The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 27-52

The Cedarville, O. Herald Friday, October 3,1947 Society COVERED DISH DINNER A covered dish dinner was' held < Wednesday evening by the con-* gregation o f the First Frfesbyfer- ian church, at the church. rThe guest speaker was Dr. Stanton Lautenschlager. Before the war Dr. Lautenschlager was a mis­ sionary to West Ch>oa and ii; now head of the New Life Movement of the Presbyterian Church. KYN CLUB The KYN Club met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Herb Bailey. Twenty members answered roll call giving “ some­ thing commendable about our schools,” As entertainment the Women told experiences o f their vacations. Mrs. Bailey was assist­ ed by Mrs. Robert Cotter and Mrs. Marion Wildman, Hostess for October are Mrs. J. 0 . Connor, Mrs. Lewis Lillick and Mrs. How­ ard Arthur. SHOWER Mrs. Charles Rhodes (Bernice Frame) entertained with a, linen- shower honoring her sister Mrs. John Carey (Geraldine Frame) at the Frame home Saturday afternoon. A color scheme o f Orchid and -white-was used and gifts were received from a decor­ ated table. A salad- coarse was served to 54 guests. Guests were present from - Springfield, Day- ton, Wilmington, Troy, Lebanon, Xenia and Jeffersonville. Mr. and Mrs. Carey are living in Wihn- ' ington. MISSIONARY SOCIETY The Womans Missionary Soc­ iety o f the First Presbyterian Church met Thursday afternoon at the home o f Mrs, Harry Wright. Thirty-six members were present. Mrs. Raymond William­ son President, had charges o f the meeting and Mrs. Paul Ramsey led Devotions. Mrs. Henry Hey of Xenia was guest speaker her Topic was “ The Churches o f Hol­ land.” The group presented Mrs. Hey with a gift. Mrs. Lina Mc­ Cullough assisted Mrs. Wright in serving refreshments. GOSPEL TEAM The Gospel Team of Cedarville College met Friday evening^Pro- grams for the coming year were planned. Wendel Cultice was ap­ pointed Program Chairman, Miss Carrie Rife is the leader and Mr. Comer Merrit is President. This group goes to different schools and puts on musical and religious Springfield, Ohio CLOTHES LIKE DAD WEARS CORTLEY SWTS H»’» (invar too young to bo ttylo contclout, Eva* • IMIo boy taiay prWo fa thy way ht‘f drytwd , , , that’* an Important way t* build tatf-confidanct,. Thy draii-up yulta wa havy ary par f ac t for thy junior ganilamaa. ’ 26 ” Singl# and. D«uM«-Br*4sf«f i 1 ....... For Smaller ‘t * 't'MKrHIl. Boys 9 CHIPS SUITS FOR BOYS FROM 4 TO 12 HaraY whara the saying “good things coma In small packages" comas Into It* own. The good part—low prices, sturdy material*, s t ron g - minded tailor* lag. Tha small—Chip* suit! for the young: man In your house. $ in .9 5 17 $ 1 4 .7 5 19 programs. It was organized last year and was very successful in all its appearances. CLASS MEETS The Golden Rule Class o f the Methodist Church met Thursday ' evening at the home o f Mrs. P. Sipe. Tvlenty-five members- «Were present. Devotions were, led by 'M rs . Clyde McCallister and Mrs, Wilbur Lemons and Mrs. Donna Blosser had charge o f program. New officers were elected as follows: Mrs. J. 0 . Connor, Pres., Mrs. Allie Huff­ man, Yice-Pres.,. Mrs. Blanche Huffman, Sec., Mrs. P. M. Sipe, Trees. Mrs. Sipe was assisted by Miss Leola Com and Mrs. Carl Pflaumer. WIENER ROAST The Sophomore Class o f C, H. S. entertained the Freshman class with a wiener roast Friday even­ ing at Bryan Park. A large bon fire was built, and softball and other games were enjoyed. Mr. Boyer, Miss Mallow and Mr, Guthrie chaperoned the group. RETURN HOME Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Boyd of St Petersburg Fla. have returned to their home after a visit with Dr. and Mrs. Donald Kyle and family. Page Three WESLEY CLASS The Wesley class o f the Meth­ odist Church held their Septem­ ber meeting Friday evening at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. H. L, Pickering. Twenty members en -; joyed a covered dish dinner. De- ‘ votions*were led by Mrs, Ghloe Wisecup and a business meeting followed. WEEK END GUESTS Marsh and Mary Jane William-, son of Springfield spent the week end with their aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. J. 0 . Connor and family. IN FLORIDA Mrs. Burgess Crumrine, with friends from Xenia are visiting ^ friends at Palm Beach Florida for 10 days. As they return they will also visit friends at Tampa. SATURDAY GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Burchard Foster o f Worthington, O. were Satur­ day guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Vin­ cent Rigio. PAST MATRONS TO MEET The Past Matron Circle 0 . E. S. will meet Monday night .Oct, 6, at the home of Mrs. Frank S. Bird. >i< SON BORN Mr. and Mrs. Grover Dailey •v are announcing the birth .of a son John Edwin, -Sunday at Springfield City Hospital. Mrs. Dailey is the^, former Rlnofa Bei- reis of T roy /' 1 SUNDAY -GUESTS MTs. Tinsley Corn and family had as their guests' Sunday, Mrs, Corns brother, .Hr. N. M. Over­ man and daughter Elizabeth of Hillsboro, and Mr, and Mrs. Ora Overman of Springfield, After­ noon callers were 'Mr. and Mrs. •Emile Overman and family of Springfield, Mr. arid Mrs. Harold Maul o f Cincinnati, Ml- and Mrs. Dewey Corn, "Mr. Carlton Corn o f Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Cotton. SORORITY MEETS The Chi Sigma Phi Sorority o f Cedarville College held tfifeir second meeting at Harriman Hall Thursday evening. After ^;he busi­ ness meeting, refreshments were served by the Hostess, Miss Sally Flannery. VISIT IN XENIA Mr. and Mrs, H. L, Pickering and son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hrirley near >Xenia. ■CHURCH HOMECOMING The public is invited to hear 1 FOURGODREASON'SWHYIT PAYSTOUSE It PARTSANDSERVICE % Servicing’,precision built tractors and farm machinery is a specialists’job. W e have adequate facilities, spec­ ial tools and the necessary knowhow. 2 W e ’ve prepared to take* care Of dll your service needs to supply parts, rto overhaul and recondition tractors and farm implements. We also maintain a large supply of I-H service parts in anticipation of your needs. Make a list of the parts you’ll need — get your name on our service schedule. I f your old farm machinery is going to carry the hulk of another season’ s workload be Sure it will he in good condition. Let us get it in shape HALLJ. HILLFARMSERVICE Hall J. Hill, Owner ' Jamestown, O, 3 4 the Colored Bethesda Quintet of Dayton sing at the Methodist Church, Sunday afternoon, Oct. 19, at 3 p. m. This is homecoming day at the Church and a basket dinner at noon. ATTEND REUNION Mr. and Mrs. David Reynolds and family attended the Fife- Reynolds Reunion at Cheerful Circle Club House, near Wilming­ ton, Sunday. SHAW - TIIACKET Mr. and Mrs. James Shaw are announcing the marriage'of their daughter Miss Jaunita to Mr. Delbert Thacket. The marriage A N AM E T H A T STANDS FOR GOOD FURNITURE BUDGET PLAN A V A IL A B L E ADAIR’S N. Detroit St. Xenia, 0 . - M E L O D Y n t n s E i \ V /2 Miles East o f Springfield City Limits On U. S. 40 2 Shows Nitely, Starting 7:15 p.nt. Thurs. - Fri. Oct.2 - 3 “ GENTLEMAN JOE PALOOKA” Sat. Only Oct. 4- “ BABES ON SWING STREET” Sun. - Mon^ Oct.5 - 6 “ THIS MARX BROS.” Tues. - Wed. Oct.7 - 8 “ BRINGING UP FATHER” Thurs. - Fri. Oct. 9 - 10 “WHISTLE STOP” Portraits and Commercial Photography Children a Specialty Phone for Appointment Vincent Rigio Studio Phone 6-1541 took place Sept. 12 at Greenup Ky. RETURN FROM TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Herman Randal have returned from a motor trip through several eastern states. MANSE REDEDICATION . The rededication o f the Manse o f the First Presbyterian church was held Sunday afternoon. The- service was opened by a prayer by Rev. Collier, Scripture read­ ing by Prof. Frederick, Carlson of Cedarville College, a solo, “Bless this . Home” by ■Phyllis Bryant. Dr. Jurkat gave the Ad­ dress, his Topic Unless the Lord builds a house. The Ritual o f re- dedication followed, a prayer by Rev. Jamieson and Benediction by Rev. W. A. Waide. Following the service, a large group en­ joyed a social hour and light re­ freshments were served. TO MEET HERE The Fresbyterial society o f the Springfield district will Ifsld their meeting in the First Presbyter­ ian church, here, Oct. 10, This includes all societies in this dis­ trict of the Dayton Presbytery. WOMAN’ S CLUB The Cedarville Woman’s club will meet at the home o f Mrs. E. C. Oglesbee, Thursday after­ n oon Oct. 9, at 2 p. m. HARDTOGET ITEMS Always -look to Duvall’s Hardware for those hard to get items that you need. You’ll find them here and at prices that are right. ■f 80 rod roll ; 4 point Barbed Wire .................... 5.95 Double Scroll, Ornamental ___ Lawn Gates, 36 and 4Z inches___ from 5.10 9 7 You’ll have to see them to appreciate them 10 ,12 ,14 f t . ............... ................. Steel Gates Septic Taks, 320 g a l ................ ........... . 39.50 2 , 3 , 4 in. extra heavy single & double lug Soil P ip e ............. ............ .........all you want All Kinds Soil Pipe Fittings Nails, any size by the keg - n ' Hot Water Heaters Fully Automatic 3 0 gal. Hot Stream gas 3 0 gal. A G M gas 30 ga l. Oil 66 gal. National Electric priced right Heavy all metal Shower Cabinets 4 shelf all metal large Utility Cabinets .. 58.50 29.75 Phone 6-1941 Cedarv ille na *rofitable feeding is | balanced feeding. Use your grain with our Purina Supplements. i f $ POUNDS OF PORK PER BAG Gash In on good prices “—raise big, (at hogs fast! Your grain will make lots bigger gains when you mix it with a supplement that has pork “ built in” «— PURINA PIG ft HOG CHOW For HENS OIF Feed J p , f P Let HOGS WORM Pep ’up Themselves appetite* w it h Banish Largo Roundworms, with Purina PURINA Chek-R-Ton PIGTAB GRANULES FURINA„. [PJC*»H 0 G{ chow . PURINA ?<w ?«?P0RK! FOR EGGS Balance grain with either of these. . • PURINA LAY CHOW Feed 1 b ag with about 100 pounds of your grain, PURINA EGO CHOW *Self feed Egg Chow and grain. One bag balances 200 lbs, grain. Steer A Lamb PURINA STIES PATINA PURINA IAMB PATINA FOR MILK Help keep your cows in good, vigorous con­ dition to give lots of m ilk . Balance your grain with — PURINA DOW CHOW R. C. WELLS is on the air at K M . During the fa ll and winter, THE OH IO STORY is broadcast from 6 :30 to 6:45 P. M . on a ll stations listed below , w ith the exception o f WSPD at T o ledo , which carries the program from 7:30 to 7:45 P. M. Tune in this popular program o f Ohio’s history, romance and industry three nights a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday Over the nearest radio station listed here, beginmiig September 29. OHIO STORY SCHEDULE Broadcast Time •6:30 P.M, M O N D A Y , W EDNESDAY , FRIDAY C I T Y STATION KILOCYCLES A 1CRO N w* WHKK 640 C A N T O N . . . . . . . . . . WHBC 1480 C L E V E L A N D . . . . . . . . WTAM 1100 C O L U M B U S . ......................... WENS 1460 D A Y T O N ................................ WHIO 1290 M A R I E T T A ......................... ... WMOA 1490 S T E U B E N V I L L E ' . . . . i - WSTV 1340 * TO L E DO ................................ WSPD > 1370 Y O U N G S T OW N . . . . . . WKBN 570 Z A N E S V I L L E . . . . . . . . WHIZ 1240 *7:30—7:43 P.M. THE OHIO BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY