The Cedarville Herald, Volume 71, Numbers 27-52
ATTENDANTS AT WEDDING^ Two sisters o f the. bride will be membeic-.. of;,the wedding party whan Miss EdnaXiaire Stormont,. Federal pike-, marries Mr. Theo dore F . (Ted! Harsh, Sidney, in the Cedarville United Presbyter ian Church Friday, Aug. 6, at 8:30 p. m. Mrs. Millard French (Margaret Stormont), South Solon, the bride’s eldest sister, will be mar- iron o f honor and Miss Mary (The Cedarf$QQt *0.,. Herald Friday; July BO, 1948 tained and included members' o f a young people’s class o f the Ce darville U n i t e d Presbyterian Church, taught by Miss Stormont and teachers o f the primary de partment. Games were played, after which Miss Stormont wt*s presented gifts which were arranged on a table around a sprinkling can. Minature sprinkling cans were given as favors when a dessert* course was served by the hostess- 1 Louise Stormcgt will be maid o f es. VISITS PARENTS • Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jordon and family returned Sunday after visiting Mrs. Jordons’ parents Mr. and Mrs. John Miller in Sar dinia and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller in Cincinnati. VISITORS FROM TOLEDO Mr. and Mrs. William Lister and family had as weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tuller of Toledo. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Mr. Harold-Reardean was sur prised on his birthday,' Sunday, when a group of relatives held a covered dish picnic^at Bryan Park. Those attending^were: Rli*. and Mrs. Ray Reardean and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. 0 . E. Dawson and Miss Highland Hil- debrant o f Springfield and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harper of Sum- merford and Mr and Mrs. Har old Reardean and son Jimmy. VISITS FATHER ^ rs* Isadore- Notz, Dayton, spent Sunday with, her father, Mi*. Elmer<0wens't jfr RETURNS FROM IOWA Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Agnor and family, Mrs. Jennie Agnor and Mrs. Orville Huffman have returned after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cummings in Oskaloosa, Iowa! VISITS COUSIN Miss Claudine Dorn.of Sedalia spent last week with her cousin Miss Linda Gordon. ON FURLOUGH Sgt. Ralph R. Richards, sla- honor. The briedsmaid will he Miss Jane Harsh, Sidney, sister o f the bridegroom. Mr. French, the bride’s broth-*, er-in-lavfc will serve as best friar? and ushers will he Messrs. Har old Stormont, brother o f the bride; Wendell Cultice, Cedar ville, and Willard Harsh, Beaver Falls, Pa., cousin o f the bride groom. Dr. R. A. Jamieson, pastor o f ’ the Cedarville church, will of- ficate a t the open service as sisted by|Rev. Luther McFarland, pastor csf -the Bellecenter Re formed Presbyterian Church. A thirty-minute program o f nuptial music, beginning at 8 p. m., will precede the service. Miss Lena Hastings will be or ganist; Miss Ruth Ramsey, Ce darville, will be violinist and Mr. John Stevens, Kirkland, Ind., will be vocalist. Following the service a recep tion will be held in the church parlors. Miss Stormont is the second daughter o f Mr: and Mrs. Meryl Stormont, Federal pike, and Mr. .Harsh is the son o f Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harsh, Sidney. Both arc graduates of Cedarville College. NEWLYWEDS WILL RESIDE IN CEDARVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cultice (Betty Spence) will make their home in Cedarville when they re turn, from, a two weeks’ wedding trip to Canada and Niagara Falls N. Y. The couple was married Sat urday afternoon at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carli'le, Cedarville. Dr. Paul H. Elliott, pastor o f the Cedarville Presby terian Church, read the double ring service before an altar o f palms, flanked by tapers in seven- branch candelabra. Mr. Cultice is the son o f Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cultice, Wilber- foreve pike. The former bliss Spence has resided with Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle the last three years. The bride was attired in a frock o f pink and white nylon fashioned with in inset o f white lace at the waist. Her accessor ies were white and she wore a corsage of pink roses. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lu-e (Norma Andrews), Clifton, were attendants. Mrs. Luse wore a pink frock complemented by navy- blue accessories and a white car nation corsage. A reception fo r members o f the family and friends was held at the Carlisle home following the ceremony. Both the bride and bridegroom are graduates o f Cedarville High School. Mr. Cultice is employed at the Morris Bean Co., Yellow Springs. COUPLE MARRIED IN JAMESTOWN' SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Stevens (Helen Gray Lemaster) are resid ing in Cedarville following their marriage which took place in the Jamestown Pentecostal Church o f Christ last Saturday evening. The. bride is the daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Lemas ter, Cedarville, and Mr. Stevens is thgjson o f Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stevens, Hazard, Ky. Rev. Bruce Brooks officiated at the service. Miss Magdalene Lemaster, sis ter o f the bride, was maid of hon or and the bridesmaids were Miss Jacqueline Moore, Jeffersonville, and Miss Mildred Bradshaw, Jamestown. The maid of honor wore a gown or orchid taffeta and carried red roses. Miss Moore wore aqua crepe and Miss Bradshaw was in pink crepe. Their flowers were pink r (and yellow roses, j For her marriage the bride / chose a gown o f whit faille taf- ■ feta. The fitted bodice was fash ioned with a net yoke and had long sleeves, tapering to points over her hands. The full skirt ex tended into a slight train .Her fingertip veil was held in place with a band o f orange blossoms and she carried a colonial bou quet o f gardenias. Mr. Floyd.. Osman, Jr.,. Cedar ville, served as best man and the ushers wer M&ssrs, Joseph Pat rick, Jamestown, and Guy Klimer, Jr:, Cedarville. It For her daughter's wedding “ } Mrs. Lemaster v?ore a light blue i dress with white accessories. Mrs. Stevens, mother ^ f the bride groom, wore $ white crepe dress. Both had corsages o f white car nations. , Mrs. Stevens, attended Cedar ville high school. Mr. Stevens is employed by LoWe Bros., Dayton. FETED AT SHOWER Miss Claire Stormont, Federal pike; bride-elect o f Mr* Theo dore F . Harsh, Sidney, was hon ored at a miscellaneous “ shower _ at which Mrs. Arnett GoTdin and Mrs. Raymond Spracklen were hostesses at the Spracklen home on Old Town-Clifton pike, Thurs- isday evening. Twenty-five guests were enter- The marriage o f Miss Stor mont and Mr. Harsh will take place in the Cedarville U. P. Church Friday, Aug. 6. Miss Storm&nt is the daughter o f Mr. and Mrs.- Meryl Stormont, Fed eral pike. The bridegroom-elect is the son o f Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harsh, Sidney. HOLD EVANS REUNION One hundre thirteen members o f the Evans family gathered at the nark shelter house Sunday for a reunion. These are the descend ants o f Robert Evans, father of A . W. Evans. Guests were present from B a It i r a o r e, Westerville, Reynoldsburk, Columbus, Day- ton, N. Burlington, Xenia, James town, St. Paris, Winchester Va.. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bailey and Mrs. Walter Clowser o f Win chester are visiting relatives here for a few* days. Mrs. Fred Dean and Mr. Arthur Evans Were in charge of arrangements this year and for next years reunion, Mr. Lawrence Lutrel and Sirs. Glen Merriman of Xenia will have charge. FOR r o o f i also STORM WINDOWS * GALL JOHNS-MANVILLE REPRESENTATIVE MR. CAUSEY Springfield 2-9.">lV5 See Our Prices First RECEIVES BROKEN ARM I Sally Hutchinson, daughter o f , i Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hutchinson i j o f Chicago received a broken i j arm when she fell at the home ! o f grandmother Mrs. J. S . ! West where she lias been visit ing. WANTED SCRAP IRON, METAL, RAGS, PAPER BATTERIES, ETC. in any quantities- We pay market prices. PHONE 2188 WILMINGTONPON.&METALCO. Wilmington, Ohio 14- S. Mulberry St, "at ESESHaWSSeESBS^BESQB BIBLE CLASS PICNIC’S The MeKibben Bible Class of the U. P. church and their famil- j ies held a covered dish picnic a t ! m the community shelter house § Tuesday evening, i GUESTS HERE Mrs. Mai y MeCorkell and son 1 Perry had as guests this pa s t; week Dr. and Mrs. W. R. G ra -, ham o f LaFayette, Ind. T h e ; Grahams are enroute to visit in Philadelphia Pa. Mrs. Graham is ! a sister o f Mrs. jLIcCorkell. GUEST SOLOIST f Miss Patty Davis, daughter o f ' Mr. and Mrs. Colm Davis, was guest trumpet soloist, with the lo t); niece National Cash Register Co. i band, in a concert held Sunday! evening at the Old River Park in Dayton. She was accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Mildred F o s -; ter. t I WCTU f The July meeting o f the WCTU i was held last Thursday at the home o f Mrs. Wright. A business f meeting during jvlrich very en- f corn-aging- reports were given ,! was followed by a pleasant social, time. The WCTU will hold its ; annual summer picnic on the third Wednesday in August, i I Q M m o o f e e t t e ^ way itd^m akeGa permanent recordiof loved .ones. Wo Hgve. i iOfial movie ^c price ragged Open Every Monday ’Til 9 p. m. 31 W . High St. ' Dial 3-9491 Springfield, Ohio AUTOMAT I C ROTARY Wait until you try this supersize Gen eral* Electric rotary ironer with 195 v square inches of ironing shoe surface. Wait until you see how quick and easy "speed ironing” can be with adjustable speed of the roll . . . with automatic hand or knee operation . * . and with big, folding end shelves. But don’t wait any longer to try the new G-E De Luxe' Automatic Rotary Ironer! Come in and let us show you what it’s like to sit down and iron at a rotary ironer that was built for big trotting jobs. You’ll convince yourself that the General Electric Rotary Ironer just can’t be beat. in n n f s W 9& 9 5 I if U II CK terms tb~(suit * MORE FEATURES... BiGGER VALUE Automatic hand or knee operation . -**.-■ Two’ adjustable'heat controls 195-tq-jn. ironing-shoe surfaco' Adjustable speed of roll Pressure-release handle Wide folding end shelves Permanently lubricated mechanism One-year written warranty Underwriters approved GENERAL ELECTRIC W A S H E R S t D R Y E R S ? I R O N E R S DEAD STOCKWANTED Gash Paid on the Spot Horses $9.00ea. Cattle$11.00ea. Hogs $3.00 cpi According to Size and Condition mssm C a p p e r s August Sale Call DARL ING S Collect Phone Springfield 4 - 1227 - DARLING & COMPANY tioned in the Canal Zone is spend- leave this .week visit relatives ing a 60 day furlough with his in W. V a ." . . ^ 5,.., ? father Mr. J. R, Richards and- «?.. % # ' .V ;> his brother Mr. A. E. Richards Artificial respiration is being and family. Sgt. Richards will taught generally in schools. •rfo+N-v*. • Pure Raw Urcseed Oil )> »-»*. *. ■*>, »s j - ;** *»_•- . ft » . V «.«*!.*»’t C-’ » d w*. & / A *// \ 4 % <& v \ W ?— ' ' '' BEAM£BARRY B etter Than P rew a r / Better Than Ever Before? The tap* quality house paint you’ve been waiting for is here again. And it’s no surprise to paint-wise folks that it arrived in a Dean & Barry can. A ll o f the fine house paint features you knew in the prewar years are yours in richer, more generous amounts: Smooth, full-bodied texture. Cream-like consistency. Finely-ground pigments completely dispersed and swimming in pure raw linseed oil. Coverage that saves money at every stroke, beauty.and protection that last and last. Yes, Dean & Barry is the paint to specify fo r results that completely satisfy. So remember the Dean & Barry name. Remember to see us for the best paint value in town. See Us Before You Buy M'VAY'S STORE. INC. E. Main St. Xenia EteSSoi A NAME THAT STANDS FOR GOOD FURNITURE BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE A U A i r r See Our ‘FRESH STOCK’ Discount ON FURNITURE. CARPETS, STOVES SALE STARTS 1, • Thurs., July 29 Everything* Included In This Sale Except Contract Items Small Down Payment Weekly or Monthly Payments ■t HigfcrJSt. S-Jf »>1*1 i I s f l SpHnjjgfield, Ohio 1 * OF BIG (FIRST TIME OFFERED!!) U " s *47 OLDS ‘66’ SEDAN ’47 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN ’46 CHEVROLET TOWN SEDAN *’46 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE |’46 BUICK ‘SUPER’ SEDAN ’46 BUICK ‘SUPERS 2-DOOR* • ^ r r - ; -5.^ v a *** •* * * ,*\. *r . . *’ J,.- 9 - . I’ “THESE ARE REAL VALUES!” “LOOK . COMPARE RUY ti 1 I I B I 8 I ’46 PONTIAC 2-DOOR SEDAN ’46 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ’40 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN ’39 OLDS 2-DOOR TOURING ’39 CHEVROLET TOWN SEDAN *• \ ’ 38 CHEVROLET TOWN SEDAN C h e n o w e t h M o t o r C o BUICK <t*' * ► «« 4i*K w- ■”*Vh* y* « t“* >(M “ •*- TiroaV•»ewet r 3% * .GMCTRUCKS . . . 'pONTIAO •S.15 ~ J •.-;n iaaM Is Jss*xts *s •H’ S v .lai&iiiWSloJslO' • ■* - Ij.osS ind 'As -i ■*' : s! (vr*-* 1 1 1 ‘ ‘H O M ^ % F v« i T T E R U l E ^ A R S * * ■■ Phone 1770," *-■-A* ^
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