The Cedarville Herald, Volume 71, Numbers 27-52
The Cedarvilie (0 .) Herald Friday October 15, 1948 Spraying in Summer Will Not Halt Grubs DesfroyLg Eggs ¥ q \I s To Step WIsiter M issk Spraying cattle in summer with benzene hcxachleride, roten'ine or other Insecticides, new or old, does not prevent grub infestation in win ter. Although there is nothing new in that statement, the need for repeat ing it is plainly indicated by an account of spraying dairy cattle in one of the corn belt states. The work was given considerable pub licity, with erroneous conclusions. In this case, older animals of the herd were sprayed with DDT. Heif ers and calves were not sprayed because they were running in pas- ?- ■ • / m X - " * ,/*v '■? a; X - M w •" A . Dipping method is favored by some cattlemen to- control grubs . and: other infestations. ture. Spraying them would have required getting them up and han dling them. The following winter, it was noticeable that the cows which had; been sprayed were not infected with grubs. The young stuff was peppered with them, Ih e natural conclusion was that a summer spray of DDT was effective. That conclusion is unwarranted because, as entomologists kn nv, older cattle seldom if ever have grubs of the heel fly. The young animals are the ones that suffer. The department of agrietdture says: “Many substances have been applied to cattle to keep away heel flys and to kill the eggs deposited on the legs of the animals. All have been found to be either ineffective or impractical. The best time for attacking the pest is when the grubs are in the backs of cattle.” B AR MEET Memebers o f Cedar C liff Chap ter, Daughters o f American Rev olution, observed the organizat ion’s twenty-fourth anniversary when they met at the -home o f Mrs. John Davis, Tuesday even ing. A guest at the meeting wan Mrs. F. O. McMillan, Akron, slate regent, who outlined the DAR program for the coming year, stressing work with approved schools and the American Indians. Speaking t f tlm .government’s responsibility toward the Indians she pointed out that a member o f that group had been chosen, recently to serve as r o f Indian affairs. Announcing was made that win ners o f th« flood ciii/.ensL'P con test conducted annually by the DAR among high scho-d g b K w ill recehw U. S. saving- no.:!.', this year. In.,t; ml o f a trip to V» asliiug- ton D. C. a $1CQ bond will be n- v.arded tin* national winr e*\ Ohio state winner w ill receive a bond rather than a trip to Col umbus. Miss .Mildred Ftibitz, Dayton librarian, also a guest reviewed a list o f new books. Husbands o f members will be guest- o*' the club at a dinner meeting in the dining room of th • United i ya'rian Chur fr, Tuesday, Nov. 6, at o;-K) p. m. A dessert toui.-e was served by the hosts.; to 21 rim's rs. Sh was ar. >-*ciI by Mrs. I. i\ Davis I-'ioil Dobbins, ■l lb rieil. i:ii*y Vvh(< ut he re a ; r. s. Vi. .S. ! CL ASS Mr.* . Fr; Ira W.yhlngfi" vi> id..1 Mr. ’ he .-1 nut \w! Mil,. Mr. •ailea. “ • !: ( I. an,! 1mil ' !*y-s- la;* i ’tr.ivu l.a * even Mbs Ora Han- will Soil Inventory Termed Good Management Basis Keep an inventory of the soil's i fertility, the same as of buildings, livestock and equipment, a.lvis FNTERTA INS litlE N D S Mb,s Margaret Bailey enter tained a group of frituds for nimvr Monilav bonding h inuring Mr. and M»*F. wci e i\ vently Mrs. and Mi Ir-ne hostc-- to (he lb ot (lie I*" i f Ih<‘-' Tuesday ovi ning. na led <b*votioits and a di-eii. moiiti was tarried on regarding relig ious education in the schools. Re fieshmenls were served by the hostess. , RESEARCH C L t’ IJZ A pregiam on safety, with Pa trolman t\ L. Kirchherg o f the Poston station of the slate high way patrol as guist speusur. vvhen the R* search Club met last Thmsdny aftern* on at the home of Mrs, E. E. binney. The use of common sense in driving an auto was sti eased by knee, including twenty-tv. o clue Patiolman Kirehbvi’g to his aud- meml ers ami twenty-eight Cedm • V’lle High School seniors, who were guests with their teacher klrs. In ne Chestnut. Mis. Raymond Suracklcn, pres ident, presided and roll call re sponses were “ Safety Precau tions.” Refreshments were served by Mrs. Finney, assisted by hoc daughters, Misses Helen and Nancy I1 inney anil daughter-in- law, Mrs. Emile Finney. BRIDE HONORED Honoring Mrs. William Dunlap (Joan Zimmerman), who was married in August,. Mrs. Charles Rheubert anil Mrs. William Nag- ley were the hostesses at a party at the latter’s home -Thursday evening. The party was planned ds a miscellaneous shower and g ifts were presented to Mrs. Dunlap. An ice course, employing pastel colors, was served by the host ess to twenty-five guests. V IS IT IN MICH. Mrs. J. 0. Conner and Mrs. .Harry Ignchi o f Meehanisburg were guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sheffield o f Battle Creek, Mich., several days last week. They were accompanied home by Mieses Jean, Sandra and Jane Sheffield who have been visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. (Jcv-sgv Glass. HOME CULTURE CLUB The Home ( ’ultimo Club w ill lu>ld its annual guoat day at the regular October meeting, Tues day at the home o f Mrs. S, C. Wright. TE A FOR GUEST Mis. Paul Elliott entertained with a tea at her home Saturday aftern; on hunt titi.f l.jr house ru-.'U, Mrs. Fraud UevvUyn. Mrs. I "o\.yn !-• a former college teach er and is now a niissionaiy in India. M»s. Elliott was assisted by Mrs. ileiman Stormont, Miss Irma (beswcU, Mrs. Dana Bry ant, Mrs. Haiold Hanna and Mis. at the tea table. DINNER PAR TY .holiday evening Mr. and Mi” . Ra; a.ond Williamson ent. 'n ■ cd 12 guests with a dinner j*:. v beriming Dr. and Mr... L iev i v .'.•is. Livvellvn will be rem* inor Holiday. and Mrs,William Os- ami Mis. James Dunn *W. S. >me o f -.T . David Reynolds. This is the in.-t o f the fa ll meetings. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Harold Strobriilge are announcing the birth o f a son, Ronald Lewis, Saturday afternoon in Springfield City ht-.-nital. This is their second son. ."9th ANN IVERSARY Mr. ami Mrs. J. M. Bull quietly celebrated their 31!th v o id in g [ anniversary last Friday by having dinner at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Clavton McMillan, I 1 Mr. and Mrs.. Luther G riffith ; had as guests this past week, Mr. Griifths brothers, Paul and Joe < from Louisa, Ky. [ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hammon Milford Smoke in Mt. Vernon, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Smoke are formerly o f Cedarvilie. Mr. anil Mrs, Ray Mullen and sou have moved into Harrimau Hall. Mrs, Mullen will he in charge o f the gii'ls living in the Hall. .mu Improvement Middle West Soil committee. 1 Nearly any farmer knows, how; many dairy covvc, beef cattle, hogs 1 and sheep he hm* He also keeps' a record of his .seed, feed, build-1 ings, machinery and fences. j Few farmers, however, have an ; inventory of their principal asset— Earner & Huston the soil. Yet a farmer's earning 'power depends largely on whether his soil's fertility level l; high or low. On thousands of farms a soil fertility inventory would show seri ous shortages Overcropping has used up nitrogen, phosphate and potash. The organic matter supply is; scraping the bottom of the barrel. Soil structure has been damaged. Drainage is poor and air circula tion is shut off. Crop output is; low. Restocking the “ shelves” of the soil warehouse involves several es sential steps. Plant food is impor tant. But other things also are needed, particularly organic matter and good soil structure. The soil inventory can be im proved Easter and at lower cost if “ leaks” are halted by conservation measures that will slow down run off and save topsoil and plant foods. Among such measures are contour cultivation, strip cropping and ter racing where needed. E “ IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE Y O U ” Potatoes, hoir.e g r o w n ......... ....... ...... 15 lb. peck 59c Apricotc, whole urraerled. 23c can--------------- case 5.99 Peaches 25$c c a n ............................ 5.99 Corn M e a l ................................. ..... ........ 5 lb. bag 39c S u g a r .............................................. .......... 5 lb. bag 45c Cream White Shortening . .................... 3 lb. can 1.05 Smoked Hams, whole cr h a l f ..... .................... lb. 74c Chickens, R oasts .................. ...... ...................... lb. 65c Chickens, Fries .................. .— .................... lb. 73c Perk Shoulder, Piece ........... ..................*..... lb. 58c Pork Shoulder, Sliced . . ............... 63c 1 X '"'"' " ' V > t ' -'v '/ 'V ■'’'***. X \ \ A s V . - A 'D; Soil Fumigation Needed In Sugar Beet Culture Joint .tests in Utah by sugar in terests and USDA “ showed that soil fumigation for beets which follow beets made the difference between big yields and no yield at all.” ’.Che sugar beet nemolode builds up so fast in one growing season where fertile soil has grown a big crop of beets that the field is a death-bed for sugar beets the next year with out soil fumigation, it was indicated in the tests. Judy Canova is writing her biography. The firs t chapter wilt be to “ wake up, Pa, you lazy crit te r!” Dewey proclaims “ team work” as the rule o f action. What an advancement from the dictation of a “chief!” In Introducing Wanda Dunn a new operator *4 She will give a free manicure with shampoo and finger wave for a limited time only. . DONNA’S BEAUTY Permanents Finger Waves Manicures Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper of Dayton spent the weekend with Rev. and Mrs. Fred Engle. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Owens o f Dayton visited friends here Sunday. Walter Huffman has been ill at his home fo r the past two weeks. Rev. W. A . Condon is improv ing slowly after an operation at University hospital in Columbus lust week. Mrs. Ocie Patterson o f Anchor age, Alaska and K it GeGnter of Alpha were the Sunday guests o f Mr. and Mrs .Hayes Batees and Mx*. and Mrs. Floyd. Bates. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Powers va Chaplin visited Mr. and Mrs. and family, and Mx*. and Mrs. A l- oJhn Pape in London, Sunday, Teddy Reiter spent the week end in Cleveland and attndd the Mr. and Mrs. Melvin McMillan World Series geme on Saturday, itt.onuul a xuneial directors con vention in Detroit this nast week. They also went to Brighton, Mich, to visii friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Warwick and daughter Alice were dinner guests, Sunday, of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbexn Street in Xenia. Mr. and .Mrs. Ernest • Foster and son o f Dunbar. W. Va., are visiting Mrs. Fosters’ aunt anil uncle, Miss' Winifred and Mr. Herbert Myers. office, Saturday, Oct. 16. The Sunday afternoon guests o f Mx*. and Mrs. Cai*roll Roberts were Miss Mary Roberts and Miss Bertha Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gordin and family spent the weekend a; Fort &ayne, Ind., at the home of Mr. and Mi’s. D. C. Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Whittington were the Sunday evening dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Dale] Atley. Mrs. Helen Pettit was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Garter and family Mrs. Pettit is from Grain City, Ky. Mi*, and Mrs. Gene Dailev were Sunday evening guest® of Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Cummings and Marilyn. GRAPE GROVE \ L.* rs building of the Grape G - C i m r . a which was burned in .line, ha? recently been begun. The even....lag o f the basement was begun 1x*iday. We are hop ing to have a church very soon. Mr. and Mrs. J. LeRoy Spain* and Mr. and Mrs. Jade Davidson and soil, Johnnie, entertained at a family dinner Sunday. The fol- lowing were present, Ivli-s. Flo Davis, Mr. and Mrs. John Mock and grandsons, David and Jim mie, of North Lewisburg, Mr. and Mrs. gam Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Heaton, Mi*, and Mrs. Clar ence Fowler, o f Xenia, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas, of -Springfield. Mx*. and Mrs. LeRoy Spahr anil Mr. and Mrs. Earl A tley attended the Races at Lexington, Ky., Wednesday and Thursday. Miss Betty Exline and Jack Bnibaker were united in mar- A B E AU T IFU L cut-work effect for your table linens can be achieved T i with crochet. These place mats and glass doilies are edged with 'flowers and leaves crocheted of white co'tton. The place mats are oval pieces of linen, the glass doilies small circles. Crocheted edgings may be entered in the*Nation-Wide Crochet Contest. Enter the Contest through your state, county or local fair. • l I f you would like a direction leaflet for LUNCHEON SET IN CRO CHETED CUT-WORK , just send a stamped* self-addressed envelope to the Needlework Department ---------------- * ” * * ' ti !■ ■I ' f i rim. «— ■-UL iw ww— w — W I TH THE NEW GENERAL A ELECTRIC riage at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Exline, in the presence of hex* immediate relatives, Friday evening, Oct. 8, by Rev. Kenneth Norris, o f the Gi*ape Gum* Church o f Christ. A fifteen mi ■ ute program was played by Kat;.- ryn Long, preceding the wedding'. The bride dressed in a floor length white gown of pure silk. Following the ceremony, Mrs. Paul Manhardt and Mrs. Law rence French were hostesses at a reception. They le ft on a short they will be a*- home to their wedding trip. Upon their return friends at Columbus, where Mr. Burbaker is attending school. Mr. and Mrs. Berr II. Cummings and Diana were Sunday dinner ALLEN’S BEAUTY SHOP Hours: Monday and Friday — 8:30 a. m. 6 p. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 8:30 a. m. S p. m. Wednesday — 8:30 a. m. 12 noon V ita F luff Shampoo and Hair Style ......... .......... 1.25 Oil Machine Permanent ................................-...... 5.00 Cream Oil Cold W av e ..............................- ....... 7.50 Operator— Margueretie (G ru be ) Haley Dial 6-2651 • Why wait longer to enjoy pure soft water in your ' home? Order Servisojt notv! Equipment is available for immediate installation.. •y°u caQ take advantage of this modern utility service a! once. Remember: you don’t invest one cent in. the purchase of a softener. You pay only a low-cost monthly service charge . . . and we do all the servicing for you. No-wonder so many honie-owners — and home-renters are taking advantage o f SerVisoft! FtSr complete details, phone ox come in now . . • SWT WATER SERVICE, INC. In Cedarvilie Earl Chaplin c-o Chaplin Cleaners Cedarvilie 6-2 221 WE SOFTEN THE WATER FOR YOU guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kuebler and family, of Waynes- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hubbard :ud Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Spen- were the Sunday afternoon - nests o f Lamar Long and Doug las. The Ladies A id Society of the Grape Grove Church of Christ will hold a market at the Squire’s p o z V V THEATRE 1 Fri. - Sat. Oct. 15 - IS Margaret O’Brien - George Murphy TenthAve.Ange Pop. Science Speaking of Animals Sun. - Mon. Oct. 17 - 18 Cecil B. Demille’ s In Technicolor with Gary Cooper - Paulette Gcddard Unconquered First Show Begins at 6:30 P. M. Wed. - Thurs. Oct. 20 - 21 Dana Andrews - Merle Oberon , NightSong Warner-Pathe News - Cartoon HOT WATER!! So necessary for daily living. So useful in the home. The G-E Automatic Elec tric Water Heater gives you all the hot wafer you need 24 hours a day, day in, day out—It is completely automatic. 71 No more waiting! Turn on the faucet, and there'* your hot wafer — automatically, delivered at the instant you want if. All you need for every use. If you want to enjoy the thrill, economy, and conveni ence of the G-E Automatic Electric Water Heater fWla HkitMm'iW abutitat. * 0 ^ m i6 e € td n ^ /t e a d joLitlis ago w e pu t ou r heads together. Wheat bread has always b e e n a fine health food. B u t it used to h e h a rsh , tasteless, d r y as the Sahara! "W e ^ ^ r o l le d u p o u r s le e v e s a n d f o r m on th s w e w o rk e d w ith ||§||| n ew w heat f lou rs • * _ q an d n ew b a k in g methods. today w e b r in g you th e h app y en d in g ' " 'S S ' ' ■(Sc AT YOUR GROCER’S TODAY! Here's bread of distinctive nutty flavor! Here's bread of soft, tender texture! Here's bread that offers you . . . S E S S ® ofoterwheatfa*- MORAL OF THIS TALE; Reach L o p tutbeam Wheat Bread Look fo r the Beautiful N ew Cellophane W rappe r
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