The Cedarville Herald, Volume 71, Numbers 27-52

The Cedarville (O.) Herald Friday, July-9; 1948 COUPLE’S APPROACHING MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. LeMas- ter, Cedarville are announcing the approaching marriage of their' daughter, Miss 'Helen Grey Le- Master, to Mr. Carl Stevens, Xe­ nia. The couple will be married in the Jamestown Pentecostal church of Christ, Saturday, July 10, at 6:30 p. m. Rev. Bruce Brooks will officiate a t the service. Mr. Stevens is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stevens, Hazard, Ky, DAUGHTER OF FORMER GREENE COUNTIANS WEDS Mr. and Mrs, Harry Bratton, 736 West Pearl street, Union City, Ind., formerly of Cedarville. are announcing the marriage of their daughter. Miss Phyllis Ann, to Charles Hilbert Resor, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Resor. The couple was married in a Methodist church parsonage, Richmond, Ind»> Saturday, June 19. B’or her marriage the bride wore a dress of poudre blue crepe with white accessories and a cor­ sage of pink roses. Miss Jean- nettte Irelan, Arcanum, as maid of honor, also wore a poudre blue crepe dress and a corsage of pink roses. Billie Joe Bratton, brother of the bride, served as best man. i Following the service a recep- 1 tion was held a t the Bratton homei in Union City. The bride’s tab le : was centered with a throe-tiered . wedding cake topped by a minia-: ture bridal couple, ! Guests at the reception included Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bratton and son, Keith, Northampton; Mr, and Mrs. Robert Bratton and son, Bobby, Cincinnati; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bratton and Mrs. Murray Marshall, Cedarville; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cummings. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Warner and Gail and Ron­ ald Bratton, Union City. Mrs. Resor is a graduates of West Side high school, Union City, .and is employed as a nurse’s aide a t Union City hospital. Mr. Resor operates the Courtesy cof­ fee shop in Union City. The cou­ ple is residing a t the home of the bride’s parents. SHOWER FOR MRS. COOPER Mrs. Frank Cooper (Clara Mossman), a recent bride, was honored with a bridal shower, Saturday evening .given by Misses Norman Wells and Viv­ ian Ramsey. As the guests ar­ rived at the Ramsey home the gifts were placed in a pot of gold a t the end of the rainbow, which spanned the archway of the living room. Blue birds for happiness completed the decora­ tions. The music, “Ovtr the Rainbow,” was played as back­ ground music as the guest of honor opened her gifts. Fifteen guests were entertained and prizes were awarded Misses Nancy Ferguson and Marjorie Bradfute. The hostesses saved a dessert course of rainbow col­ ors. « MISSIONARY SOCIETY The Missionary society of the First Presbyterian church met last week at the home of Mrs. W. A Condon. Mrs. David Ramsey led devotions and Mrs. Paul Ram­ sey, Mrs. Paul Elliott and Mrs. Raymond Williamson gave re­ ports on their attendance a t the synod and synodical meetings at Wooster recently. Mrs. Condon, was assisted by Mrs. Anna Wil­ son in serving refreshments. PICNIC Mr. and Mrs. John Mills enter­ tained a group of friends a t their home, Monday evening, with a picnic supper and fireworks. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Amos Flame, Mr. and Mrs. ,11. L. Pic­ kering and son, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Randel, Mr. and Mrs. David Reynolds and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huffman and daughter cpd Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ bur Wisecup. HONOR RECENT BRIDE Seventy-five relatives and friends gathered a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Andrews, Federal pike, Tuesday evening, honoring Mrs. Russell Luse (Norma Andrews), a recent bride. The bride received many lovely gifts, which were placed on a table decorated in pink and white and centered with a large wedding bell. Mrs. Andrew was assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Wilbert Crager, in serving ice cream, cake and lemonade to guests from Jeffersonville, Day- ton. Springfield, Mechanicsburg, Clifton and Cedarville. Mr. and Mrs. Luse are residing on a farm near Clifton. 4TH IN CHAGRIN FALLS - J l Misses Mildred Williamson, Ruth Ann and Beverly Carzoo- and John Townsley, spent the;- weekend of,the Fourth' in\Cb'a$p-'itu Falls. Miss Williamson" went' from there to Warren, Ohio, to spend the week with Miss Louise Lund: Miss Lund and Miss Wili- -aamson are-classmates a t Bow- -ling Green college. HATTEND REUNION - Miv-and Mrs. Marvin Agnor ;, a,1d family, Mrs. Jennie Agnor 3£%*Iand Mrs. Ralph Cum- nimgs and daughter, attended the Cummings reunion a t Xenia Shawnee park, Sunday. ENTERTAIN FOR SON - ■Mr. and- Mrs. Charles Spurgeon entertained a group of relatives at the community^ shelter house, Wednesday evening, with a picnic dinner, honoring their sons, Car­ rol “Bud” Spurgeon, S.A, on leave for IS days. “Bud” will Cleave Friday for Norfolk, Va., to be stationed on the ship “Saipan,” an experimental aircraft carrier. Guests were present from James­ town, Xenia, Springfield and,Ce­ darville. * borjea KIRBY CHICKS Hatching Each Monday and Thursday LARGEST LINE OF POULTRY EQUIPMENT YOU’LL FIND ANYWHERE KIRBY HATCHERIES PHONE 3-8428 - 1318 W. MAIN ST. SPRINGFIELD 43, OHIO FOR ROOFING AND SIDING also STORM WINDOWS CALL JOHXS-MANVILLE REPRESENTATIVE MR. CAUSEY Spricfc'ficld 2-9.T9J See Our Prices First DEAD STOCKWANTED Cash Paid oh the Spot Horses $9.00ea. Cattle$11.00ea. Hogs $3.00 3j*er . According to . Cwt. Size and Condition Call DARLINGS Collect Phone Springfield 4-1227 DARLING & COMPANY ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Mr.l: W. =£>. -Thompson is an­ nouncing the marriage of his daughter, Helen,,to J I r . Torrence Irwin, of Nek, CdnCflrd. The cou­ ple were married June 26 in Belle Center.■ * : k LTGHOUSEPAINT! TG m n t PAINT Take care of your pride and joy! Specify Lucas T G "weather-resistant- House Paint. Highest quality pig* ments, ground in pure linseed oil, insure years of extra wear! $4.85 Gal. in 5s w r n r a w i rH a / id u M / v e * THISWEEK ONLY I j * •« *& ** '* Reductions Vi 9 i l l 1 «W of Electrical Appliances In a mid-summer Clearance of Electrical Ap­ pliances we are offering sensational reductions on some of the most wanted and Iiard-to-get items in this line of merchandise. Come in and take advantage of these savings TODAY. 1 b a k e r y - t o - i o i T s e n i c e * Tremendous demand swamps Omar Man as unusual bakery service begins. He’s behind on calls -b u t he’ll be at your house soon! m Was Now Kaiser Dishwasher . ...........$189.95 $140.00 Am Apex Fold-a-Iatic CrosleyCombinationFloor Model Radio... 229.95 169.09 * • * # 149:95 T ry as hard as he could, the Omar Man just couldn’t g e t around to see everyone last week who wanted to try Omar’s unusual bakery-to-you service. Thousands invited him to call —but it was impossible for him to reach everyone in just a few days. So greatwas the demand that thereweren’t enough Omar Men to serve everyone, many families had to be dis­ appointed—but cheer up—now there are more Omar Men .. m CrosleyCombination Table Model Radio ......... WhitingHomeFreezer. (2-compartment) ...... 399.95 289.95 ApexSweeper & Attachments. 87.99 Dormeyer Electric Mixef ..... 24.95 HARPER f t -- - „ . ...>■ W. Washington St. Jamestown, Ohio RAINor.SHINE1 He’ll come, rain o r shine—and through snow drifts inwintefc-tq serve you with rtaily fresh, bakery, __ products, ‘oily io tiB 'w S i* tie Omar ovens,to yovu^dcKSX.rffcdW' ite& r friendly ggfeMfc' , called at your house, just send « postcard to Omar at 2320 Bast jlumhut. Avenue, Springfield* It was hard to find these new Omar Men. We couldn’t pick just any man for this important job. * ’ Only the more courteous and dependable men could be chosen. For the Omar Man has to be welcome at any door. Only really reliable men could bepicked—for the Omar Man must call upon his customers regularly three times a week, at just about the same time, regardless of weather. . Only men who really believed in service could wear the blue-gray Omar uniform. For the Omar Man actually works for his customers, bringing really fresh bakery products direct from the ovens to the doors ^ of the families he serves. You can depend on the Omar Man to - serve you well. He is anxious to please you and is playing an important part in building a new and permanent Springfield industry. > Whgn he comes to your door, he is-help-' ing you solve bakery problems; helping you by being your- most dependable source o f reallyfresh bakery products. Ho Serves. You of Your Door He brings you ideas too! ‘Every day, Ohio women build theirmeals around one of the 23 delicious bakery prod­ ucts he brings. Omar’s fine breads in many varieties; Omar’s delicious pas­ tries; flaky crusted pies; fine cakes. Each is fairly priced. ' --v«r(,V SAM . . * a 1*Q nizeo I HAVE £v\ UCHr*£SHN£SS * claim. Ceetaiati i t it . - z BREADS ‘ AMD PASTRIES r j i ' A ■ ■ ! it* . I ffpA,