The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 1-26

Cedarville, O. Herald Friday, January T4, 19~49 ietv INS BIRTHDAYS , Jimmy and Judy Gillaugh, younger set o f twins o f Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gillaugh, enter­ tained a group o f playmates at their home Tuesday afternoon in celebration o f ' their sevlenth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Gillaugh also ave 13-year-old twin sons, Larry and Jerry. Mrs. Robert Beam was in charge o f games and refresh­ ments An ice course, with pink and blue appointments was serv­ ed. Those present were Bruce Beam, Sandra Marshall, John and Kay McClellan, Catherine Ca­ hill, Charlotte and Betty Lou Charles, Kent Palmer, Donald and Larry Huffman, Dwight Rid­ geway, Charlotte Ewry, Donald and Shirley Jordan, Billy and Harriett Chenoweth, Patricia, Larry, Jerry and Bobby Gillaugh. GREEN THUMB CLUB MEETS A program on the care o f house plants was conducted by Mrs. Pearl Sexton and, Mrs. Charles Eckman ^at a meeting of the Clif­ ton Green Thumbs Garden Club at the home o f Mrs. Joseph A. Finney, Jr., near Clifton, Tues­ day afternoon. Members responded to roll call with Garden Resolutions for 1949. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Finney, assisted by Mrs. Russell Luse, to the following: Mrs. Ralph Ault, Mrs. Ralph Bullen, Mrs. Robert Bullen, Mrs* Lloyd Devoe, Mrs. Eckman, Mrs. Emile Finiey, Mrs. Ralph Rife, Mrs. Sexton, Mrs.' Elmer Sparks, Mrs. Omar Sparrow, Mrs. Char­ les Spencer, Mrs. Leo Reed and Mrs. Maynard Neff. The next meeting will be held Feb. 8 s t the home of Mrs. John W« Bickett, Clifton, with Mrs. A NAME THAT STANDS FOR GOOD FURNITURE BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE ADAIR’S Farm Grain Tile Ditching Trenching Service BUS COTTER P . O. Box 748 Phone 3-6810 Springfield, Ohio Eckman as assistant hostess. Members will respond to roll call by gaming. reliable seed firms and. a program on, Seeds Soon to Be Sown, will be in charge o f Mrs* Homer Halterman and Mrs. De­ voe. VISITING PARENTS Gpl. and Mrs. Mack J. West, who have been visiting the for­ mer’s parents,* Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Willis, Cedarville, returned this week to Rapid City, S. D., where Cpl. West is stationed at the Rapid City AF Base. They came to Cedarville ten days ago following their marriage in Rap­ id City. Their address is P. O. Box 1449, Rapid City. PEMBERTONiAT SCOTT FIELD Cpl. Donald J. Pemberton, son o f Mr. and Mrs. George Pember­ ton, Xenia R ; R. 4, has been as­ signed to Scott Field, I1L, fo l- j lowing his re-enlistment in the ; army last week. * A former paratrooper in Japan, he returned to this country after his first enlistment period ended in September and re-enlisted for three more years. His address is Cpl. Donald J. Perpherton, A . F. 1529097, 3310 Assembly Squadron, Scott Field AF Base, 111. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Evan Miller, of Bellevue Park, Harrisburg, Pa. are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Miss Martha | Jane, to Mr. Richard Allan Yay- hinger, son of Dr. and Mrs. Ira D. Vayhinger. Miss Miller, a graduate o f Wells College, Aurora, N. Y . is studying in the graduate school at the University of Chicago. Mr. Vayhinger, is a graduate No Promises So Sure as th o se con ta in ed in the B ib le an d fu lfille d in th e ligh t o f Christian Science the s u b je c t o f a Free Lecture en t it le d : “ Christian Science: The Promised Comforter” by Ralph E. Wagers, C. S. B., of Chicago, Illinois * Member of the Board o f Lecture­ ship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. Memorial Hall MONDAY, JANUARY 17 8:15 P. M. S econd Church o f Christ, Scientist, D a y ton C ord ia lly Inv ites Y o u I o f Carlton College, Northfield, Minn. For three. years* in the 'last war, he was a meteorologist with the 20th ‘Ah’ Force. He also is a student in the University of Chicago’s graduate school. The wedding will take, place in-the late summer. ' RESEARCH CLUB Influence of Music on the Am­ erican Way of Life, jvas the pro­ gram theme at a meeting o f the Research Club held at the home o f Mrs. Raymond Carzoo on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Meryl Stormont was in charge o f the program which was presented as members were seat­ ed around an open fireplace. The meeting opened with group singing of, America the Beauti­ ful, and 0 "What a Beautiful Morning* from Oklahoma. Mrs. Fred Huish accompanied by Mrs, SPECIALS PRODUCE Lettuce (U . S. L a rg e )................. . 2 for 31c Tomatoes (1 lb. C e lo )..................... 39c Florida O ranges........................... . doz. 29c California Oranges..................... . doz. 49c Salad Bowl ............... *............................... 17c Celery (2^2 doz size) .............. 37c Fresh Pineapple ....................... 25c Walnuts (1 lb. Celo5 .................................41c Apples (Roman Beauties5 ........ . lb. 12c Leaf Lettuce (Fresh5 lb. 26c Cauliflower......................... 45c MEAT B acon ............... Jowel Bacon .... Lard Bu lk ....... Fresh S id e ...... ... lb. 49c .... lb. 29c 2 lbs. 39c ... lb. 49c STAPLES Pineapple, Sliced, Crushed or Chunk ,Here is a real Bargain Conne Whole Kernel C om ,......~ 2 for 29c Tomatoes No. 2 c a n ........... ....................15c Coffee (1 lb. Bag) ..................................42c Flour (Gold Medal 25 lb.) .................$1.89 P a rkay ................. .......... ......... 1 lb. Box 39c M»iii St. SELF SERVE CASHANDCARRY Cedarville, O. Greer McCallister, sang, A Per­ fect Day and T ie Lord Is My God. The program closed with recordings from, The Messiah, and Stars and Stripes Forever. Roll call responses were, Amer­ ican Composers. _ < " A social hour followed the pro- grain and refreshments viwere served by Mrs, Carzoo. The annual business meeting twill be conducted in February when the club meets with Mrs. Kailh Bull. BROADCASTERS CLASS Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Williamson and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright were hostesses to the Broadcast- era class of the First f t esbyter- ian Church Tuesday evening. CALIF. VISITORS C. W. Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams and son of i California are visiting the form­ ers sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter LeMaster. The Adams family are enroute to Germany where Mr. Adams will . be stationed. ■ -M* • > ; ATTEND CONVENTION 'Mr. _and ' Mrs. Hugh ' Turnbull and Mr. and Mrs.- Fred Towns- ley spent two days in Columbus this week attending a state Con­ vention oif Township Trustees and Clerks. The convention was held at the Deshler-Wallick ho­ tel. TO RESIDE WITH PARENTS Mrs. Douglas Mesloh is at -the home of her parents*, Dr. and Mrs. Leo Anderson. She will remain here while Ensign Mesloh is on duty in Europe. BAR TO MEET The Cedar Cliff Chapter of the D, A. R. will meet Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock in the Eastern Star room, with Mrs. Hammon, Mrs. Folck and Mrs. Grant' as hostesses, HOME CULTURE CLUB TO h o l d M e e t in g T u e s d a y The Home Culture "Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Paul Ramsev .Tuesday afternoon, Jan­ uary 18 at 2 p. m. MOVED INTO NEW HOME Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Walker have moved into their new* home on the Columbus pike. ■ IN TOLEDO FOR WEEKEND Mrs. Lucy Turner and daugh­ ter, Bea, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beck in To­ ledo. As a hog raiser, you're interested in seeing more pigs farrowed, raised, economically fed and marketed in shorter time at greater profit. That's why youw ill want to feed STOCK- GRO to your pigs, brood sows and market hogs. Economical to feed, STOCK-GRO can be fed Free Choice, saving time, labor while eliminating mixing, mess and waste. Your. neighbor uses it , »* your dealer has i t See Both Today 5 FRANK.CRESWELL l& SER V iSO FT i- •-;tx r- '• * ’ ,s w off SOFT WATER SERVICE ; LI -cl ^ a 4* $ Why wait longer to enjoy pure soft water in your home? Order Servisoft now! Equipment is available foe immediate installation . . , you can take advantage o f this modern utility service at once. Remember: you dqn’t invest one ceut in the purchase o f a softener. You pay only a low -cost monthly service charge . . . and we do all the servicing for you. N o wonder so many home-owners — and home-renters — are taking advantage o f Servisoft! Fee complete details, phone or come in n o w . . '. SOFTWATERSERVICE. INC. In Cedarville Earl Chaplin c-o Chaplin Cleaners Cedarville 6-2231 WE SOFTEN THE WATER FOR YOU' i i /^Chevrolet^ 9 « « ©in the wo rld ’s toughest Proving Ground ITS DURABILITY ^ *<£ WAS PROVED HERE ^ ,‘. v . vav >V fvaf /« v ,^ 1 ITS ECONOMY . * W * ™ ? * WAS PROVED HERE ITS RIDING COMFORT WAS PROVED HERE . ITS DEPENDABILITY . WAS PROVED HERE ' ' , V » m 5 * 0 . k * -v rJ y W IEN you see the 1949 Chevrolets, a glance will be enough to tell you they're new — all new— in line and contour, in beauty and style. And when you look inside, and under the hood, and beneath the chassis* you’ll see that their newness is not merely in outward appearance,. but in* design and engineering and construction as well. But, to a lot o f people, the 1949 Chevro­ let is already old. They know what it will do, and how exceedingly wel( it will do it— they know all about its performance," its comfort, its power, safety, durability and* economy. They are the engineers and tech-. nicians o f the General Motors .Proving Ground— the largest, most completely equipped, outdoor testing laboratory in the automobile world. Here, before a single new 1949 Cheyro- let went into production, experimental models v/ere tested— made to show that- they possess, in greater measure than ever, all those qualities on which Chevrolet has built its leadership. , In short, the General Motors Proving* -. Ground tests dre your assurance that you're new-model ^Chevrolet has. proved its worth . - .through many months and many, many., thousands o f miles o f 'rough handling.. Soon you wifi see the new Chevrolet— and when you do, you will see a car not * only new, but tried and true. The New Chevrolet will be on display at the Wolford Building on Xenia Ave. CUMMINGS CHEVROLETSALES Cedarville, - / Ohio ATTEND DISTRICT MEETING Mrs. Frank Creswell and Mrs., David Reynolds attended a dis­ trict meeting of the W. S, C. S. Monday in the General Denver Hotel in Wilmington. * ATTEND GRAND PREVIEW “ H. L. Pickering, local West- inghouse dealer -attended the Grand Preview o f the new Wes- tinghouse range and refrigera­ tor lines for '49 and visited the factory at Mansfield this week. GO TO FLA. Mr. and Mrs. Charles..Bratton and- Mr. and Mrs. David Jones o f ‘Springfield left Tuesday to spend a few weeks in Florida. They expect to visit Tampa and other places of interest. January 13 through January BIG SAVINGS! ADwsmtr m m o w S BIG V A LU E ’ GAVS TI uifs . th ro a n t S o t . White Tampico B O W L ' B R U S H , Green etiamel handle, if standard length. End curved for e a s i e r r i cleaning. Duplex RECEPTACLE II* " .............. Duplex PLATE Plastic top, fiber CLOTHES HAMPER $ 5 . 4 9 " W" 1 fu ” V « o ?edited) Warm “ Boss” Jersey All-purpose , G L O V E S Tailored fit, fleeced linings for men or •women, seal brown color, right knit r- i'V i ■ Shining Chrome S T 8 ^ MAT,- 1 7 " x 1 9 " Safety - ringed "kant - kut” corners; heavy a s b e s t o s •cushion highly polished. 1 10 qt. size, sturdy Galvauizei P A I L Zinc-dipped to insure leak­ proof, rust - resistant con­ struction. S t r o n g wire handle. np Heavy Steel T Line Posts................ ea. 23c “We know the Feeds are goodftoO!" ; r ; T h a t vamovs jiX X X trademark has been .' coming into our homes for many years. . . With the.confidence they have in old friends, farm folks know that Piilsbtny’ s „ b e s t Feeds and Concentrates are depend­ able partners in their livestock and poultry feeding . . *. Come in; we’ll be glad to give you some of the reasons,why. ,Time-saving; Money-Making Feeds for dli livestock and poultry PRESTON MILLING COMPANY Clifton, Ohio -