The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 1-26

e Cedarville, O Herald Friday, December 10, 1948 STORMONT - WILSON Mr. and Mrs. Leslie E. Stor­ mont (Betty Jo Wilson), -who were married in the Fairfield Evangelical and Reform Ctrarch Sunday afternoon, will reside in Fairfield, upon their ibturn from a wedding trip. The bride is the daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. James M. Wilson, Fairfield. The bridegroom’s par­ ents are Mr. and Mrs Herman K. Stormont, Cedarville. Rev. Albert Meiller, pastor of the Fairfield Church, read the double ring service assisted by Dr. Paul H. Elliott, pastor of the Cedarville Presbyterian Church. The couple exchanged vows in a setting of palms and white chrysanthemums. White tapers in tall standards lighted the nup­ tial scene. Precec#.g the cere­ mony a program o f piano music was presented by Mrs. Wilton Limbach, Osborn, and Mrs. Jane Barnard, Alpha, sang, ‘Always’ ‘Through the Years’ ‘I Love You Truly' and ‘The Lord's Prayer’. For her maid o f honor the bride had Miss Janice German, Day- ton, and Misses Barbara Mae Mil­ ler, Marion, O., and Dorothy Ma­ her, Miamisburg, were brides­ maids. They wore gowns o f moire taffeta styled with fitted bodices and full skirts. Miss German was in turquoise, Miss Miller wore light blue and Miss Naher wore fuchsia. They wore mitts to match their gowns and head- bands o f white fur trimmed with clusters o f yellow rosebuds. They carried arm bouqets o f yellow roses and each wore a rhinestone necklace, a gift of »he brid. Given in marriage by her fath­ er, the bride appeared in a gown of white brocaded taffeta fash­ ioned with a fitted bodice and long pointed sleeves. Hed full skirt extended into a long train and her fingertip veil was held in place with a headband o f satin and s e a r ls . She carx-ied a white bi'ocaded taffeta muff covered with clusters of tiny white flow­ ers centered with an orchid. Her jewelry was a pearl necklace be­ longing to her paternal grand­ mother, Mrs. Anna Wilson, In­ dianapolis. Mx*. William Stormont, attend­ ed his brother as best man and the ushers were Messrs. Richard Stormont, another brother, and Merrill E. White, Fairfield, the bride’s brother-in-law. Following the service 150 guests attended a recption in the church pallor?. Mrs. Wilson, mother o f the bride, received in a gray crepe dress with pink accessories and wore a corsage o f pink car­ nations. Mrs. Stormont, the bride­ groom’s mother, wore a marine bine crepe dress with black ac­ cessories and her flowers were white carnations. Hostesses for the reception were Misses Margaret Dawson and Penny Pennington. Dayton; the bridegrooms sister, Mrs. Rus­ sell Davis and Mrs. Lyla Thomas, Indianapolis, and Mrs. Carl Mays,1 Fairfield. For her wedding trip the bride wore a. tailored frock of forest green wool, complemented with beige accessories. ‘ Mrs. Stormont is a graduate of Bath High School and the Miami Valley Hospital School of nurs­ ing, Dayton, and has been em­ ployed at that hospital. A grad­ uate o f Cedarville High School, Mr. Stormont is employed at the Wright - Patterson AF Base. VISIT HERE Mi*, and Mrs. Allen Turnbull in Cedarville last week. ATTEND INSTALLATION Mr. and Mrs. George Hall, Cambridge visited friends here this week. They alos attended the installation of officers o f the Eastern Star. CHAPLIN GUESTS Mrs. John GGarbic and son of Xenia visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Chaplin this week. ATTEND REUNION Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Davis of Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ bur Wisecup attended the re­ union o f the Queen Esther Circle of the Bloomingsburg Methodist Church Sunday at the Anderson Restaurant in Washington C. H. Forty women all former mem­ bers were present. The circle started in 1910. A pointuetta flower was placed on the grave o f Mrs. Lem Minnox, the lead­ er and organizer of the Circle. HOME FROM VISIT IN S. C. Mrs. William Hopping is home after* visiting her niece, Mrs. Hook in Charleston South Car­ olina, Mrs. Wilt a sister of Mrs. Hopping returned to her home in Charleston after a visit o f four months with her sister. W . S. C. S. TO’HOLD PARTY The W. S. C. S. of the Meth­ odist Church will hold their Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Frank Creswell, Monday evening, Dec. 13 at seven. Mem­ bers are asked to bring a covered dish and their pwn table service. McKIBBEN CLASS TO MEET The McKibben Bible Class will hold their Christmas Banquet, December 14, in the U. P. Church dinning room. There will be an exchange o f 25c gifts. 10th BIRTHDAY ... Billy Straley, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Lauris Straley was honor on his 10th; birthday Saturday evening when 27 children gath­ ered at his home. The children enjoyed television of the Hay Ride and a birthday song was sung fo r Billy over the Hay Ride Radio program. Mrs. Straley served refresh­ ments to the group. INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS Annual installation o f officers of Cedarville Chapter No. 418 was held Wednesday evening in the Cedarville College Gymna­ sium. Opening the ritual was Geral­ dine Ro.binson retiring Worthy Matron and Charles Robinson retiring Worthy Patron. Immed­ iately following the opening o f the Chapter a brief recess was held to prepare fo r the install­ ation ceremony. Serving as installing officer was Leona Brewer, Past Matron, Antioch /Chapter Yellow Springs, assisting were the following: Mar- wards i n s t a l l i n g conductress Ada Stormont; Installing Chap­ lin, Alberta Frame; Installing Organist, Jane Doughman o f Springfield; Installing Warder, Clyde Nagley; Installing Sent­ inel, Moody Nagley; Soloist, Le­ ona WeastT, Springfield. Those installed were as fol­ lows; Bulah Brewer, Worthy Ma­ tron; Chax*les Robinson, Worthy Patron; Associate Matron, Mary Pickering; Associate Patron, John Mills; Secretary, Jane Milll; Treasurer1, May Eird; Con­ ductress, Isabel Bull; Associate Conduqtress, Norma Stormont; Chaplin, Geraldine Robinsin; Marshall, Beatrice Stackhouse: Organist, Miriam Wallace; Adah, Margaret Nelson; Ruth, Jean- Cozy Theatre Friday and Saturday December 10-11 Charley Grapewin - Marjorie Rambeau “TOBACCO ROAD” Plus Cartoon * Travel * Sports Sunday and Monday December 12-13 ette Walker; Esther, Willa Veigh Beattie; Martha, Bashie. Mills; Electa, Elizabeth Irvine; Ward­ er, Anna Barlow; Sentinel, Ed­ win Bull.* Following the installation re­ freshments were served by the committee. CHRISTMAS PARTY The annual Christmas supper o f the K. Y. N. Club will he held at the Methodist Church on Mon­ day evening, Dec. 13. The famil­ ies o f the members are to be guests, and former members are reminded that they are welcome to attend. Each will bring cover­ ed dishes and table service. Each child will bring a 25c g ift for the children’s exchange. The time is 6:30 p. m. SHOWER FOR MRS. WRIGHT Mrs. Richard Wright (Phyllis Baldwin) was honored with a miscellaneous shower at the home of“Mrs. Alfred Brightman, Friday evening. The hostess em­ ployed a color scheme o f pink and white in her decorating. Sil­ ver wedding hells with pink and white streamers hung from the chandelier to the table on which the gifts were placed. Contests and games were enjoyed by the guests. Mrs. Brightman served a desert course to 21 guests. DAR TO MEET The Cedar Cliff Chapter of the D. A. R. will meet Tuesday home of Mrs. Fred Dobbins. This evening, Dec. 14, at 6:30 at the is a dinner meeting for husbands and friends o f the members. Each member is asked to bring table service, a covered dish and her donation fo r the schools. RECEIVES INJURIES “Dick” Dennehey is ing in Springfield City approved lmprov- hospital, Excavating- Buildings,Basements Ditching- WaterandSewer K.H.GREGORY Room 21 Xenia, O. Steele Bldg. Phone 629W IS YOURS TO CHOOSE FROM AT _ _ W 31 W. HIGH DIAL 3-9491 OPEN EVERY MONDAY TILL 9 P. M. |1 [01Myj [0 j nfmjffyj|p))J0 Springfield, Ohio NEVER was a Sai?y>$itter UKE THIS1 ROBERT M AUREEN CLIFTON YOUNG-O’HARA-WEBB Richard HAYDN • Louise ALLBRITTON Also News * Cartoon ’ f rax el i p Wednesday and Thursday f December 15-16 SennisMORGAN•VivecaLINDFORS TGJHEVICTOR was VICTOR FRANCEN BRUCE BENNETT A WACNIS SSOS. PtSTl'SS Added News * Cartoon a s s a s s i n CmKMt >/ , Because I know they’ll help preserve the beauty o f my Holmes & Edwards Sil- verplate. They’re the two blocks of ster­ ling silver inlaid at hacks o f howls and handles o f most-used forks and spoons, (ALL PATTERNS MADE IN THE U.S.A.) $ 52 PIECE: " ,s » i ^ S s § s r LOVELY LADY * DANISH PRINCESS \ voyTH. % • .'/2& *6P \ Including Chest NoTax ................ .. TIFFANY JEWELERS E- Mgin St. X e n i a ¥ /e be open Wednesday after* noons ’til Christinas and also the eve­ nings of Dec. 23 and 24. Pend, MAKE WINTER FEEDING EASY WITH THE p E L T HARVEST-HANDLER* LIGHTWEIGHT PORTABLE GRAIN AND EAR CORN ELEVATOR. W«!ght “ approximately 100 lbs.; 16 ft. long. ’ Hand!*! 175 to 400 bv. of tar tom per hour; 200 to 400 bu. of smalt grain, depending on ongt* ( of ep«ral!on. Dellvew ovor 11 ft. from: ground at 4J°— up io 20 ft, with, hopper on truck side- board. Salt-loads small groin vulthliopper sides r«-( moved; requires only 23*xl0y,” opening. Willi^ or without gajollae engine or electric motor. For( complete Informotlon,^j»e_^your_ fotal_d«aler_orl .write Dept. 6. (WITH ENGINE,'FOR Orient, O h I« 7 7 ^ $ W ’ Prlcef sgbiect to tftgqge Without noHce L . LOADTRUCK ’ FROMCMS V 10 BIN FlU SELF I rski * [|«_FIEL0 R a x ® - ' l-'i Cedarville, Ohio FOR GREENE COUNTY LOANS In April 1948 the Claibourne-McDermott Co. o f Wilmington, Ohio, was approved and appointed to negotiate FHA loans for Clinton County. At this time, we established a mort­ gage loan department to handle this type of loan. In consideration of our many farmer friends we extended this service to include a highly accepted farm loan department. Due to the growth of this department and the way that it has been received in Clinton County, we are happy to announce that it is our privilege to extend this service to the people of Greene County. If you are looking for a solution to your financial problems THIS IS IT. WE OFERYOU FHA LOANS—These loans are available to ev eryone. They are long term, low rate loans that give you an opportunity to own your own home. They can be made on existing structures or proposed new constructions.^ FARM LOANS—Every farmer who needs money should investigate our farm loans. They are long term-low rate loans that can’t be beat. You will enjoy the service and cooperation you receive when applying for a loan*. We want to help YOU. YOUGETTHESE ADVANTAGES MOREMONEY FREFARMAPPRAISAL RAPIDSERVICE FHAINSPECTIONS LOWRATES LONGTERM REFINANCING INEXPENSIVE FARMERS AND TOWN-FOLKS alike are invited to come in immediately and discuss their money needs with us. Every conference in strictest confidence . . . every loan no one’s bus­ iness but your own1. ACT NOW a Don’t delay taking care of your financial problems. You may call at our offices or we will COME AND SEE YOU. Just fill in the coupon below—drop it in the mail and forget your money troubles. ALL THIS Just for the asking. Yes—-you can own your own home or farm Jby letting us help you with your finances. This is “ you*1” opportunity, so don't pass it. up. MORTSAGE LOANS ONLY If you are eligible and your property meets the necessary requirements, we will be more than pleased to assist you. FILL IN COUPON— MAIL TODAY TO : CLAIBOURNE-McDERMOTT CO. 38i/3 N. South St., Wilmington, Ohio MY NAME .........................1................................— - ~ r ADDRESS .......................................-.......... PHONE .......................... I am interested in: * FHA LOAN * FARM LOAN * REFINANCING * I will be at your office D A T E ...............................-....................... TIME ........ ........... ................ to discuss a loan. * Will you please call on me at your earliest convenience to discuss a loan. * Open nights by appointment. Claibourne-McDermont Co, 38.V b N. South Street, Thorne Building W IL M IN G T O N , O H IO P H O N E 2238 * Open Monday Thru Saturday------ 9:00 A. M.—5:00 P .M . *