The Cedarville Herald, Volume 71, Numbers 27-52
The Cedarville, O. Herald June 25 , 19 : 48 - TheCedarville Herald A Republican Newspaper Published Every Friday by THURMAN MILLER, JR, Entered as second class matter October 31, 1887 at the Postof fice at Cedarville, Ohio, under Act o f Congress o f March 1879, Member—National' Editorial As sociation; Ohio Newspaper Asso ciation; Miami Valley Press As sociation, PARTY IN CLIFTON Mrs, Donald Miller (Hazel West) was guest of honor at a party at the home o f Mrs, Albert Harphant, Clifton, Friday eve ning. Mrs, Vernon Binnen, Clif ton, was assistant hostess. Gifts arranged on a table with -pink and white appointments, were presented to Mrs. Miller. Refreshments were served. Those present were: Mrs. Charles Eckman, Mrs. Elwin Din- nan, Mrs. J. Mac Harris, Mrs. William West, Mrs. John West, Mrs. Harold Harphant, Mrs. Will iam Harphant, Mrs. William Jo seph, Mrs. Everett Stringfellow, Mrs. George Boren, Mrs. Ola Har phant, Mrs. Orville Miller, Mrs. Walter Dement, Misses Ruby Harphant, Alice Miller, Dorothy Harphant, Nancy West, Dorothy Miller, the gugst of honor and the hostesses. BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cory (Jo ann Ulsh), are announcing the birth of a son,’ Sunday, in McClel lan hospital, Xenia. VISIT RELATIVES Mr. and Mrs. Gales Craig (Doris Jean Conley), o f Pitts burgh, Pa., have been visiting rel atives here. Mr. and Mrs. Craig and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Conley, of Springfield, have just returned from a vacation in Florida. BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. James Steel are announcing the birth of a son, Charles Louis, Friday morning, at McClellan hospital. VISIT AUNT Misses Doris Ann and Susie Reynolds spent the weekend in Wilmington with theier aunt, Mrs. Anna Hazard. Doris Ann left Thursday for a several weeks’ visit with her uncle, Rev. Justin Hartman, and family, in Sherman, Conn. GUESTS Mr. Neal Hartman and Miss Venette Shearer, both o f the George school, of Philadelphia, spent a few days with Mr. Hart man’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hartman. Neal remained fo r a longer visit, but Miss Shearer returned to Pennsylvania Sunday. Mr. Hartman and Miss Shearer will be married Aug, 14. HALL HERE Seaman Willard Hall arrived here Saturday from San Fran cisco to visit friends. Willard is on leave and will visit his parents, Mr; and Mrs. George Hall, and other relatives in CambridgeT* SUNDAY GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Picker ing and sort, Donald, o f James town ,and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew George, of Xenia, were Sunday guests of Mr. ir#»£ Mrs. Herbert Pickering. Nelson returned to Jamestown with his grandparents fo r a visit. VISIT PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Agnor and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Agnor’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Huffman, of Milford Cen ter, Ohio. VISITING IN INDIANA Mrs. Harold Strobridge and son, Rex, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Donald Snorr and family, in Bloomington, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Snorr visited a short time here on their way home from New York, where they were on a vacation. HOME & Mr. and Mrs. Paul Streuwing (Helen Williamson) arc home af ter a wedding trip to Washingtori, D, C, Mr. and Mrs. Streuwing will live in a trailer home at the Williamson home this summer and will return to Bowling Green college this fall. ORGANIZE CLASS Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Collier en tertained a group o f young people at their home, Thursday evening and organized a college class. Alice Warwick was elected presi dent, Ruth Devoe, vice president; K Naomi Connor, secretary, and Carl Wiseman, treasurer. Games and contests were played. A wed ding gift was presented to Mr, and Mrs. Don Devoe by the class and Miss Helen Collier was hon ored on her 21st birthday. Re freshments were served by Mrs. Collier. MOVE HERE Mr. and Mrs. James Ramsey and son, from Bowersville, moved Friday to the house on Grove street, owned by Melvin Charles. Mr..Ramsey teaches at the col lege. KENSINGTON CLUB The Kensington club met Thurs day afternoon at the home o f Mrs. Leo Andei’son. The meeting was held in the yard of the Anderson home. Mrs. Ruth Evans had a naper on “Why I Prefer to Live in the Country” and Mrs. Mildred McMillan had a paper on “Why I Prefer to Live in Town.” Each member answered roll call and gave their pinference as to the place to live. A dessert course A NAME THAT STANDS FOR GOOD FURNITUBE BUDGET p l a n AVAILABLE ADAIR’ S FOR ROOFING AND SIDING also STORM WINDOWS CALL JOHNS-MANVILLE REPRESENTATIVE MR. CAUSEY Springfield 2-9595 See Our Prices First DEAD STOCKWANTED Cash Paid on the Spot Horses$9.00ea. Cattle$11.00ea. Hogs$3.00 Zt. According; to Size and Condition Call DARLINGS Collect Phone Springfield 4 -1227 DARLING & COMPANY Have Woolens and Blankets Cleaned for Summer Storage Cleanliness is the best care you can give to these ex pensive items. Let New Cedarville Cleaners give your prized blankets and woolens thorough cleaning—then store them and be free from worry. Moth proofing at moderate cost. TheNewCedarvilleCleaners 4 to 24 Hour Dry Cleaning Service - 5 Day Laundry Service Pick Up and Delivery Phone 6-3411 Cedarville £ NOTICE THE WESTERN ADJUSTMENT AND INSPECTION CO. Representing the Following Agencies: ANDERSON HARTMAN- LE SOURD- LITTLE-- MOORKELL HSGHAM-- STEWART- W ill Have a Representative at the CEDARVILLE FEDERAL SAVINOS & LOAN ASSN, JUNE 28. 29; JULY 2, G, 7.9, 12. 13, H To adjust hail damage losses, please bring estimate was served by Mrs. Andersom ^he club will not meet again un til September. .* ^ RESIDENCES ANNOUNCES ~ Mr* and Mrs. 'Dob Wheatoh (Dorothy Waddle) and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper (Clara Moss- man), are making their homes in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Myerl Charles (Jeanie Campbell),* Mr. and Mrs. Don Devoe (Ruth Ir- YIn?) and Mr.- and Mrs. Russell Luse (Norma Andrews), are all living near Clifton. Mr. Devoe andMr. Luse are engaged in farm ing. IN WOOSTER Rev. and Mrs. Paul Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ramsey and Mrs. Raymond Wlliiamson, attended the synodical of the First Presby- ’ terian church, in Wooster, four days this past week. .;0£OUTS MEET - .The Girl Scouts met in the ov scout room, Wednesday, to work on their fair project and a lunch eon was served a t npon. SOCIETY TO MEET The Ladies’ Aid society of the Grape Grove Church of Christ will meet at the home of Mrs. Os car Smith, Thursday afternoon, July 1. LUNCHEON For the pleasure of Mrs. L a -. Clede Markle, Mrs. Warren Bar ber entertained 20 friends with a bridge lunclieon at her home, Sat urday. The house was dgcorated with summer flowers and each guest was given a nosegay as a favor. Prizes were won by Mrs. John Davis and. Mrs. Fred Dob bins. A guest prize was given to Mrs. Markle. The Markles left KIRBY CHICKS Hatching Each Monday and Thursday LARGEST LINE OF POULTRY EQUIPMENT YOU ’LL FIND ANYWHERE KIRBY HATCHERIES PHONE 3-8428 1318 W . MAIN ST. s SPRINGFIELD 43, OHIO DEAD STOCK HORSES . . . . . . . . $9.00 COWS . . . . . . $11.00 rS ............ $3.00 cwt. According to Size and Condition CALL Xenia 454 Reverse Charges XENIA FERTILIZER . E. G. Buchsieb, Inc. S00D USED FURNITURE Ice Boxes............................................ $3 to $5 Kitchen Cabinets.......................-~$5 to $15 Good Used Mattresses.................. . $5 to $7 Bed Springs, ’ all kinds........,.,..$2,50 to $5 Simmons Beds............................ .......$3 to $5 Used Congoleum Rugs.— -------------$3 Dressers -----........—-................... to $10 Large Assortment of Dishes at Reasonable Prices New 9x12 Congoleum Rugs...............$9.95 CEDARVILLE FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERING Buy Yourself a HOME * Finance your home, buying through our easy pay ments just like rent with monthly reducing plan. Buy a FARM We have money to loan on farms at attractive interest rates with easy repayments. I f you own a farm and desire financing or refinancing we will b glad to consider your needs. Build a HOME Get ready to build that home you have dreamed about by buying bonds regularly, putting them away to meet the* necessary down payment when changes in restrictions, priorities, etc., allow private home building in this area. BUY BONDS HERE Savings & Loan Association ’ OF XENj^OHIO ’ 4 - 6 N. G^&oit St. AH Account* Insured up to $5,000 '■‘tf. .. nr Monday fo r Honolulu, where Chaplain LaClede Markle will he stationed and the two daughters will, enter the University of Hon olulu. GO TO ILLINOIS Rev., and Mrs. Fred Engle left Monday to visit relatives in Wy oming, 111. Rev. Engle will return and Mrs. Engle will go on to Ne braska to visit her sister. RETURN FROM MINNESOTA - Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Kennon have returned home from Roches ter, Minn., where Mrs. Kennon was in the Mayo clinic for obser vation. Gloria Montgomery, near Al pha spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Spitler and fam ily. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Spitler and children and Gloria, attended a picnic at Chautauqua, near Franklin, with a group o f friends. 2 piece Living Room Suites Cleaned $12.50 CEDARVILLE FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERING CO. Phone Cedarville 6-3191 BATHROOM OUTFITS COMPLETE AUTOMATIC WATER HEATERS " ELECTRIC PUMPS SEPTIC TANKS CAST IRON PIPES (And Fittings) GALVANIZED PIPE (And Fittings) For Any Size Job G. E. GARBAGE DISPOSALS F .E . HARPER Jamestown, Ohio Phone 47141 Open Evenings 7 to 9 P. M. HOURS: 9-12 each morning 1-5 afternoons except •' Wednesday 7-9 Saturday evening Other Evenings By Appointment Telephone 62-R DR: 0. E. WILKIN 0 Js Optometric Eye Specialist Xenia, Ohio ren ‘Cut* CldU JPicture C 'O n i e & t f f Every Picture Token To §0 Published Later In Thii Newspaper’s Featured Series “ C I T I Z E N S O S T O M O R R O W , * * $50.00 i n B E AUT I F U L P R I Z E S Expert Children’s Photographer To Take Special Pictures • No Charge • No Obligation SEE ADDITIONAL DETAIL? IN NEW? COLUMNS OP, THIS EDITION Here !c the Time and Place Have Contest Pictures Taken. CLERKS OFFICE July 10 Buying a Home? WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUYING HOMES OR FARMS, REFINANCING OR MAKING REPAIRS COME IN AND TELL US YOUR-NEEDS Savings Accounts Insured Up fo $5,000 m PEOPLES BUILDING 11 Green St. & SAVINGS CO. Xenia, Ohio Phone 11 J Each Duty Done They Rest in Peace” tNothing gives more, comfort to the Living than the placing of a Suitable Memorial to those who have it0***& ■' * * K■ •*' * ilived^and served. The Geo' Dodds & Sons Granite?Co. Xenia, OhiS- ^ Phone 850 Established la 1864 “We Build That Memory May Live’
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