The Cedarville Herald, Volume 71, Numbers 27-52

Friday, September S', T948 4-H BQYS AT CAMP Several members of the Cedar- ville Hot Shots 4-H club attended the 4-H camp at Camp Clifton, last week. Those attending were John MacMillen, Jackie Lillich, Ronald Mott and James and A l­ bert Ison. LODGE TO MEET Regular meeting of the Cedar- vilie Refeekah lodge No. 825 "will be held Tuesday evening, Sept. 7. A ll officers and members are ask­ ed to be present, as there will be initiatory work. WOMAN ’S CLUB The Cedarville Woman’s club meeting will be held Thursday, Sept. 9, at the home of Mrs. Har­ old Hanna. DISTRICT I>AR MEET The southwest district DAR meets with Indian Hill chapter at Madisonville, Cincinnati, Sept. 14. Transportation will be provided for all desiring to go, so make reservations by Sept. 10 with Mrs. Lucy Turner. ATTEND CONVENTION Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edinger, Ceuarville, attended the annual con.-ention of the Eighteenth De­ pot Supply Veterans’ organization at the Fort Hayes hotel in Colum­ bus, recently. The grouD com­ posed of veterans who served to­ gether during World War II. PARTY GIVEN A fatwvell party of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carlisle, who have moved from Cedarville to Yellow- Springs, was given Wednesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edinger at their home in Cedar­ ville. Twenty friends aitd neighbors gather* u to give their farewells and a covered dish supper was served. CJ * Mrs. Blanche Huffman, Mrs. C. MeCaliistet, Mrs. V. Bumgardner and Mrs. Cora Trunrbo were host­ esses when the W , S. 0 . S. met at the church Wednesday for a luncheon me. ting. Program and c.eveti. ns were in charge of Miss Cor:.-. H topre was, “World Council of Churches COLLEGE CLASS The College class of the Meth­ odist church will held its regular meeting at the church. Friday evening, Sept. 10, at 7:30. Social hour is planned and refreshments will he served. GOLDEN RULE CLASS The Golden Rule class of the Methk dist church met with a pier.Ie, Thursday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Huffman. Devotions were led by Miss Mildred Trumbo and the progrant was in charge of Mrs. Carl Plummer. Guests for the evening were Miss Edna McEI- wain and Mrs. Elsie Westerfteld. SELL PROPERTY Mrs. Pierce Combs has return­ ed from her vacation in Kentucky and Virginia, where she spent three weeks visiting friends and relatives. During her school year, Mrs. Combs is planning to reside with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Turner, to whom she has sold her property on Xenia avenue. M c M i l l a n r e u n i o n The annual reunion of the Mc­ Millan family was lit Id last week at the vdlege gymnasium. About 70 lueivc .■>s were present. Out- of-t \\n mc-mbtr.s were Fred Mc­ Millan, of DeMoinse, Iowa, J. C. Me.Midun and .-on, Ralph, of Co­ lumbus, Mr. and Mis. Albert Pow­ ers, of Dayton, and Mrs. Will Lawrence, of Xenia. New officers for the coming year were elected as fellow.-: Raymond Williamson, president: Mrs. Pauline Furgeson, secret:;! y ; Mis.-, Mary Wil­ liamson. treasurer. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Herman Randal and Mr. end Mrs. John Pramer will ententain the Wesley class of the MeJ.c i:-t church with a cov­ ered dish dinner at the Creswell Shelter Louse, Sunday evening, Sept. 5, at six o’clock. Bring a covered dish and table service. Mrs. It«her Nelson and Miss Betty Nei.-on are home after a week with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gieser and family in Blooming­ ton, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Dana Bryant and family and Nathan Elder spent Sunday in Tipton, Ind. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Hazel Edwaids, who had been visiting her brother, Lester Williams, in Tipton. Mr. ai.d Mrs. Allen Turnbull, of Cleveland, visited friends and rel­ atives here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morton and son, Mickey, of Louisville, Ky., are spending the week end with Mr. Ralph and Miss Ina Murdock. Mrs. Josephine* Hill, o f Pitts­ burg, Pa., is visiting her sister-, Mrs. Anna Wilson. Miss Helen Powers and Miss* Shielev Powers spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Powers and family in Greenville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Crumrins and daughter*, Janet, are home after a trip west. Among the places of interest they visited were the Huey Long and Will Rogers monuments; attended a rodeo in Ft. Worth, Texas, and an Indian fair in Oklahoma. Miss Alice "Warwick is home after a week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knight in Lebanon, Miss Annabel Murdock is visit­ ing her brother, Sam Murdock, in Salida, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. William Dunlap (Joan Zimmerman), who were re­ cently married, are home after a trip to New York and are living in the Steel upstairs apartment on Xenia avenue. . Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barber, Janie and Bill Purdom are home after a visit to the northeastern states. Places of interest visited were Orchard Beach, Maine, White Mountains in New Hamp­ shire and Green Mountains. Ver­ mont. They visited relatives in Boston and Portland, Me. Miss Hedwig Nalholz, of Greenhelt, Md., and Miss Ilda Moshy, of Massilon, Ohio, were guests of Miss Ruth Ramsey, this past weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ramsey accompanied them, Aug. 29, to Maryville college, where the two girls and Miss Ruth will enroll in their senior year. Other weekend guests in the Ramsey home were Miss Maxine Wekier, of Bellefontaine, and Miss Doris Ramsey, who are attending Ohio ‘ State university. Mrs. Donna Finney and Miss RaclieL Finney visited Sir. and Mrs. Malcolm Finney and family in Akron, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Finney in Groveport, and Mrs. Charles Prose in Zanesville, this past week. This week Mr. Fin­ ney, Misses Rachel and Nancy Finney spent Thursday with Mr, and Mrs. John Slifer in Ripley. Mrs. George Hartman and Mrs. David Reynolds were called to Erie, Pa., this past week, because o f the death of Mrs. Hartman’s sister. Mrs. John T . Shephard. This is the first death in the fam­ ily of ten children. They were accompanied to Erie by Mrs. Hartman’s two brothers, of Cin­ cinnati. Rev. and Mrs. Paul Elliott are home after an extended trip to Ontario, Canada, and several eastern states. In Johnstown, Pa., they visited Rev. Elliott’s sis­ ter, Mrs. G. W . Miller, and in Pittsburg, they visited Mrs. El­ liott’s brother, E . K . McWilliams. In Morgantown, W . Va., they vis­ ited Dr. and Mrs. Frank Llellew- lyn. Mrs. Llellcwlyn i , a former resident of Cedarville. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carlisle and family moved, this past week to Yellow Springs and their house will, be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brooks and son, formerly operators of the Old Mill Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Confarr are home after a two weeks trip to Florida -fad along the Gulf of Mexico to Texas and back through the central states. ill*, and Mrs. Lewis Liliieh and family have returned from a mo­ tor trip to Canada. Lilliehs had the misfortune of having their car wrecked with no serious in­ juries to the family. Mrs. Harley W . Bohike (Gene­ vieve Jamieson), and children, Carole and Ralph, left for then- home » t Pattersonville, New York, Wednesday, after a visit with Mr-s. Bohlke’s parents and also her sister, Mrs. Frederick Huish, and family in Jamestown. Dr. and Mrs. R. A . Jamieson, of Oxford, Ohio, and their daugh­ ter and husband, Prof, and Mrs. Floyd Farquear. from E l Paso, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mullen and son are spending the w\ck with relatives in Web-ter and Oak Hill. CLIFTON Dr. and Mrs. John W . Bickett, of the Clifton United Presbyter­ ian church, returned, Wednesday of last week, from Chautauqua. There they heard some of the most outstanding speakers o f the times—Dr. McCracken, pastor of the Riverside church o f New York; Dr. Dietz, a leading scien -! list in this country, and Dr. Zoo ,! a leading statesman of China, and4 others. They also hVrd some' fine symphony music. j Dr. Robert French, former of the Clifton United Presbyter­ ian church, with his family, vis­ ited over the weekend with friends. Roger Eugene Collins and W il­ liam McMillen have been spend­ ing a few* days in Tarkio, Mo., visiting with Dr. M. Earle Col­ lins and family. The Clifton United Presbyter­ ian church and Sabbath school will hold their annual picnic at Bryan park, Friday o f this week, from four to nine o’clock. The Bickett family reunion will be held Labor dav at nooa on the United Presbyterian church lawn at Clifton. with Mike Galleger a t Spring- field. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cummings and Mary were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Aria Cum­ mings and Ronnie and Mr, and Mrs. Marlin Cummings and Mar­ ilyn. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cummings and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Addie Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Cummings and Diane, Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Cummings and Mar­ ilyn enjoyed home-made ice cream and cake, Wednesday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Cummings and Ronnie. The Grape Grove Church of Christ won the attendance banner at the Xeuia Area Youth Rally Sunday afternoon at Waynesville. Phyllis Fletcher was the Sunday afternoon guest of Ruth E . Ary. Russell Gordon received a painful injury to his ankle while loading hogs at his farm near Grape Grove, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Limdgren and son have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Windon. Mix and Mrs. Orland Reed and family, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Pick­ ens and family and Ray Nibert were the Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Windon. Miss Dorothy Weller is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Paullin Harper and family while on vacation from Trout and Barstow Certified Pub­ lic Aecountance in Dayton. Sun­ day afternoon, they enjoyed swimming and a picnic at Bryan farm. Mr. and Mrs. Frederic E . Morr and daughter, Susan and Lois Morr, o f Cincinnati, were guests of LuVicia Ritenaur, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harley French returned home from a visit with their son-in-law and daughter and their son, of Champlain college, Plattsburg, N . Y . Mr. and Mrs. .Howard Paullin, Mr, and Mrs. Bob Paullin and son, Jimmie, o f Dayton, spent Tues­ day afternoon with LuVicia Rifc- enour. Wednesday afternoon call­ ers were Dr. and Mrs. E . F . Davis of Springfield. Mrs. Paullin Harper and son, David, called on LuVicia Ritenour Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Paullin, Mr. andMrs. Paul Evans, Mr. and Mi-s. Duwaine Hatfield and fifteen other friends attended a picnic dinner at the home of Mi*. and Mrs. Ralph Ivelley and son, Jim­ mie, o f near Xenia, recently. The Camp Perry rifle matches will not he held this year. A correspondent says that Mr. and Mrs, William Hoop and chil­ dren visited Charles Hoop and family in Dayton . . . rolled in on ’em. eh? A drop in the pi-ice of cotton goods is predicted. CLASSIFIED ADS First insertion 2 cents per word Minimum _ _ ____________________ 25c Additional insertions le per word Minimum _________ ____________ 15c FOE SALE I’OR SALE— lAci-e including 5 room house equipped with bottle gas, chicken house located at Glad­ stone. Price only 82900. Immediate possession available. McSavaney and Co., London, O. FORD or Ford-Ferguson tractor bumpers, $7.95. Ralph E . Cumm­ ings. 37-4c FOR SALE— White Rock fries. Sirs. Lucy Turner. Phone 6-2918. 37-2c FOE SALE— Water pipes and commodes. F . E . Harper, James­ town, Ohio. 31-6t FOR SALE— Coat, suits an{l skirts sizes 12-16. Good condition. Tele­ phone 6-4511. FOR SALE— One Philco cabinet radio. Call 6-2919. NOTICE Grape Grove IF YOU W AN T chairs cained, call 6-1251. (38-lp) NOTICE— For the best in shoe repair bring them to Chaplin’s Dry Cleaners. 15-Gch NEW and used furniture boxight, sold a n d exchanged. WILLIAM THOMPSON, Phone 6-3191, Ce- CUSTOM BUTCHERING — Ce­ darville Slaughter House, Route 42. We render lard, cut up meat and make sausage. Phone 6-1023. darville, Ohio. 17-tfh WANTED A bountiful basket dinner was enjoyed. Sunday, in honor of Miss Hazel Chaffin, who celebrated her birthday August 30. Those present were Hazel Chaffin, Max Moore, Clinton Knisley, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Butler, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Car­ away and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cavender and family, Wayne Knisley, Norma Brown, James Knisley, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chaffin, Bob, Jerry and Joe Knisley and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Knisley. The Ladies Aid o f the Grape Grove Church o f Christ post­ poned their meeting until Septem­ ber 9. It is to be at the home of Mrs. Jesse Taylor, and will be an all-day meeting with a covered dish dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Rogers and sons, Keith and Max, returned home Friday, from a two weeks vacation at Dyer’s Bay, Ontario, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Har­ grave and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith, o f New Jasper, were the Sunday afternoon and evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Rogers and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stoops, Fran­ kie, Richard and Barbara Myers attended the State Fair, Sunday. Frankie Stoops spent last week WANTED— One man to work with local manager. $100 to $125 Farm Grain Tile Ditching Trenching Service ROSS COTTER P. O. Box 748 Phone 3-6810 Springfield, Ohio per month to start. Must be neat appearing and willing to work 8 hours per day. Also man to take charge of territory. For appoint­ ment write Mr. Gordon, 209 Lowe B]dg., Dayton, Ohio. 22-tf HELP WANTED— Experienced and reliable couple for general farm work. Modem house and other conditions favorable. Write Box C, care Cedarville Herald. The Cedarville (O.) Herald Clerk of the Village of Cedarville, Ohio. W A N T E D — R a g 's , iron ahd paper. W ILLIAM THOMPSON Phone 6-3191, Cedarville, Ohio. 17-tfh ® Legal Notice « NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Clerk of the Village of Cedarville, State of Ohio, until 12 :00 o’clock noon on the 17th day of Sept., 1948, for the purchase o f the bonds o f said Vil­ lage as follows; $35,000.00 voted general obligation bonds for the purpose o f paying a part of the cost of extending sewers, outfall sewerand sewage disposal plant in said Village. Bonds dated April 1. 1948. All said bonds in the de­ nomination of $500.00 and shall mature as follows: 2 of said bonds on October 1 and April 1 of each of the years from October 1 1949, to April 1, 1969, both inclu­ sive, except on October 1, 1949, and October 1 of each alternate year thereafter, to and including Octo­ ber 1, 1967, only 1 of said bonds shall mature in each, of said years. Said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of 3 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the 1st day of April and October of each year until the principal sum is paid. Provided, however, anyone desir­ ing to do so, may present a bid or bids for any or all of said bonds based on their bearing a different rate of interest than that herein­ above specified, provided that where a fractional interest rate is bid, such fraction shall be one- quarter of 1 per cent or multiples thereof. Said bond issue is for the pur­ pose o f paying the Village’s por­ tion of special assessment bonds to be hereinafter issued for the exten­ sion of sewer, also to pay a portion of the cost of outfall sower and a sewage disposal plant. Said bonds are voted bonds, 86 per cent of those voting upon the proposition voted in favor thereof. Are issued under authority of Ordinance No. 242, passed May 3, 1948, of the Village of Cedarville, Ohio, and un­ der authority of the laws of Ohio and of the Uniform Bond Act. Said bonds will be sold to the highest bidder for not less than the face value thereof and accrued in­ terest. All bids must state the number of bonds bid for and the gross •amount of bids and accrued inter­ est to date of delivery. All bids must be accompanied with a bohd or certified check payable to the Village for not less than 1 per cent of the amount of bonds to be sold upon condition tliat if the bid is accepted, the bidder will receive and pay for said bonds issued as above set forth within 30 days from the date of award, said bond to be foi'feited or said check to be retained by the Village if said con­ dition is not fulfilled. The successful bidder will be fur­ nished without additional cost the approving opinion as to the validity of said bonds by Peck, Shaffer and Williams, Attorneys, 1607 First National Bank Building, Cincinnati ?, Ohio. No conditional bids will be considered or accepted. Bids should be sealed and en­ dorsed “Bids for $35,000.00 Voted Sewer Improvement Bonds.” Dated this 24th day of Aug., 1948. P. J. McCORKELL, LEGAL NOTICE Joseph Saccoon whose address is unknown will take notice that on July 30, 1948, Elizabeth Sac­ coon filed her certain petition against him for divorce on grounds of gross neglect of duty before the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, said case being No. 25,523 on the docket of said Court and will come on for hearing on or after the 11th of September 1948. David J. Weinberg Attorney for Plaintiff 407 Callahan Bldg. Dayton, O. (8 -5 -6 t-9 -ll) FARMS FOR SALE AND FARM LOANS t We have many good farms for sale on easy terms. Also make farm loans at 4% interest for 15 years. No application fee and no appraisal fee. Write or Inquire McSavaney & Co. London, O. Leon H. Kling, Mgr. c o z THEATRE Fri. and Sat., Sept. 3-4 Randolph Scott - Barbara Britton “ALBUQUERQUE” Popeye Cartoon - Sports Sun. and Mon., Sept. 5-6 Joan Crawford. - Dana Andrews “DAISY KENYON” Fox News - Cartoon Wed. and Thurs., Sept. 8-9 John Mills, - Martha Scott “SO WELL REMEMBERED” Also Paramount News RODEO AND HORSE SHOW 1 p. m. Sunday and Monday, September 5-6 Mt. Sterling, Ohio Bronc and Steer Riding—Calf Roping—Bull Dogging LEGAL NOTICE Goldie W . Miller, who is not a resident of the State of Ohio and whose place of residence in un­ known, will, take notice that on the 30th day of July, 1948, Rufus Miller filed his Petition in the Court of Common Pleas, Greene County, Ohio, against her, the same being No. 25521 on the dock­ et of said Court, praying for Di­ vorce and Other Relief on the grounds of willful absence for three years and gross neglect of duty, and that said case will come on for hearing six full weeks from August 5, 1948, which is the date of the first publication hereof, as soon thereafter as will be con- venientto the Court. RUFUS MILLER WEAD & AULTMAN Attorney for Plaintiff(8-5-6t-9-10) FARMALL T R ACT OR — AND— McCORMICK-------DEERING PAR TS -------SERVICE — SALES Opekasit Center HARRY HAVERTY, M’ g’r Jeffersonville, Ohio Phone 3301 i n n u i DONNA’S BEAUTY SHOP Dear Mother-of-School-Girls: School days! School days! These are ethe busy days when every morning minute is precious. It takes time to "fuss’ with your daughter’s hair. Since you have so little time to spare, let us help you in this important task. With the proper kind of haircut, the length is her choice we’ll help you to develops the natural ten­ dency of her hair to curl or wave softly. And after one of our permanent waves, you’ll find her hair more manageable, with a fuller, fluffier effect. The simple hairdo we’ll design for her will bring out all of your daughter’s charm. . . Send her to class looking as trim as a new school book and as pretty as girls can be ! And let us help. Sincerely yours, Donna Boyer NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Harvey Fioyd, De­ ceased. Notice is hereby given that Iva Floyd has been duly appointed as Administratrix of the estate of Harvey Floyd, deceased, late of Cedarville Village, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 17th day of August, 1948. W ILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. Bv Louella Howsei*, (8-20-3t-9-3) Chief Deputy Clerk. Prevailing Prices paid for DEADSTOCK FARM BUREAU COOP. ASSN. call collect Xenia 756 Dayton KEnmore 5742 All Steel, Heavy Construction, Galvanized Chain and Fittings .... $19.40 RALPH E. CUMMINGS CEDARVILLE PHONE 62551 •s. SeeUsForExpertShoeRepairing Real genuine leathei*, Invisible half soloing no extra cost!—W e Work while you wait. MODERN SHOE REPAIR ELLISON, Prop. Phone Jamestown 44761 OUR DIAMOND VALUES CHALENGE COMPARISON That is why we say buy diamonds by weight and pay less per carat than anywhere else! EVANS GROCERY Fresh Meats — Frozen Foods * Frying'Chicken (Week ends) DELIVERY SERVICE Phone 6-1441 Customers Payroll Checks Cashed Have Woolens and Blankets Cleaned for Summer Storage Cleanliness is the best care you can give to these ex­ pensive items. Let New Cedarville Cleaners give your prized blankets and woolens thorough cleaning— then store them and be free from worry. Moth proofing at moderate cost. TheNewCedarvilleCleaners 4 to 24 Hour Dry Cleaning Service 5 Day Laundry Service Phone 6-3411 Pick Up and Delivery Cedarville 9 Why wait longer to enjoy pure soft water in your home? Order Servisqft now! Equipment is available for immediate installation. . . you can take advantage of this modern utility service at once. Remember; you don’t invest one cent in. the purchase of a softener. You pay only a low-cost monthly service charge... . and we do all the servicing for you. No wonder so many home-owners — and home-renters —are taking advantage o f Servisoft! Eor complete details, phone or come in now . . . SOFT WATER SERVICE, INC. In Cedarville Earl Chaplin * c-o Chaplin Cleaners Cedarville 6-2231 WE SOFTEN ; THE WATER FOR YO U '