The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 1-26

Friday, llecemHer 81> 3M8 The Cedarville, O. Herald MT. TABOR Mr. and Mrs. B. A . Poweers spent Christmas day with Mrs. Ella Morris and daughter, Char­ lotte and son, Bobby, o f near Sabina. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wil­ son, (Pauline Hollingsworth) Sa­ bina, formerly o f this place are announcing the birth o f a daugh­ ter, Diane Mechelle, in Mt. Car­ mel hospitl, Columbus, last Mon­ day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Pickering and family, o f Wilmington, and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jones and daughter, Carolyn Jean,* spent Christmas day with Mrs. Lenna Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Chelsea Stoops and son, Don, speent Christmas day with Mr; and Mrs. Carroll Hudduck and family, of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hollingsworth, Leroy Hollingsworth, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kyle spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson and daughter, Diane,- o f Sabina. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Badgley and family, o f Spring Valley, Mr; and Mrs. Robert Beal and family, James and Anne Allison, o f Le­ banon and Mr. and Mrs. Cristy Wallace and daughter, Sue Anne, o f Xenia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Beal and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jacobs spent XMAS with Mr. and Mrs. Van Jacobs, o f near Jamestown. Mrs. Helen Jean ' Brown has returned from the Miami Valley hospital. W . W. Barnett, Jamestown, Mr. and Mrs. Lauris Murry, Tommy Middleton, Mrs. Audrey Strong and daughter, Eleanor, were Christmas day guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Moudy Barnett and daugh­ ter. Elaine. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith and son, Danny, spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs; Wilbur Smith o f Eleazor. Mr. and Mrs. Moudy Barnett and daughter, Elaine and Mr. and Mrs. Lauris Murry attended a family dinner Sunday at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. D. Forrest Strong^and daughter, Vivian, of near Washington C, H. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Hollings­ worth and daughter, Wilma Lou, William Johnson, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. William Patterson, of Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kyle and son, Charles Eugene and Da­ vid E . Spahr, o f Bridgeport were Sunday guests o f Mr. and Mrs. A . Hollingsworth and Leroy Hollingsworth.. Mrs. Pearl Cochran and Miss Emma Parker, of Dayton, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Haines. Mr. and Mr3. Clifford Hor- mell, Jr., and daughter, Karen Kay spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Honnell, Sr., o f Mew Burlington. Mrs. Maria LeValley spent Christmas and part o f the holi­ day season with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson and family, of near Spring Valley. Mrs. Lillie Smith spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs, Rob- eert DeWitt and family, o f near Springfield and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller and son, Dickie, o f near South Vienna. A t the Church, Sunday, Jan. 2, Sunday school at 2 o’clock, F. M. Buckwalter supt., followed by preaching. Rev. L. R. Wilkin, pastor. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Green, o f Xenia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stewj.rd and family. Miss Eleanor Jacobs who is employed in Dayton spent the holiday season with, her pax'ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jacobs. Dr; and Mrs. J. J. .Hall and son, Billy, o f Kingsport, Tenn., Mr. and Mrs. E, G. Schneider and son, Jim and Mrs. Elizabeth Hall, of Dayton, Miss Donna Devoe, of Chicago, Roger Devoe, o f Wil­ mington, and Miss Emma White, o f New Burlington, spent Christ­ mas day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Devoe. Mr. Schneider made sever­ al recordings o f the days activi­ ties. Miss Emma White, o f New Burlington, is spending several months with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Devoe. May the pleasant memories of this, a joyous holiday season linger through another year. RULES OF MISSING WORD CONTEST (1) Anyone except employes of the Herald or advertising mer­ chants or their immediate famil­ ies may enter* / (2) Contestants must send or bring their entry blanks in not later than the day following pub­ lication to the merchant in whose ad the missing word should ap­ pear or directly to Herald office. (3) Entries received at Herald office do not qualify fo r weekly prizes given by merchants, but only fo r Grand Prizes. (4) All entries become the pro­ perty o f the Herald. Decisions: by the contest editor are final. (5) For your convenience, a coupon will be printed in the pap­ er on which you may enter your selections. (§) Each week the two different merchants in whose ads the miss­ ing words should appear, will give an amount o f merchandise equal to the cost of the ad to the first person presenting the correct an­ swer; A ll entries are then re­ turned to the Herald to be grad­ ed fo r the grand prizes at end of contest. Those who do not wi sh ' to take their entry blanks to mer- j chants, may send or bring direct to the Herald office. They wi l l ; not be eligible fo r the weekly prizes, but may win the Grand Prize. MISSING WORD CONTEST RETURN ANSWER BLANK The missing word fo r tenth w eek ,___________________________ (Date) were found b y _________________ _ (Town and R. F. D .) The words w ere_____________and _________________ ____ and should appear in the advertisement of _____ _______________________and 1— between the words, a n d -------------------------------------- aiyl _____ ________________________and Fill out this blank with answer. Cut out and return to Advertiser or THE HERALD not later than ; the following Saturday at 8 p. m. Garnet Richardson, o f Dayton. Miss June Garringer, of Day- ton, is spending a weeks vaca­ tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Garringer, o f Jeffer­ sonville. Miss Jean Sheley was the over­ night guest Saturday o f Miv and | Mrs. John Brown, of Dayton. ! Beverly and Edward Allen, of j Washington G. ,H. were the over- j night guests Saturday of Mr. [ and Mrs. Arthur Houser and fam- • iiy- Miss Jean Sheley and Mr. and j. Mrs. John Brown, of Dayton, were the Sunday guests o f M rs.! Walter Brown and daughters, of | Franklin. [ Mrs. Alden J o h n s t o n and ' daughter, Sue, were the Monday < guests o f her parents, Mr. and i, Mrs. J. H. Talbott and grandson, t Sheriff McNamee. j Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cox and M rs.' Alma Pieffer o f Springfield, Ohio ; were guests o f Rev. and Mrs A. | W . Snow on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Ferdinand Bales and sons, of Kalamazoo, Mich., Miss Marjorie Robison, o f Day*- [ ton, Mrs. Helen Robison and daughter, Elinor, were the Christ­ mas evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John A , Robison* Personals Monday evening dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. George A. Gar­ ringer were Mr. and Mrs. John E. Garringer, Mr. and Mrs. Law­ rence Williamson and children, and Mr. and Mrs. George M. Gar­ ringer. Mr. and Mrs. R. 0 . Long and daughter, Beverly, o f Phoneton, spent from Friday evening to Sunday at the home o f her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gordon. Ned Talbott left Thursday eve­ ning to spend the holiday® with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Talbott and family, o f Wayne- dale, Ind. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Church and family, were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Church and son, Paul Jr., Mr. and Mrs. George M. Garringer and Mrs. MADAM RAY INDIAN PALM READER AND ADVISOR The graetest questions o f life are quickly solved, failure turned to success, sorrow to joy, separated are brought together, foes made friends, truths are laid bare. Tells your secret troubles, the cause and remedy. Advice on all affairs o f life. _love, -courtship, -marriage, business speculation, investments. Come and be convinced. 2512 VALLEY STREET DAYTON, OHIO LOOK FOR SIGN A NAME THAT STANDS FOR GOOD FURNITURE BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE ADAIR’ S DEAD STOCK HORSES .................... ........................... $6.00 COWS ....................................... . $7.50 HOGS ............................$2.00 cw t According to 7txo and Condition C A L L Xenia Reverss Charges XENIA FERTILIZER L G. Buchsieb, Inc. . _ iv v - . m can affordsafe>netf YALE TIRES! 6:00 x 16 You can’t afford to tak;e a chance on worn-tires. Drive in today! Drive out on big, new Pore O il ,De Luxe Yales! They’re engineered to run cooler, ride safer. Get tjm lew - down on our: ^ « New* Low Prices! • Liberal Trade-in Allowance! (on your o ld tires!) • Mileage-Maker Safety Service! (that assures your getting the most in safety and mileage from your Yale T ires). ' s ^ Guaranteed by The Pure Oil Company / ^ Sold and servfced by / JAMESTOWN OIL CO. Phone 4-4954 FindTheMissingWord • N - - . In The Ads Belov WIN $50. * ' * AlsoaPrizeWeeklyFromMerchants CURLEY'S FINE FOOD *, Jamestown, Ohio SUNDAY SPECIALS Breaded Pork Tenderloin ......................................... 90c Country Fried Steak 1........................................... 90c Roast Sirloin of Beef with Dressing ..1................. 90c Evening Dinners .7o JAMESTOWN FEED STORE Jamestown, Ohio READY MIXED CONCRETE Field Drain Tile * Tuxedo & Purina Feeds 4 all Farmlyme Clinton Cement Blocks Fred Furnas r0 S Y i \ MURRYJEW™ Jamestown WATCH YOURSAVINGS GROW *3 T S Individual Accounts “Insured Up To 5,000 Current Dividend Rate. 2% a Cedarville Federal Savings &LoanAssn. Cedarville, Ohio Noon Lunches .65 Golden Brown Steak & Chops WAFFLES .(ANYTIME) 30c 'Sandwiches Fountain Service GERARD INSURANCE Pother, Son and Grandson Writing ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE •tv - . ^ 4 , For Over 50 Years THE NEWCEDARVILLE CLEANERS Xenia Ave., Cedarville Phone 6-3411 Dry Cleaning — 4 HOUR SERVICE Reweaving — Laundry Service Shoe Repairing PICK UP & DELIVER Bonding Service Office Phone 43281 E. Washington S t 1 Jamestown, Ohio Notary Public Res. Phones, Bowersvllle • Foy M. Gerard, 28071 Earl Gerard, 43261 Mens White Army & Navy Socks ....................... 35c Men’s Brown Rockford Red heels ....................... 31c Hollywood 51 gauge Nylons ............................... . $1.98 Glo’riol* hose 51 gauge .......................................... 2.15 Extra' sheer Glo’riole — .......................... .............. 1.89 jr. Few flannel shirts small, medium & large marked down to .... 1.50 Men’s extra large flannel sh irts......... size 16 — 16% — 17 .........t............................ . 2.50 ELLISON’S MODERN SHOE REPAIR W . Washington St. Jamestown SAVE RY MAIL You May Open A Savings Account Here and Mail In Your Deposits A t Your Convenience. Savings Pay Dividends And Assure Future Independence. Put Your Idle Moisey To Work For You! Savings Accounts Insured Up to $5,000 PEOPLES BUILDING & SAVINGS CO. ORANGES ............ .............................. .................. - doz. 29c TANGERINES ............. .................... . ................- doz. 37c GRAPES ...... ................................ 2 lbs...27c LETTUCE ........................;....................... -..... . each 15c HAMS ................................wht»le ............................ lb. 69c BACON ............................ ...' sliced .......... ......... lb. 59c PINEAPPLE ................ crushed No. 2 can ........ 38c ” .......................;sliced No, 2 can ........ 38c PINEAPPLE JU ICE ....... ............. No. 2 c a n ......... 21c W e wish to thank our patrons for their support dur­ ing the past year and hope to serve them even better during the coming year. BROWN'SMARKET W . Washington St.' ^Jamestown, O. Phone 44861 NewYear Specials Medicine Cabinets 1.88 ? Unfinished (Kidney Bean> Vanities with- Bench 8.95 21 pc. Glassware Sets 2.95 XENIA FURNITURE & RUG CO MART'S LUNCH Lunches — Dinners — Short Orders Special Sunday Dinners Roast Chicken & Oyster Dressing Veal Cutlets Baked Steak We will close week days 11:30 P. M. SUNDAYS 9 A . M. — Midnight HOME STYLE COOKING Next to Bus Station Mary and Villa Chaffin W . Washington St., .Jamestown Props. 11Green St* Xenia, Ohio Phone 11 ^23^W^JV?ain 36. Have Your' Shoes Repaired by a Master Craftsman , with Quality Material .1 <* . . ARY SHOE REPAIR Jamestown, Ohio W, H. ARY, Mgr. Xenia Phone 1973 Hamer &Huston CEDARVILLEMARKET * “ IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU” Peaches No. 2% can ................... ......... ................ 25c Apricots No? 2% can ............ ................................... 25c Kraut Silver Fleece N °- 2% pan ........................ 15c Coffee Yftc Pack Ciarioji Brand...... ........................ . 49c Lard Cans .................. each 59c Morton’s Smoked Sait — ................... can 79c Sausage Salt Seasoning ................ .....__......... can 29c Head Lettuce ............ .................................... . 2 for 25c Celery Pascal ................ ,................... . bunch 25c Grape fru it .................................... ................. 5 for 25c Quality Meats Spare.Ribs ........... ........... ...................... ................. lb / 49c Fresh - Sausage (Home Made) .................. . lb, 58c Hamburger (The Best in Town) .................... .,1b . 59c Beef Roasts (Choice)............................................. lb. 65c Cream Cheese ................................................... 58c 'Oysters (Pint Cans) ........................... ............ . 69c i-* Elmo B. Higham Agency • GENERAL INSURANCE Real Estate , - Farm Loans N O T A R Y P U B L I C - . \ Jamestown, Ohio Phone 44191 > -s -• ^