The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 27-52
The Cedarville, O. Herald Page Three Society DURSCH-CHITTY An improvised altar arranged before the windows in the living room provided the setting for the wedding of Miss Helen Eliza beth Chitty and Carl Frederick Dursch, Germantown, at the home o f the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther D. Chitty, near Xen ia, Saturday at 3:30 p. m. Palms, baskets o f summer flowers and white tapers in: seven branch candelabra marked either side o f the altar: Thirty guests attended the wed ding at which Rev. A . L. Scherry, pastor of the First Reformed Church, read the double ring ser vice. A program o f nuptial music was played on the piano by Mrs. Ralph Barkalow, Germantown, preceding the ceremony. Mrs. Harry Campbell, former teacher associate of the bride in Washington C. H. schools, was matron o f honor and Mr. Ralph Barkalow, Germantown, served as best man. The bride wore a pink summer gabardine suit styled with a cut away jacket. She wore a headband of pink tulle and carried a Fol- cana orchid on a whitt Bible, in which there was a white lace handkerchief from which pink rosebud streamers extended. Mrs. Campbell wore an aqua gabar dine suit and a corsage o f pink camellias. A reception at the Chitty home followed the service. Mrs. Chitty, the bride’s mother*, wore a brown crepe dress with white accessories and Mrs. Edward Dursch, step mother of the bridegroom, wore a gray crepe suit with white ac cessories. Their corstces were fashioned o f white carnations. An ice course was /served from a table centered with a three tiered wedding cake flanked by white tapers and bowls of flowers. A piece of wedding cake was cut and sent to the bride’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. an Mrs. Robert Chitty, Miami, Fla,, who were- unable to attend the wed ding. Mrs. Hugh Chitty, sister-in-law of the bride, and Mrs. Florence Barkalow, Xenia, a former col lege classmate o f the bride, as sisted at the reception. Mr. and Mrs. Dursch will leave Saturday evening on a wedding trip and upon their return will reside in an apartment at 135% East Second street Xenia. Mrs. Dursch is a graduate of Xenia Central high school and Cedarville college and attended Ohio university. She is a mem ber of Alpha Theta Tau sorority. She taught in the Washington C. II. schools four years and at McKinley school, Xenia, last year. Mr. Dursch, son of Mr. Edward Dursch, Germantown, is a gradu ate o f Germantown high school and attended McSweeney’s Auto motive-Mechanic school, Detroit. He served overseas with a caval ry division in World War II. ENTERTAINS Mrs. Ira Vayhinger entertained forty-five guests at a garden party Friday afternoon. Guests included women o f College Advis ory Board wives o f college trus tees, women members of faculty and wives of' faculty members. Mrs. C. E. Pickering Jamestown was guest speaker and gave a talk on “ Gardening and Garden Clubs.” A program of recorded music was presented after which guests inspected Mrs. Andersons flower garden. R e f r e s h m e n t s were served by Mrs. Vayhinger assisted by Mrs. Lloyd Benhan and Misses Wilda and Josephine Auld. CLASS TO MEET The West Minister Class: of the Presbyterian Church will meet next Tuesday evening at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mott. ...................... ' ...............~ Photographs of Children In Your Home Babies A Specialty SCHWAB 106 Corry Street YELI.OW SPRINGS Phone for Appointment Just Dial 7-54S2 (No Toll Charge) CLOSINGOUT SALE Watch bands and straps wrist watches - pocket watches (reconditioned and guaranteed) 25 to 50% Discount HARYH. *MOGLE Phone 6-2931 Friday, June 20,1947 DAR HOLDS LUNCHEON Members o f the Cedar Cliff Chapter o f the D. A. R.‘ held a luncheon meeting at Trebein Manor, Friday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Dobbins New* State chair man o f Americianism. reported on a recent conference she attend ed in Washington D« C. Mrs. M. J. Bahin, regent, gave a book review o£ “ The Miracle o f the Bells,” 52 members and guests were present. Guests present were, Miss Charlene Marks, Washington C. H.; Mrs. Mills, regent o f Dayton chapter; Miss Joan Orland, Dayton and Miss Florence Bowers o f Wilmington.. HONOR BIRTHDAY Mrs. Lawrence Williamson en tertained a group o f children Monday honoring David William son, fourth birthday. Balloons and baskets o f candy were given as favors .and cake and ice cream was served to the following guests. Kathleen Cahill, Mary Lee Cummings, Betty Lou and Char lotte Charles, Susan Taylor, Ju lia Staiger, Margaret Ann Mc Millan, Stevie Williamson, David and Douglas Hughes an<f Connie Williamson* ATTEND MARRIAGE Rev. and Mrs. W . B. Collier and family attended the wedding of Miss Doris Brokamp and John Botkins at the Belmont United Brethern Church in Dayton, Sun day. They also attended the re ception following the wedding. Mrs. Charles Bonecutter o f Rio (grande is visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Max Bitler at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Collier* KENSINGTON CLUB The Kennsington Club met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Fred Dobbins. This was guest day and a number of guests were present. Mrs. David Rey nolds, president o f the club gave a book review, “ Back to the Smoky Sea.” The hostess Mrs. Fred Dobbins was aassisted by Mrs. Harry Hammon and Mrs. Harold Dobbins. OFFICIATES AT WEDDING Rev. W. B. Collier officiated at the marriage o f Miss Virginia Herman and Mr. Jack Newman of Dayton, at the Van Buren Methodist Church, last week. The Collier family attended the re ception at the home o f the grooms parents Mr: and Mrs. Virgil Newman, Holly street Dayton, following the wedding ceremony. OES MEETING Cedarville chapter No. 418 O. E. S. held their stated meeting at the Masonic Hall Monday night with John Mills Worthy Patron, Bashie Mills Worthy Matron, presiding. After a short business meeting a Social time was enjoyed in the dinjng room. SON BORN Mr. and Mrs. Max Bitler are announcing the birth o f a son, Max Edison Sunday morning at the Springfield City Hospital Mr. Bitler 13 a college student and they make their home at Rev. Colliers. I* O Z ¥ V THEATRE I Fri. - Sat* June 20 - 21 Double Feature Program “Criminal Court” and “Step fey Step” * Sun* « Mon. June 22 -23 Tyrone Power - Alice Faye “Alexander’s Ragtime Band” Also Fox News Wed. - Thurs. June 25 - 26 Louis Hayward - Barbara Britton “The Return o f Monte Cristo” Selected Short Subjects RETURNS FROM CHINA Neil Hartman is at the home o f his parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. -Hartman after returning from China. This was his last trip fo r the U. N. N. R. A. He will leave this week for Enosburg, Vermont where he will teach in a summer camp there. Miss Doris Hartman will also teach at this camp. WOMANS CLUB Thirty members and guests were present when the Womans Club met Thursday at the home of Miss Anna belle Mjjrdock. Mrs. W. S. Hopping .gave an interest ing talk on her travels through the south. Refreshments were served by the hostess. This is the last meeting until fall. . HOME CULTURE CLUB The Home Culture Club met Tuesday afternoon at the home o f Mrs. Paul Edwards. 16 mem bers and five guests were pres ent. The group enjoyed a special speaker and after a business meeting a salad course was served by the hostess. There will be no meeting in July or August. ATTEND COMMENCEMENT Mrs. Arthur Judy, Miss Rose Judy and Mr. Herman Ba.Vy attended the commencement of Stiver High School in Dayton, Friday night. The commencement was held in the N.’ C. R. auditor ium. Don Bailey, son of Herman Bailey was a graduate. 79th BIRTHDAY Mrs. Ida C. Stormont was hon ored on her 79th birthday by a supper party given her by her children and grand children. Thir ty-two guests including her three brothers were present. Mrs Stor mont was given a radio by her children and grand children. HAVE WIENER ROAST The Senior fellowship group o f the Methodist Church held a wiener roast at the church Friday evening. Fifteen members were present and the evening was spent roasting wieners and mar shmallows and playing games. CLASS TO MEET The Wesley Wed Class of the Methodist church will meet Mon day night June 23rd at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Agnor. This will be a covered dish dinner and each one bring table service. CLASS MEETS The West |Xiniat|r Class of the Presbyterian Church met in the church Tuesday evening June 10th. Miss Ora Hanna was hos tess and Mrs. Alfred Brightman had charge o f devotions. HOME ON FURLOUGH Pfc. George Frame jU on fur lough « t the honO of his parents Mr; and Mrs. Thomas Frame. He will leave this week for Califor n ia .^ receive shipping orders. Mrs. Mattie Payne Harvey is at the Reiter home for a few days. W. S. C. s. Twenty-five members o f the W. S. C. S„ o f the Methodist church were guests at a Ipncheon given by the society o f the Selma church at the home o f Mrs. Henry Schickadance Wednesday. Guest speaker was Mrs. Alice Stewart, chief probation officer of Clark county. Her subject" dealt with “ Child Problems and their solu tion.” The Cedarville society have invited the Selma ladies fo r a picnic in August. Mrs. Oglesbee was in Dayton this week. » Mrs. J. S. West is visiting her daughter Susanne in Toledo. Mrs. Ruth Reiter is visiting her Aunt, Miss Grace Cultice in Chicago. Miss Sally Kay Cresw.ell visited with Millicent and Walter Jacobs in Dayton for a few dayjj. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Finney and son o f near Akron visited relatives here last week. Miss* Frances Kimble Visited Mr. and Mrs. Gale Ross and 3on in New Carlisle last week. Miss Gloria Abels, Jamestown, has been hired as teacher in Xenia schools’ for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Engle Dayton visited their parents Rev. and Mrs. Fred Engle Sunday. Miss Ora Hanna is visiting her nephew and wife Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford in Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Townsley and sons spent the week end visiting friends in Senacaville, O. Mrs. Pauline Nelson is enjoy ing a two weeks vacation from her position at the Xenia Gazette. Miss Agnes Kyle has returned to Cedarville and will live at the home of Mrs. Arthur Townsley. Mr. and Mrs. John Powers at tended the high school alumni banquet at New Morfield, last week. Nelson Pickering is home after visiting his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hurley fo r two weeks. Mrs. Gilbert Me Coy and son j Jerry o f Springfield spent Tues-1 day with Herbert and Winifred Myers. Miss Janet and Mr. Donald Wil- liaamson are home fo r summer vacation, from Bowling Green College. Miss Ruth Ann Carzoo left Sunday for Oxford where she will attend summer school at Miami University. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Siegler o f Marietta, Ohio are spending .several days with Mr. and Mrs. Karhl Bull. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lewis are announcing the birth of a son, Sunday ofternoon at Springfield City Hospital. . A t Your DOORSTEP Too busy to bring your cleaning in or pick it u p ? I f you are and live With in the corporation limits o f Cedarville, Clifton or Selma— we pickup and deliver. GGGLEANERS Look fo r the Red Fox in the window Xenia Ave. Phone 6-3411 Cedarville ATTENTION FARMERS HYBRIDSEED CORNFLASH The seed corn situation for next year may be serious. Seed corn growers cannot plant corn in the rain, and seed may be scarce and o f poor qual ity. Intelligent farmers will buy seed corn NOW, and store it at home, to be sure o f good quality seed corn for next year. Seed carried over one year is just as good as new seed. Our treated seed corn will be practically free from damage by mice or weevil. As we do not have the room to carry over any sjeed corn, we are making it worth your while to buy your next years needs now, by closing out the present stock o f all varieties listed .below at a DRASTICALLY RE DUCED PRICE. U . S, 13 C38 C 12 W lO Iowa 4059 7,00 perbushel while it lasts GreeneCountyFarmBureauCo-op.Ass’n. 116 Hill St. Phone 756 ' Xenia, Ohio >v Mrs. Roger; ftfexon and chil dren o f Toledo Ohio are visiting Mr, and Mrs. Ray Littler and other relatives. Misg ■Janie Lewis is visiting at the home o f her grand parents Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Coulter, near Yellow Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huffman and daughter Anne spent the week end with Mrs. Huffman’s relatives in Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Tobin and family moved, this week to the house on Maple street recently vacated by George Nickles. Mrs, Emma Brothers of Leb- enon Ohio spent Friday with her sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Alva Chaplin and family. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Waddle ^of Washington C. H. visited Mr. Waddles parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Waddle over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chapman have moved to their home on N. Main street which they purchased ftom Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor. #Mr. and Mrs, I. C. Davis are visiting their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. La Clede Markle and family in Charleston S. C. Miss Florence Williamson is home from Bowling Green Col lege, for the summer. Miss Wil liamson is professor at the col lege. Mrs. Frederick Heifner and daughters Pamela and Etoile of Lima are spending a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clemans. Mrs. Jack Giffin and children Mark and Marsha of Covington are spending the week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Townsley. Mr. aand Mrs. Omar Weaver and daughter Nancy of New Vien na spent Sunday with Mrs. Wea vers parents Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McCallister. Mr. aand Mrs. Howard Hill of Xenia and Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Rogers o f Jamestown spent, Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. David Ramsey. Mr. and Mrs. George Nickles and son have moved to Marion Mr. Nickles formally operated the barber shop now occupied by Harold Rearden. Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Graham o f Lafayette, Ind., * visited in -town for *a few days this week. Dr. Graham was attending a meeting o f the college hoard. * Miss Betty Andrews left this week to make her home with her aunt in Florida. Miss Martha Anri Me Guinn will take her position at the lumber company. Miss Margretta Frey student at Northampton Mass, and Mr. Dempwolf Frejj student, at Am herst are at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Frey for the summer. Mrs. Parvin Wright and chil dren Judy and Gary of Zanes ville were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cummings and family and Mrs. Florence Wright. Mr, Wright and son Par vin spent the week end here. Mr. J. L. Richards and son A. E. Richards were called to West Union, W. Va., last week because of the death o f Mr. J. L. Richards sister, Mrs. Albro Coder. Mr. A. E. Richards returned, but his father remained for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. James Duffield spent a few days last-week with their daughter and son-in-law Mr. aand Mrs. Vance B|rha and fam ily in Granfl Rapids, Mich. They attended the** graduation o f their granddaughter, Deloras Burba, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Picker ing had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hurley and family of Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webb* and family of Port William, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hurley and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hurley of New Burlington. The Community Bible school opened Monday morning with an enrollment of 80 children. After three days of school the enroll ment is 102. All children between four and fourteen are welcome to attend this school from 2-4 each after noon. Mr. and Mrs. David Ramsey and daughter and Mr and Mrs. Yum-m-m-m mm J*- 2 H.. Here are a few of-the baked goodies that’ll make your mouth water— • Pies • Bolls • Cakes • Cookies • Doughnuts » • Jelly and Marsh mallow Rolls WEDDIKGCAKES For special orders, such as wedding cakes, etc., place your order as early as possible. W e ’ ll make what you want and our service will please you. THE CEDARVILLE BAKERY Phone 6-1861 Cedarville Guy Le Forge and, daughter spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. John Gray in Mt. Sterling. Mrs. Gray is the mother o f Mrs, Ram sey and Mrs. Le Forge and a dinner was given in honor o f her birthday. Miss Josephine Randal, Miss Millie Parker, Osborn, Miss Kath arine Strong and Miss Little of Cincinnati will leave Friday morning for California. They will spend a few days seeing Cali fornia and will sail from Sacra mento, to Honolulu. They will be gone six weeks and on their re turn to the* U. S. will visit many interesting places before return ing home. Probate court listed the follow ing appointments: Selma S. Lane, administratrix, estate of J. Aubrey Lane, late of Wilberforce, under $1,500 bond. William Fisher, administrator, estate o f Florence -M. Jacoby, late o f Xenia township, under $2,000 bond. William Fisher, administrator, estate of J. M. Jacoby, late of Xenia township, under $10,000 bond. William E. Harbison, Jr., ad ministrator, estate o f William E. Harbison, late of Xenia, under $10,000 bond. FOR COCCIDIOSIS, ROUND AND TAPE WORMS AND MANY/ OTHER USUAL INTESTINAL DISORDERS, hundreds of poultry- men (large and small) have re peatedly bought and used Neo-Sol sines 1939. An intestinal antiseptic and tonic. For all poultry from one day old on add tablespoon to each*gal lon drinking water. As preventive give S consecutive days at 2 week intervals? Peps chicks up. aids di gestion and tnrift. hens fay better. Send $1.00 for q t. $3.00 for ga l, postage included, with money back guarantee. j Territory open to dealers. V FRANKLIN MFC. CO. Columbus 2, Ohio YES SIR! WE'VEDOTPOWERMOWERS Excello— made in Springfield, 111, and equipped with time proven Briggs-Stratton gasoline engine— a real buy for only $148.50 and we’ve plenty o f other summer lawn merchandise that’s o f top quality and at the right price.? Crystal B a ll.............................. ............... 12.50 Garden H o se ................................. 50*ft. 7.25 Garden Hose, 2 p ly ................. . 50 ft. 8.20 Grass Clippers........... _.....................from 98c Sickles ..................... ........................ from 50c Scythe, handle................................... ...... 2.65 Scythe, b lades............................... .. 1.80-2.10 Lawn Sprinklers............................. from 49c Phone 6-1941 Cedarville. i 'll • Permanents • Finger Waves • Shampoos • Manicuring Phone 6-3131 Now for Appointment KIRBY BABY CHICKS SpecialPrice June23and24 8.95 PER HUNDRED all leading breeds KIRBY HATCHERY Springfield, Ohio 1318 W. Main St. Phone 3-8428 Fill out this coupon and bring it with you. Value 50c Good all through June. Name ................................................ ................... ::____ /r' a Address ...................1.............................................. ANN'SBEAUTYSALON McMillan St. Phone 6-3131 1 Cedarville Be sure to investigate the economy of PACKAGE BLOOMS Available in many different kinds that are cut at just the right time, sealed in packages, and shipped direct to us thereby reducing the number o f handlings andjfeutting their.cost to you tremendously. . r > We Deliver (no charge) in Cedarville Anderson’s FsZp 44 W. Main S t Phone 681 Xenia, Ohio FLOWERS BY WIRE EVERYWHERE “Say It With Flowers”
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