The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 27-52

The Cedarville, O.' HerahT. Page Three ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Bush of North Lima ar announcing the marriage o f their daughter Miss Deloris to Mr. Paul Evans, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. The marriage took place Octob­ er 17 at 7:30 in the Central Re­ formed Church in Dayton. The couple was attended by Miss Kath­ leen Evans and Mr. Kenneth Wilburn. For the wedding the bride wore a blue street suit with grey accessories and Miss Evans wore a grey suit with blackac- cessories. Monday evening a re­ ception was given at the home of the brides parents in North Lima, 75 guests were present. After the reception the couple left fo r a wedding trip through the east. The bride is a graduate o f N, Lima high school and attended Kent State College. She has. been employed at the Bell Tele­ phone company in Dayton. Mr. Evans is a graduate of Cedarville high school and is associated with his father in fanning. At present the couple are living with the grooms parents. SHOWER Mrs. Joseph White, Jr., (Joan Bieketfc), near Xenia, was compli­ mented at a miscellaneous “ show­ er” at which her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ernest Collins (Maiy Jane White!, was hostess at her home, near Cedarville, Saturday after­ noon. Contests were played and prizes wore awarded Mrs. John W. Bickett, Mrs. J. II. White and Mrs. William Haines, Gifts for Mrs. White were arranged on a table decorated with pastel strea­ mers. The centerpiece was an imitation tiered cake, designed to represent the wedding cake at the White-Biekett nuptials. The cake was topped with a miniature bride and bridegroom which was on Mrs. Collins* wedding cake. A dessert course was served by the hostess to fifteen guests. Ih e marriage o f Mr. ami Mrs. White took place in the Second United Presbyterian Church, Xen­ ia, Sept. 25. Mr. and Mrs. While are now at home on the Cincin­ nati pike, near Xenia, ENTERTAIN GUESTS Mrs. Grace Kennon Staehler entertained over the week end the following guests: Mr. and Mrs, Richard Kantz and daughter Kay from Dayton, Mrs. Emma Sellard and daughter Tannis Lee from Springfield, Miss Christine Ken­ non also from Springfield, Mr. Richard Smith from Jamestown and Miss Frances Farley from West Virginia, Others who at­ tended were Mrs. Stacher’s son Dick and daughter Estella and Hetty, FAMILY DINNER Mrs. W . L. Clemans South Main street entertained with a family dinner Sunday, guests were Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Clemans and daughter Florence, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C’lemans and family o f Mechanician g, Mr. and Mrs. Kent C’ lemans and son of Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. Ilomer Mclntire, Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clemans and Mr.’ and Mrs. Frederick Heifner and family of Lima, RFD CLUB The R. F. D. club met Friday evening at the home of Mr. and j Mrs. Sherman Cotton. A covered} "* •” r e t u r n ' f r o M GE^MAJIY * 'Capt. and Mrs. j . M. Anderson and son James Jr., arrived in New York’ from Germany Sat­ urday Oct. 18,. and are visiting the formers parents Dr. and Mrs. Leo Anderson. Mrs. Andersons ATTEND SCOUT MEET * ’ ‘ Mrs. Paul Cummings, Mrs. Harold Reinhard, Mrs. Don Hub­ bard, Mrs. Fred Wilburn and Mrs.-Robert MacGregor, the five scout leaders o f Cedarville are attending an all county course in handcraft in Xenia the next .mother^ Mrs. Lottie Moors of Columfyfs is a lso »»_,finest ;sH£ the f three weeks. Anderson *home. Dr. Anderson ; will report to Ft. Knox, Ky., Oct. t ATTEND HOMECOMING 30 to receive his discharge from the army. GIRL SCOUT PARTY Twenty Girl Scouts o f Troop 16 with their leaders Mr. Harold Reinhard and Mrs* Robert Mac­ Gregor held a backward party, Wednesday evening in the scout room. The girls were all dressed backward and the entire/ arrange­ ment of the party was backward. Decorations, games and food was in keeping with the Hallowe’en season. WESLEY CLASS Twenty-five members and fam­ ilies were present when Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huffman entertained the Wesley Class o f the Method­ ist church. Devotions were led by Mrs. Carl Ritenour and a social hour followed a covered dish dinner and business is?eting. -The November meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wisecup. COVERED DISH DINNER The McKibben Bible class of the U. P. church met Friday evening Oct. 17th at the church. Thirty-five members and their families enjoyed a covered dish dinner. Devotions were led by Mr. Emile Finney and hostess were Sir’s. Emile Finney, Mrs. Harold Dobbins and Mrs. Arthur Cultice. BIRTHDAY DINNER Air. Anderson Smith was hon­ ored with a birthday dinner Sun­ day at the home o f his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Powelll in Xenia. Guests from Cedarville were Mr. and Mrs. Er­ nest Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilburn and family, Mrs. Minnie Wolf, Harold Wolf and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Smith. WESTMINISTER CLASS The Westminister class, o f the First Presbyterian church was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Guthrie, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright, Tues­ day evening. Mr. Rankin McMil­ lan led the devotions and Mr. and Mrs. John Blazer had charge of the evening program. 3Sth ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson celebrated their 38th wedding anniversary with a dinner Mon­ day eve. Beside the immediate Nelson family, guests were, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wiseman and daughter of Jamestown, Mr, and Mrs. Vincent Rigio and daughter and Miss Alberta Owens. HOMECOMING Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wil­ liamson and Mr. and Mrs. Delmer C. Jobe attended the annual homecoming festivities at Bowl­ ing Green State University, Sat­ urday. Miss Joan Jobe, Misses Mildred; and Janet and Mr. Don­ ald Williamson are students there. Mrs. Lucy Turner and, Mrs. Vernon Tinsler and children spent last week end attending the homecoming at Morley Mich. Mrs. Tinsler and children will join Mr. „ Tinsler in Morley the first of November to make their .home there. OSBORN VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Milton Turner, South Solon, Mr. and Mrs, Greg Turner, Mrs. Vernon Tinsler and children, Mrs, Lucy Turner and Miss Maude Shaw of Yellow Springs spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Armstrong in Osborn. SUNDAY GUESTS Mr: and Mrs. Melvin Charles had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Buford Garman and daugh­ ter, Mr. and Mrs. Gail Garman and family o f Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. Wendel Charles and daughter Sherrie Ann. STOP OFF HERE Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lynch and Mrs. Jlichling had as guests sev­ eral days the past week, Mrs. Celeste Bobin and Mrs. Helen Duquesne o f New Orleans, La. They were enroute to Canada for a visit, KYN CLUB The K. Y. N. club met Friday afternoon at the home o f Mrs, Lewis Lillick. Twenty-five mem­ bers were present, Mrs. J. 0 . Connor and Mrs. Howard Arthur assisted Mrs. Lillick in serving a desert course. MCKIBBEN CLASS The McKibben Bible class o f the U. P. church will serve a short members who cannot go please horn sale in London, Nov. 3. All have donations with Mrs. Arthur Cultice by 8 a. m. Nov, 3. WSCS The W. S. C. S. will meet at the Methodist church Wednesday Nov. 5th. Each member bring the articles they have completed for the bazaar and table service. WITH SISTER Miss Cala Turner has been spending a few days with her sister Mrs. Mary McChesney. RETURN HOME , ’ “ ] Mrs. Paul H. Eiliott has; i e - . , turned home after several days visit with her mother Mrs. Emma McWilliams and other relatives In Johnstown Pa. / * l RETURN FROM FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cummings are home after a two weeks visit with Mr. Cummings parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cummings in Tampa, Fla. VISIT HERE Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Watkins had as Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Watkins and Mr. and Mrs, Leland Watkins and son of Bellebontaine. CALIFORNIA VISITOR Mr 3 . Wilfred Weimer o f Bev­ erly Hills, Calif, has been visit­ ing relatives here, she also visited her daughter in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. TO ATTEND MEETING A delegation of young people from the First Presbyterian church will attend the district meeting of young people Spring- field Sunday. MOVE HERE Mr. and Mrs. Tudor o f Pains- ville, Ky., have moved in the house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Grindle. Mr. Tu­ dor is employed by Paul Binegar. VISIT IN DAYTON Mrs. Raymond Ritenour spent a few days last- week with her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. John Goodrich in Dayton. RETURNS HOME Mrs. Max Lynn o f Iowa City, la. has returned to her home after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carzoo, SON BORN Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Benham (Elizabeth Anderson) of Yellow Springs are/announcing the birth o f a son, Gerald Lee, Saturday, Oct. 18 at McClellan hospital, ATTEND GAME IN INDIANA Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Walker and Mr*, arid Mrs. Edward Nock of Dayton attended the Notre Dame-Iowa football game at South Bend, Indiana Saturday. SUNDAY IN CINCINNATI Mr. and Mrs,-Wilbur Wisecup spent Sunday in Cincinnati visit­ ing Mips. Wisecup’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Schoumacher. Sj ;4"^r*-"and Mrs.- Albert cornet are announcing the birth o f a son at. Springfield City hospital last Friday,- HALLOWE’EN PARTY Miss' Viola Furgeson enter­ tained a group, -pf friends at a Halloween party at her^ home Wednesday niglit. HOME FOR WEEK END • "John Reinhard, a student at 0 . S. U. spent the week end With his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold sReinhard. . VISIT PARENTS Mrs. Jack Giffin and children of Covington are spending a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Townsley. DAYTON GUESTS Mrs, Inez Rigio had as guests Thursday5evening,'Lt. and Mrs. Leo ' Huffman and Cpl. Robert Jessup of Dayton. / SUNDAY GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Harner and family of Xenia were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Herman Randall. Prevailing Prices paid for d e a d s t o c k FARM BUREAU COOP. ASSN. call collect Xenia 756 Dayton KEnniore 5742 FARMALL TRACTOR -AND- McCORMICK-------DEERING PARTS--------SERVICE-------- SALES Opekasit Center c o TH EATRE z Y Oct. 31 - Nov. 1 dish dinner was enjoyed by 25 i Fri, & Sat members and guests. The evening , „ „ . „ was spent playing Halloween Rando,pl1 Scott ' Binn,e Barnes games. « THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS” Also Color Cartoon M E LO D Y C H IT S K IN 1*3 Miles East o f Springfield City Limits On U. S. 40 2 Shows Nitely, Starting 7:15 p.m. Thurs. - Fri. Oct. SO - 31 “ ONE WAY TO LOVE” Sat. Nov. 1 “ MR. HEX” Sun. & Mon. Nov. 2 - 3 Dick Haymes - Cesar Romero “CARNIVAL IN COSTA RICA” News - Color Cartoon Sun, - Mon. Nov. 2 - 3 “ BLONDIE’ S LUCKY DAY” Tues. - Wed. Nov. 4 - 5 “ MY DOG SIIEP” Thurs, - Fri, Npv, 6 * 7 “ THE GREAT JOHN L.” Wed. & Thurs. Nov. 5 - 6 Penny Singleton - Arthur Lake “BLONDIE’S HOLIDAY” Paramount News - Comedy Make It Your Business To visit our store when in Springfield Watches - Diamonds - Jewelry - Guns / Suits r/£ti£>Coats * Cameras - Radios New and Used - A t prices you can’ t heat Open ! B A B 65 w. Main St. Evenings * D * D Rprinatisw. o. HARRY HAVERTY, M’ g’r Jeffersonville, Ohio Phone 3301 Drive to Xenia for Your * SUNDAYDINNER Specializing in Home Cooked Food A pp etizer Entree Choice o f 2 vegetables Salad Dessert Home M ade Hot Biscuits Beverage SI.25 Served 11:30 a. m. to 2 p. m. — 5 p. m. to 8 p. iti. XENIAHOTEL COFFE SHOP Opposite City Hall Xenia, Ohio 12 fla t Advantages fo r ta ster, BETTER Milking Including: The entire power unit (motor, pump, • Exclusive 1-2.3-4 Rot*, pulsator) is on the pail. No complicated, # expensive installations to make. Just 0 A ll weather dependability plug in to any electrical outlet and you • Finger-tip control are ready to milk . . . in the stanchions, • Sanitary, easy cleaning box stalls, milking parlor, sheds . . . any- J Mk for where. Precision performance S e e this modern .milker, to d a y . A ik to r tr e e demonstration ■ in yotir ow n faerrn. WE PAY FOR HORSES $20.00 COWS $20.00 HOGS$6.00 PER CWT. ACCORDING TO SIZE AND CONDITION CALL XEN IA dRJI Reverse Charges XENIA FERTILIZER E , G . Buchsieb Inc, M & P t 6 . ^ * *0*®* - 0 ^ ° Q0 rAO® £0 * *,e* uft .700 BUSHELS FROM m m BUSHELOF MORE QOi MO* . « s t ' V v , e „ 6t a A© JOHN T. BROWN* PROMI­ NENT MADISON COUNTY FARMER, IS A FORMER MEMBER OF GENERAL A S - SEMBLY, FORMER DIREC­ TOR OF AGRICULTURE AND LIEUT. GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF OHIO AND AUTHOR OF THE FIRST OHIO GASO ­ LINE TAX LAW . HIS O P I N I O N 1 S WORTHY OF CON ­ S ID E R A T IO N OF E V E R Y O H I O VOTER. ”P® t oe*' £.0* w os** w . t e ^ ^ enw „ v s - ? ' ^ 9 V , . % v. f h : * * * & . ^ s s * ^ of ^ ^ v jv p , ^ 0tV \ i t 0 ® 0 * * -ft o w ; ™ A, , e 3 66° * 5EED CORN . . . PAYSTOPLANTTHE BEST One bushel of Pioneer seed com usually produces from 400 to 700 bujihela of. crop, figured at 60-io 100 .- bushels per acre on seven ames. Just a LITTLE extra yield per acre from each, bushel of seed com planted accumulates surprisingly MANY dollars profit. Superior quality Pioneer comes up strong in the spring, stands the torments o fweather and delivers tremendous yields. S e e us fo r good s e e d earn:. , Representative Lauris 6. Straley ,ot CO^®‘ •t£ ' YOU WANT A N D A R E PAYING FOR BETTER ROADS A N D STREETS, U T S HAVE THE|lf 3 * PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OP OHIO s S / P r o p r a a i te • m a d A rtk U X II o f t h . C c«tU u tU n at O M o by ■ t a s t i., * eectiam ta ha d a d ia its d aa Sactlan 5a la y ta W h t lh* i S U i h a s « r ta to l a « reUU a* « . n S id m fo r ether than h l* !r»* r aa4 rdalnd piurpaMf. T h e prapoaed am endm ent prohibit, th* cipapditaro o f lee*, e a cu .^ or tis* 3 M t a x ., r.Ielia c to r.firttuticro, opcraCon. or u te o f v e h ^ lc. on pablic highw ay, o r ta htelr uirod lcr prop.llin g roch vehicUfc h r p a lp a te , other than a u u oJ adm utw lnttan. refund, and adiottraealfc paym en t.of h iffcw .y ehli(ationfc highw ay and bridge eonetractien. reconetructiaa. raaim eaance and repair and other highw ay parperofc enforeem ent o ! traffic “ WJ. and hoepiUI- •iralion a t h o | M t perron , injured in m ator uehicle acculeata on highwaye- . EE S s 1 n : YES S H A fL T H fc PROPOSED AM E N D M E N T .R E . 8 I X L A T IN C TO -TH E- E X PE N O tfU R E O F MONEYS DERIVED FROM CERTAIN T A X E S RELATING 8 S b a s •TO. N O T O VEHICLES. BE A D O P T E D ? s ■ 111 ■ 4 FOR THE BETTER ROADS AND STREETS AMENDMENT— (4th on the ballot) NOT ONE CfNT JM NEW TAXES •*• “ f *.*v \ L i : i \ '•y . Jah j U-USY j ■ - ■