The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 1-26

Friday, December 24, 1948 The Cedarville, O. Herald Society DILLINGHAM - MARTIN In a double-ring1ceremony per­ formed at 4:30 p. m. in the Clif­ ton Presbyterian. Church, Miss Barbara Martin became this bride lof Wallace Dillingham o f Springfield, son of Mrs. O. _C. Dillingham o f Central; City, Ky. The bride is the daughter o f Mrs. Julia Martin o f Clifton and Louis Martin o f Indianapolis, Ind. Officiating at the service was the Rev. Robert Paxton. For the ceremony, the chancel was dec­ orated with arrangements of white poinsettias, palms and candles. Preceding the service, a pro­ gram o f nuptial music was pre­ sented by Sirs. Mildred Foster, organist, and Mrs. William Laf- ferty, vocalist, Given in marriage by her fath­ er, the bride wore a white satin gown fashioned with a net yoke, fitted bodice, full skirt and train. Her illusion veil was held in place by a halo o f orange blos­ soms, and she carried a cascade bouquet, o f white carnaf&ns centered with a white orchid. Miss Marjorie Martin of Clif­ ton, who served as her sister’s maid-of-honor, wore a pink bro­ caded satin gown styled with a round neckline, can sleeves and full skirt. Her mitts and cap were o f oink net, and she carried a bouquet o f tourquosse blue chrys­ anthemums. Mrs. William Proffitt of Springfield, cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid. Her gown of gold brocaded satin was made like the maid-of-honor, and she c a r r i e d a bouquet o f b r o n z chrysanthemums. Flower girl, Jane Crissman o f Bellefountaine, wore a blue brocaded satin gown and carried pink chrysanthe­ mums. Duties o f best inan were per­ formed by Thomas Dillingham of Chicago, 111., brother o f the bride-groom; and guests were seated by William Proffett and Robert Rice o f Springfield. For her daughter’s wedding, Mrs. Martin wore a wine dress with dark green accessories. Mrs. Dillingham chose a blue dress mothers wore corsages of white carnations. Immediately follcfwing the ceremony, a reception for 150 guests was held in the Clifton Opera House. Guests were pres­ ent from Springfield, Ashville, Columbus, St. Paris and Yellow Springs. When the couple left for a week’s wedding trip, the bride changed to a three-piece brown flannel suit with brown acces­ sories. Mrs. Dillingham, graduate o f Cedarville High School and Mr. Dillingham was graduated from Central City, Ky., High School. He served in the army three years and is now employed by Inter­ state Maintenance C o m p a n y , Springfield. CLASS PARTY Miss Marilyn Kyle entertain­ ed her Sunday School Class at her home Friday, Dec. 17, with a Christmas party. Twelve mem­ bers and their teacher, Miss Mary Louise Stormont were present. There was an exchange og gifts and games were played. Appro­ priate refreshments for the Hol­ iday season were served. HOLIDAY GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rienhard and Mrs. Ida Wright are having as Christmas holiday guests, Mrs. Reinhard’s brother and family, Mr: and Mrs. Bernard Wright and sons, Tommy Jo and Ricky and nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright of Zeigler, Ohio. Mr. Robert Wright is at­ tending Carbondale school in Illinois. HERE TO VISIT Miss Marjorie Cotton o f Wash­ ington D. C. arrived here Fri­ day to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Sherman Cotton. XMAS IN ROSSFORD Mr. Jesse Townsley and Mrs. Clara Morton ave spending Xmas with. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sweet and daughter in Rossford. MISSIONARY SCpUIETY Mrs. Sherman Cotton enter­ tained 14 members of the Wo­ man’s Missionary Society o f the Nazarene Church at her home Thursday evening. After the bus- ” iness meeting gifts of the Secret Sisters were exchanged! Mrs. Cotton served refreshments to the guests. WESLEY CLASS Mr. and Mrs. David Reynolds entertained the Wesley Class of the Methodist Church with a Christmas party 'at their home Sunday evening. A covered, dish -dinner was enjoyed by the group. A fter a business meeting gifts were exchanged and a g ift pre­ sented to Rev. and Mrs. Collier. The Reynolds home was decor­ ated with Ghristmas appoint­ ments and Christmas music was played throughout the evening. TEACHERS PARTY Cedarville school teachers, their husbands and wives held a Christmas’ party and dinner at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Reed in Clifton, Monday evening. SENIOR PARTY The senior class of Cedarville High school and friends held a Christmas party and dance in the Shelter House Friday even­ ing. The Shelter house was dec­ orated with a Christmas tree V. .1 gifts were exchanged by t..e group was chaperoned by Mrs. Irene Chestnut. Af^er the parly the tree was given to a family in this community. CLIFTON GARDEN CLUB A holiday arrangement o f evr- geerns was featured in th deco­ rations o f a Christmas party fo r the Clifton Green Thumbs Gar­ den Club at the home o f Mrs. Charles Spencer, near Clifton, recently. Plans to purchase poinsettias fo r each o f the Clifton churches for Christmas were made by the club. Later these flowers will be given to shut-ins o f the village. A g ift exchange was .arranged for roll call and a program, m keeping with the Christmas sea­ son, was presented. Readings on Clnlstmas flowers, customs and traditions were given by Mrc. John W. Bickett and Mrs. Walter Corry reviewed the origin of Christmas carols sung by the group. Mrs. E. M. Henderson, Day- ton, president o f the third dis­ trict o f the Ohio Federation of Garden Clubs, discussed future club activities in the county and district. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Bickett, Mrs. Corry, Mrs. Ralph Ault, •Mrs. Ralph Bullen, Mrs. Lloyd Mrs. Joseph A . Finney, Jr., Mrs. Homer Halterman, Mrs. Russell Luse, Mrs. Paul Rife, Mrs. Ralph Rife, Mrs. Pearl Sexton, Mrs. Elmer Sparks Mrs. _ Omar Sparrow,' Mrs. Walter Miller and Mrs. Maynard Neff. The club will meet with Mrs. Finney, Old Clifton pike, Jan. 11, with Mrs. Luse as assistant host­ ess. Roll call responses will be, A Garden Resolution and a pro­ gram on The Care of Home Plants is planned. 12 CLUB Members o f the 12 Club ar.d their families were entertained with a turkey dinner and Christ­ mas party Thursday evening at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Truesdale. After the dinner the group played Bingo and exchang­ ed gifts. Twenty-nine were pre­ sent. The January meeting will be at the home o f Mrs. Earl Stitsworth. VISIT PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hartman of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ar­ rived here Thursday to spend Christmas with Mr. Hartman’s parents^ Mr. and Mrs. Gtorge .Hartman and other relatives. CHRISTMAS ‘ PARTY Husbands of members and oth­ er guests were entertained by the Research Club at its annual Christmas dinner meeting at the United Presbyterian Church re­ cently. A Christmas tree before a fireplace, evergreens and other holiday appintmeuts decorated the room where the dinner was served by the McKibhen Bible Class members. Mrs. Thurman MiliejyJr. was program chairman and greetings were extended by Mrs. Ralph Spracklen, president. Short talks on Christmas customs were given by Mrs. Fred Huish and Mrs. Charles Duvall. Robert Coleman played two trumpet solos. Miss Naomi Conner gave two Christ­ mas readings and Miss’ Phyllis Bryant sang two solos. The pro­ gram closed with a g ift exchange. GOLDEN RULE CLASS Thirty-five were present when Mrs. George Hartman entertain­ ed the Golden Rule Calss o f the Methodist Church. Miss,. Leola Corn led devotions. Decorations and entertainment were keeping with the Christmas season. Members exchanged gifts after the meeting. Guests were serv­ ed a dessert course by Mrs. Hart­ man assisted by Mrs. Anna Bar- low, Mrs. Roy Jacobs and Mrs. A. E. Richards. IN ELLIOTT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Elliott and children, Mack and Mary Paul o f Carroltou, Georgia and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aitkenof Canton, Ohio are here to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Elliott. Additional din­ ner guests Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Keister and Xelda ( Heilman of Dayton. ATTENDS CANDLELIGHT SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Lauris Straley and family attended a beautiful candlelight service at First Cra­ ted Presbyterian Church in Springfield Sunday evening. The program was presented by the church choir and was broadcast over a Springfield station. ’ UNDERGOES OPERATION N. H. Prowant, father of Mrs. II. 1 1. Brown was taken to Spring- field City hospital Wednesday afternoon for an operation for Engine “ revved up” for take-off, a Naval Aviation Cadet aboard the practice carrier USS Wright at Pensacola Naval Air Station and make sausage, darviile, Ohio. Phone 6-1023. 17-tfh NOTICE—Porkie Bread a n d Slicing: Boards, a gift fo r heiy §1. Cedarville Lumber Co. * FOUND—Cigaret case. Chaplin Dry Cleaners. _________ ® WANTED WANTED—To borrow $4,500 for 3 years, security mortgage 300, acre farm, at 6 percent interest. Write P. O. Box 645, Springfield, Ohio. - ________ ____ IF YOU WANT a gift for her see the Porkie Bread and Slicing Boards for $1 at Cedarville Lum­ ber C o . _______ ____________— . 9 Legal Notice ® focus o f the recently reactivated Naval Aviation Cadet training program, which is open to healthy, single young men between 18 and 25, with at least two years o f college. Upon graduation they are commissioned ensigns in the Naval Reserve, or second lieuten­ ants in the Marine Corps Reserve, are awarded their wings and assigned to tWO years’ active duty, (OScial Navy Photograph) appendicitis, INJURED IN FALL Mrs. J. O. Connor is confined to her home with an injured knee. Mrs. Connor fell and bruised a blood vessel just below her knee. TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Mrs. Santmyer, mother o f Miss Helen Santmyer wa taken to Mc­ Clellan hospital last week where she- is reviving treatment. HERE FROM MICH. Mr. Frances Burba of Grand Rapids, Michigan visited relatives* here this past week. 4-H PARTY Fifteen members of the Gedar- ville ‘Hot Shots’ 4-H Club were present for the Christmas party at the school house Friday even­ ing. Gifts were exchanged by the groups and Mrs. Mott, their leader was presented a fountain pen. The evening was spent with games and folk dancing. LEAVE FOR FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cummings and children left Wednesday to spend Christmas in Florida iwth Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cummings. Mrs. Charles Duvall and daugh- t:r , o f Cedarville, were the Sun­ day afternoon guests o f Mrs. Ar- villa Dye, who is a patient at the Shirk rest home. - Mrs. R. A. Jamiesoil is enjoy­ ing a brief visit from her sister, Mrs. Hannabelle Nesbitt, of Col­ ei ado Springs, Colorado. HICCOUGHS A woman in Waynesburg, Pa., hiccoughed constantly fo r . 10 months. After every known rem­ edy had been tried, and after over 10,000 tips had* been sent her by a sympathetic and experi­ enced public, surgery did the trick. The surgeon cut the nerves that control the diaphragm. She has to leant to breathe with other muscles, but she doesn’t hie any more. Strange thing, these hic­ coughs, and how they hang onl UNEMPLOYMENT UP Unemployment in Ohio rose 37 percent last month. The figures have been going up every month since July. And the thermometer is •going down! Ups and downs like that don’t jibe for prosper­ ity, _____ STILL ON THE JOB A man down in Chattanooga has worked fo r the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis rail­ road 70 years, and is still on the job. He is 87 years old. He was 3 years old when the Union army’s Andrews seized the engine The General, and attempted to destroy the Confederate line of supplies in which the railroad was the main link. The famous engine stands in the Chattanooga sta­ tion as a war relic. After all, a country is not so very old when a man was 3 years old at the time of the civil war is still working at an essential job. * Ohio is the manufacturers’ proving ground. I f they can sell it in Ohio, they tty in on the rest o f the country. Dewey should have used that plan. ORDINANCE NO. 246 PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION O F T H E RULES AND REGULATIONS OF L IE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS OF THE VIL­ LAGE OF CEDARVILLE, OHIO, IN THE CONDUCT OF THE WATER DEPARTMENT A N D OTHER PUBLIC UTILITIES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF CEDARVILLE, STATE OF OHIO. SECTION 1. Whoever violates any of the provisions provided for in the rules and regulations of the Board o f Trustees of Public A f­ fairs o f the Village of Cedarville, Ohio, with regard to the Water Department, D e p a r t m e n t of Sewers, or any other public utility, heretofore approved by Council or which may hereafter be approved or adopted, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not to exceed the sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars for each offense and each days continued violation shall be considered a distinct .and separate offense. SECTION 2. The provisions of this Ordinance shall not be exclu­ sive but shall be in addition to all other penalties and regulations provided for in the rules and regu­ lations of the Board of Trustees of Public Affairs. SEGTION 3. That Ordinance No. 159 and any other Ordinance or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allow­ ed by law. Passed this 20 day of December, CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE • FOR SALE—Good used Electro­ lux refrigerator $18. Hall J. Hill Farm Supply., Jamestown. FOR SALE—Porkie Bread and Slicing Boards, a gift fo r her, $1. Cedarville Lumber Co. 112 RATS killed with a can of Star, harmless to animals; also have ANTU, Duvall Hardware. FOR SALE—Upright piano and triple miror. Telephone 6-3151. 4tpH 1948. W. W. Ferguson Mayor ATTEST; P. J. MeCorkell Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 247 •TO PROVIDE FOR THE USE OF SANITARY SEWERS AND STORM WATER SEWERS AND TO PROVIDE FOR UNIFORM RATE OF CHARGE FOR PER­ MIT TO TAP ANY SUCH SANI­ TARY SEWERS AND STORM WATER SEWERS AND TO PRO­ VIDE A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATIONS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF CEDARVILLE, STATE OF OHIO. SECTION 1. That it shall be un­ lawful for any person, firm or corporation, to establish or main­ tain any privy, cesspool or pri­ vate sewer, on premises accessible to a public sewer or main or trunk sewer line. SECTION 2. It shall be unlaw­ ful for any person, firm or'corpor­ ation, to discharge into any sani­ tary sewer, any. surface drainage, roof -\yater, or overflow from cisterns, sub soil drainage, or other clear and unobjectionable waste water. SECTION 3. It shall be unlaw­ ful for jany person, firm or cor­ poration”, to discharge any sewage into a storm water sewer. SECTION 4. It shall be unlaw­ ful for any person, firm or cor­ poration to tap any main or trunk sanitary sewer o f the village of Cedarville, Ohio, without first ob­ taining from tl>e Board of Trus­ tees of Public Affairs a permit so to do. SECTION 5. Each applicant for permission to tap any main or trunk sanitary sewer of said Vil­ lage, shall before receiving such permit pay to the said Village the sum of fifty (50c) cents, for each residence or other building to be connected with said sewer by said tap; provided, however, if the prop­ erty to be connected to said main or trunk sewer hgs not been assess­ ed for the construction of such main or trunk sanitary sewer, the applicant for such permit, in addi­ tion to said sum of fifty (50c) cents, shall pay the actual cost of the construction of such extension, which said cost shall be estimated by the said Board of Trustees of Public Affairs and a deposit in cash for the estimated cost or a bond in lieu of said cash deposit shall be made, and upon comple. tion of the work under the direc tion of said Board of Trustees pf Public Affairs the actual cost shall he deducted from said de­ posit or in the case o f bond having been posted the actual cost o f such extension shall he paid and said bond discharged. Brovided, further, if the prop­ erty to be connected with such main or trunk sewer does not have cpnnections from said trunk sewer line to the curb, the applicant shall be charged the adtual cost of con­ struction o f such connection from the main sewer line to the curb line,- and the applicant shall be given an estimate of said cost and he shall deposit the amount so and each days continuance o f such violation shall constitute a sepa­ rate and distinct offense. SECTION 7. That Ordinance No. 175 and Ordinance No. 176 and any other ordinance or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. SEGTION 8. *This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Passed this 20 day of December, 1948. W. W. Ferguson Mayor ATTEST: estimated with the said Board o f - Trustees of Public Affairs* or in j P. J. McGorkell lieu thereof post a bond and upon*®Clerk. completion of the construction o f i ----------- ------------- ------;------------------- a connection from the main spwer | LEGAL NOTICE to the curb line, under the direc- * Velma Proctor, whose place of tion of the Board of Trustees o f residence and whereabouts are un- Public Affairs, there shall be paid known, and cannot, with reasonable the actual cost thereof which shall diligence be ascertained, will take, be deducted from the deposit so notice that on December 13th, 1948, made or in the case of a bond Joe Proctor filed his certain action having been posted the^actual cost in divorce against lier on grounds .j; _.._i : i._ t . ! j -—■* g ross jiegiect 0f duty in Case No. 25687 on the docket o f the Common Pleas Court Of Greene cause earing on or shall upon conviction thereof be 1after the 28th day of January found guilty of a misdemeanor and 1949. be fined not to exceed the sum of ' SIioup and Hagler Fifty ($50.00) Dollars and costs ! __ Attorneys for Plaintiff of such extension shall be paid and said bond discharged. SECTION 6. 1'hat any person, firm or corporation, violating any j County, Ohio, and that said of the provisions of this ordianee !will come on for h < IgpU P o ffi* f a * BITTER FEEDING! Pillsbury’ s Best D A I R Y F E E D H FOR SALE—New and used oil heaters, any size. Hall J. Hill.Farm Supply, Jamestown. • NOTICE i p • •• CUSTOM BUTCHERING — Ce­ darville Slaughter House, Route 42. We render lard, cut up meat € © z y T h e a t r e Friday and Saturday, Dec. 24-2S The DYNAMIC 1948 Story of MANHATTAN! A cow’s special digestive abilities enable her to make a fair amount o f milk from almost any reasonable" combination o f farm feeds. T h a t s what foo ls so many feed ers! Results for critical farmers prove that cows pay mighty well for a good appetizing dairy feed such as Pillsbury’s Best — in more milk, better condition, longer useful life, and better calves. W hy not try your cows on a Pillsbury’s Best program? PRESTON MILLING COMPANY Clifton, Ohio Prevailing Prices paid fo i DEADSTOCK FARM BUREAU COOP. ASSN. call, collect Xenia 756 Dayton KEnmore 5742 starring Margaret O'Brien ..Robert.Preston*Danny Thomas George Murphy. Karin Booth PrjSjt? Edward Arnold •Butch Jenkins Betty Garrett«Lotte Lehmann Also Color Cartoon Sunday and Monday,'Dec. 26-27 _ \ HOW GREAT CAN A Spenser j picture be ? TRACT Katharine HEPBURN Van JOHSiSSK AngelaLonsbury Also Fox News immmammmmmmmammammmm Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 29-30 Farm Gra:n Tile ei Ditching /Trenching Service ROSS COTTER P. O. Box 748 Phone 3-6810 Springfield, Ohio Also News Cartoon Popular Science FREE XMAS SHOW A ll cartoons and comedies To all kids up to age 16 Christmas Day—2:30 F. M. FREE • £ Why wait longer to enjoy, pure soft water in your home? Order Servisojt now! Equipment is available • for immediate installation. , . you can take advantage of this modern utility service^/ once. Remember: you don’t invest one cent ia the purchase o f a softener. • You pay only a low-cost monthly service charge . . . and we do all the servicing for you. No wonder so many home-owners — and home-renters-—ate taking advantage of Servisoft! Per complete details, phone or come in now. . - SOFTWATER SERE. In Cedarville Earl Chaplin c-o Chaplin Cleaners Cedarville 6-2231 WE SO F T EN T H i WAT E FOR Y O U ’ I Best Cedarville, Ohio ChaplinDryCleaners Cedarville, Ohio StitsworthGreenhouse Cedarville, Ohio The Entire Staff -At ' ■ OLDMILLCAMP ‘ . Cedarville, Ohio Wishes A l f A A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR We Will Be Closed From Dec. 24th to 31th Open December 31th, 5 P. A