The Cedarville Herald, Volume 71, Numbers 27-52

'Friday, Novemb'er 12, 1948 The CecTarville, '0. Herald The Cedarville Herald A Republican Newspaper Published Every Friday by THURMAN MILLER. JR. Entered as second class matter October 31, 1887 at the Postof­ fice at Cedarville, Ohio, under Act o f Congress o f March 1879. Member—National Editorial As­ sociation; Ohio Newspaper Asso­ ciation; Miami Valley Press As­ sociation. Editorial PATHETIC INDIFFERENCE Something ought to happen to arouse Americans to a sense of appreciation o f the privileges of citizenship in the United States o f America. We hope it isn’t war. Plain, everyday reasoning ought to do it. But we are too smug. Too nonchalant. Too in­ different. The people of the world, in every cranny of the earth, desire above everything else, freedom and liberty. We have it. Like love, liberty and freedom increase as they are shar­ ed. I f America can shake off its indifference; we can get our ideas across to the rest o f the world. We must get the world to know our aims as well as our alms, THE ELDER STATESMAN On every hand, on every tongue, from every pen are words of praise fo r Herbert Hoover. In the burden and the heat of the day, he bore the brunt of defeat, and saw even former stalwart advo­ cates turn against him,* An ashamed America now turns to him, praising him fo r his wis­ dom, and vindicating him fully of the errors they charged against him. And at an age when most men seek retirement, Herbert Hoover is assigned one of the heaviest tasks ever given to a statesman—the revision of the executive branch o f the govern­ ment. No man in the world could possibly be as efficient in that job. ECONOMY A FACTOR Manufacturers have brought out cars with wider bodies, lower frames, sleeker designs, and all of that, but very little has been done and hardly any stress laid on economy o f operation. Very few automobiles are advertised with gas consumption even mentioned, and the claims made fo r their economy is almost negligible. Foreign-made cars are coming in, and being bought eagerlv for their economy in operation. Why doesn’t the American manufactur­ ers stop hollering about stream­ lining and build cars that make high mileage? Tire builders have j}one it. Why not automobile makers? WHILE WE WAIT A double-spread ad in a maga­ zine shows a cow licking her calf. There’s a barn in the picture. Two kids are riding a horse. It’s signed by an automobile manufac­ turer. We suppose the idea is that folks are to ride a horse, or maybe a cow, and when the calf grows up, to ride it, and by that time the dealer may be ’round to our name on the new-car list. An up-state newspaper says that I. M. Bare lost in his race fo r a county office—and winter coming on! INITIATION HELD The Chi Mu Delta fraternity has initiated six new members. They are Robert Hildrett, Day- ton; Kenneth Huffman, Cedar­ ville; Kenneth Wilburn, Cedar­ ville; John Holderby, Springfield; Herbert .Hood, Delta; and John Beatty, Springfield. A pledge dinner will he held in the near future, honoring the new members. The Qfficers of the Chi Mu Delta fraternity are; James Lowe, president; Doe Loos, vice presi­ dent; Larry Brooks, treasurer; Don Barge;-, secretary. SCOUT NEWS Girl Scout troup 16 are work­ ing on a new project. Miss Ruth West who is in China has sent the troup the name of a 12 years old Chinese girl who is a worthy child and is in great need ofcloth- ing. The troup are going to send boxes of used clothing and other useful articles to the girl. The mother o f the child is a widow who sews in one o f the missions and she and the child are almost destitute, Miss West writes. ” The troup is under the leader­ ship o f Mrs. Harold Reinhard and Mrs. Robert MacGregor. GREENE THUMB-CLUB Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o’clock, 13 members answered the roll call by naming My Favorite Dish, at the November meeting of the Clifton Green Thumb Garden club at the home of Mrs. Emile Fiiiney. The Horn o f Plenty was presented by Mrs. Charles Spencer and Mrs. Joe Finney, Jr. presented a dem­ onstration on Thanksgiving table centerpieces. Mrs. William Laff- erty was guest speaker and gave a short talk and demonstration on color schemes. A salad course was served by Mrs. Finney and assistant hostess, Mrs. Paul Rife, to the following memhers a; X guests; Mrs. Pearl Sexton, M Russell Luse, Mrs. Ralph Aui , Mrs. Joe Finney, Mrs. Robert Bui- len, Mrs. Ralph Rife, Mrs. Walter Corry, Mrs. Ralph Bullen, Mrs. Charles Eckman, Mrs. Lloyd De- voe, Mrs. Maynard Ness, Mrs. William Lafferty, Mrs. Wilbur " Cooley, Mrs. Harold Cooley, Mrs. Curry McElroy and Mrs. Lucy Turner. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, Dec. 14, at the home o f Mrs. Charles Spencer on the Wilberfoxce pike, near Clifton. RESEARCH CLUB MEETS A school-days program was ar­ ranged when Mrs. Hervey S, Bailey, Cedarville, was hostess to the Research club in the Cedar­ ville Masonic hall, Thursday af­ ternoon. Mrs. Karlh Bull read a paper on McGuffey Readers, and gave a bi­ ographical sketch of William H. McGuffey. Selections from Mc- Guffey’s Readers were given by Mrs. E. E. Finney, Mrs. J. S. West and Mrs. A . E. Richards. The program closed with members re­ peating Longfellow’s Psalm of Life from the sixth grade reader. Articles from the Ohio School fo r the Blind were displayed at the meeting; An ice course, with Thanksgiv­ ing appointments, was served by Mrs. Bailey. SHOWER GIVEN Mrs. Gilbert Dodds was guest o f honor at a shower given by members o f the Y. W. C. A. at Harriman Hall, Friday evening. VISIT XENIA LODGE Several members of the Cedar­ ville Rebekah lodge attended the Xenia lodge Thursday evening. Degrees were conferred on five candidates. Miss Janette Straley o f East Liberty, was inspecting officer. BIRTHDAY PARTY Kathleen Cahil was honored on her sixth birthday, Saturday af- ternoon, when 15 of her friends gathered at her home for a party. The group played games and were served ice cream and cake, Mrs. Cahil is improving after an oper­ ation at Miami Valley hospital, last week. TO SPONSOR MOVIE A sound motion picture, the Great Commandment, will be shown in the Cedarville United Presbyterian church on Sunday evening, Nov. 14, at 7:30 p. m. This movie is being sponsored by the McKibben Bible class. This film effectively portrays a vivid experience of whnt Jesus meunt by Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself. The public is cordially invited to attend this meeting. PERSONALS Mr; and Mrs. Roy Beaty had as last week guests, Roy Finney and Miss Ella MacArthur, o f Gary, Ind. Mrs. Bertha Graham attended the funeral o f Paul Bratton, in Dayton, last week. She also vis­ ited at the home of her brother, Clarence Owens. Mrs. M. D. Bush, of N. Lima, spent the past week with her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Evans. John Bull has returned to Cal­ ifornia after a visit with his fath­ er, Raymond Bull, and other rel­ atives. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pitstick and family, of Cincinnati, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Guy LeForge. The College Caravan sang at the Bath Presbyterian church, Sunday. Rev. Fred Engle is pas­ tor o f the church. After the pro­ gram, the Caravan was enter­ tained to dinner by George Watt in Osborn. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Giffin and children, o f Covington, spent the weekend with Mr.'and Mrs. Ralph Townsley, Mrs. Donald Snorr, Blooming­ ton, Ind., visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Strobridge, this past week. Mr. and Airs. George Hall, Cam­ bridge, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brewer. Rev. and Mrs. S. W. Ellis, o f Sterling, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper, o f Dayton, were Sunday guests o f Rev. and Mrs. Fred Engle. Mrs. Roy McMahan, of Cleve­ land, is visiting at the home of her parents Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Condon. Rev. is home af­ ter several weeks in University hospital, Columbus. CLASSIFIED ADS First insertion 2 cents per word Minimum_________________— 25c Additional insertions 1c per word M inimum----,------------------------- 15c • *FOR SALE FOR SALE—Water pipes and commodes. F. E. Harper, James­ town, Ohio. 31-8t FOR SALE—Seed wheat Fair- field variety, extra good seed. Phone 6-2827. 4tc NOTICE NOTICE—For the best in shoe repair bring them to Chaplin’s Dry Cleaners. 15-6ch CUSTOM BUTCHERING — Ce­ darville Slaughter House, Route 42. We render lard, cut up meat and make sausage. Phone 6-1023. darville, Ohio. 17-tfh LOST—2 childs silver rings one with tourquoise set about 2 weeks ago around the opera house. Re­ ward. Return to Herald office. • WANTED i WANTED—One man to work with local manager. $100 to $125 per month to start. Must be neat appearing and willing to work 8 hours per day. Also man to take charge o f territory. For appoint­ ment write Mr. Gordon, 209 Lowe B]dg., Dayton. Ohio. 22-tf WANTED—Dependable woman to help with housework. Part time. Phone 6-3531 Cedarville, O. (lw ) A NAME THAT STANDS FOR GOOD FURNITURE b u d g e t p l a n AVAILABLE ADAIR’ S the price of Milk will he HARRYHAMMAN Cedarville, Ohio Our Beautiful Selection of “TIE - TIE’ CHRISTMASGIFTWRAP INGS Including Seals — Ribbons — Enclosures See Our Windows wnn STORE INC. 17 E. Mails St. Xenia, Ohio WANTED — Ride to Frigidaire Moraine City City plant, day shift. Phone South Charleston 5566 or call Mullenix, Dept. 229. ll-12p CARD OF THANKS I sincerely want to thank the Cedarville township fire depart­ ment fo r their gallant efforts in fighting the fire that destroyed the bam on my farm last Sunday. Also I want to thank the many friends and neighbors who also assisted in many ways. Frank Creswell • Legal Notice © LEGAL NOTICE Frances Hertenstein, whoso last known place of residence was Box 81, Hatcher, West Virginia, will take notice that on November 2nd, 1948, Dana Hertenstein -filed a certain action in divorce against her on groimds o f gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty in Case No. 25635 on the docket of the Com­ mon Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, and that said cause will come on for hearing on or after the 20th day o f December, 1918. ■ SHOUP and HAGLER, Attorneys for Plaintiff. (U-5-6t-12-10) PROBATE COURT NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Charles L. Trickier, De­ ceased. Notice is hereby given that Al- myra E. Trickier has been duly ap­ pointed as Administrator o f the estate of Charles I,. Trickier, de­ ceased, late of Bellbrook Village, Greene County, Ohio. . - Dated this 21st day o f October, 1948. WM. B. McCALLISTER, Judge o f the Probate Court, Greene Counts.Ohio. By Luella Howser, Chief Deputy Clerk. (10-29-3t-l-l-12) LEGAL NOTICE Gene Gray Williams, whose present whereabouts and address are unknown, will take notice that on the 25th day of October, 1948, Jean Marie Williams filed her cer­ tain action for divorce against him, on grounds of gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty and fo r an order praying fo r the set off and award o f certain real estate therein described and for temporary and permanent support and mainten­ ance for herself and minor children, Sandra Marie Williams and Kath­ leen Melody Williams. Said cause being before the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, and being Case No. 25625 on the docket of said Court. Said cause will come on for hearing on or after the 13th day of December, 1948. SHOUP AND HAGLER, Attorneys for Jean Marie Williams, Plaintiff. (10-29-6t-12-3)__________________ LEGAL NOTICE Enedina Rosa McMichael whose address is General Delivery An Cohj Canal Zone, Panama, will take notice that in October 13, 1948, Richard P. McMichael filed his certain petition against her for di­ vorce before the eCommon Pleas Court of Greepe County, Ohio, on the grounds of gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty, said case being No. 25,611 On the dock­ et of said Court and -will come on for hearing on or after November 19, 1948. WEINBERG & WENC-ERTER Attorneys' for Plaintiff 107 Callahan Bldg.,. Dayton 2, O. LEGAL NOTICE Cecil Dalton, whose last known place of residence was c-o Moss Evans, Cottle, Morgan County, Kentucky, will take notice that on October 11th, 1948-, Fannie Dalton filed her certain action in divorce against him on grounds of gross neglect of duty in Case No. 25,609 on the docket of the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio and that said cause will come on for hearing on or after the 23rd day o f November 1948. SHOUP AND HAGLER Attorneys fo r Plaintiff NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Blanche W. Downs, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Laura Downs Willis has been duly ap­ pointed as Executrix o f the estate of Blanche W. Downs, deceased, late of Cedarville Village, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 6th day of November, 1948. William B. McCallister Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. By Luella Howser, Chief Deputy Clerk. DEAD STOCK HORSES COWS . . . . . $ 6 . 0 0 .... $7.50 HOGS .... .... ............$2.00 cwt. According to Size and Condition CALL Reverse a Charges Xenia 454 XENIA FERTILIZER E. G. Buchsteb, Inc. EH Electrified Farm Workshop Makes Every Day Count Mr. A . E. Beam and son*, Ldwrence and Ernest, use their electrified farm workshop for machinery repair and for building many pieces of farm equipment, ter Repair of Farm Machinery and Building Farm Equipment Mr. A. E. Beam and his two sons operate a 1200-acre farm south of Xenia, Ohio. They feed out 500 beef cattle and 1500 hogs a year. If takes nine trucks, six tractors and plenty of other farm machinery to accomplish this production job. According to Mr. Beam, if would be impossible today to operate the farm machinery for such a modern large-scale production farni without an electrified farm workshop. The Beam farm workshop is equipped with an electric - hoist, electric Welder, electric drill press, and an electric' grinder. Their shop enables Mr. Beam and his sons to make the best possible use of all kinds of weather. It makes it easier to keep ail their farm equipment in fop operating condition so that good field weather is never wasted wait­ ing for machinery repair and maintenance work. When un­ favorable weather prevents .outdoor work, the electrified Workshop is handy for the economical building 6f such items as gates, cattle guards, wagon unioaders, wagon and truck beds. What jobs could electricity do for you?. Other farmers find electric workshops handy for such gobs as building up worn mold boards on plows, repairing sickles and hay elevator sprockets. They employ low-cost electric­ ity to saw, grind, bore, drill and weld, to run the emery wheel or a lathe. For experienced counsel on planning and equipping an electrified workshop best suited to the needs of your own farm, consult your County Agricultural Agent or Vocational Agriculture Teacher. Or talk over your ideas with' the Fariri Representative of your electric service company. Tun* in —ELECTRICTHEATRE, Sun., 9P.M.—WHlO—RONAlO COlMAN, Tuts., 9i3Bf.M, THE D A Y T 0 R P O W E R A R B LI C R T C O M P A R T * . • . . ' ft Don’t Forgetthe Community Sale on S a t , Nov. 13, 1948 at CEDARVILLE, OHIO B I G H S C H O O L Sponsored byBandMothersClnb ToDateDonationsinclude PureBredSpottedPolandChinaGilt PureBredHampshireGilt PureBredJerseyCalf Several FeederPigs Turkeys Chickens Ducks,etc. FarmImplements HouseholdGods « , * 2TruckloadsofCoal AntiqueFurniture&Dishes FarmProduce Pianos Everybody is donating — if you haven’t been solicited cal! 6-2941 and make your donation