The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 1-26

Friday, January 13. 1939 The Cedarville, 0 - Herald The Cedarville Herald A Republican Newspaper ^Published Every Friday by THURMAN MILLER. JR. Entered as second class matter October 31, 1887 at the Postof* fice at Cedarville, Ohio, nnder Member—National Editorial As- A ct o f Congress o f March 1879, acciation; Ohio Newspaper Asso­ ciation; Miami Valkw Press As­ sociation. having the government do for the people rather than the people ds fo r the government —has been the trend, even the practice, since 1932. And it is all proposed and done on the people’s money. Frankly, what do you think o f it? THE AIR LIFT We Tead about it and hear a- bout it, but a bit o f study o f it makes it certain that no enter­ prise ever attempted is "as fan­ tastic or as successful as the > American air lift. Flying food* and supplies into Germany, I breaking a Russian blockade of service, is more remarkable than any fictional dream. Really, a state o f the union message could be boiled down to four words: It’s in a mess. Editorial STATE OF THE UNION Nobody was surprised at the president's state - of-the-union address to congress. Many sighed in relief that it wasn’t any worse than it was. Though it could hard­ ly have been. The whole address was a complete abandonment of the fundamental idea that Am­ erican. people can take care of themselves; that the government is to protect their rights in do­ ing that, but that liberty* and freedom mean exactly that; and the American philosophy is that the. people are to help the govern­ ment, not the government help the people. Frankly, the Trurnan address might have been lifted bodily out of a communistic platform. A SUPREME STATE Say what you will, decry or applaud, President Truman’s proposals are In the direction o f supreme state* at the expense of individual freedom. Free enter­ prise, the supremacy of the in­ dividual, the government funct­ ioning 'as a protective agency fo r all—these have made Amer­ ica great. A right-about face— P reva ilin g P rice s p a id f o i DEADSTOCK FARM BUREAU . COOP. ASSN. call collect Xenia 756 Dayton KEnmore 5742 Letters to TheEditor The deserves much cred­ it fo r bringing such entertain­ ment to the community, and the community would be derelict in its duty were it not respon­ sive to such effort upon the part of a class composed o f young men and women at the ZZenith, o f their active lives. I certainly believe the writer is voicing the sentiment of all who saw this picture, in extend­ ing their full appreciation. C. R. Wagner CLASSIFIEDADS P. J. McCorkell Secretary CUSTOM BUTCHERING— Ce­ darville Slaughter House, Route 42. We render lard, cut up meat and make sausage. Phone 6-1023. darville, Ohio. 17-tfh I f you want your home papered call Bruce Conner. Phone 6-1313 FOR SALE FOR SALE—1927 model Whip­ pet. Good tires. Phone 6-2812. „WORTHY EFFORT Credit is due the McKibben S .t S. class o f the U. P- church fo r the effort and success with which j they brought to the community t -the geat picture. The King o f • Kings, a DeMille production on j last Sabbath evening. It served to bring the real character o f Christ in His many activities, as no speaker could possibly do, no- matter who he is, where lie came from, nor any oratorical ability he might possess. It por­ trayed the nur/jus around which the Christian "religion is built. That it was thoroughly apprecia­ ted by all who was priviledged to hear and see the picture, was clearly proven by the closeness. with which every part o f it was received and followed. The pictures were good, the sound effect added much to its . understandings f ozv V ' THEATRE I FOR SALE—Fries and roasts. Fries 50c lb., roasts 45c lb. on foot. Phone 6-1732. 112 RATS killed with a can o f Star, harmless to animals; also have ANTU, Duvall Hardware. FOR SALE—Upright piano and triple miror. Telephone 6-3151. 4tpH NOTICE NOTICE—Will take care of one small child while mother ■works. Phone 6-4721. CARD OF THANKS Many Thanks—I wish to take this means o f thanking the many friends in the community o f . Ce­ darville for the many cards, letters and: money. Being a shut-in I ap­ preciate. very much your thought­ fulness and kindness. Mrs. Sallie A- Silvey 918 E. Market St. Xenia, Ohio estate of Lydia R. Turnbull, ac­ cessed, late of Cedarville Village, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 10th day o f January, 1949.. * ' Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. - (l-14-3t-l-28) By Luella^Howser Chief Deputy Clerk NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Doris N. Boorom, De- censed Notice is hereby given that Paul Boorom has been duly appointed as Administrator of the estate of Doris N. Boorom, deceased late of Sugarcreek T o w n s h i p , Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 23rd day o f December, 1948. - WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge o f the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. By Luella Howser Chief Deputy Clerk place o f residence is c-o Carl Brew­ er, Trent, Wolfe County, Kentucky, will take notice that on December 31st, 1948, Erma B. Brewer, filed her petition against him for divorce on grounds of extreme cruelty and gross neglect of duty, before the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, said cause being No. 25710 on the docket of said Court, and that said cause will come on for hearing on or after February 22nd, 1949. . Shoup and Hagler, Attorneys for Plaintiff. l-7 -6 t-2 -ll v LEGAL NOTICE Velma Proctor, whose place of residence and whereabouts are Tin- No. 25687 on the docket o f the known, and cannot, with reasonable diligence be ascertained, will take notice that on December 13th, 1948, Joe" Proctor filed his certain action in divorce against her on grounds o f gross neglect of duty in Case Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, and that said cause will come on for hearing on or after the 28th day- of January 1949. Shoup and Hagler __, . - Attorneys fo r -Plaintiff .NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate o f Lydia R. Turnbull, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Rob­ ert A. Turnbull has been duly ap­ pointed as Administrator o f the SAVE TRUCKING BILLS — Call Butler to have that Beef slaughtered at home. Roscoe But-1 ler, Selma, Ohio, Phone South: Charleston 2386, Reverse charges. , ELECTION OF DIRECTORS I Annual election o f directors o f 1 Cedarville Federal Savings and Loan Assn. Cedarville, Ohio, will be held January 19, 1949, 1 p. m. at its offices N . Main Street Ce­ darville, Ohio. FARMS FOR SALE AND FARM LOANS We have many good farms for sale on easy terms. Also make farm loans at 4% interest for 15 years. No application fee nd no appraisal fee. Write or Inquire McSavaney & Co. London, O. Leon H. Kling, Mgr. Used BATHROOM OUTFIT $75 First Come First Served F. O. & F. E. HARPER Jamestown, Ohio Fri. and Sat.,: Jan. 14-13 Preston Foster - William Bishop “THUNDEEHOOF” Also Comedy and Sports Sun. and Mon,, Jan. 16-17 Peggy Cummins - Charles: Coburn GREEN GRASS OF _ WYOMING News - Cartoon - Travel Wed and Thurs., Jan* 19-20 Rita Hayworth - Orsen Wells “THE LADY FROM SHANGHAI” News - Cartoon fi f NOTICETODOGOWNERS January20,LASTDAY For payment without penalty for your convenience • * 1949 Dog Tags fo r sale at the following places; **( r * . n i Beavercreek, New Germany .... Paul Knrnath Grocery ^ Bearvercreek, Knootw ood ............ Harry E. Jackson, Residence Bellbrook..................... . Mrs. Edna Tate, residence Bowersville .......................... . Clause Chitty, residence Cedarville.....................Mary Pickering, Electric Store Fairfield............ Fern Merrick, 79 Main St. residence Jamestown................................. . John Collett, garage Spring Valley ........ Harold Van Pelt Hardware Store Yellow Springs ........ Glenn Deaton Hardware Store O sborn .................... O. B. Armstrong Grain Elevator L icenses f o r MALES Spayed FEMALES 1 .00 FEM ALES 3,00 KENNEL 10 .00 U nd e r a ru lin g b y th e A t t o rn e y G enera l o f Ohio, th e $1 .00 p en a lty must b e c o lle c te d fr om th o se w h o fa i l t o ob ta in th e ir licenses. T h e G en e ra l C od e prov ides, i f th e f e e is n o t p a id on o r b e f o r e Janua ry 20, th e C oun ty A u d it o r shall assess a p en a lty o f One D o lla r . I t s p e c ific a lly f o r ­ b id s th e A u d ito r r e d u c ir g , a b a tin g or perm itting any p e n a lty req u ired b y law to b e c o lle c te d b y him . I f n o t p a id th en A u d ito r and h is bond sm en a re lia b le a c c o r d in g to the* A t to rn e y G en e ra l's ru lin g . T h e C oun ty A u d ito r has no a lterna tive bu t to e n fo r c e th is ru ling . JAM ES J. CURLETT , C oun ty , A u d ito r To Reduce a Large Inventory „ W e Are Making SPECIAL PRICESTILL JAN. 2 All Kinds of Grass Seed Sfeerwin Williams Paints for Spring Delivery. A Full Line of Continental Fence for Immediate or Spring Delivery Large Supply of Steel Posts all Lengths Farm Gates’ etc. Due to some early purchases we can also make some attractive prices on TANKAGE MEATSCRAP LINSEEDandSOYBEANMEAL KELLOGG’SHOMINY FRANK GRESWELL LEGAL NOTICE Chalmer D. Brewer, whose last ^ R F F ‘S ,S ^ , 'C SEED OATS ’ C L O V E R — — A L F A L F A MADAM RAY INDIAN PALM READER AND ADVISOR The graetest questions o f life are quickly solved, failure turned to success, sorrow to joy, separated are brought together, foes made friends, truths ate laid bare. Tells your secret troubles, the cause and remedy. Advice on all affairs of life. _3ove, ..courtship, -marriage, business speculation, investments. Come and be convinced. 2512 VALLEY STREET DAYTON, OHIO .LOOK FOR SIGN 3nly seed o f proper origin and high luality assure heavy yields o f hay. Our selections ’ ------ ” " O l have consistently produced more. legume seed is scarce. Play safe, write at once. We offer BUFFALO, RAN­ GER. GRIMM or common ALFALFA and excellent strains o f CLOVER, including CERTIFIED LADING CLOVER CERTIFIED CLINTON OATS Best for Ohio. Resists diseases that attack other varieties. Marvelous yields and rugged straw that stands well for com­ bining. Sow only Certified seed and be sure. We also offer AJAX and COLUM­ BIA OATS. , • , i CERTIFIED HYBRID SEED CORN OHIO HYBRIDS produce heaviest yields. Plant varieties adapted to your farm. Modem processing plant assures seed of high vitality- • • * NEW HAWKEYE SO Y BEANS Write for free copy of our 1949 Catalog.: Or visit otir Warehouse and see our ' Complete line of Farm Seeds. * W. N. S CAR F F ' S SONS '•BOX. □ES NEW. CA-R'LtStE,; OHIO DEAD STOCK HORSES................... .................................................$6.00 COWS ...................................................... $7.50 HOGS .... .................... $2.00 cwt. According to Size and Condition CALL Xenia, Ohio 4 5 4 Reverse Charges XEN IA FERTILIZER E. G. Buchsieb, Inc. Buy Yourself a HOME F inance you r home, buy ing through our easy pay* ments just like rent with monthly reducing plan. - Buy a FARM ' W e have m oney to loan on fa rm s , a t a ttractive interest rates with easy repaym ents. If y ou own a farm and desire financing or -refinan cing we w ill b g lad to con sider you r needs. Build a HOME Get ready to build that hom e you have dream ed about by buying bonds regu la rly , putting them away to meet the necessary down paym en t when changes in restrictions, p iiorities, etc., a llow private home bu ild ing in this area. BUY BONDS HERE Home Federal Savings & Loan Association OF XENIA, OHIO 4 - 6 N. Detroit St. r All*Accounts Insured up to $5,000 ELECTRIC BROODER " k m n " more chirks Togive NEW BLUE CROSS FEES 1 Virgil Bruce Ferguson, aged Kvo, inspects the electric brooder on the farm operated by h v father, Donald Ferguson, northeast f i ‘Xenia. i For better chick survival records— stronger, heahfefer chicks that grow faster, feather earlier, the electric broodfe is the poultryman’s best helper. The electric brooder has a greater wingspread as a hover for baby chicks, protecting as many as 300 chicks— as against 10 to 15 chicks per hen. Simple electric brooders like the one illustrated make the poultry business more profitable, less demanding in time and attention. An accurate thermostatic control insures even heat under all temperature conditions. There's no handling or stor­ ing o f fuel, no flame or fire hazard, yet the over-all cost Is usu­ ally less than fo r other types o f heat. Start with healthy, sturdy, disease-free chicks— then let electric brooders help you keep them that way. In choosing a brooder, or in making a homemade electric brooder, these three points should he kept in mind: 1. Allow at least 7 square inches o f hover space for each chick. 2 . Ventilation is important for control o f moisture under the hover and in the brooder house. 3 . For economical operation, make certain that the brooder is well-insulated. For further suggestions on electric brooders and their use consult your County Agent, your Vocational Agriculture teicher, or the Farm Representative o f your electric service company in your community. TH E D A Y T O N P OW E R A H 0 L IG H T C OM P A N Y Tun*.to—ELECTRIC THEATRE, $m„ 9 P.M.—WW/O—P.ONAID CCIMAN, Tim., 9,39 £,Sf. THIS f M » M ore Hospital Bills B igger Hospital Bills NEW BENEFITS needed by BLUE CROSS members r to meet today’s higher hospital costs THIS « « * • •si. >\ 70 DAYS OF HOSPITAL CARE (Instead of 30) EACH Y E A R IN ANY NON-PROFIT GENERAL- SERVICE- HOSPITAL GR EA T L Y I N C R E A S E D B E N E F I T S when hospitalized outside southwestern Ohio or in a non-member Hospital. i* means THIS NEW BLUE C R O S S MEMB E R S H I P FEES For a ll Subscribers of Hospital Care Corporation EFFECTIVE ON BILLS DUE ON AND AFTER MARCH 1/1949 . PAYROLL DEDUCTION SUBSCRIBERS Monthly Quarterly Single Contracf. . . » ................................................. .. $ 1.20 $3.60 • Family C o n t r a c t . . . . . . . . ...............................................2.80 -8.40 ® 1 INDIVIDUALLY SILLED SUBSCRIBERS I Including Community Croups) . Single- Contract. . ! ........................................ ....................... . ............................. $3.90 Family C o n t r a c t , . . , . . . . . * . . . . ................. ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.90 jo / m n o m ■■ »« 5'* J - V i Only B IC E CROSS can givo s o n u icli fo r so l i t t le / O S P I T A L C A S E C O R P O R A T I O N • •CINCINNATI 4, OHIO’ tNfc NON-PROFIT HUE (ROSS PLAN SPONSORED »Y THE HOSPITALS •*V i