The Cedarville Herald, Volume 71, Numbers 27-52
Ee Cedarville, O- Herald Friday, November 5, 1948 ECEIVES AWARD Miss Clara Galloway, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Wilson W. Gallo way, Pasadena, Calif., formerly of Cedarville, was named the Vir ginia Judy Esterly junior scholar at Scripps college, Claremont, Calif., recently. The award was announced last week by President Frederick Hard at the college’s convocation cere monies commemorating the birth day o f Ellen Browning Scripps, founder of the women’s liberal arts school. The Esterlv award, made each year to a junior and a senior student at Scripps, is given by concensus o f faculty and stu dent committees on a basis “ of a combination of the qualities of good scholarship, effective service in student activities and construc tive leadership." Miss Galloway is president o f the Scripps Service Organization, co-ordinating council on the Scripps campus for religious, wel fare and charitable activities. She served as head of a committee whose function is to assist the campus orientation o f new stu dents each fall. RETURN HOME Acting Postmaster and Mrs. David C. Bradfute and daughter, Miss Margie, east o f Xenia, and Miss Nancy Ferguson, Clifton pike, have returned from a 16- days' motor trip to the east and Canada. They attended the con vention of the National Postmas ters.’ association at the Hotel Pennsylvania, New York City, from Oct. 18 through Oct. 21. From there, they motored through New York, Connecticut, Massa chusetts and Vermont. '1 hey tra veled through Canada stopping at Montreal. Ottawa and Toronto, and returned home by the way of Niagara Falls and Detroit. MEETS INYCEDARV ILLS Mrs. Harold Gray, Cejlarville, was hostess to twenty-three mem bers o f the sewing group of the Xenia Second United Presbyter ian church and one "uest at a luncheon meeting at her home, Wednesday. Following the luncheon, Mrs. II. B. McElrce conducted devotions and a business session was held. Hostesses assisting Mrs. Gray were Mrs. Ernest Bull, Mrs. Wil liam Short and Mrs. Fred Wil liamson. WOMAN’ S CLUB The Cedarville Woman’s club will meet with Mrs. Phillip Frey on Thursday evening, Nov. 11, at 8 o'clock. A program of music has been arranged for this meet ing. The members’ husbands have been extended a special in vitation to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frey. DIES IN OBERLIN Word o f the death of Leigh Alexandria, o f Oberlin, son-in-law of Mrs. C. M. Richie, was received here Monday morning. He was the husband o f the former Grace Richie. Mrs. Richie. Mrs. A. E. Huey and Mrs. Helen JLister left fo r Oberlin, Wednesday morning, returning Thursday night. ATTENDS SYMPHONY Miss Margaretta Frey, of Cedarville, Ohio, a freshman at Western college, this year, was one of 45 students going to Cin cinnati, Sunday, Oct. 31, to at tend the Cincinnati Symphony orchestra^ concert. William Ka- pell, pianist, was the soloist. Accompanying the students were two faculty members o f the department o f music, Miss Mar garet A . Dewey and Lawrence Apgar, head of the department o f music* who made arrangements fo r attendance at the concert. W . S. C. S. LUNCHEON The W . S. C. S. met in the Meth odist church with their November luncheon meeting, Wednesday. Devotions were led by Mrs. Carl Ritenour and the program on Ko rea was given by Mrs. Wilbur Wisecup. Plans were made to hold the annual Christmas bazaar and chicken supper, Thursday ev ening, Dec. 2. Mrs. Charles Spur geon, Mrs. J. S. West and Mrs. Roy Jacobs were hostesses fo r the noon luncheon. The Decem ber meeting and Christmas pro gram will be held at the home of Mrs. Frank Creswell. MRS. ENGLE HOSTESS Mrs. Donald Engle was hostess to the K) Y. N. club at her home, Friday afternoon. Mrs. Dorothy Cotter was in charge of the pro gram. 20 members answered roll call by giving a Hint on the Care of House Plants. The group was served a salad course by Mrs. Engle. The next meeting will be at the home o f Mrs. Emile Finney. TWELVE CLUB The 12 club held its October meeting, last week, at the home of Mrs. Russel Wisecup. Nine members were present. After a business meeting, names were drawn fo r a Christmas party, to be held at the home of Mrs. Ralph Truesdale. Miss Doris Truesdale whose birthday is in October, was presented with cards and hand kerchiefs. Miss Margaret Bailey will be hostess fo r the November meeting. Lunch was served by the hostess and the group played bin,ro. Prizes were won by Mar garet Bailey and Mrs. Ray Little. ATTENDS CONFERENCE Mi's. R. W. MacGregor, a mem ber of the regional committee, at tended the Girl Scout conference of Region 4 (Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia) last week, in Co lumbus, at which officers fo r the coming year were elected and plans and programs were discuss ed. This is the first year senior girls have participated in the conference, bringing the total at tendance to 1,125. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Mrs. Jose Dick Polly was sur prised on her birthday, last week, when a group o f friends dropped in at her home. RETURNS HOME Mrs. J. S. West is home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Lig gett in Ripley, Ohio, and with Mrs. Lank Bmhvell in Bethel, 0 , IN HOSPITAL Mrs. R. M. Cahill was taken to Miami Valley hospital. Monday, for observation. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Walter LeMaster visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam LeMas ter, Mrs. Mac LeMaster and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Adams in Sal- yersville, Kentucky, this past weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0 . Connor had i as Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Robertson and family, of Buy Yourself a HOME Finance your home, buying through our easy pay ments just like rent with monthly reducing plan. Buy a FARM We have money to loan on farms at attractive interest rates with easy repayments. If you own a farm and desire financing or refinancing we. will b glad to consider your needs. Build a HOME Get ready to build that home you have dreamed about by buying bonds regularly, putting them away to meet the necessary down payment when changes in restrictions, priorities, etc., allow private home building in this area. BUY BONDS HERE Home Federal Savings & Loan Association OF XENIA, OHIO 4 - 6 N. Detroit Si. AH Accounts Insured up to $5,000 Springfield, and Mr, and Mrs. Harry Igruchi and son, o f Urbana. Mrs. Uoyd Sheffield, o f Battle Creek, Mich., was called here this week because o f the illness o f her father, George Glass. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pauly are announcing the birth of a daughter, Sunday, in Springfield City hospital. Bert Carrol, Jamestown, for merly o f tins place, is at his home after two weeks in Good Samari tan hospital in Dayton. __ri[i Mr. and Mrs. Willard Barlow and son, of California, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. La Mar Reed in Clifton. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Owens, o f Milford, visited here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Darner and daughter, Ruth Ann, o f Yellow Springs, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Warwick. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clemans had as week end guests, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heifner and daughters, o f Ada, 0., and Mr. and Mrs. Homer McIntyre Sr., of St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. P. M. Gillian, Mrs. Jane Ellen Wiseman and daughter, Ro berta, spent four days last week with Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Compton in Dayton. Mrs. Cora Tvumho and Mildred spent last weekend as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Westerfeld o f Cincinnati. Mrs. Westerfeld and Miss Trumbo attended the teachers” meeting together. ANNOUNCE BIRTH * Pvt. and Mrs. Raymond Shear er are announcing the birth of a daughter, Friday morning, in Haines hospital. CountyVets Get NearlyMillion InStateBonus Greene county World War II veterans have received a total of §967,734.78 in bonus' checks from the state o f Ohio, Director Ches ter W. Goble, announced Monday. Average amount received by the 3,164 Greene county veterans paid so far was §305.86, with 2,491 for mer army personnel receiving §78S,41o.77. Navy veterans in the county, numbering 673, reeeiv- ; ed §179,319.01. Goble revealed. t Ail bonus claims, except ques- [ tionables and current applications, are now paid, it was reooited by Goble, who said 588,127 checks totaling §18,564,852.56 were mail ed to living veterans and next-of- kin o f deceased veterans from April 28 to date. Questionable claims, the direc tor explained, are those requiring additional or supporting informa tion and documents upon which a legal determination can be made. This information is requested from the veteran concerned in some cases, and in others, it is necessary to go to the records branch o f either the armv or navy. We can not say all irregular claims are the result o f the ap plicant’s failure to follow instruc tions. In many, instances, om- missions and errors on discharge papers furnished both army and navy veterans upon their separa tion from the service cause such cases to he irregular, Goble de clared. Applicants with lower claim numbers than 702,190, who have not received payment, can he rea sonably certain their claims have been referred to a special section fo r additional information or doc uments before payment can be made both in fairness to the vet erans and taxpayers of Ohio. Goble said all claims received from living veterans by Oct. 23, had been examined and forwarded cither for check writing or for more infox*mation from the irreg ular claims section. GRAPE GROVE The Ladies Aid society o f the Grape Grove Church of Christ will hold their monthly meeting, Thursday, Nov. 4, at the home of Mrs. Wendell Irwin, in James town. Don’t forget your surprise gift. Mr. and Mrs. Loren A. Rogers were the Friday dinner guests of Mrs. M. II. Rogers and Mrs. Gwen Porter. Mrs. LuVicia Ritenour and Mr. and Mi's. W. A. Cummings were the Friday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Little and Mrs. Loretta Watkins, of J.effer- sonville, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Darrow and daughter, o f Alburn, Ind., were the we.elcend guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gordin and daughters. Mx*. and Mrs. J. W. Hutslar, of Springfield, Hilbert Iska, John Young and Herbert Cummings were the Sunday afternoon and evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cummings and Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Cummings and Di ana. Mrs. Orville Keiter is having a birthday dinner, Tuesday evening, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stant and Paul Manhardt. Mrs. Ruth Manhardt attended a shower, Thursday evening, at Springfield, in honor of Mrs. Ster ling Cooper, a recent bride. A NAME THAT STANDS FOR GOOD FURNITURE BUDGET p l a n AVAILABLE J s DEAD STOCK HORSES ............................................... $6.00 COWS .......................................... $7.50 HOGS ...................' .... $2.00 cwt. According to Size and Condition CALL Xenia 454 Reverse Charges XENIA FERTILIZER E. G. Buchsieb, Inc. # Why wait longer to enjoy pure soft water in yourv home? Order Servisoft notv! Equipment is available for immediate installation. . . you can take advantage o f this modern utility service at once. Remember: you don’t invest one cent in the purchase of a softener. You pay only a low-cost monthly service charge. * /j and we do all the servicing for you. No wonder so many home-owners— and , home-renters — are taking advantage o f Servisoft!^ Fec complete details, phone > or come in now. . , , ------ , r- SOFT WATER SERVICE, INC. In Cedarville Earl Chaplin c-o Chaplin Cleaners Cedarville 6-2231 "WE SOFTEN THE WATER FOR YOU’’ Don’t Forget the Community Sale on Sat.. Nov. 13 , 1948 at H IGH SCHOOL Sponsoredby BandMothers Club ToDateDonations include PureBredSpottedPolandChinaGilt PureBredHampshireGilt PureBredJerseyCalf Several Feeder Pigs Turkeys Chickens Ducks,etc. FarmImplements HouseholdGoods 2TruckLoadsof Coal Antique Furniture &Dishes FarmProduce , Pianos Everybody donating —• if you haven’ t been solicited call 6-2941 and make '-your donation LetsHaveTheBestDressedBandInTheCounty
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