The Cedarville Herald, Volume 71, Numbers 27-52
rife Cedarvilie, O Herald Friday, December 3, 1948 WELLS-McNULTY Miss Norma Jeain Wells daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell WeVs o f Cedarvilie exchanged the vows o f marriage Sunday November 21 at 2:20, with Ben jamin McNulty, son o f Mr. and Mrs. J. If, McNulty of Manchest er. Rev. Walter F. Peters, pastor o f the First Presbyterian Church o f Montgomery, Ohio, performed the double ring ceremony before thee immediate families. Baskets o f "white chrysanthemums and candelafcar decorated the altar. The bride wore'a medium blue suit with grey accessories. She wore a white orchid corsage. The bride’s only attendant was Miss Phyllis Bryant, who wore a dark brown suit with brown accessories, and a corsage of yel low rose buds. Mr. Lloyd McNultv tVother of the groom served as best man. Mrs. McNulty is a graduate of Cedarvilie High School and is now employed at Wright Field. Mr. McNulty is a graduate o f Manchester High School, served in World War 11, attended Ced arvilie College and is now em ployed at Air Material Command. The couple will reside on Huf fman Avenue "in Dayton, ENTERTAIN Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Haines who were married March 21,11)47, entertained members of their wedding party at their home re cently. Guests were Dr. John Young, Boston who served as best man at the wedding; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blair, Mr. and Mrs. How ard Gallahcr, Mr, and Mrs. Rob ert Theis, Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mahaffey, Waynesville; Mr. and Mrs. John Williamson, Oxford; Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Jordon and Misses Marceal Hart and Charlotte Erwin o f Xenia. FAMILY DINNER Mr. and Mrs, Howard Creswell, Federal pike, entertained mem bers o f their family at their an nual Thanksgiving dinner Thurs day. There were covers for thirty- three guests and among those present were Misses Mary Hel en and Junia Creswell, Spring- field; Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Fund- erburg and family New Carlisle: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ebraugh and daughter, Carolyn Rose, and Miss Mabel Ebraugh, Erookville, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Duncan, Morning Sun, O. Other guests were present from Xenia, Clift on and Coda ’ *e. OBSERVE ANN IVEIN Mr. and - R ‘NGj ramson, ited their ^anniversary at . .'Jjrafc their home on -^..nsgiving Day. A turkey din ner was served to their clmdi *.n. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Chester Shelton and sons, Mrs. _Cl E. Smith and children, o f Hillsboro; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Williamson apd children o f Spring Valley; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wil liamson and son o f Gladstone; Mr. and Mrs. William Kerns anti children of Cedarvilie and the hosts and sons, I,elan and Har lan. IN KENTUCKY Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rheubert and Mr. and Mrs. Waldo McCoy of Xenia spent Thanksgiving and the week end in Frankfort and Lexington, Kentucky. HONOR MODERATOR Attending the dinner honor ing the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, Dr. Jeose II. Baird, who is also president o f San Francis co Theological Seminary, last evening, December 2 at the \Vest- minister Presbyterian Church Dayton were: Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. Dana Bry ant, Mrs. Hazel Edwards, Miss Ora Hanna,Mrs. A. E. Huey, Mrs. S. C. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Ran- Kin MacMillan, Mr. and Mrs. David Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. James Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Williamson, W. C„ Iliff, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Crumine, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hanna. Dr. Elliott is at present Moderator o f Dayton Presbytery: OUT OF TOWN GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. John- Richards and family o f Columbus spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. and Mrs. A . E. Richards. Mr. J. L. Richards is home after a visit with relatives in West. Va. CHAPLIN GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Earl Chaplin had as Thanksgiving guests Mr: and Mrs. John Garbic of Xenia. GUEST FROM WILMINGTON Mrs. Anna Hazard o f Wilming ton spent Thanksgiving day and Friday with her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. David Rey nolds. GUESTS FROM TENN. Mr. and Mrs. William Boyce and children o f Pleasant Hill, Tenn., visited here over the week end. They visited Mr. and: Mrs. Ira Vayhinger and Prof, and Mrs. C. W. Steel and other friends. Following Church services Sun day, the Wesley Class entertain ed the Boyce family with a cov ered dish dinner in the Method ist church dinning room. The Boyce’s were enroute to Chicago to attend the National Live Stock show. While in Cedarvilie Mr. and Mrs. Boyce lived on the College farm. CALLED FROM NEW YORK Miss Mary Chase, N. Y*. was called here last week because of the illness o f her father Rev. W. I'. Chase. Rev, Chase in the Springfield City hospital suffer ing from pneumonia. CONNOR GUESTS Mrs. J. 0 , Connor had as Mrs. Clyde Robertson and family, ox Springfield and Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Deck and family of Springfield. THANKSGIVING GUESTS Thanksgiving gustos at the home o f Mr* and Mrs. Fred Chase were Mr. and Mrs. Alton Duve- vant and son o f Xenia and Mrs. Ethel Buck. OUT OF TOWN GUEST Mrs. Harry Bratton of Union City Ind., spent the Thanksgiving holidays with relatives here. RETURNS TO TOLEDO _ Miss Suzanna West has return- ved to Toledo after several days vvisit with her mother Mrs. J. S. West. VISITORS FROM DETROIT Mr. and Mrs. Carl Finney of Detroit spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson and family. Other dinner guests Sun day at the Nelson home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glasglow and family of Sedmair. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Glasglow and son o f Miamis- burg, Mr. and Mrs. William Fin ney and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wiseman and daughter Bonnie o f Jemestown. and Mr. Merlin Finlaw of Bellbrook. VISITING PARENTS Mrs, John J. Carey (Jerry Frame) has been visiting at the home o f her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Frame. Mrs. Carey is em ployed at Albers Market in Xe nia and her home is in Wilming ton. GI STS FROM ATLANTA GA. Mr. and Mrs. .Beryl Gurbaugh, Atlanta Ga. spent Thanksgiving holidays with Mrs. Gurbauglis parents Mr. and Mrs. Delmar C. Jobe. Mrs. Gurbaugh will remain at the Jobe home until Xmas for a visit. Miss Jo Ann Jobe also spent the Holidays with her par ents. ATTEND LIVE STOCK EX. Messers John Davis, Herman Randal, Paul Cummings and A. B. Evans spent several days at tending the 19th International 0 Why wait longer to enjoy pure soft water in your home? Order Servhojt now! Equipment is available for immediate installation. . . you can take advantage o f this modern utility service at once. Remember: you don’t invest one cent in the purchase o f a softener. You pay only a low-cost monthly service charge» . . • and we do all the servicing for you. No wonder so many home-owners — and home-renters — are taking advantage o f Servisoft! Et>r complete details, phone cat come in now. . . SOFTWATERSERVICE, ING, In Cedarvilie Earl Chaplin c-o Chaplin Cleaners Cedarvilie 6-2231 WE SOFTEN THE WATER FOR YOU' Live Stock Exposition in Chicago this past week. RETURNS FROMHOSPITAL Mr. Hayes Bates returned to his home; Tuesday from Spring- field City hospital where he has been a patient for the past 2 weeks. ENTERTAINS GUESTS ' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ferguson entertained several guests at their home with a Thanksgiving dinner, guests were; Mrs. Ralph George, Mr. and Mrs. John Davis and family, Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Huston Cherry and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson. IN EATON Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Collier and family spent Thanksgiving in Eaton with friends. VACATION HERE College students from out of town home for the Thahksgiving holidays were Beverly and Ruth Ann Carzoo, Donald and Mildred and Janet Williamson, Bill Pur- dam, Charles and Helen Collier, and Bill Irvine. HOME AFTER VISIT Mrs. Clara Morton and Mr. Jesse Townsley are home after several days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sweet and daugh ter in Rossford. IN SURINGFIELD Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Strick land and family spent Thanks giving with Mr. and Mrs. 0 . E. Davis in Springfield. VISITING IN ILL. Mrs. J. W. Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Barlow and son o f Columbus,--.are visiting Rev, and Mrs. Herbert Main and son in Oney, 111. MOTOR TO PA. Mr. and Mrs. Meeryl Stormont and daughter Mary Louise and MisS* Ida Stormont left last week for Pittsburgh to visit their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harsh. Mrs. Ida Stor mont -vill go to Legioner Pa. to visit her son Rev. James Stor mont and family. Mr., and Mrs. Edwin Wester- field of Cincinnati, spent Thanks giving Day and wevkend with Mrs. Cora Trumbo and daughter Miss Mildred Trumbo. Mrs. Grace Barlow and Mrs. Nancy Spracklen spent Thanks giving with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Craig and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spracklen of Dayton. GUESTS Air. and Mrs. J. W. Warwick had as their guests for dinner on Thanksgiving Day, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Acton, Jr. and fam ily, Mi*, and Airs. Levi Darner and daughter. Air. and Airs. Paul Darner, of Yellow Springs, and All*, and Airs. Russell Riley of Xenia. LODGE TO MEET The regular meeting o f the Cedarvilie Rebekah Lodge No. 825 will be held Tuesday evening December 7 at 8 o’clock in the I. 0 . 0 . F. Hall. As this is the election of officers all members are requested to be present. Mrs. blasters, N. G. GUESTS OF KYLES Dr. and Airs. Donald Kyle had as Thanksgiving guests All*, and Airs. C. W. Shepard, Air. and Airs. W\ B, Shepard and Air. and Airs. R- P. Armstrong of Cambridge; MfS. H. J. Kyle of Columbus, mother o f Dr. Kyle is visiting at the Kyle home. Aliss Marilyn Kyle spent the Holidays with Aliss Beth Kyle in Columbus. GUESTS Thanksgiving guests at the s DOffT VISITORS FROM BELLFONTAINE Mrs. Tinsley Corn, Leola Corn, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Cotton, Misses Alta and'Dora Murphy and Mr. Thurman Carr of Bellfontaine enjoyed a Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dew ey' Corn, SHakertoxyn pik'e^Xenia. Twenty-six, guests were’.present: CHAS. TOWNSLEY IN N. Y. Charles Townsley is in Albany, New York visiting his brother, Everett Townsley. Dr. Paul Mueller, discoverer of DDT is surprised at the uses to which it is being nut. Walter L. Collins, former pres ident of Wilmington college, is back at Jris office in the Kenton public schools, after a partial par alysis attack. . CLASSIFIEDADS I first insertion 2 cents per word •Minimum--------- -------------------— 25c Additional insertions lc per word Minimum --------------------------- 15c '’home o f Mr. aud Airs. Carl Rit enour were Air. Ritenour’s par ents, Adi*, and Airs. C. AL Riten- our and niece, Alartha Ritenour. Afternoon callers were All*, and Airs. Martin Ritenour and sons, Jerry and Terry o f Jefferson ville. VISIT RELATIVES Mr. and Airs. A lfred Townsley and sons of ’Sennacaville, visited relatives here over the weekend. SCOUT TROUPE No. 48 __Intermediate _Scbnt -Troupe Intermediate Scout Troupe No. 4S under the direction of Mrs. Fred Wilburn and Miss Alta Alurphy delivered Thanksgiving fruit baskets to Airs. Hayes Lit tle and Aliss Betty Irvine. The Troupe_ plans to sing Christmas Carols ’for shut ins at Christmas. IN JAA1EST0WN All*, and Airs. Alarvin Agnor and children spent Thanksgiving with All*, and Airs. Harry Aloss- man in Jamestown ATTEND CELEBRATION Air. and Airs. Earl Randall and Air. and Mrs. Herman Randal and Aliss Josephine Randal were among the guests when Mr. and Airs. Richard Hacket celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary Thanksgiving. Air. and Airs. Hac ket are the parents of Airs. Earl Randal. VISIT IN AIICHIGAN Air. and Airs. Ross Wiseman and daughters Corena and Judy spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Roscommon Alich., with Mr. and Airs. A. C. Wiseman. Mrs. Wiseman is county Supt. of schools there. DINNER GUESTS SATURDAY Air. and Airs. Guy Le Forge had as dinner guest Saturday evening Air. and Mrs. Delton Hill o f Columbus and Airs. John Gray of Mt. Sterling. FOR SALE FARA1S FOR SALE AND FARAI LOANS We have many good farms for sale on easy terms. Also make farm lohns at 49b interest for 15 years. No application fee and no appraisal fee. Write or Inquire AlcSavaney & Co. London, O. Leon H. Kling, Mgr. IN BELLFONTAINE All*, and Mrs. Ralph T'ruesdale, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Wisecup ancl Mr. and Airs. Roy Chapman and daughter spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Airs. Earl Alt in Bellfontaine. THANKSGIVING WITH PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. James Ramsey spent the Thanksgiving Holidays with Ml*. Ramseys’ parents Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ramsey and al so visited Mr. and Airs. William Ramsey of Loveland. WSCS HOLD BAKE SALE The W. S. C. S. of the Meth odist Church will hold a Bake Sale* and Bazaar Saturday, Dec. 4. The sale will he held in the vacant room next to Building & Loan Company. RETURN FROM INDIANA I Air. and Airs. Karl’n Bull have 1 returned after a week in Dills- b.oro Ind. Prevailing Prices paid foi DEADSTOCK FARM BUREAU COOP. ASSN/ call collect Xenia 756 Dayton KEnmore 5742 FOR SALE—Dayton 26-inch girl’s bike. Frank Creswell, FOR SALE—Water pipes and commodes. F. E. Harper, James town, Ohio. . 31-6t 112 RATS killed with a can of Star, harmless to animals; also have ANTU, Duvall Hardware. FOR SALE—Upright piano and triple miror. Telephone 6-3151. ' 4tpH NOTICE darville Slaughter House, Route 42. We render lard, cut up meat and make sausage. Phone 6-1023. darville,, Ohio. ' 17-tfh SAVE TRUCKING BILLS— Gall Butler to have that* Beef slaughtered at home. Roscoe Butf ler,f"'Selma, Oh i o ,Phone , South .Charleston 2386. Reverse charges. WANTED WANTED—One man to work with local manager. $100 to §125 per month to start. Alust be neat appearing and willing to work 8 hours per day. Also man to take charge of territory. For appoint ment write Mr. Gordon, 209 Lowe B]dg., Dayton. Ohio. 22-tf WANTED—To borrow §4,500 for 3 years, security mortgage 300- acre farm, at 6 percent interest. Write B. O. Box 645, Springfield, Ohio. NOTICE—For the best in shoe repair bring them to Chaplin’s Dry Cleaners. 15-6ch CUSTOM 3UTCHERING — Ce- r s s * RAW FURS BEEF HIDES HIGHEST PRICES PAID Dealer Lots Bought BENNIE SPARROW Elm St. Cedarvilie, 0. Farm Grain Tile Ditching Trenching Service ROSS COTTER P. O. Box 748 Phone 3-6810 Springfield, Ohio p 0 Z V V THEATRE I Fri. and Sat. ' Dec, 3-4 William Bishop - Gloria Henry. “Adventures in Silverado” Alusical Passing Parade - Comedy Sun. and Mon. Dec. 5-6 James Stewart - Leo J. Cobb “CALL NORTHSIDE 777” Also Fox News Wed. and Thurs. Dec. 8-9 Franchot Tone - Janet Blair “I,Love Trouble” News and Gomedy EVAN’SGROCERY for Assorted Christmas Candies Collijis’ Chocolates Frozen Fruits & Vegetables and Chicken Pot Pie DELIVERY SERVICE Save Oii Your Food Bill Let us sell you beef or pork at wholesale price for your locker or home freezer. We will also give you special prices on frozen fish, fruits and vegetables. We have a few empty lockers available at this time. Goodbar’ s Market & Locker Storage Bowersville, Ohio Phone 2-8471 LEGAL NOTICE Frances Hertenstein, whose last known place .of residence was Box 81, Hatcher, West Virginia, will take notice that on November 2nd, 1948, Dana Hertenstein filed a certain action in divorde against her on grounds of gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty in Case No. 25635 on the docket of the Com mon Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, and that said cause will come on for hearing on or after the 20th day of December, 1948. SHOUP and HAGLER, Attorneys for Plaintiff. (ll'-5-6t-12-10) , LEGAL NOTICE Gene Gray Williams, whose present whereabouts and address are unknown, will take notice that on the 25th day of October, 1948, Jean Marie Williams filed her cer tain action for divorce against him, on grounds of gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty and for an order praying for the set off and award of certain real estate therein described anil for temporary and permanent support and mainten ance for herself and minor children, Sandra Marie Williams and Kath leen Melody Williams. Said cause being before the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, and being Case No. 25625 on the docket of said Court. Said cause will come on for hearing on or after the 13th day of December, 1948. SHOUP AND HAGLER, Attorneys for Jean Marie Williams, Plaintiff. , (10-29-6t~12-3)___________ _ _ _ _ _ NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate,, of Blanche W, Downs, Deceased: -Notice is hereby given that Laura Downs Willis has been duly ap pointed as Executrix o f the estate of Blanche W. Downs, deceased, late o f Cedarvilie Village, Greene County, Ohio. H Dated this 6th day of November, 1948. William B. McCallister Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. By Luella Bowser, Chief Deputy Clerk. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Thomas A, Mount, De ceased. Notice is hereby given that Mar tha May Mount has been duly, ap pointed as Executrix of the estate of Thomas A. Mount, deceased, late of Beavercreek Township, Greene County. Ohio. Dated this 3rd day o f November, 1948. , WM. B. McCALLISTER, Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. By Lnella Howser, ’ Chief Deputy Glerk. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Lydia J. Woolery, De ceased. • Notice is hereby given that Fred Woolery has been duly appointed as Administrator o f the estate o f Lydia J. Woolery, deceased, late o f Caesarcreek Township, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 4th day o f November, 1948. w m , b , M c C a l l i s t e r , Judge o f the Probate Court, Greene Gounty, Ohio. By Luella Howser, Chief Deputy Clerk. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of John L. Rye, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Es ther M. Evans has been duly ap pointed as Administratrix o f the estate of John L. Rye, deceased, late o f Spring Valley Township, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 4th day o f November, 1948. w m . b . M c C a l l i s t e r . Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. By Lnella Howser, Chief Deputy Clerk. FamousMonoplane sled _ Im p roved design! 33" long. Young sters will go for new s a f e "Streamlined Steering” . w ----------*—" V p i ICE SKATES ^'Canadian Flyer” blades. Genuine leather shoes. Ex cellent wearing qualities. Boy’s and girl’s models. tap*4 w m ttiP Mvm \ S*- . V\ ANNOUNCEMENT We will be open December 25th (Xmas Day) from 7:00 A. M. to 12:00 noon. To assure fresher Parker- house and dinner rolls for your Xmas dinner- Also all pies will he baked Xmas morning. W e will hake orders only Orders will he taken until 8:00 P. M*. Xmas eve C You may place your order either at the bakery by Calling 6-3481 or thru Rigio Grocery which will also he at your service from 8 A . M. to 12 A. M..Telephone 6-3151 » •. f, •* Parkerhouse and Pan. Rolls 25c Doz. Pies 9 in. 50c Did you know by buying 1 loaf o f our bread each day you save $21.84 a year. CedarvilieBakery * Telephone 6-3481 x , • r * ; B-__. ___ Pillsburys Best: BITE-SIZE | E 6 6 MASH j M - v • ; .* >■ - J f DRAPER-MAYNARD FIELDER'S MIT Made ,tp fit smaller hands. Genuine leather, quality construction. Just like big- leaguer’s. * 4.49 JOLLY THEATRE Acompleteshow! One big combina tion! Moving picture p r o j e c t o r , , film, screen, theatre tick- fU Q K ets, cut-out figures. v lW V Hand Crank model, :16 mm., 100 .ft. film capacity. Sewing Machine Hind power makes this one really sew! A precise oper ating miniature that will thrill the girls. 5 2 .9 8 - ....... *'■*•'1 ~ ' ' i Stuffed Animals Soft fur and cute facial expressions that will steal 7 1- * 1.98 ea. Miaiaiitfe Service Station Operate everything like' a real service station. Deliver gas with tank , car. Raise and lower . hydraulic grease lift. J 125 Gull out the “ star boarders.”1Then get the good layers into full production with Pillsbury’s Best. Gome in ; we’ d like to explain, how B ITE -S IZE processing makes these egg feeds even better! We’re glad to see .you any time.. * PRESTON MILLINGCOMPANY Clifton, Ohio £ Musical ELEPHANT Plays tunc as he is pulled. . . ^j. Swings head, flops ears, ^£.19 . wags his Kg tail! Cedarvilie,' Ohio
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