The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 1-26

JViaa?, January H , T939 The Cedarville, 'O '. Herald Alone the Greene County Farm Front Grierson to Address Forum John Grierson, o f Hillsboro, ■who is Director and Field Super­ visor o f the Louisville Product­ ion Credit Association, will bo guest speaker at the Farm For­ um Monday evening January 24, at Geyer Banquet Hall. The Cedarville township pro­ gram committee o f Harold Dob­ bins, William Clevelle, and Her- vey Bailey is arranging the pro gram., The Forum is entering its 13th year and the 1949 officers will be in charge. Officers are Bobert L. Thomas, Beavercreek town­ ship, President; Meryl Stormont, Cedarville township, Vice Presi­ dent; J. Carl Robinson, Silver- creek township, Secretary; and Walter Nash', Xenia township, Treasurer. The above officers together with Elbert Andrews, Harold Dobbins, and Cecil Conklin con­ stitute the executive committee. y Farm Account Summary School The annual farm account sum­ mary school will he; held at the Court House Assembly Room on Thursday, Jan. 27 from 9:15 a. m, to 3:30 p. m. Farmers who have kept the Ohio Standard Farm Account books during 1948 are invited to attend. Lyle Barnes, Extension Farm Management o f 0 . S« U. will assist in analyzing and summar­ izing the records. A detailed an­ alysis o f a number o f local re­ cords are made each year by Mr: Barnes and farmers with com­ plete records are invited to in­ clude their records in this study. Breeding Service Ruling Artificial breeding service will not be available the first and third Sundays of each month from now on according to Milo Cooper, breeding technician. The Central Ohio Breeding Association recently ruled that technicians would work only the second, fourth and—in long months—the fifth Sundays. Spring Farrowings Up The December pig crop report released by the Federal-State Crop Deporting Service show a 14 percent increase in the num­ ber o f sows to farrow in the United States next spring as compared to the spring o f 1944. In Ohio the breeding intentions of farmers reflecting the large 1948 crop, show a 20 per cent in­ crease in the number o f sows to farrow next spring over that o f last spring. The U. S. Depart­ ment of Agriculture has asked a 17 percent hike in the product­ ion for the nation. Egg Auction Report The annual report of the Ohio Valley Egg Cooperatives at Mil­ ford, Ohio shows that it serves 755 members from 22 counties in southwestern Ohio and Ind­ iana during 1948. This includes 42 Greene County poultrymen who hold paid up membership in the association. Last year 18 o f these sold 841 cases o f eggs through the organ­ ization compared with 647 cases o f eggs in 1947 and 521 cases in 1946. Eggs are graded and sold on the basis o f U. S. Consumer Grades, with some o f the most modern equipment available be­ ing used. During last year 34,- 312 cases o f eggs were market­ ed as compared with 27,000 cases last year. Institutes at Bellbrook and Beavercreek Two events that many folk will want to put on their calen­ dars are the Bellbrook and Beav­ ercreek Farmer’s Institute. The Bellbrook institute is scheduled fo r January 26-27 and the Beav­ ercreek institute February 2-3. Officers at Bellbrook are; Mrs. Grace Lynds, president; Harry Seiber, vice-president; Mrs. Fran­ ces Blac, secretary - treasurer; and Mrs. Everett Gregg, hostess. Officers in charge of the Bea­ vercreek institute are: Elmer Wolf, president; S. H. Shawhan, vice-president; Mrs. James Wolf, secretary-treasure*; and Mrs. Kenneth Coslar, hostess. Favor Corn-hog Ratio One of the most -favorable corn-hog ratios on record is placing hog producers in an ex­ tremely favorable position for profitable feeding this year. A t present the com-hog ratio is 18.12 to one-that is 100 pounds o f pork will buy 18.2 bushels of corn. One year ago the ratio was 11.4 and the 1924-32 average was 12.4. * RULES OF MISSING WORD « CONTEST j (1) Anyone except employes o f > the Herald or advertising mer-l chants or their Immediate famil- j ies may enter, (2) Contestants must send or bring their entry blanks in not later than the day-following pub­ lication to the merchant in whose ad the missing word should ap­ pear or directly to Herald cffi-e, (3) Entries received at Keru '* office do not qualify fo r week’ ; prizes given by merchants, but only for Grand Frizes. (4) A il entries become the pro­ perty o f the Herald. Decisions by the contest editor are final. (5) For your convenience, a coupon will he printed in the pap­ er on winch you may enior your selections. (v> Each week shetv.o different merchants in whose ads the miss­ ing words shcaid appear, will give an amount o f merchandise equal to the cost o f the ad to the first person presenting the correct an­ swer. All entries are then re­ turned to the Herald ts be grad­ ed fo r the grand prizes at end of contest. Those who pc not wish , to, take their entry blanks to m er-f chants, may send or bring direct to the Herald office. They will not be eligible fo r the weekly prizes, but may win the Grand , Prize. i MISSING WORD CONTEST RETURN ANSWER BLANK The missing word fo r twelfth w eek ,________ __________________ ... (Date) were found b y _________________ (Town and R. F. D.) The words w ere_____________and i ______________________ and should appear in the advertisement of ------ and between the words, a n d -------- and and Fill out this blank with answer. Cut out and return to Advertiser or THE HERALD not later than the following Saturday at 8 p. m. M. C. Smith, O. S. U. exten­ sion economist, predicts that this favorable feeding ratio is likely to continue for some time. Hog prices he said are not ex­ pected to drop much more. They probably wiuu rise seasonably. [ Average corn prices on the other [ hand are expected to say down, [ close to the loan support level of i $1.48 per bushel. j MT. TABOR Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Beal and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Badgley and family, o f Spring Valley. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hollings­ worth, Mrs. Lillie Smith and Mr. and Mrs. William Patterson, o f Xenia, were Sunday dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kyle. Mrs, Mary Devoe, o f Wilming­ ton is spending sometime with Mr. and Mrs. James Jones. The monthly meeting o f the Wonten's Society of Christian Service o f the local church will be held at the home of Mrs. Ser- renia Charles, o f Xenia, Thurs­ day afternoon. The-regular monthly meeting of the Loyal Son’s and Daugh­ ters Sunday School classes of the local church will be held at the community hall Friday even­ ing. The meeting will be in charge of Leroy Hollingsworth and each family is requested to bring a covered dish and sand­ wiches. A t the Church Sunday, Jan. 16, Sunday school at 2 o’clock, Top­ ic Boyhood and Youth o f Jesus. Preaching at 3 o’clock, Rev. L. R. Wilkin, pastor: Mr. and Mrs, George FJemm- ing and family of Xenia, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Moudy Barnett and daugh­ ter, Elaine. Mr. and Mrs. J. W . Levalley of Xenia spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith. Mrs. Lola St. John o f New Jasper spent last week with Mrs. Maria Levalley. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jones and daughter, Carolyn Jean spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Powers and family o f Blooming­ ton. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! NO WAITING! *9 STENGERS-FORD 't 2BS? 30-35 M ILES PER GALLON ! .•.Famous Ford Cart,' made In England. i . ■f' >C&v-i CivTmeasily 60« '• Cfiofi* i t 5 colon. $ 'Standard equipment Includes '■^dlrtcHonln«Eceisl',!nitrior lack, » jftntlant gpttd windshield i D w i ears era ilia lowwt prktd tngilth Csft 1st America. , - • Built to test—wllb traditionally • dependable English craftsmans ship. • Ford Poaltra sniprim will b» glad fo s»tvk»yoUtEnglish Ford. • Comptotasupplyb?partsavail* able at selected Ford Dealers. • Com* In-andseethemtoday-* drive one away! netsMad* In England—Sold All Overthe World STENGERS-FORD v W j ^ o S r i r P j s t f ^ o r — S o i i t f t a r n O h i o DMTON, OHIO MISSING WORD JAMESTOWNOIL CO Phone 4-4951 Priceless I ® ls jO | 1150 /S&zuifai MURRYJEWELER Jam es tow n RATH m SAVINGS GROW h ' i Individual Accounts Insured Up To $5,000 Current Dividend Rate 2% Cedarville Federal Savings &LoanAssn. C eda rv ille , Oh io mBmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmrnmmm, Commencing 1st of year no more credit Boys pants 10 to 16 size price .......... ............... $2.95 Men’ s extra heavy moleskin pants Sizes 36x32 and larger ........ ..................... . 3.50 A real buy for rough work Don’t forget our baby needs, playtex pants & sheets I'LLISON’S MODERN SHOE REPAIR W. Washington St. Jamestown SAVE BYMAIL You May Open A Savings Account Here and Mail In Your Deposits A t Your Convenience. Savings Pay Dividends And Assure Future Independence. Put Your Idle Money To Work For You! Savings Accounts Insured Up to $5,000 PEOPLESBUILDING 11Green St. &SAVINGSCO, Xenia, Ohio , InTheAdsBelow WIN$50,00 CASH * S Also aPrizeWeeklyFromMerchants WhoseAdCarriestheMisingWord JAMESTOWNFEEBSTORE Jamestown, Ohio READY MIXED CONCRETE Field Drain THe Tuxedo & Purina Feeds 4 all Farmlyme Clinton Cement Blocks Fred Furnas Baby's First Shoes PRESERVED IN BRONZE . . . and mounted on this exquisite portrait stand, it’s a thrilling gift . . . a keepsaka forever. Other suggestions: bookends, paper weights, ash trays and desk sets in silver or gold, aswell as bronze. Prices for every budget 3.50 to 23.50 - - Order Now For ^ Valentine's Day To nolo taro of Hi gift— tboot omit be in before » January 22. Jamestown, Ohio Steak, Chops, Sandwiches, Fountain Service Home Made Soups and Pies SUNDAYSPECIALS Old Fashioned" Chicken Pie .....................................90 Grilled: Pork. Chops. ...............................-....... ............. 90 Roast Sirloin of Beef ...................................................90 Golden. Brown WAFFLES 30c (A N Y T IM E ) GERARD INSURANCE Father, Son and Grandson' Writing ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE For Over SO Years Bonding Service Office Phone 43261 E . Washington St. Jamestown, Ohio Notary Public Res. Phones, Bowersvllle Foy M. Gerard, '28071 Earl Gerard, 43261 WHITE VILLA QUALITY FOODS PORK & BEANS WHITE VILLA No. 2 can-----------------------I4c KIDNEY BEANS HONEY GROVE No. 2 c a n ---------------- 14c GREEN BEANS WHITE VILLA No. 2 can — _-------— 25c LIMA BEANS WHITE VILLA No. 2 c a n ----------------------- 32c SAUERKRAUT WHITE VILLA 2 No. 2 */2 cans*------------ 25c HOMINY WHITE VILLA No. 2/z can -------------------------- 13c CORN HONEY GROVE No. 2 can ________________ —— 16c PEAS HONEY GROVE No. 1 c a n _________________________10c PEAS WHITE VILLA No. 2 can -_______________________ 21c SPINACH HONEY GROVE No. 2'/2 c a n __________________ 23c SLICED BEETS WHITE VILLA No. 2 can __j-___________ 14c APPLE SAUCE WHITE VILLA No. 2 c a n ____________ 16c PEACHES WHITE 'VILLA No. 2 '/2 c a n _________________ 34c PEACHES HONEY GROVE No. 2*/2 c a n __________________ 30c ORANGE JUICE WHITE VILLA 46 oz. c a n _____________28c CHILI CON CARNE WHITE VILLA 1 lb. c a n __________ 32c BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOODS - BROWN’S MARKET W . Washington St. Jamestown, O. Phone 44861 SAVE 40 PERCENTON HEAeS 82 gal. Norge Electric Hot Water H eater. . . Brand New only $ 120.00 BENIAFURNITURE&RUUCO. 23 W. Main St. Xenia Phone 1973 THENEW CEDARVILLECLEANERS Xenia Ave., Cedarville Phone 6-3411 Dry Cleaning — 4 HOUR SERVICE Reweaving — Laundry Service Shoe Repairing PICK UP & DELIVER MARY’S LUNCH Lunches — Dinners — Short Orders Special Sunday Dinners Roast Chicken & Oyster Dressing Chickens and Noodles Steak We will close week days 11:30 P. M. SUNDAYS 9 A. M. — Midnight HOME STYLE COOKING a Next to Bus Station Mary and Villa Chaffin W. Washington St., Jamestown' Props. Hamer & Huston CEDARVILLEMARKET “ IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU” Pumpkin Columbus Brand No. 2^/% can .... 10c Peaches Halves or Sliced No. 2% can ___ 25c Apricots Whole Unpeeled No. 2*4 c a n ........ 25c Tomatoes Salem Brand 2 No. 2 c a n s _____ 25c Toilet Tissue 4 Rolls ................................... .. 32c Rinso Grant Size ................................... Box 65c Oleomargarine Nu Maid ................... . lb. 34c English Walnuts ............... ....... ......... ..... lb. 39c — Quality Meats Fresh Pork Shoulder -Piece ............... . lb. 49c S liced ......................... lb. 55c Pork Tenderloin .................. ....1.................. lb 84c Hamburger-^(The Best in Town) ............ lb. 59c Fresh Oysters (Pint Cans) ....__ ....._____ 69c Phone 11 Have Your Shoes Repaired by a , Master Craftsman with .Quality Material ARY SHOE REPAIR Jamestown, Ohio W . H. ARY , Mgr. E lm o B. H ig h am A g e n c y t GENERAL INSURANCE Real Estate Farm Loans N O T A R Y P U B L I C Jamestown, Ohio Phone 4191