rentfrow of Pasadena Calif, called on friends here last week. Mr. Rent frow was a beauty operator and barber here, some time ago. ATTEND CLASS REUNION Mr. A. E. Richards spent last week end in Buck Hannon, W. Va. where he attended the 40th re union of his high school gradu ating class. The reunion was held Saturday evening and an all'day picnic was held Sunday. SON BORN Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beam are announcing the birth of a son, Robert Bruce, born Friday morn ing at Springfield City hospital* Mrs. Beam and son returned to their home Monday afternoon. RETURN FROM SMOKIES Mr. and Mrs. John Carey, (Ger aldine Frame) have returned after a trip to the Smokey moun tains. AT SPRINGS Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Towns ley and son Jim and Mrs. Mamie Shoemaker of Sedalia spent two days last week at Sulphur Lake .Springs, near Chillicothe.. , SISTER ILL Mrs. J. S. West was called to Ripley because of the illness of her sister. KENTUCKY VISITORS Mrs. Myrtle Hampton of Ken tucky has been visiting her neiee and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. C, Brewer. AT PICNIC Mr. and Mrs. Earcle Wiseeup attended the picnic for the plum bers and mill wrights of the Na tional Cash Register company held near Troy Saturday after noon and evening. SUNDAY VISITORS Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Charles had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gorman of Sinking Springs. Former Clifton WomanDies OnWednesday Mrs. Margaret Mendenhall, Xenia, died in Miami Valley hos pital, Dayton, at 1:40 a. m. Wed nesday following an operation performed las Saturday, In fail ing health for some time, she had been hospitalized since Thurs. day. The daughter of John and Clarp Sparrow Stretcher, she was born in Greene county and spent her entire life in Xenia and the Clif ton area. Survivors are her husband, Roy; a sister, Mrs. Anna Lawless, Chicago; and three brothers, Tom, Cherokee, la., Frank, Col umbus, and Nelson, Clifton. The body has been removed to the Nagley funeral home. Fraternity , Elects Officers The Chi MU Delta fraternity met at; the hone of William Riley Thursday, Sept. 11, for the pur pose of electing officers and or ganizing for the school year of 1947-48. . I A t this meeting the following officers wer^ elected: President, Carl Watkins; vice president, Ed-- ward “£ud” I r v i n e;secretary- treasurer, James Rowe; and watchdog, William Riley. After the installation of of ficers plans were discussed for pledging new members and acti vating social activities for the school year, SON BORN Mr. and Mrs. W. Anthony Tor- sell (Martha ICennon) of Spring- field are announcing the birth of a son, Steven Vincent, Sept. 18, at Springfield City hospital. Dr. and Mrs. R. V. Kennan are the maternal grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Torsell of Lock Haven, Pa., are the Paternal , grandparents. 1 GUEST SPEAKER ' 1 Mrs. W, B. Collier was gueat speaker at the annual birthday meeting of the W. S. C. S. at Trinity Methodist church, Mon day evening. AT VA HOSPITAL Roby McClanahan has entered Brown hospital, veterans admin istration Dayton-'-''for' medical treatment. A World War I vet eran, he is in ward 3 room 8. AT PARENTS HOME Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mclntire are spending several months at the home of Mrs. Mclntire’s par ents Mr. and .Mrs. Fred -Clemans. ENTERTAIN FOR GUEST Miss Anna belle Murdock had as guests last week her niece Mrs. John Robert Ried (Dr. Nancy Bailey) of Pala Alto, Calif, who has been doing research work at several colleges including Anti och on Work of child physchology. Miss Murdock entertained a group of relatives in her honor. WOMAN’S CLUB Forty-two members and guests were present when Miss Ina Mur dock entertained the Woman’s club at her home Thursday after noon. Mrs, Henry Hey was guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs, Hey have just returned from a visit to Holland and Mrs. Hey gave an * Dayton, Monday morning, interesting talk qn Holland. Re freshments were served the guests by Miss Murdock. IN HOSPITAL George Gordon under went surgery at Soldiers hospital in COUPLE HONORED . Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Watkins, (Donna Thompson) who were married in August were honored with a family dinner at the home of Mr, Watkins parents Mr, and Mrs. Charles Watkins near Way- neaville, Sunday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hamer Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ledbetter, Mr. Eugene Foster and daughter Cheryl, Mr. and Mrs. Warren I. Clouse of Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Nash and Mr. Kieth Nash of Dayton and Mr, and Mrs. Charles Watkins and children Paul and Joanne. NEW YORK GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wright of New York City who returned re cently from several' weeks in Europe, have been guests of his brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cummings and family and his mother Mrs. Florence Wright. Mr. Wright, who is a director of public relations for American Over Seas airlines, was making his third business trip this year. Mr. and Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Florence Wright have gone to the latters cottage MOTHER ILL E. E. Neal was called last week to Galopolis, where his mother is seriously ill. RECOVERING Misb, Mary Louise Stormont, daughter of Mr. and Mi’s, Meryl Stormont is recovering from a appendicites operation, perform ed at Springfield City hospital, VISIT DAUGHTER. Mrs, George Hall of Cambridge spent a few days this week with her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barber. DETROIT VISITOR Mrs. Carl Finney, Detroit is visiting Mr. and ' Mrs. Vincent Rigio. VISIT SISTER Mrs. Chlpe Wiseeup spent a few days last week in Cincinnati visiting her sister and brother- in-law Mr; andiMrs. E. C. Schou- macher. KYN CLUB The KYN club will hold its-reg ular meetingat the home of Har vey Bailey on Friday, Sept. 26,' at 2 p". m. Assistant hostesses will be Mrs. Marion Wildman^ arid. daughter Miss Bernice to Charles ' in northern Michigan;- .Robert Cottar. Dayton Man Buys Local Bakery - Charles W. Davis, Dayton, purchased the bakery in Cedar ville at recent sherriff’s sale in Xenia, Mr. Davis plans to ‘open the bakery on Saturday. He will operate it under the name of Davis bakery. Mrs. Creswellto Start Musical Kindergarten • A number of people in .this community who have been in quiring about music lessons for their pre-school children will be interested to know that a musical kindergarten will be started this week in Cedarville. Mrs. Ward Ureswell, the director of music at Cedarville college will devote Saturday mornings to this work, and she with her helpers will be able to take ten children ages 4 and. 5 in a class. This class will meet from 9:30—11:00 a. Mrs. Creswell’s home each Satur day morning, beginning this com ing Saturday September 20, and . a tuition fee will be charged. i Anyone wishing to enroll their child should call Mrs. Creswell immediately. 20Cedarville CollegeGrads Start Teaching Twenty members of the 1947 graduating classes have taken positions in the Ohio public schools this fall according to in formation received by Cedarville college. . Elementary schools, which have suffered most from the teacher shortage, have claimed 10 of the Cedarville graduates. Warren K. Talbot, a cadet graduate, is now inpipal of" the Sharonville ele- uentaxyt;!j|hool. Other elementary ffachers_and their'-locations are; Jetty .Rose Beattie, Springfield; Mrs. Marianna Beireis, Clifton; Mary Jane Cavendar, Bradford; Betty Crumrine, Bowersville; Mrs. Nola B. Maynard, Yellow Springs; Betty J. Sickles, Cedar ville; Jane Walker, Waynesville, Bonnie Jane Dillon, South Solon, and Marshall Green, Pitchin. Five graduates from the secon dary • program are combining teaching and coaching careers. Bill Ball has returned to South Point in Lawrence county. Guy Potts and Charles Weichsel have started their first years' work at South Webster and East Lib erty, respectively. Delta high school has employed Evei^tt Cot- tl& and New Vienna, Thomas Rudisill. On the academic staffs are Gloria Abels, Xenia; Florence Bowers, Bowersville; Claire Stor mont, Jamestown; Robert K. Al len, New Paris; and Blutcher Gib son, whose location has not been reported. Fatherof Local ManDies at Sabina Home Earl Burwell Mills, G6, former Greene countian, died at his home a heart ailment from whieh he had suffered the last two years, in Sabina Sunday at 5:30 a, m. of The son of Werden and Jane Spurgeon Mills, he was horn April 8, 1881 in Richmond town ship, Clinton county. He later moved to Greene county where he was engaged in farming until four years agp when he retired and moved to Sabina. His wife, Mrs. Bashie Yeazell Mills, and a son, John W., Cedarville, survive. His mother died Aug. 9 in Sabina. Services were held at the Lit tleton funeral home, Sabina, Tuesday at 4 p. m. Rev. F. F. Hubbell in charge. Burial was in Sabina cemetery. Show Time Is Moyed to 7 p.m. Beginning Saturday, Sept. -20, arid untiLfurther notice, the first’ show at? the Cozy theatre is be ing moved up to 7 o’clock. Per sons desiring to attend the. ap- preeiaticn„dajr can see a complete -show and still have ample time -to get; down? -town? w i t not miss •the local event. is for ParkAreListed The following is a complete list of the donations to date for the community park which were col lected by the Progressive club committe of Rev. William Waide, Earl Chaplin and Walter W. Boyer: Elmer Burba Frank Dennehy Wasner’s Grocery Duvall Hardware Cedarville Market C. E. Masters Cedarville Herald H. H. Brown P. J. McCorkell Pickering Electric New Cedarville Cleaners McMillan Funeral Home William Marshall Ward Creswell 4 C. C. Brewer Joe Gordon Xenia National Bank Bertha Dean Walter W. Boyer Cedarville Federal Savings and Loan Fred Deai^ ’ ( Arthur Judy Curt Hughes Marion Hughes Art McFarland B. Lee Floyd Bates Alva Chaplin William Lister Charles Etlinger William Harbison Wendell Cultice McKibben Bible Class High School Junior Class William Peterson Harry Hammaft Melvin Charles / Art Evans G. G. McCallister Art Judy Fred Clemans Art Hanna Charles Bennett Rev. R. A. Jamieson Rev. W. B, Collier Revs Paul- Elliott ' Rev. Raymond Strickland Rev. E-. C. Palmer Karlh Bull Amos Frame Mrs. Lois Little Cedarville Lumber Co. Hilltop Grocery Rigio Grocery Chaplin Dry Cleaners Cedarville Locker Cozy Theatre Paul Edwards Frank Creswell Dr. Donald Kyle Ora Hanna Dorothy Heathcook Fanny Dobbins Mr. and Mrs. William Lister Allis Huffman Inez M. Rigio Walter Boase Frank Corrigan Keith Wiseeup Wendell Canter Harry R Ulsh E. E. Neal Amzi Melton Everett Hopkins J. G. Kellison Dan Bailey Leolp, Corn Mrs. J. Ervin Kyle Dave McElroy Mrs, Anna Collins Smith «* . Howard Frame «, Cal Ewry Fred Ewry Also three members of the club, Dan Bailey, M, C, Charles and Charles Townsley, solicited the rural area for funds to aid in the construction of the shelter house and bleachers at the park. The following is the list which contributed:- Ralph Townsley Paul Townsley D. C. Jobe Fred Wilburn Guy Le Forge C. A. Hertenstein Homer Smith Harold Dobbins Mrs. Clayton McMillan' Donald Engle Lewis Lillicli Morris Boggs ' C, F. Reese Howard Arthur Frank Engle .... .,,- Elder Corry Harold Corry . _ Paul W Rife . : R. V. Kennon / ", Earl Randall t K «v Donald Sipe • Fred Townsley ' Rankin McMillan Herbert. Powers Amzi Melton ^ - , .Raymond WesiM*-int/.tt ■A V, c . - •-it.f44.-Z~. Gospel Team Is Formed at College Plans for the year's activities were discussed by members of the Gospel team of Cedarville col lege in, their first meeting of the semester, September 15. The group expects to present pro grams in churches all over Ohio during the next few months, Connor Merritt, president *of the team, emphasized the need for new members *to make the year’s work successful. A formal meeting was scheduled for 12:30 on every* other Friday. Miss Car rie Rife of Cedarville’s speech de partment represents the faculty in the student-religious organiza tion. School Seeks 3 Mil Levyat NovrElection Tax levies in excess of the ten- mill limitation will number four on the ' November ballots, ‘the board of elections disclosed Wed nesday. The filing deadline was Sunday. Three School boards have peti tioned to put extra current ex pense levies before voters, an additional three-mill levy for five years is sought by $ e Ce darville township board and re newals are sought by Bath town ship exempted school district, two mills for five years, and Jefferson township, one and a half mills for three -years. The fourth levy, asked Jtyy Bow ersville village, is three mills for five years to pay current expenses including street lighting. Bond issues may be filed until Sept. 25, election officials re minded. To date only the $950,- 000 Greene Memorial hospital proprosal has been filed. BigRedsOpen SeasonWith Win Over Bryan The Big Reds of Cedarville high school ‘opened the Greene county baseball league on Tuesday even ing by winning over Yellow Springs Bryan by a count of 17-1. Norman Grindle, sophomore from Clifton, was on the hill for the locals at the North Main street diamond and for five full innings his slants completely baf- feled the boys from Bryan and struck out 13. Wiseman Elected By Brotherhood___ Ross Wiseman, Cedarville, was elected treasure of the Greene- Fayette Methodist Brotherhood at Spring Valley Monday night. Ralph Rife J. O. Conner J. C. Townsley J. L. Beatty Harry Powers Jake Pemberton * Harry C. Wilson John Tobias Boyd Harmon Ross Tfiseman John Collins Homer Cultice Roger Collins H. S. Barley Leo Anderson Roy Waddle Paul L. Ramsey Harold Hanna Warren J. Barber R. H. Bull D, R. Bryant Collins. Williamson J. H. Thordsen John Davis M ts . H. D. Carroll Fred Dobbins R. R. Townsley John Hervey R. W. MacGregor Two Friends Lauris B. Straley German Randall R. A, and Ina Murdock ' H. A, Reinhard -■ •William ;Conley *W. A. Turnbull • F. B. Turnbull - - A. B. Evans Albert Hsgler Herman Straley Mrs. W. S. Hopping Fred Barrett R. Y. Williamson - Harold Reinard-, • . .Charles Rheubert- . ,iJ. C.}Ferrymanri.: ; , Av Progressive Club ToSponsor It was voted by the mebers of Progressive club at a special meet ing held Monday evening at the mayor’s office to sponsor a Hal loween party which will be held on Saturday night, Oct. 25 President C. C. Brewer ap pointed Roland Cahill as the chairman for the event with the details of the program to be set by him and those who are serv ing with him at his appointment. Mr. Cahill has stated that the program will run on-this tenta tive schedule: the program will open at approximately 7 o’clock with a costume _parade through with prizes to be awarded in sev- the tsreets headed' by the band eral classifications; following the parade threr will he a show at the opera house which will con sist of a magic act, dance team, singers and several other acts. The club will cooperate with the Business Men’s association in the appreciation day treasure chest for that night. - Although the treasurer of the organization, Edwin Bull, Was not present at th | Monday medfcing, his report of the Labor day field day was given to the Herald for publication as follows: Gross receipts at park $620,40, expenses $414.25, net $206,15 from the activities at the park. Donations received for the shel ter house and bleachers $504.08.* The complete list of donors will be found elsewhere in the Her ald. Also thre members of the club, Dan Bailey, M. C. Charles and Charles Townsley, solicited the rural area for funds to aid in the construction of the shelter house and bleachers at the park. The following is the^ list which con tributed: Selma Rejdedieation And Home Coming The Selma Methodist chufch w^l have a rededication servit^ and home coming day next Sunday. Morning service at 9:45 with the pastor, William B. Collier preach ing. The Sunday school at 10:30. A basket dinner will be. held at noon. The families are asked to bring a well filled basket and enjoy the fellowship together. Afternoon service at 2:30 p. m. Dr. H. H. Abels will preach, Tbjjre will be special music in each of the services. Friends and former members of the church are espec ially invited. Appreciation DayAttracts LargeCrowd A large crowd *was on hand Saturday night for the initial appreciation day treasure chest which is being sponsored each Saturday evening by the Business Men’s association. P. J. McCorkell, secretary of the organization, announced that two firms have been added to the list of members as publish ed in last week’s issue of the Her- aid. They are the Cedarville Farm Implement and Supply company and the Herring Lumber compa ny. Joe Gordon acted as master of ceremonies for the opening evening and will Continue in that capacity. CLIFTON The Women’s missionary socr iety of the Clifton United Presby terian ehurch met last Wednes day afternoon Sept. 17th at the church. A good attendance was present. Dr. and Mrs. John W. Bickett returned home last Tuesday even ing from a week end vacation with relatives in Greenfield, Ohio. The Xenia Presbyterial execu- tm* committee of the young people’s work will meet Saturday evening of this week at seven o’clock in the Clifton United Pres byterian church; The purpose of this meeting will be to consider plans for the young people’s society in the Presbytery, The committee is headed by Rev. Glenn Stephens of Reynoldsburg, Ohio. The committee consists of twelve or fourteen young people. This committee has invited to at tend this meeting the pastors .and .their 4wiyes, the, president. ‘and viqe-president, the treasurer. \
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