The Cedarville Herald, Volume 71, Numbers 27-52

Friday, August 27. 1948' The Cedarville, O, Herald The Cedarville A Republican Newspaper Published Every Friday by t h u r m a n m i l l e r , j r . Entered as second class matter October SI, 1887 at the Postof­ fice at Cedarville, Ohio, under A c t o f Congress o f March 1879. Member-National Editorial A s- •*x Eociaticn; Ohio Newspaper Asso­ ciation; Miami Valley Press As» Hoeiaiion. Society BUNLAP-ZIMMERJLVN Mr. and Mrs. William Edward Dunlap (Joan Louise Zimmer­ man), who were married in Xenia Saturday, will reside in Cedar­ ville when they return from their wedding trip. Sept. 1. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and airs, Charles R. Rhcubert o f Cedarville. Mr. Pur.lup, sort o f Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Dunlap, of Hamilton, is a student at Ce­ darville college. The double ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Charles R. Karmen at h i; home, 633 N . West street at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Edward Sowell. Jairv-- town, attended her sister as maid of honor. Mr. Hugh Dunlap, o f Hamilton, brother o f the bride­ groom. served as best man. Mrs. Sowel! was attired in a suit of plum --hade with black ae- cc.-r.oiit - and >he wore a corsage o f white gladioli. For her wedding, the bride a u:t of green wool with dark btown aoee.-sorie.-,, and a corsage o f white gardenias. After the ceremony, twentyfive dren, Mrs. Howard Arthur and childrcn^AIrs. Warren Barker and daughter, Mrs. Robert MacGreg­ or and children, Jane and Patty Davis and Mrs. Harold Reinhard enjoyed a picnic and weiner roast last Thursday, at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cummings at Russell's Point. Miss Jane Cresweli is on a trip to the west coast. She will vf-dt in Denver, Colorado, for a wbiir, then go to Pasadena, California, where she will be the guest o f Miss Clara Galloway, ft i nr. rly o f Cedarville. Mrs. Cora Trumbo and Mildred have for their guests, this week, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Westerfeld, of Cincinnati, and Mrs. Burton McEhvain. of W . Asheville, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barden and son, Donald, o f Cincinnati, will join them on Sunday. Wednes­ day evening, they al.-o entertain­ ed* Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Wilson and children, Larry, Robe: Darlene, of near Center, hi and Mrs. Robert Tram-ho daughters, Joan and Ruth, Mr, and Mrs. R. B. Tram! Osborn. Iluth Ann Garner, r-f Yellow Springs, is visiting at the hers - of Mr. and Mrs. J. W . Wu'-Vm;. Mr. and Mrs. Warwick icturr d. last week, after a month in Cali­ fornia. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Wi-erun and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wi-ecup and son enjoyed a picnic at the Cincinnati zoo, Sunday. with their son, Rev. Fred Bull, and family in DeBois, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Bull attended the wed­ ding of their grandson, Robert Bull, to Miss Jane Kane, Aug. 14, in Arcade, New York, and attend­ ed the reception at the home of the bride's parents. They re- Dure.l t*. Cedarville with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merrill. MCs Eleanor® Kevtenstein is visaing relatives in Cincinnati aril Dayton. She is on vacation fji-iu her duties at Allen’s Barber rh“ i>. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Chaplin are announcing the birth of a son, Phillip Craig, Wednesday, in SprhrgfK Id City hospital. Mr. and Mis. John Hlrt and daughters, of Indianapolis, Ind.. h ;ve been guests at the home of Lawrence Straley for the last several days. I k . cat ch dub will meet at the home of Mrs. J. S. West on Thur. Mr. Mr a:\i are i ar.! tv* tl i, o f and Fri ;to; Mrs. Margaret Warn-ley, i.f Pee­ bles, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hupp and children, of Delaware, ami Mrs. Maude Hupp, of Marengo, Ohio, spent Sunday with Mr. ami Mrs. Sherman Cotton. Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Bail are home after spending several days e mar: iaee of their daughter, r - or cos, to Wi-liam R . Meyer, to be keYdin the Fir -t Presbyterian church in Cedarville on Saturday Cg . Aug. 2S, at 7:30. After spending a few' days at Wnnenn Lake, Rebecca Cresweli : pent i. week with her aunt and unde. lit v. ar.d Mrs. W . R . Stew- ::: *. their home in Snarta, Hi. Mw ami Mrs. James Ramsey and son are visiting Mr. Ram­ ey’ s paru’.ts in Loveland, this week. Mi-scs Jean Limbacker and Phyi'.: -. Burba, of Grand, Mich., \ j-itir.g Mr. and Mrs. James H a lo id . Mr. and Mrs. Park King are spending thne weeks in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lmch, of Ciavh-burg. West Va., are visit­ ing Mrs.’s parents, Mr. and Mis. Jack Kritzir. Mr. and Mrs. Kiituer will go to Clarksburg, Saturday, with the Linchs to re­ main a week. ,Mrs« J. S. West is home after a ’few days with her son, Joe, and family in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cummings and daughter are home after a month’s vacation at Long Lake, Alpena, Mich, Mrs. Walter Miller was hon­ ored on her birthday last week when a group of friends gathered at the road side park for a picnic. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Eckman and Mr. and Mrs. Estle Mangus of Clifton, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beam of Springfield and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Plummer of Cedarville. The Leesburg Citizen says that Mrs. 0 . W ilt is home from the hospital. John Maxwell, 85, vegeterian and Townsend-plan-ite, thinks he will be elected president. Spain’s Franco’s daughter is to be married. FOR SALE . .FdR SALE— 1937 Pontiac 2-door Sedan 'and 1936 Dodge pickup truck. Call Mrs, Harvey Floyd. Phone Cedarville 6-1741. (37-2c) FORD or Ford-Ferguson tractor bumpers, $7.95. Ralph E. Cumm­ ings. 37-4 c FOR SALE— White Rock fries. Mrs. Lucy Turner. Phone 6-2918. 37-2c F.OR SALE— Water pipes and commodes. F . E. Harper, James­ town, Ohio. 3 l-6 t NOTICE IF YOU W AN T chairs cained, call 6-1251.__________________ (38-lp) NOTICE— For the best in shoe repair bring them to Chaplin’s Dry Cleaners. 15-6ch NEW and Used furniture bought, sold a n d exchanged. WILLIAM THOMPSON, "Phone 6-3191, Ce- aUttui’ eil a recap: i: >n at the o? the ]'•rideY parc-iitH. y ,,., . Bfieul IL* niotlu-i* o f the bride. u*co:vpiI 1:or gue.--ts ir, a freek ('■f navy blue amEvl:.ite com- plemc-nied with black accessories an:: a corsage o f pink gladioli. Mrs. I)ui*an mother o f the bride- ; groom, was attired in brown with , gold accessories and her corsage was r.f yellow gladioli. ' The nt w Mrs. Dunlap is a grad- ‘ uate of Cedarville high scftol. Mr. f Dunlap, a graduate of Hamilton high school, -erred with the army in southwest Pacific during W orli Wav II. The couple left. Saturday ev­ ening, on a wedding trip to the east. BRIDE-ELECT HONORED Complimenting Miss Marilyn L . Rader, bride-elect of Clarence L . Bennett, Jr., a miscellaneous shower was given recently, in the home of Miss Rader’s sisters, Phyllis and Joanne Rader, Spring- — field, Route 1. Hostesses for the occasion were Mrs. Clarence L. Bennett, Sr., and Mrs. Dorothy Evans. During the evening, games were played, prizes awarded and refreshments were served. Guests included Mrs. Marjorie Olinger, Mrs.1* Gladys Gordon, Mrs. Alice Adler, Mrs. Adam Ra­ der, Mrs. Mai ylee Hardacre, Mrs. Nellie, Mrs. Wilma In­ gle, Mrs. Martha Schaffner, Miss Marguerite Hardacre, Miss Betty Griest, Mi-s Miriam Martin, Mrs. Barbara Zs-II.-r, Miss Clara Ben­ nett, Mrs. Ruth Hardacre, Mrs. Naomi KaiTenbarger, Mrs. Maude Werner,.Mrs. Rodger Rader, Miss Peggy Jean Ingle. Miss Eleanor Ann Amlin, Miss Alice May Ev­ ans, Miss Linda Kay Adler, Miss Phyllis Rader, Miss Joanne Rader and the guest of honor. Jean Ann Finney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Emile Finney, was honored on her sixth birthday, when a group of friends gathered at the Finney home for a weiner roast. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Check and daughter left. Saturday, to visit their mothers. Mrs, Anna Oncho. in Mt. Union, Pa., and Mrs. Mary Check in Lcwistown. Pa. Mr. and Mrs. George* Gordon and daughter. Linda, have been visiting friends in St. Louis. Mo. Miss Alice ..Marie Sprncldin has been visiting relatives in Colfax and Fairbury. 111. Her uncle, Vernon Moore, of Toledo, accom­ panied her on the trip. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Abels, of Spencerville, returned to their home, last week, after visiting in Cedarville ten days. They at­ tended the graduation of their daughter, Gloria, from Cedarville college summer school. Mr. and Mrs. William Listnr and family are home after spend­ ing two weeks with relatives in Toledo and Oak Harbor. Mr. and Mrs. Emile Finney and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dob­ bins and family and Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Spraeklir. and family enjoyed a picnic at O’Shaunessey Dam, near Columbus, last week. Fifty-one inem’m rs of the Pow­ ers family enjoyed a reunion, Sunday, at the community shel­ ter house. In the afternoon, a business meeting was held and Fred Powers was elected presi­ dent; Pauline Powers, secretary; Albert Powers, time and place committee. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. John Powers and family, who are visiting here from Greenville, Tenn., and Miss Helen P*-vers, who is visiting from Chicago. Mrs. Hazel Edwards entertain­ ed members of the Masonic lodge and their families with a picnic and basket dinner at her cottage, Tuesday evening. Mr. a**! Mrs. John Hitt and son are spending a week in Co­ lumbus. John, Jr., celebrated his first birthday, Monday, with a birthday cake and a few friends. The W . S. C. S. of the Metho­ dist church will meet Wednesday, Sept. 1., for a luncheon meeting in the church at 12:30. Bring, table service. Mrs, Lloyd Wildman and chil- SeeUsForExpertShoeRepairing Real genuine leather, Im i-iblc half soleing no extra cost!— W e work while you wait. MODERN SHOE REPAIR ELLISON. Prop. Phone Jamestown 44761 National Amateur Baseball Federation REGIONAL TOURNAMENT Sponsored by the SPRINGFIELD A M A T E U R BASEBALL COMM ISS ION AUGUST 27 28 28, 1948 Municipal Stadium Cedarville vs. W arren Friday N ight MALL TRACTOR — AND— McCOKMICK-------DEERING PAR TS -------SERVICE-------- SALES & O pekasit Center HARRY llAVERTY , M’ g’r Jeffersonville, Ohio Phone 3301 fftyMMu/ YOU CAN HAVE DONNA'S BEAUTY Dear Mother-of-School-Girls: School days! School days! These are ethe busy days when every morning minute is precious. It takiV? time to “ fuss’ with your daughter’s hair. Since you have so little time to spare, let us help you in this important task. With the proper kind of haircut, the length is her choice we’ ll help you to develops the natural ten­ dency o f her hair to curl or wave softly. And after one o f our permanent waves, you’ll find her hair more manageable, with a fuller, fluffier effect. The simple hairdo we’ll design for her will brings out all o f your daughter’s charm. . . Send her to ejass looking as trim as a new school book and as pretty as girls can be ! And let us help. Sincerely yours, Donna Boyer darville, Ohio. 17-tfh CUSTOM BUTCHERING— Ge- darville Slaughter House, Route 42. We render lard, cut up meat and make sausage. Phone 6-1023. WANTED WANTED— One man to work with local manager. $100 to $125 per month to start. Must be neat appearing and willing to work 8 hours per day. Also man to take charge of territory. For appoint­ ment write Mr. Gordon, 209 Lowe B]dg., Dayton, Ohio. 22-tf HELP WANTED— Experienced Prevailing Prices paid for DEADSTOCK FARM BUREAU COOP. ASSN. call collect Xenia 756 Dayton KEnmore 5742 and reliable coup le'for general W A N T E D — R a g s , iron and farm work. Modern house and paper. WILLIAM THOMPSON, other conditions favorable. Write Phone 6-3191, Cedarville, Ohio. Box C, care Cedarville Herald, 17-tflj : ave by mail Grader and Roller Service Phone 24394 HOLLIS JENKINS 1206 Beacon St. .Springfield, Ohio Y ou M ay Open A Savings Account Here and Mail In Your Deposits A t Your Convenience. Savings Pay Dividends And Assure Future Independence. - Put Your Idle Money To W o rk For You ! Savings Accounts Insured Up to $5,000 llG r e e n St. Xenia, Ohio Phone 11 r\ • • 9 » © * • • DEAD STOCK HORSE . . . COWS . . . HOGS... . . . . . $2.25cwt. According fro Six! and Condition - CALL Reverse Charges XENIA FERTILIZER E. G. Buchsieb, Inc. Xenia 2 piece Living Room Suites Cleaned $12.50 CEDARV ILLE FURN ITURE & UPHOLSTERING CO . Phone Cedarville 6-3191 A N AM E T H A T STANDS FOR GOOD FURNITURE BUDGET PLAN A V A IL AB L E ADAIR 5 Something doing every moment at this big, dean, modern fair. Exhibits in endless variety. Prize winning prod­ ucts of field, orchard and garden. Live­ stock o f finest breeding. The latest in farm machinery. Household improve­ ments and decorations. Art, science, health, education. Radio, television, electronics. Music, plays, contests, games. Daily parades, excellent harness races,- a great horse show, mirthful midway fun. Good food and refresh­ ments. Sanitary rest rooms. Come and get your share o f information, enter­ tainment and thrills, THOMAS J. HERBERT Governor of Ohio FRANK FARNSWORTH EDWIN J. BATH Director of Asriculture Stole Fair Manager ADMISSION: Adults 5 0 c plus Fed^al tax. Children 25c. Free parking opposite 17th Avenue entrance. FFATIMMETS YO il'llff BOUND TO ENJOY. * C attle, Sheep, Swine* Goalj, Draft Hones. * Poultry, Rabbits, Cavlei, * “ Million Dollar" Parade oF Livestock. * Acres of Farm Machinery* * New Certified Seed Show* * Daily Tractor Parade. * Junior Fair—-O h io yetiflk activities. * State Dep*t E xhibits—* Science, Health, Education, Conservation, Highways, Crime Detection. * Radio Shows, Broadcasts. .* Bands, Choral Groups, Quartettes, Sotos, Plays. * Superb Grandstand Show, Free Fireworks Display. s i * * ® - 1® X 6 S T * 6 VII **4 W E V e * M ® H t W 1 WATCH YOURSAVINGS % \ i R£a US. PAT Of* WATER SERVICE ON A e/wice ' V'-' . V >.» - # Why wait longer to enjoy pure soft water in your home? Order Serv/soft now! Equipment is available for immediate installation. . . you can take advantage o f this modern utility service at once. Remember: you don’t invest one cent in, the purchase of a softener. You pay only a low-cost monthly service charge . . . and we do all the servicing for you. N o wonder so many home-owners — and home-renters — are taking advantage o f Servisoft! For complete details, phone ox come in now . . . * SOFTWATERSERVICE. In Cedarville Earl Chaplin c-o Chaplin Cleaners Cedarville 6-2231 WE SOFTEN THE WATER FOR YOU’ Individual Accounts Insured Up To $5,000 Current Interest Rate 2% Cedarville Federal Savings &LoanAssn. © Cedarville, Ohio •it (v&oilw it . . . Lona y t v' ■fry f >• fs .«TVs V % ^ a } } ? ? ' . / ■ j r x %ft. More Fun for You F R E E . . . Yours lor the asking ... . Our beautiful, illus­ trated photographic catalog. It’s new. Tells. i‘. you how to get more fun out-of photography.- Shows you everything you, want for snapshots. . . home movies. . . advanced photography. 44 fun-*filled pages, 360 illustrations.' Drop in or phone for yopr FREE copy. Easier yet — just put your name on a penny post card and mail today. Supply limited..!going fast. ACT NOW .' Open Every Monday ’Til 9 p vm . 31 W . H igh St. J Dial 3 -9491 xv $ MY '' / / \ V „ A \' v‘Sv\2T Springfield, Ohio |4iW0 # D on ’ t let the miles rob you of sharing family joys. You can always be together for happy moments. . . by long distance. You’re never reaUy apart, when you have the tele­ phone habit. There’s a feeling o f nearness the minute you hear, that voice on the wire. A n d it costs so little; you’ll want to call every week. Some typical rates are quoted on the inside front cover of your directory. T H E O H I O B E L L T E L E P H O N E C O M P A N Y -.fcete.- 1 ■