The Cedarville Herald, Volume 71, Numbers 27-52

Friday, October 29, 1948 The Cedarville (0.) Herald CLASS PARTY Twenty-eight members o f the Westminster class o f the First Presbyterian church, spent a very delightful evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cteswell on Tuesday evening. The president, .Harold Hanna, presided over the meeting. Devo­ tions were in charge o f John Mc­ Millan. The following officers were elected fo r the coming year: Pres­ ident, Mrs. John Blazer; vice pres­ ident, Albert Mott; secretary, Mrs. James Steele, and treasurer, Miss Alta Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mott were in charge o f the social hour. Delicious refreshments were served at the close o f the evenings entertainment, by fhe hostess. KENSINGTON CLUB Mrs. Warren Barber and Mrs. Raymond Williamson were host- eses to the Kensington club, Thursday afternoon, at the Bar­ ber home. Forty members and guests were present. Mrs. Gra­ ham Bryson, o f Xenia, gave a book review. A salad course was serv­ ed by the hostesses. 79th BIRTHDAY Mrs. Ella Brewer was honored with a dinner on her 79th birth­ day, when a group of relatives gathered at the home o f her daughter, Mrs. Elder Corry. Mrs. Brewer received many gifts and flowers. INTERMEDIATE SCOUTS I h e . Intermediate girl scouts, under the leadership of Mrs. Fred Wilburn and Miss Alta Murphy, enjoyed a Hallowe’en party, 1 ues- day evening, in the scout room. Their program was about Julia Lowe, founder o f girl scouts, and the group played a game o f pumpkins. Refreshments of doughnuts and pop were served. WESLEY CLASS The Wesley class o f the Metho­ dist church met. Sunday evening, at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pickering. A picture machine was demonstrated and the class voted to hay it. After the meet­ ing, a dessert course was served the group by Mrs. Pickering. . 40th ANNIVERSARY Mr. aiyj Mrs. Clyde McCallister quietly celebrated their 40t’n wed­ ding anniversary, Friday evening, when a few friends gathered at their home. ATTEND MEETING 14 women of the W. S. G. S. o f the Methodist church attended a group meeting, Friday, at the Bowersville Methodist church. DINNER BRIDGE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crcswell entertained 16 members of their club with a dinner bridge party at their home, Friday evening. BIRTHDAY PARTY Carol Jean and Beverly Strick­ land, daughters of Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Strickland, and their cousin, Connie Gordon, o f New Cad- Ir, celebrated their birth­ days at the Gordon home, Sunday. Each girl had a birthday cake and refreshments were served to rela­ tives. Carol Jean was 7; Beverly, 4, and Connie was 8. W . S. C. S. TO MEET The W. S. G. S. will meet in the Methodist church, Wednesday, November 3, at 12:30. Luncheon will he served. Members are asked to bring table service. K . Y . N. TO MEET The K. Y. N. club will meet Fri­ day, Oct. 29, with Mrs. Donald Engle. Entertainment committee fo r the month, Mrs. Arthur Han­ na and Mrs. Robert Cotter. PROGRESSIVE i-H The Progressive 4-H club met, Friday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reese fo r a cov­ ered dish dinner and weiner roast. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. John Stover and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Arthur and family, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Spraeklen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Riten- our and family, Mrs. Arthur Leach and children, William Baker and children and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reese and family. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beam are announcing the birth o f a son, J Monday morning, in Springfield City hospital. | VISIT ELLIOTTS \ Lt. Commander G. E. Miller, o f [ the Naval Air Technical Training center at Memphis, Tenn., with I his wife and daughter, have been : recent visitors with Mrs. Miller’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. El- j liott. . | VISITS UNCLE | Mrs. Ray L, Hoadley, of Rad- * burn, N. J.t paid a short visit, last Friday and Saturday, with her uncle, Dr. S. N. Taylor, who lives with Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Elliott. Mrs. Headley's husband is on th e . editorial statf o f the New York t Herald-Tribune, tiie editor-ir,- chief of which is Whitelaw Reid, j Jr. | CALLED TO MICHIGAN j Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Waddle ; and Mrs. Adda Mitchel spent th e ; weekend in Benton Harbor, M ich.' Mi’s. Mitchel was called there by j the illness o f her brother-in-law, j C. C. Sweet. Mrs. Mitchel re- j mained in Benton Harbor ^and | from there to Cooperstown, N. Y .,; to visit her daughter, Mrs. Wilson ! Crosby. Mrs. Crosby is just ou t; o f the hospital following a major- ■ operation. i PLEDGED I Miss Helen Collier, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Collier, was pledged to the Alpha Alpha Kappa | sorority at Ohio Wesleyan univer- i sity, where she is a senior. This is a home ec honorary sorority. VISIT MURDOCKS Lt. Commander and Mrs. Paul C. Morton and son, Charles, visit­ ed Ralph and Miss Ina Murdock, last week. The Mortons have just returned from China and will live in California, where Lt. Com. Mor­ ton will be stationed. ATTEND PUMPKIN SHOW Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Picker­ ing and son, Mr. and Mrs. John Mills, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Cooley and Mr. and Mrs. Lauris Straley attended the Pumpkin show in Circleville, Friday evening. LEAVE FOR CALIF. Dr. and Mrs. R. V. Kennon are leaving, Wednesday, Nov. 3, for •Santa Barbara, Calif., whex-e they_ will spend the winter. During" their absence,.Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wallace will occupy their home. 2ND BIRTHDAY Mr, and Mrs. Alva Sagrave and son, John, were guests, Tuesday evening, o f Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haggles and son. The occasion was the second birthday o f Phillip Hagler. UNCLE DIES Mrs. Lawrence Waddle has re­ ceived word o f the death o f her uncle, C. C. Sweet, o f Benton Har­ bor, Mich,, on Sunday, Oct. 24. He was a. life long resident o f Benton Harbor and for the past several Years, owned the Eastland hotel in that city. RESEARCH CLUB The Research club will meet, Thursday afternoon, Nov. 4, at 2 o'clock in the Eastern Star rooms with Mrs. Hervey Bailey as host­ ess. A t this meeting, the articles made by the state institution for the blind will he on display and for sale. "Summon” , Talmadge, the in- the-bar: governor of Georgia, is a second cousin to Strom Thurmond, the Dixiecrat nominee fo r presi­ dent. Any comment? We can t thing o f any. •_______ _ NEWSUNBEAM WHEATBREAB1GRANDNEWHEALTHAND fFLAVOR” m VAL«iSEfSHOPPERS fa ll,'1948 — ThousaddsTpl ■ the*finest^homemaksS this area are switching *?*&&IL'** *s$***«^' “ ***g($r ' — netvSunbeamWheatBreads «ic» *- Mothers are finding itsjdl tinctive,'nuttyJflavor, s .oveg^big^With. youngsters-, ■that*Dad’s sandwiches^tav moist longer/that; ime up richer and morggoldet Young !wives^fluim??e . -tv**- , ^ . S budgets^are^elling^eac other"about the'ridx healt Jr13-* * 4| ^ | •*$ values o f the extra-delicic ----- *--------- *8} '^immedxwrafiper PROVED BY LABO* R^TORYiTEST-Cur- tent assays in the labora-. ijrof QualityBakers of lexica?N .Y . prove, ^following statement:: imparedwith the aver- ggsofotherwheatbreads ’ ^^m arket, Sunbeam t&S&ouble' amounts 3*'and B^,, uiawui) wuwuiit auu« Sunbeam wheatbread GEORGER. SMITH Democratic Candidate for ISECIITINGAHORNEY Let’s fo rg e t the war f o r a minute, Greene County'. and consider There are few so po litica lly b lind who f a il to rea lize the wisdom o f our Tw o -party System. W e w ou ld all fight to retain it. No D ictator w ill ever hand iis a “ one -way” party ticket. W e like our freed om o f choice . AND YET TIIE TW O -PA R TY SYSTEM IS MAK ­ ING A LAST-DITCH STAND IN GREENE COUNTY ! However, we believe, there is a grow ing strength o f liberal voters— both in our new citizens as w e ll as old residents— especially ip relation to County Offices. In this trend lies the hope o f the tw o -party system in Greene County. Vote to keep it alive ! VQTE THE DEMOCRAT COUNTY TICKET. And, ineidently, I w ou ld like to be your Prosecut­ ing Attorney . HAROLDJ.FAWCETT i Ba a 1 an B a „ asaai !l^> y ik .E y ij taaS V S l t Democratic Candidate For sl Republican Candidate for GREENECOUNTYTREASURER Election, Tuesday, November 2, 1948 Your Support Wifi Be Appreciated A retired business m an ; was born and raised on a farm in Brown County, Ohio. Owned and operated 4 16-acre fa rm ; 1920 purchased farm in Warren' Coun­ ty" ; was Township Trustee one term during that time. W as in the grain and fe e d business f o r 26 years ; still has interest in the Trem ont Farmers’ Exchange and Sabina Farmers’ Exchange. Retired from active busi­ ness August 1, 1948. Moved to Osborn in 1934 and has taken an active part in social and business affairs during that time. Serving his seventh year as Mayor o f Osborn. Master o f Bath Grange 10 yea rs ; Pomona Master 4 years. Member o f Masonic and Jr^O. U. A . M. Lodges and Methodist Church. Directed. Civilian Defense during W o r ld W a r I I ; also had charge o f W ar Bond sales in Osborn. Served six years on Selective Service Board o f Greene County. Raised a fam ily o f nine children, 7 girls and 2 boys- I f elected to the Board o f County Commissioners, I w ill bumble to give my entire time to the jo b and fe e l that I am qualified to serve the county in an efficient- manner. A COMMUNITY AUCTIUN SALE SPUNSURED RYTHE RANDMDTHERS CLUB A Community Auction Sale sponsored by the Band Mothers Club will be held November 13th on the Cedarville school grounds at 12 :00 noon. The proceeds o f the sale will be used to buy uniforms f o r the Cedarville H igh School Band, as the Board o f Education can not lega lly buy uniforms. I f our boys and girls are to be outfitted, funds must be raised by some organ ization other than the Board o f Education. The Band Mothers organization has undertaken the task o f under­ writing this pro ject; Solictors will call at your home the week o f November 1st to ask f o r donations f o r this Sale. Any g ood saleable goods such as. livestock, grain, machinery, furniture, dishes, antiques, etc- are acceptable. Collectors will call to p ick up donations from November 10th to the day o f the sale, The Band Mothers, organization hope to raise enough money from * the sale to complete the purchase o f band uniforms. W ithout you r cooperation the sale cannot be a success, Th*e band i§ available fo r all community affairs. This is a community pro ject. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. THE BAND MOTHERS CLUB Mrs. John A . Davis, President