The Cedarville Herald, Volume 71, Numbers 27-52

Friday, 'August 13, 1948. COMING DOWN THE STRETCH OHIO STATE FAIR The 1948 Ohio State Fair, August 28 through September 8, will feature five days of harness racing beginning Monday afternoon August 30 with purses totaling $24,500. Topping last year’s entry list, 121 horses have been entered in the six early-closing stake events. Ohio racing fans will see 22 horses try for the $2,000 purse and the trophy to be presented by Governor Thomas J. Herbert in the 3-year-old trot on the Thursday afternoon. State Fair Manager Ed Bath announced today that 1500 bleacher seats are being constructed adjoining the grandstand providing a total seating capacity of . approximately 9,000 for the races. Grandstand will open at 12 noon (EST) and races will begin at 1:30. Boy Scouts to Gather Scrap The Boy Scouts will again gather scrap paper and old Tags, Tuesday afternoon, Aug. 17. Your help in this matter will be great­ ly appreciated. William Waide, Scoutmaster. CHURCH PICNIC The congregation of the First Presbyterian church "will hold its annual picnic in the church yard on Aug. 18 at 6 p. m. Members are asked to bring two covered dishes and their own table ser­ vice. Bread and butter will be furnished. PHONE NUMBER CHANGED To those who may be inter­ ested, we wish to announce that our telephone number has been changed to 6-4111. Rev. and Mrs. William Waide. MOVING Mr. and Mrs. William Gamer are moving, this week, to Logan. W . Va., where Mr. Garner will join the Thalheimer theater cir­ cuit. HARSH - STORMONT Baskets of white gladioli, ar­ ranged among greenery, decor­ ated the altar of the Cedarville United Presbyterian church for tho wedding of Miss Edna Claire Stormont, Federal pike, and Theodore F . Karsh, Sidney, Fri­ day at 8:30 p. m. The service was read by candle­ light provided by white tapers in four seven-branch candelabra and single tapers in each of the windows. The bride is the second daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Meryl Stor­ mont, Federal pike, and the bride­ groom is the son of Mr. and Mi’s. Frank Harsh, Sidney. Dr. It. A . Jamieson, pastor of the Cedarville church, read the double ring service. He was as­ sisted by Rev. Luther McFar­ land, pastor of the Belle Center Reformed Presbyterian church, and Rev. Paul Duncan, Morning Sun, O. Preceding the ceremony Miss Lena Hastings, organist, played “Morning” (Tsehaikowsky) and the ‘'Twenty-third Psalm.” She was accompanist for two violin solos, “Romance” (Rubinstein) and “Meditation” from “Thais,” played by Miss Ruth Ramsey, Cedarville. John Stevens, Kirk- lin, In&. sang “Thine Alone,” “ O Promise Me” , “Because” and “The Lord’s Prayer.” Candles were lighter by four members of Miss Stormont’s Sun­ day school class, Dean Gordon, Richard Spracklin, Jane Purdom and Dorothy Hubard. Mrs. Millard French (Mar­ garet Stormont), South Solon, eldest sister o f the bride, was matron of honor; another sister, Miss Mary Louise Stormont, was maid of honor and Miss Jane Harsh, Sidney, sister of the bride­ groom, was bridesmaid. The attendants wore gowns styled with taffeta bodices and net overskirts. The bodices had sweetheart necklines and three- quarter length sleeves, Mrs. French was in orchid and carried white gladioli; Miss Stormont was in yellow and carried orchid gladioli and Miss Harsh was in poudre blue and carried yellow gladioli. They wore pearl brace­ lets,. a gift of the bride. The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a gown fash­ ioned with a white satin bodice and net overskirt, which was worn by Mrs. French at her wed­ ding. The bodice had long sleeves tapering to points over the hands a net yoke, edged with a net ruffle to create an off-the-shoul- der effect. Her fingertip veil of illusion net was edged in lace. It was held in place with a hand of shirred net caught with clusters of white roses. She carried a shower bouquet of white roses centered with a gardenia corsage. Her jewelry was a pearl necklace a gift of the bridegroom. Mr. French, the bride’s brother- in-law, served as best man. Ush­ ers were Harold; Stormont, broth­ er o f the bride; Wendell Cultice, Cedarville. and Willard Harsh, Beaver Falls. Pa., the bride­ groom’s cousin. _Following the service a recep­ tion was held in the church par­ lors. Mrs. Stormont, the bride’s mother, received the guests in a navy crepe dress, with which she wore pink accessories and a cor­ sage of pink carnations. Sirs. Harsh, the bridegroom’s mother, wore a pink crepe dress, comple­ mented with navy accessories. Her flowers were white carna­ tions. The bride’s table was decorated with bowls of summer flowers and was centered with a three-tiered wedding cake topped by a min­ iature bride and bridegroom. A s­ sisting at the reception were Misses Florence Bowers, New Burlington; Gloria Abels, Spen- cersvilie, formerly of Cedarville, and Pauline Ferguson, near Xe­ nia. During the reception a pro­ gram of violin music was played by Miss Ramsey, with Mrs. Greer McCallister as accompanist. When Mr. and Mrs. .Harsh left Friday night on a wedding trip, the bride wore an early fall suit of gray wool with green and black accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Harsh will establish their home in Pittsburgh after Sept. 1, Both Mr. and Mrs. Harsh are graduates of Cedarville college. Mr. Harsh will be a second-year student in the Reformed Presby­ terian seminary, Pittsburgh, the coming term. Out of town guests for the wedding were Rev. James Stor­ mont and four children, Ligonifer, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens and children, Kirkland, Ind., Rev. and Mrs. Paul Duncan, Morning Sun, O. Other guests were from Belle Center, Sidney and South Solon. * announce date Mr. and Mrs. Howard Creswell Federal Pk., are announcing the approaching marriage o f their daughter, Frances, to William R. Meyer; son of Mr. and Mrs, Charles F . Meyer, Erookville. The betrothal was revealed at a party at the Creswell home re­ cently at which Mrs. Creswell, mother o f the bride-elect, and daughters, Misses Mary Helen and Junia Creswell, Mrs. Wilmer Funderburg and Mrs. Harold Er~ baugh were hostesses. The wedding will take place in the Cedarville Presbyterian church, Saturday, Aug. 28, at 7:30 p. m. Games were played and Miss Creswell was presented a miscel­ laneous array of gifts as the par­ ty was planned as a "shower” in her honor. Announcement of the approaching marriage was con­ cealed in walnuts which were given as favors when refresh­ ments were served. Miss Creswell is a graduate of Cedarville high school. Mr.Meyer a graduate of Ohio State uni­ versity, is instructor of a GI farm training class in Brook- ville. SHOWER Miss Frances Creswell was en­ tertained with a dinner, last week, at the Bee and Thustle restaur­ ant in Osborn. A fter dinner, Miss Creswell was showered with an array of miscellaneous gifts. Guests were: Mrs. Emma Wise, Airs. Pollyanna Reed and Miss Alary Helen Creswell, of Spring- field. Aliss Zella Irian, Aliss Alary Christman, Aliss Jessie Wolf, of Dayton, and Aliss Arargretta Reynolds, o f Osborn. Aliss Cres- well’s marriage will take place Aug. 28th. CLASS PARTY Air. and Airs. Arthur Pfeifer and Air. and Airs. Leigh Ferguson were hosts to their Sunday school class of the Clifton U . P. church, Tuesday evening, at the former’s home. Sixteen members and their families were present. Airs. Pfeifer had charge of devotions and, during the social hour, mov­ ing pictures were shown by El- wood Shaw. Dr. Bickett is teacher of the class. Guests were served a dessert course by the hostesses. STORK SHOWER Twenty-nine guests were pres­ end, Wednesday afternoon, when Airs. Alva Chaplin and daughter, Airs. Audry Powers and Aliss Jane Chaplin, entertained with a stork shower for Airs- Earl Chap­ lin. The table in the Ghaplin home was centered with a minia­ ture cradle with streamers held by a stork, and the gifts were arranged around and in the cradle. The guests were served home made ice cream and cake by the hostesses. HOAIE CULTURE CLUB Air. and Airs. .11. H, Brown en­ tertained members o f the Home I Culture club and their families I with a picnic dinner at their cot­ tage on Tecumseh Island, Russell’s Point, Tuesday. After the din­ ner, the group enjoyed boating and swimming. Air. and Airs. G. E. Oxley, of West Liberty, were afternoon callers. Airs. Oxley was a former member of tho club. RETURN HOAIE Airs. James Alitchell and Air. and Airs. Lawrence Waddle re­ turned home, Thursday morning, from a three weeks’ vacation. They motored to California, the southern route, through Grand Canyon, stopping in Phoenix, Ariz., to visit friends. While in California, they visited Air. and Mrs. W . W . Galloway, Air. and Airs. L . D . Parker and Air. and Airs. Reese Barber. They re­ turned home the northern route, visiting Yosemite park. Salt Lake City and Yellowstone na­ tional park. DAUGHTER BORN Ah*, and Airs. .Homer Alclntyre, (Joyce Clemons) are announcing the birth of a daughter, Monday, in Aliami Valley hospital in Day- ton. TO ATTEND WEDDING Air. and Airs. George Hall, of Cambridge, and Air. and Airs. C. C. Brewer left, Alonday, for Cal­ ifornia, where they will attend the wedding o f Willard Hall to Aliss Louise Anderson, Sunday, Aug. 15th. SON BORN Air. and Airs. Donald R. Miller are announcing the birth oU a son, Saturday, at Springfield city hospital. TO ATTEND WEDDING Airs. David Reynolds and daughter, Susie, and Airs. G. H . Hartman left. Tuesday, for Dev­ on, Pa., to attend the v;edding of Neil Hartman. They will be joined there by Doris Atm Rey­ nolds, who has been spending the summer in Sherman, Conn, with Rev. and Airs. Justin Hartman. Air. and Airs. Harry Willace and Aliss Ruth West will also attend the wedding. BIRTHDAY HONORED A basket dinner was held, Sun­ day, at the home of Mr. and “Mrs. Herbert Powers, honoring the birthday of Airs. Powers’ father, Alva Chaplin, Those attending atp * Mv. Atid Airs. Leonard p«.ipef. T?mr pv,ATiiin Air, and Mrs. PVi o vT - P b *iT > ]in . Air. 3 T ld Airs. ■Rny Burnett. Air. end Mrs. Le- t > a .- ■RnnriAffp and Mr, find Mrs. J petita ATpCwvntn, fill o f TFT’llsbo- n Mr And Mr^, F.nrl Cbaplin. Mr nnd A W Lowell Chaplin and children, Air. and Airs. Elmer Chaplin, of Davton, and Mr. and Airs. Alva Chaplin. SHOWER Mrs. Carl Cultice (Betty Snpnce) was honored with a mis­ cellaneous shower. Fridav even­ ing. at the home of All’s. Edward Carlisle. K . Y . N . PICNIC The K. Y . N . picnic will be held, Friday evening, Aug. 13, at the home of Air. and Airs. Paul Townsley. All members and their families are invited. Dessert will he furnished. SON BORN Air. and Airs. Willard (Bill) Preston are announcing the birth of a son, this past week. Pres­ tons are now living at Indian Lake. VISIT HERE Airs. R. W . Condon and daugh­ ter, Janice, o f Simsbury, Conn., are visiting Rev. and Mrs. W . B . Condon. The body of R. W . Con­ don, son o f Rev. and Airs. Con­ don, killed in World W ar II in Europe, was returned to the United States last week, and bur­ ied in Arlington cemetery, VISIT PARENTS Air. and Alras. Alotter C. Pen- nypacker and daughter, Beverly Jo, of Athens, are guests of the latter’s parents, Air. and Mrs._ R. T . Williamson. Guests of Miss­ es Janet and Alildred Williamson, the past week, were Misses Alary Bewley, o f, Bellfontaine, and Louise Lund,* o f Warren, Ohio. PERSONALS AIxv and Airs.* Greer McCallister and family are spending the week at La Sourdsvilie lake. Air. and Airs. Carl Plummer are home after a visit with rela­ tives in Mt. Orab and Cherry Fork, Adams county. Rex Strobridge, son of Ah’, and Airs. Harold Strobridge, under­ went an operation in Springfield City hospital, last week. He is home and improving fast. Aliss Barbara Ann Taylor, of Dayton, is visiting relatives here the past few days. Air. and Airs. Hugh Garmon, of Detroit, Atich., spent the week end with Air. and Mrs. Melvin Charles. Mr. and Airs. John Davis and family are ^pending a week’s va­ cation in Canada. Air. and Mrs. Russell Wisecup are home, after a vacation and fishing trip to Minnesota. Air. and Mrs. John Powers and family, of Greenville, Tenn., are visiting relatives here. Miss Joanne Whittington, who is attending the University of Cincinnati, is spending a three weeks’ vacation with her parents, Air. and Mrs. H. L . Whittington. Air. and Airs. Ralph Cummings and daughter, Mary Lee, spent a week’s vacation at Russell’s Point. Airs, James Gregory and son, of Cuyahoga Falls, visited here a few days and Airs. Rosa Smith, who has been here a few weeks, is returning to Cuyahoga Falls with her daughter, Mrs. Gregory. Alva Chanlin is home after a visit with relatives ip Hillsboro. Mrs. William Elberfeld and children, of Columbus, visited with Air, and Airs. Robert Mac­ Gregor and family, this week. Air. and Airs. Fred Moore and son, Gary, of Toledo, visited Mrs. Nancy Spracklen and other rela­ tives this past week. Air. and Airs. Helmer Grimm and children, of Columbus, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bird. Air. Grimm is a professor at Capitol university. Mrs. Orville Huffman, of Day- ton, visited a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Jennie Agnor and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Agnor and family. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Agnor and daughters visited a few days this week with the parents of the latter, Air. and Mrs. Arthur Huff­ man, of Milford Center, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens and children, Bobbie and Pamela, of Kirkland, Ind., visited friends here this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Emile Finney and family have been spending a few days in Michigan and Canada. Grape Grove Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Morr and daughter, Susan, of Cincin­ nati, were the weekend guests of All’s. Luvicia Ritencnr. Addition­ al guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mil­ lard Ritenour, Mr. and Mrs. Or­ ville Keiter, Earl Ritenour, Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Cummings, Mr. and Airs. Marlin Cummings and daughter, Kenneth Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Glass and Ber­ tie Glass, of Springfield. NEW JASPER Nelson Pickering, of Cedarville, is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Airs. Raymond Pickering. CLASSIFIEDADS First insertion 2 cents per word Minimum_______________________25c Additional insertions 1c per word Minimum ______________________ 15c • FOR SALE • FORD or Ford-Ferguson tractor bumpers, $7.95. Ralph E. Cumm­ ings. 37-4e FOR SALE— Four burner gas range. Mrs. Harry Wright. Phone 6-2351. FOR SALE— White Rock fries. Mrs. Lucy Turner. Phone 6-2918. _________________________________ 37-2c FOR SALE— Welsh folding baby carriage, excellent value. Phone 6-3941,, ________________________ ~___ FOR SALE— Kaiser 4 door se­ dan, good tires, good condition. Harry E. Garringe. Phone 6-1251. FOR SALE— Water pipes ^n d commodes. F . E. Harper, James­ town, Ohio. 31-6t FOR SALE—Antique Glass and China. Mrs. Harry Wright, Cedar­ ville. Telephone 6-2351. FOR SALE— White enamel cop­ per clad cook stove used short time A1 condition. Mrs. Hopping at Geo. Morris Cedar St. (32-3p) FOR SALE— 1934 Ford, good condition, four new tires. Ray Tidd, PHONE 4-7142, Jamestown, Ohio. (2w-7-15-J-7-22) FOR SALE— Second hand cloth- ing, size 16. Electric iron. Mrs. Paul Orr, Phone 6-2691. lhp • ; N O T I C E " NOTICE—For the best in shoe repair bring them t o . Chaplin’s Dry Cleaners. 15-6ch NEW and used furniture bought, sold a n d exchanged. WILLIAM THOMPSON, Phone 6-3191, Ce- darville, Ohio. 17-tfh CUSTOM BUTCHERING — Ce- darville Slaughter House, Route 42. We render lard, cut up meat and make sausage. Phone 6-1023. « W A N T E D « HELP WANTED— Man to work at stockyards. Permanent position. Inquire Cedarville Li,ve Stock Co. _________________________________ 37-lc WANTED— Furnished or un­ furnished appartment in Cedar­ ville by veteran in college and fam­ ily. Larry Brooks. Phone 6-1700. WANTED— Married couple with no children wants 3 room or more apartment, furnished if possible. Harold L. Kinzig, 60 Sherman Ave., Columbus 5, Ohio. WANTED— One man to work with local manager. $100 to $125 per month to start. Must be neat appearing and willing to work 8 hours per day. Also man to take charge of territory. For appoint­ ment write Mr. Gordon, 209 Lowe B]dg., Dayton, Ohio. 22-tf W A N T E D— R a g s, iron and paper. WILLIAM THOMPSON, Phone 6-3191, Cedarville, Ohio. . ' - 17-tfh • CARD OF THANKS" I wish to express my sincere thanks to all of our nieghbors and friends for what they did for my family during my receent illness in the City hospital and for the nice cards I received, I especially want to thank those who donated blood and thse who offered but were not needed. Mrs. William Baldwin; • Legal Notice • legal notice Alton Karl Frederick whose ad­ dress is unknown will take notice W E L D I N G ARC- ACETYLENE BRAZING — SILVERSOLDERING CUSTOM FABRICATION RALPH E. CUMMINGS C E D A R V I L L E __________ PHONE 62SS1 FIRST ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS FridayandSaturday,Aug. 13 and14only We are celebrating the completion o f our first year in the grocery business in Cedarville. We wish to ex­ press our thanks for your patronage and we hope to continue to he o f service in the community for many years to come. Sugar, 25lbs. ............ 2.25 NuMaidMargarine ....... lb. 37* Tide,largepackage ...... 32c Oxydol,largepackage... 32c MaxwellHouseCoffee, lb.can. 53c Cigarets(allpop’rbrands)car’n 170' GreatNorthernBeans,2lb. bag 35c Betty BluePeaches,gal... 85c Vinegar, gal ............... 49c MEAT Bologna ................... 35c Wieners ................... 48c PorkSteak ................ . lb. 58c Bacon(D,D.Buckeye)... ..Ib. 62c PRODUCE lemons, doz. ....... 29c Bananas, lb ................ 15c SweetPotatoes,2lbs ...... 21c HeadLettuce,2for ....... 23c RI0I0 s K CASHAND GARY I N. Main St. Cedarville. Q. that' on August 3, 1948 Aurora Marie Frederick, filed her certain petition against him for divorce on the grounds of gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty* before the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, said case being Noj 25, 528 on the docket of said Court, and will come on for hearing on or after Sept. 11, 1948. ‘ Alve- C. Stiver Attqrney for Plaintiff Loveland, O. (8 -5 -6 t-9 -ll). LEGAL NOTICE Joseph Saccoon whose address is unknown will take notice that on July 30, 1948, Elizabeth Sac­ coon filed her certain petition against him for divorce on ,-grounds of gross neglect of duty before the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, said case being No. 25,523 on the docket of said Court and will come on for hearing on or after the 11th of September 1948. David J. Weinberg Attorney for Plaintiff 407 Callahan Bldg. Dayton, O. (8 -5 -6 t-9 -ll) LEGAL NOTICE Goldie W . Miller, who is not a resident of the State of Ohio and whose place of residence in un­ known, will take notice that on the 30th day of July, 1948, Rufus Miller filed his Petition in the Court of Common Pleas, Greene County, Ohio, against her, the same being No. 25521 on the dock­ et of said Court, praying for Di­ vorce and Other .Relief on the grounds of willful absence for three years and gross neglect of duty, and that said case will come on for hearing six full weeks from August 5, 1948, which is the date of the first publication hereof, as soon thereafter as will be con- venientto the Court. RUFUS MILLER WEAD & AULTMAN Attorney for Plaintiff(8-5-6t-9-10) NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Isaiah Kearns, De­ ceased. , Ncjtice is hereby given that Lloyd Kearns has been duly ap­ pointed as Administrator of the estate of Isaiah Kearns, deceased, late of Sugarcreek Township, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 16th day of July, 1948. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge of Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. By LUELLA HOWSER, Chief Deputy Clerk. PROBATE COURT Greene County, Ohio COMMON PLEAS COURT, GREENE COUNTY, OHIO Lydia F . Garrett, : : Plaintiff, : : -vs Richard W . Garrett,: : - Defendant. : : Richard W . Garrett, whose last known place of residence was 735 E. Church Street, Xenia, Ohio, and whose present address is unknown, will-take notice that on the 13th day of July, 1948, Lydia F , Gar­ rett filed her petition against him in the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, for divorce on the grounds of gross neglect of duty, extreme cruelty, and wil­ ful absence for more than three years, and that unless the said Richard W . Garrett shall answer said petition on or before the 27th day of August, 1948, ‘ judgment may be taken granting the plain­ tiff a divorce. LYDIA F. GARRETT, Plaintiff Smith, McCallister & Gibney Attorneys for plaintiff (7-16-71-8-27) NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Francis Edward Harri- gan aka Frank E. Harrigan, De­ ceased.' Notice is hereby given at Doro­ thy Catherine Harrigan has been duly appointed as Administratrix W . W . A ., of the estate of Francis jEdward Harrigan aka Frank E. Harrigan, deceased, late of Bea­ vercreek Township, Greene County, Ohi'o. w i l l i a m b . M c C a l l i s t e r , Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. By Luella Howser, Chief Deputy Clerk. o z THEATRE * Friday and Saturday Aug. 13-14 George O’Brien -in- “GUN LAW ” Also Cartoon & Color Musical Sunday and Monday Aug. 15-16 t Jose Iturbi - Jeanette MacDonald “THREE DARING DAUGHTERS” *’ In Technicolor * Also Fox News Wed. and Thurs. Kirby Grant - Hoosier Hot Shots SONG OF IDAHO” News - Comedy - Snapshots : ’ TlictCedarville (O.) Herald NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Howard Mandy,- De­ ceased. Notice is hereby given that Mar-, ion Mandy has been duly appoint­ ed as Administratrix of the estate of .Howard Mandy, deceased, late of Cedarville Village, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 26th dav of Julv, 1948. w i l l i a m b . M c C a l l i s t e r .* Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. (7-30-3t-8-13) By Luella Howser Chief Deputy Clerk NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Olda H. Williams, De­ ceased. Notice is hereby given that Ar­ nold N . Conklin has been duly ap­ pointed as Administrator of the estate of Olda II. Williams, de­ ceased, late of Village of Spring Valley, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 28th day of July, 1948. w i l l i a m b . M c C a l l i s t e r Judge of the Probate Court, Greene Prevailing Prices paid for DEADSTOCK FARM BUREAU COOP. ASSN. call collect Xenia 756 Dayton KEnmore 5742 Cojjfnty," .6hioi'? (7-30r8t-S-13) By Luella Howser ■ ’______________Chief Deputy Clerk NOTICE 25501 Notice is hereby given that the Memorial Reformed Church, Day- toni 'Ohio, has filed its Petition in the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, Cause No. 25501, praying for authority to sell its real estate in said County, being: An undivided one-third interest in the following described real estate: Situated in the Township of Bath, in the County of Greene and being lot 364 as numbered and designated in Section Fif­ teen (15) on the Plat of Os­ born View, in Bath Township, Greene County, Ohio, being the same premises conveyed to John and Theresa Whitney, recorded in Deed Book 139, Page 623 of the records of said County, and that the same will be for hear­ ing on or after 25th August, 1948. (7-30-4t-B-20) FARMALL TRACTOR -AND - McCORMICK PARTS — — PEERING SERVICE — SALES O p e k a s i f C e n t e r HARRY IIAVERTY, M’ g’r Jeffersonville, Ohio Phone 3301 Have Woolens and Blankets Cleaned for Summer Storage Cleanliness is the best care you can give to these ex­ pensive items. Let New Cedarville Cleaners give your prized blankets and woolens.thorough cleaning— then store them and be free from worry. Moth proofing at moderate cost. TheNewCedarvilleCleaners 4 to 24 Hour Dry Cleaning Service 5 Day Laundry Service Pick Up and Delivery Phone 6-3411 Cedarville • Why wait longer to enjoy pure soft water in your home? Order Servisqft now! Equipment is available for immediate installation. . . you can take advantage o f this modern utility,,service a t once. Remember: you don’t invest one cent in. the purchase o f a softener. You pay only a low-cost monthly service charge . . and we do all the servicing for you. No wonder so many home-owners — and home-renters — are taking advantage o f Servisofti. For complete details, phone ( or come in now . . • * SOFTWATERSERVICE INC, In Cedarville Earl Chaplin c-o Chaplin”Cleaners Cedarville 6-2231 WE SOF T E N THE W ATER FO R Y O U