The Cedarville Herald, Volume 71, Numbers 27-52

The Cedarville (Q.) Herald Friday, July 2,1948 RECEPTION sephine Auld), Day'toh, who were married"-iJohe l o , were honored by the JJnlied, Presbyterian church congregation at'a reception in the church parlors Saturday evening. The party was arranged by the churdh choir, of which Mrs. Sipe was director ten years until she resigned recently. Onb hundred members and . guests attended the reception. Miss Lena Hastings was chairman o f the program and Miss Carrie Rife presided. A duet was sung by Misses Jane Puxdom and Joan H&mman. Miss Hastings re­ viewed the choir's activities dur­ ing the ten years Mrs. Sipe was its director. Short talks were . Mr. Emile Finney, rep­ resenting the church session; Harold Stormont, the choir; Dr. R. A. Jamieson, the church, and Delmar C. Jobe, the congregation. Refreshments were served fol- lowirfe the program. Mrs. Greer McC|llister was chairman of the committee on arrangements and was assisted by Miss Hastings, Mrs. Delmar C. Jobe, Mrs. Hugh Turnbull, Mrs. Harold Cooley and MissiMabe! Stormont. Mr. and Mrs. Sipe are residing at 615 Acorn drive, Dayton. I VISIT NELSONS . * Mtfs. Hazel Geiser and sons, of Bloopiington, Ind., are visiting - Mrs.; Geiser’s parents, Mr, and Mrs., Robert Nelson. Mrs. Nelson and Mr, Vincent Rigio spent the weekend in Bloomington and Mrs. Geiser and children returned with then !.; O. E. S. MEET A stated meeting o f the Order of Eastern Star was held Monday, June 21, in the Masonic hall. No more meetings will be held thi3 summer, as it is the policy of the lodge to recess until the third Monday in September. Following the meeting, the members were served refresh­ ments o f home-made ice cream and birthday cake. The following members were honored; Mrs, Amos Frame. Mrs. Bashie Mills, Mrs. Clyde Negley, Mrs. Harry Wallace, Mrs. Aden Barlow and Mrs. Charles Robinson. The officers presented Mrs. Charles Robinson, worthy matron, with a bracelet in honor of her birthday. Then the worthy ma­ tron presented small gifts to each member whose birthday came in June. WESLEY CLASS The Wesley class of the Meth­ odist church met Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ vin Agnor. A covered-dish din­ ner was enjoyed, followed by the business meeting and social hour. The men of the class voted to do­ nate a day's work to the Commu­ nity park. Monday, July 5, was set as the day. Help from any other men in town would be much appreciated. SON BORN Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foster (Betty Myers) are announcing the birth of an eight-pound son, John, in Dunbar, W. Va.. this past week. Mi-. Herbert and Miss Win- nifred Myers visited in Dunbar this week. Real Estate Real Estate To Buy or Sell Contact W. A. COCHRAN BROKER on Farms - Town Property - Commercial Sites Telephone 4561 Write L B 434 South Charleston, Ohio We always need good farms. GOLDEN RULE CLASS The Golden -Rule class met in the Methodist church, Thursday evening. In charge of the pro­ gram was Mrs. Sipe and Mrs. Mc- Callister. Games were enjoyed by the group and after the business session, refreshments wgre served t by the committee, Miss Maude Burell, Mrs. Chester Murphy and Mrs. C. ,H. Gordon. WESTMINISTER CLASS The Westminister class of the First Presbyterian church met Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mott, near Clifton. Mrs. Harold Hanna had charge of devotions and Mr. and Mrs. James Grumrine, Jr., were the program committee. A des­ sert course was served the group by Mrs. Mott, after the business meeting. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. Ross Wiseman, Gorena, Judy and David Wiseman and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wiseman and Bonnie Joe, o f Jamestown, were entertained by Mrs. Jane Wise­ man and Mrs. Gillian, Monday evening, honoring the third birth­ day of Roberta Wiseman. VISITS MOTHER Mrs, J. W. Jackson, of Louis­ ville, Ky., spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Nancy Oglesbee, this past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. A . Simpson, of Ashville; Ky., were also guests at the-Oglesbee;home., over the weekend.-Msg <-».-• WEEKEND GUESTS ; - •; Mrs, J. S. West had as weekend guests, Mr. and'Mrs. Joe West and family, of Woodstock,, and Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Martin and Miss Suzanna, west of Toledo. Miss Susanna remained to spend some time with her mother. HERE FROM KENTUCKY Mr. and Mrs. W. W . Morton, of Louisville, Ky., visited with Mr. Ralph and Miss Ina Murdock this., past week, VISIT HERE Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wolf. (Ghristinf Smith) and children, of Columbus, and Mrs. Rosie Smith visited friends here over the week­ end. Mrs. Smith will return soon to spend several weeks with friends. . HENEY GUESTS Guests in the home of Mrs. A, E. Heney, this past week were, Prof. Orland Richie, of Pitts­ burgh, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs*.Rob­ ert S. Hemphill; Mrs. August and. daughter, of Pueblo, Colo. with Mr. and Mrs. C, C, Brewer.« tseajftan Willard. Pall, who hasl limignieft Ttfedfips-] uaysby plane fan San Francisco, ■to return to duty.. WEEKEND GUESTS aild Mrs,. Johil Davis had as .weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Alleil, of McLeansboro, - and Mrs. Don S. Bell, ox Wooster, Ohio. Mr. Bell is sec­ retary of the North American Sheep Dog society, Mr. Allen's sheep^ dog, Glen, yvas winner of * ^ r*Davis. Was chairman of the^arrangements for the Day- ton trial, which Was very suecess- ahd dog owners from several states Were present. ENTERTAIN FOR BROTHER * Mr. and Mrs, Donald Hagler and sons, Phillip and Roger, en­ tertained Sunday evening with a basket dinner on the lawn of their bbme, near Cedarville, honoring Hag)er]s brother, Richard Williamson, on his 16th birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Collins Williamson, near Cedar- Vale; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Strue- wing, Mr. and Mrs, Leroy Lowe and daughter, of Yellow Springs, -and MppSnd Mrs. Walter Stobps, o f near Xenial HALLS HERE , FAMILY DINNER- Mr. and Mrs. George Hall, o f Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Bumgarner Cambridge, spent Saturday night , ^and Frances,* Mr. and Mrs. Hil&y Garringer, Mr. and Mfs. Arthur Pfeiffer and family and Mr. John Tobias, enjoyed a covered-dish dinner, Sunday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watkins and family, of Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Powers and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Priest, in Hills­ boro. U. P. MISSIONARY The Woman’s Missionary so­ ciety met Thursday afternoon in the United Presbyterian church. Mrs. Fred Townsley was in charge of the prayer circle and Mrs. Ar- net Gordon, assisted by Mrs. Richie and Mrs. Lackey, gave talks on “ On Our Own Doorstep” and “ Hawaii.” Refreshments were served by Mrs. Roy Waddle, Mrs. Raymond Spracklin and Mrs. Hugh Turnbull, SHOWER F j»r the pleasure of her sister, Mrs, Floyd Flora, a recent bride, Mrs. Robert Beam entertained with a miscellaneous shower at her home, Friday evening. A color scheme of pink and white 'was carried out and the bride re­ ceived her gifts from the table centered with pink and white nations. A desser? course was served the guests from Dayton, Wilmington and Cedarville. Mr. and Mrs. Flora are living in Wil­ mington. HERE FROM IOWA Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Cummings, of Oskaloosa, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cummings, of De­ troit, Mich., visited several days this week with,Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ vin Agnor and Mrs. Jennie Agnor. Mr. H. W. Cummings is a brother pf the,latter, VISIT AT PARSONAGE Dr. and Mrs'. Boyd Rice, of Ken­ ton, Ohio, and the former’s cou­ sin, Mrs. C. E. Shaw, of Warren, Ohio, were visitors at the United Presbyterian parsonage last Fri­ day. APPOINTED' DELEGATE Miss Charlotte Collins has been appointed by the youth group of the J3lifton .Presbyterian church as a delegate to the National Youth Council of Young People’s Work, which meets in Tarkio, Mo., in August. RETURN HOME Mrs. Herbie Bailey is home af­ ter an operation in Pennsylvania. Mrs. Edith Barbee and Mrs. B. H. Little have* returned to their homes frohi .SpriltgfieM City hos­ pital. COLUMBUS GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. James Maloney and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Maloney, of Columbus, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Janies Duffield. IN ROSSFORD Mrs. Paul Orr is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sweet, in Rossford. Mr. Orr will come from Chicago and join Mrs. Orr in Rossford. VISITS BICKETTS Robert Campbell, o f Newton, Iowa, having spent several' days with Dr. and Mrs. John W. Bic- kett, left last Friday fo r North Park, Mich., where he will attend school for the summer. MOVIES SHOWN Movies, taken Memorial Day, were shown at the opera house Tuesday evening of this week in Clifton. * lmarta FOR ROOFING AND SIDING also STORM WINDOWS CALL * . JOHNS-MANVILi i? REPRESENTATIVE MR. CAUSEY Springfield 2-9»95 Sec Our Prices First Just Received a Limited Number of New Safety Deposit Boxes First Come First Served FARMERS & TRADERS BANK Jamestown, Ohio FARMALL TRACTOR -AND- McCORMICK PARTS — — DEERING SERVICE-------SALES Opekasit Center HARRY HAVERTY, M’ g’r Jeffersonville, Ohio Phone 3301 >■ .. I # HAVE YBUSEEN THE HUGESAVINGS OFEREDDURING CHENOWETH’S PRICE-SLASHING USED CAR SALE? S A V E as much as $350 ALLCARSPLAINLYMARKED,. . HIGHEST PRICESOFEREDONTRADE-INS . . . LOWGOST TERMS AVAILARLE- SMALL DOWNPAYMENTS h ’40 PACKARD BUSINESS COUPE....................................................................... Save $270 ’46 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR DELUXE......................................................................Save $100 ’46 CHEVROLET SPORT SEDAN.............................. '].......................................... Save $ 50 ’47 CHEVROLET STYLEMASTER 2-DOOR ................... .................................Save $100 !47 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE 2-DOOR........................................................... Save $110 ?46 DODGE DELUXE 4-DOOR................................................................................ Save $350 ’41 CHEVROLET TOWN SEDAN..........................................................................Save $ 30 ’47 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE 2-DOOR............................................................. Save $120 ’47 PONTIAC SEDAN COUPE................................................................................ 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BUICK CMCTRUCKS PONTIAC XEN IA , OHIO PHONE 1770 l b » ! > « • b W - Cost TooMuch I $ Av‘, cB ECAUSE THESE Rainbow Granites of color are so hard, it used to. take a great deal of time and labor to produce the polished surfaces'to monu­ ments. As a consequence, this desirable finish was r-msed'Only on;the)imet-price4nionuments. Modern -machines in the Cold Spring plant now reduce polishing and fabricating costs and achieve uniform high quality for every monument regardlesso f size. We invite you to see our display. There are many sizes, msnyfdesigRs and all are very reasonably priced.^ . •P.J. BURKEMONUMENT CO. -153 S. Fayette St. Washington C. H. Phone 8131 8-Ib capacity One-control wringer Self-tilting drainboard Durable balloon rolls Permanently oiled G-E motor Quick-emptying pump Full-length p r o te c tiv e skirt Nonsfain finish One-year warranty rift/ia G e t t e r # / t fe c t r iG ffasher A General Electric Washer does just one thing—it washes clothes clean, clean, clean! The clothes aren’t just swished around in this big G-E Washer. The ''three-zone” Activator* tum­ bles and loosens the clothes . . forces soap suds into every fibre . . . and chases out the most stub­ born dirt and soil. It washes clothes quickly and thoroughly—yet is gen­ tle with the finest fabrics. Make it a ’ ’must” to see this General Electric Washer that gives "quick-clean” washing every time! Demon­ strations daily. __ Small Down Payment j Convenient Terms $129.95 UP Terms To Suit By., NOTICE THE WESTERN ADJUSTMENT AND INSPECTION CO, Representing the Following Agencies: 11 - XENIA HARTMAN“ CEDARVILLE LESOURD-XENIA LITTLE-CEDARVILLE MOORKELL - CEDARVILLE HICHAM “ JAMESTOWN STEWART-YELLOW Will Have a Representative at the %■ *hk i * *M* >£ *■ % ‘v dq * * n BfS,- GEDlVILLE FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOANASSN. JUNE23. 29; JULY 2,6,7,9,12.13.14. ■ * iv , * * - i f i i s*' ■ To adiust hail damage losses, please bring estimate