The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 27-52

Hr. The Cedarville, 0 . Herald Society DAR DINNER Rev, John Abernethy, pastor o f ths Presbyterian church, Wash­ ington C. H., will be guest speak­ er at a dinner- meeting of Cedar Cliff chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, in the United Presbyterian c h u r c h , Tuesday, Nov. 11, at 7 p. m. This will mark a joint observ­ ance o f the chapter’s annual '■’guest night" and Armistice Day. Husbands o f members and other guests will attend the dinner. Members o f the executive board including the following officers, will be hostesses: Mrs, M, J. Ba­ bin, regent; Mrs. Anna 0 . Wil­ son, vice regent; Mrs. John Davis, secretary, and Miss Wilmah Spen- cer, treasurer. Dinner reservations are to be made with Mrs, John Davis, sec­ retary, by Friday evening. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Sir. and Mrs. Roy M. Waddle, Cedarville, R. R. 1, are announc­ ing the engagement o f their daughter, Miss Dorothy, to Mr. Donald S. Wheaton, Akron. No Date has been set for the wedd­ ing. Miss Waddle is a graduate of Cedarville High School and is employed in the office of Joyce, Xenia. Mr. Wheaton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wheaton, 124 Myers Ave., Akron, is a. student at Ce­ darville College where he is en- in a pre-engineering course. A graduate o f a Parkersburg, W. Va., high school, he served in the air force more than four years in World War II. HALLOWEEN PARTY Mrs. Walter Cummings enter­ tained a group of children Thurs­ day afternoon and evening with a Halloween party for her daugh­ ter, Jo Ann. The children were guests for dinner and in the even­ ing went begging. Those present wgte Charlene Carlisle,. Julie Steigler, Claire Cummings, Mary Lee Cummings, Timmy Blazer, Rex Strobridge and Jo Ann Cum­ mings. IN HOSPITAL Harry Wilson who entered Mc­ Clellan hospital in a serious con­ dition is still in the hospital for observation and treatment. .. Friday, November 7, 1947 Page Three w scs The W. S. C, & o f the Method­ ist church met at the church Wed­ nesday. Thirty-five ‘ m e m b e r s were present. Miss LeoJa Com conducted devotions and Mrs. Jane Mills had charge of pro­ gram. Election o f officers was held and plans fo r the cafeteria supper and bazarr were discussed. Luncheon was served at noon by Mrs. Plummer, Mrs. Frank Cres- well, Mrs. A . E. Richards, and Mrs. W. B. Collier. AT GRAND CHAPTER Members from here attending the Grand Chapter meeting o f 0.. E. S. in Columbus, Wednesday were Mrs. Jane Mills, Mrs. Amos Frame, Mrs. Herman Stormont, Mrs. M. C. Nagley, Mrs. C. C. Brewer; Mrs. C. C. Brewer and Mrs. George Hall o f Cambridge at­ tended all days of the meeting and visited at the home of Mrs. Charles Robinson. Both Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Robinson are members o f Cedarville Chapter. GUT OF STATE GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. David McMillan and family of Colville, Wash, spent the last week with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Williamson and other relatives, Friday evening. Miss Mary Williamson entertain­ ed with a dinner in their honor. They left {Sunday for Florida and to their home by the Southern states. GOLDEN RULE CLASS The Golden Rule class o f the Methodist church met Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Pearl Huffman. It was carried out as a Halloween party and most guests wore masked. Miss Leola Corn led devotions and Mrs. J. 0 . Connor had charge o f program. | Mrs. Huffman was assisted by ! Mrs. Wilbur Lemons and Mrs.! B. H. Little., Cafeteria Chicken Supper a n d Bazaar at the Methodist Church Nov. 19 5:30 to 8 p. m. M E L O D Y C I U J S E I N 1 ]z Miles East of Springfield City Limits On U. S. 40 2 Shows Nitely, Starting 7:15 p.m. Thins. & Fri. Nov. 6 & 7 “ THE GREAT JOHN L.” Saturday Nov. 8 “ ABILENE TOWN” «*"•*•■ >**_*' •« Sunday Nov. 9 “TARS AND SPARS” NOTICE! NOTIGE! Noshows Monday, Tuesday, Wed­ nesday or Thursday o f this week. Next Show Fri. Nov. 14 “BREWSTER’ S MILLIONS” Prevailing Prices paid for DEADSTOCK FARM BUREAU COOP. ASSN. call collect Xenia 75G Dayton KEnmore 5742 p o i v V TH E A T R E B Fri. & Sat. Nov. 7 - 8 George Montgomery - Nancy Guild “THE BRASHER DOUBLOON” Cartoon - Sports - Adventure 3 ER L 0 U ■HERS Spn. & Mon. Nov. 9- 10 Jpel McCrea - Veronica Lake “RAMROD” News t Cartoon Wed- & Thurg Nov, 12 - 13 George Sanders - Angela Lansbury “THE PRIVATE AF ­ FAIRS OF BEL AMI” also Paramount News Berlou moth-protection for a man’s suit costs'only 10 cents per; year: Berlou guarantees ip waiting tq pay for all mqth-damage withir\ 10 yearsI Shpe Repairing Laundry Service Hats Cleaned and Blocked Dry Cleaning CHAPLIN’S DRYCLEANERS MEET .AT McMILLAN’S The Missionary Society o f the First Presbyterian church met Thursday, afternoon at the home o f Mrs. Rankin McMillan, Mrs. Paul Elliott had charge o f the program. Twenty-five members and five guests were present. Re­ freshments were served by Mrs. McMillan, assisted by Mrs. Paul Edwards. SINGS ON A IR Miss Kathleen Evans, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans, sang on the Ford Rush talent show, a t the Fairbanks theatre in Springfield Monday night. Miss Evans sang My Hero and That’s My Desire. The program was broadcast over , W.W.S.O. Springfield, Wednesday evening. SURPRISE Alva Ford was pleasantly sur­ prised at his home Saturday even­ ing with a birthday dinner ar­ ranged by his children. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Abbot, Mr. “ Bud” Ford and Miss Wanda Wahlman o f Dayton and Mr, and Mrs. Ray Smith Spring- field. INJURED IN FALL Mrs. Jordon, mother o f Mrs. Lawrence Gillaugh, fell at the Gillaugh home Monday, and re­ ceived a fractured hip. Mrs. Gil- laugU is also copfined to bed with illness. UNDERGOES OPERATION Mrs. Anna Belle Gruhe o f Clif­ ton submitted to an operation fo r goitre, Tuesday morning at Springfield City hospital. DAUGHTER BORN Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chapman (Betty Truesdale) are announc­ ing the birth o f a daughter Tues­ day morning at Springfield City hospital. Residence Phone 6-2231 M a k e I t Y o u r B u s i n e s s To visit our store when in Springfield Watches - Diamonds - Jewelry - Guns Suits - Top Coats - Cameras - Radios New and Used - A t prices you can’t heat * Open , Evenings B&B 65 W. Matin’ 8 i. Springfield, O. CHICKEN SUPPER Who! Ladies o f W. S. C. S. of Methodist Church. What! Cafe­ teria chicken supper and Bazaar Whenl Nov. 19th 5:30-8:00 Where! Methodist Church. Come and see our display o f Xmas gifts and shop early. FAMILY DINNER Mrs. Earl Chaplin entertained with a family dinner Sunday, honoring Mr. Chaplin’ s birthday The guest were Mr. and Mrs. Alva Chaplin and Jane and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Powers and family. < YPCU " The Y. P. C. U. o f the U. P. church enjoyed a hay ride and wiener roast Friday evening at the home o f Ralph Spracklin. VISIT IN WCH Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wisecup and Mr. andMrs. Robert Huffman and Anne visited Mr, Ed Hamil­ ton at Evans Rest home in Wash­ ington C. H. Sunday afternoon. Mr. Hamilton is much improved and able to be up and around. IN FLORIDA J. L. Richards is spending some time in Florida with his son and family Mr. and Mrs. Carl Richards. v RECOVERING Harry Wilson is recovering at McClellan hospital, where he was taken last week. MISPAH CLASS The Mispah Bible class met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lena McGullough, Mrs. C. W. Steel had charge o f de­ votions and Mrs. A. J. Hostetler read a paper, “Why Don’t We.” Ten members and 2 guests were present. MOTORS W e now have in stock new Elec- ■ -» trie Motors for many uses. FROM ONE-SIXTH T o ONE-HALF HORSEPOWER PICKERING ELECTRIC C ed a rv ille P h on e 6 -1221 HATOHINO EGOS WANTED W ill Pay Good Price and Pick up at Your Door % write KIRBY HATCHERIES U rbana , O h io SAVES F00B SA V E S t i m e CHI MU DELTA The Chi Mu Delta fraternity of Cedarville college held a Hallo­ ween party in the college gym Friday night. Monday night, the same fraternity entertained six new members with a dinner at the Old Mill Camp. ATTEND IfISTRICT MEET Twelve ladies of the Method­ ist church attended a W. S. C. S. district meeting in Washington C. H. Thursday. JUNIOR SOCIETY The junior society o f the First Presbyterian church were enter­ tained by members of the church with a Halloween party Friday evening in the church. MISSIONARY SOCIETY The missionary society of the U. P, church met in the church Thursday afternoon. Hostesses Were, Mrs. J. A. McCampbel, Mrs. Fred Dobbins, and Mrs. Collins Williamson. Mrs. A. D, Payne had charge of devotions and Mrs. Emile Finney was program chair­ man. SUNDAY IN DAYTON Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans and Kathleen, Mi;, and Mrs. Paul Evans and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pickering and son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Jacks and son in Dayton. IN FRATERNITY Geogre Abels son o f Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Abels o f Jamestown was initiated in to the Tau Kappa Epsilon, fraternity at OSU this past week. Harold Stormont and William Ferguson were pledged to the same fraternity recently. YWCA The Y . W. C. A. of Cedarville college will hold their annual committal service in the Method­ ist church, Sunday evening. Spec­ ial music will be given by col­ lege girls. Everyone is invited.1 STARTING NOVEMBER 8 we will close at NOONONSATURDAYS R. C.WELLS FEEDSTORE N O T I C E _The lands a n d Q u a rry la k e o f th e O ld Ervin Q ua rries on X en ia A v en u e , C eda rv ille , O ., W e s t o f tow n (U . S. R ou te 4 2 ) a re n ow the p r o p e r ty o f H . A . Tyson . T respa ssing f o r any pu rp o se is strictly f o r ­ b idd en and trespassers w ill b e p e rson a lly liab le . H. A. TYSON, L ond on , O h io v*-*9*** SAVES m o n e y Here and ready fo r your inspection. B ig ,! roomy, 11-cubic-foot; . capacity. Breezes and ;■ |stores 385- pounds o f j 1delicious food. DON’T j | w a it , l .supply is not] unlimited. fxr ~ OPEKASIT CENTER Harry H&verty, Mgr, Jeffersonville Phone 3301 Build a HOME Get ready to build that home you have dreamed about by buying' bonds regularly, putting them away to meet the necessary down payment when changes in restrictions, priorities, etc-., allow private home build­ ing in this area. Buy a FARM We have money to loan on farms at attractive interest rates with easy repayments. If you own a farm and desire financing or refinancing we will be glad to consider your needs. N T YOURSELF A HOME Finance your home, buying through our easy pay­ ments just like rent with monthly reducing plan. BUY BONDSHERE HOME FEDERAL S a v i n g s & L o a n A s s n * O F X EN IA , OH IO 4 -6 N. D e tro it St. i A l l A c c o u n t s Insured U p t o $ 5 ,000 CINCINNATI VISITOR Miss Joyce Peak returned to her home 5n Cincinnati after visit-' ing over tlje weeV pnd with her Aunt and Uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stanforth. IMPROVING Miss Josephine Randal, who has been ill the past two weeks is improving slowly, at her home. REMAINS ILL Howard Arthur is still on the sick list suffering from a virus in­ fection.' DAUGHTER BORN Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vayhinger o f Los Angeles Calif, are announe- the birth o f a daughter Nancy Jo, Nov. 4th. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Vay­ hinger are the paternal grand­ parents. VISIT GRAND PARENTS John Barlow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Barlow of Columbus is visiting his grand parents here this past week. VISIT HERE Misses Florence, Janet, Mil­ dred and Donald Williamson of Bowling Green state university, visited relatives here this week end. W E PA Y FOR DORSES $20.0 COWS $20.0 HOGSSB.00 PERCWT, ACCORDING TO SIZE AND CONDITION CALL Charges XENIA FERTI LI ZER E. G . B u ch s ieb Inc. XEN IA Reverse Drive to Xenia for Your SUNDAYDINNER Specializnig in Home Cooked Food A p p e t iz e r E n tree C h o ice o f 2 v eg e tab le s Sa lad D essert H om e M a d e H o t Biscuits f B e v e ra g e $1,25 Served 11 :80 a, m. to 2 p. m. — 5 p. m. to 8 p. m. XENIA HOTEL COFFEE SHOP Opposite City Hall Xenia, Ohio The clean, economica l automaticrangeis a * ' < <• ■ I' 0 0 P O Oo iV • The new gas ranges have everything you could ask for. Some o f the economical new ovens auto­ matically hold any oven temperature you select— even temperatures as low as 250. degrees! Click- simmer burner control makes top stove cooking easier. The hew smokeless broilers broil evenly over 80 percent o f the broiling area. Some manu­ facturers have added extra features suchas interval < timer or automatic d ock control, steam oven, built-in griddle and other gadgets to make cooking more fun. See the new gas ranges at your dealer’s. THE DAYTON POWER AMD EIGHT COMPANY s