The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 1-26

ANNOUNCEMENT OP MARRIAGE Informal annoumjament is be­ ing made o f the approaching marraige o f Miss Betty Savage, 34 Home Ave., and Mr. John. H. Bull, near Cedarville, which will take place in Las Vegas,Nev. Miss Savage will leave Tuesday fo r Muroe, Calif., where she will meet Mr. Bull, who is employed there. The couple will he married .in Las Vegas at the end o f this week. The daughter o f Mrs. James F . Savage, 34 Home Ave., and the late Mr. Savage, the bride-elect was graduated from Miami Uni­ versity and formerlv taught in the Xenia public schools and Le­ banon High School. Mr; Bull, son o f Mr. Raymond Bull, near Cedarville, and the late Mrs. Bull, is employed at the Wright-Patterson AF Base and is on special assignment in Muroc. at a farewell dinner party Sat- Miss Savage was complimented urday evening at which Misses Mildred and Mary Waddle and Janet Frazer were hostesses at the Trebein Manor, Dayton Pike. Following the inner at which eighteen guests were entertained, the group returned to the home o f Miss Frazer, 117 W. Church Street, fo r a bridge party. Prizes in the bridge games were award­ ed to Mrs. Savage, mother of the guest of honor; Miss Margar­ et Neeld and Miss Virginia Heathman. A guest prize was presented to Miss Savage. ATEND COMMENCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wil­ liamson, Mr. and Mrs. Miron Wil­ liamson and Mrs. John William­ son attended commencement ex­ ercises at Eowling Green College Friday. Mr. Donald Williamson received his A. B. degree. Wilbur W. White President of Toledo university gave the ad- dreess. After commencement Mr. White received an honorary Dr. o f Law degree from Bowling Green. Mr. White is a former Cedarville resident, attended Ce­ darville school and college. ATTENDS ANNUAL MEETING Mrs. C. C. Brewer. Mrs. Her­ bert Pickering; Mrs. John Mills, Mrs. Amos Frame, Mrs. M. C. Nagley and Mrs. A. B. Creswell attended the 26th Annual session o f the 18th Ohio district Associ­ ation of O. E. S. held in the Ma­ sonic Temple in London, Wednes­ day. UNDERGOES OPERATION Jimmy Townsley son of Mr. *nd Mrs. Paul Townsley underwent an operation fo r removal o f ton­ sils and adnoids in Dr. Ray’s office in Xenia, Monday. MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS Mrs, Walter Boase, Mrs. Ar­ thur Karma, Miss Ada Stormont and Miss Alta Murphy were hos­ tess to a luncheon meeting of the Missionary Society in the First P r e s b y t e r i a n Church. Thursday afternoon. Following the luncheon and business meet­ ing, Mrs. Paul Elliott, Mrs. Ray­ mond Williamson and Miss Irma Creswell gave reports on the Mid Winter Fresbyterial meeting they attended in Dayton recently. Mrs. W. Wyant of Springfield was guest speaker fo r the afternoon. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harrod (El- eanore Condon) of Baltimore are announcing the birth of a daugh­ ter Patricia Anna last Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Condon are the maternal grandparents. HOME FROM VISITING SON Mrs. Paul Elliott is home after a visit with her .son and family Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aitken in Canton, Mr. Aitken has charge o f instrumental music in Middle Branch Consolidated school. GUESTS AT THE CONDON HOME Mr. and Mrs. Roy Machan of Cleveland spent a few days this week with Rev. and Mrs. W . A. Condon. Mr. and Mrs. Markgns o f Ohio City were also at the Condon home Saturday, for the funeral o f William Watt. ENTERTAIN FRIENDS TO DINNER Jackie Lillick son o f Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillick entertained a few friends to dinner Monday evening, celebrating his eleventh birthday. Jackies guests were: John Kyle, Bruce Cherry, Billy Straley, David Parsons and Ron­ ald Reese. WOMAN’ S CLUB WILL MEET The Woman’s club will meet Thursday afternoon Febfuary 10, at 2 p. m. at the home o f Mrs. w . c . niif.- VISITING IN INDIANA Mrs. W. S. Hopping is spend­ ing a few days in Dillsboro, Ind. RETURNS TO MIAMI UNIVERSITY * Mr. John Frey has returned to his studies at Miami Universtiy after a few days vacation with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Frey. E Y N CLUB * MEETS Twenty-six members w e r e present when the K. Y . N . Club met Friday evening at the home o f Mrs. Harold Hanna. Instala- tion o f new officers was held. Secret Pals o f the past year were made known and new Pals f o r the coming year were chosen. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Hanna. February meeting will he held at the home o f Mrs. Lewis Lillick. Friday, February-4> The 'Cedarville, 0 . Herald WOMAN’S MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS The Woman’s Missionary So­ ciety met in the U. F . Church Thursday afternoon. Prayer serv­ ice was in charge o f Mrs. Harold Dobbins. Program committee was Mrs. Harold Reinhard, Mrs. Helen Kyle, Mrs. Leo Anderson. Guest speaker was- Mrs. J. S. West. Mrs. West spoke on China. Her talk was based on letters received from her daughter Ruth, who is in China. After the business meeting refreshments were serv­ ed by Mrs. Lauris Straley, Mrs. Harold Dobbins, Mrs. Arthur Cultice and Mrs. Lucy Turner. GOES TO WASHINGTON D. C. Miss Betty Townsley has gone to Washington D. C. to make her home with her father Mr. Everette Townsley. PURCHASES PROPERTY ON GROVE STREET Mr. and- Mrs. Guy Ie Forge have purchased the property on Grove Street fro mMr. and Mrs. Charlees Rheubert. Mr. and Mrs. Rheubert will move to the up­ stairs apartment. Mr. Le Forge operates the Standard Oil Co. RETURNS FROM CHICAGO Mrs. J. S. West is home after several weeks in Chicago. VISITS IN WASHINGTON C II Mrs. Jennie Gordon and Mrs. Minnie Gano spent a few days this past week with Mr. and Mrs. Audry Gordon in Washington C. H. VISITS PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baldwin and son of Columbus spent the weekend with Mrs. Baldwin par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Brown. GOLDEN RULE CLASS MEETS The Golden Rule Class o f the Methodist Church met Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. A. E. Richards. Mrs. Ross Wiseman led devotions and program of games and contests was in charge o f Mrs. Fred Ervine. Twenty- two members were served a-des- i sret course by Mrs. Richards. GIRL SCOUT TROOP BEING ORGANIZED An intermediate Girl Scout Troop for colored girls is being organized. Their first meeting was held Thursday under the leadership of Mrs. Amizi Melton with Mrs. Wilbur Weakley as­ sistant leader. Mrs. Henry Baker and Mrs. Mary Hands will serve as troop committee. Colored girls wishing to join should see any of the ladies named above. THE WSCS MET LAST WEDNESDAY The W. S. C. S. of the Method­ ist Church met “Wednesday fo r their luncheon meeting at the home of Mrs. Joe Gordon. Fol­ lowing the business meeting. De­ votions were led by Mrs. Helen Huffman. Picture slides accom­ panied by reading on Hawaii were given, and interesting letters from our missionaries were read. Luncheon committee was Mrs. Joe Gordon, Mrs. C. II. Gordon, Mrs. Pearl Huffman and Mrs. Minnie Gano. MOVES TO FARM NEAR LYNCHBURG Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Warrick and daughter have moved to a farm near Lynchburg. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Huston and family will move into the Warrick prop­ erty soon. MOVES TO PROPERTY ON XENIA AVEENUE Mi-, and Mrs. Gerald Bradford and son have moved the the half of double house on Xenia avenue owne by Curtis Hughes. VISITING IN COLUMBIA MISSOURI La Mar Hammon and Jimmy Wisecup are spending a few days in Columbia, Missouri. BROADCASTERS CLUB MEETS Valentine appointments were used when the Broadcasters class met Thursday evening in the First Presbyterian Church. Busi­ ness was conducted by the presi­ dent, Irma Creswell. College Car­ avan was in charge o f devotions and program. A dessert course was served the members by the hostesses Mr. and Mrs. Dana Bryant and Mrs. Alva Chaplin. ON SICK LIST THIS WEEK Reta Powers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Powers is on the sick list this. week. ON THE SCHOOL SCENE Continued from Page One January 21. Mrs. Dolphin di­ rected their play. The fifth grade is preparing a one-act play, with music, entit­ led, ^George Washington, thje Boy.” The play will be given at a tea fo r the mothers o f the fifth grade pupils. Mrs. Foster and Miss Sickles are the directors. Music Department Looks Ahead The girls* ensemble, girls* chorus and the boys’ ensemble are getting ready fo r the west district auditions at Springfield in the spring. For this event the following pupils'* will sing solos: Dianna Brightman, Janet Crum- rine, Charlotte Harphant, Bar­ bara Koppe, Margie Bradfute, Cletus Frederick, Don Chestnut and Dean Carzoo. The junior band o f 14 members is practicing with the senior band in preparation fo r their spring program. . The long- awaited band uni­ forms have arrived. The new suits consist o f red trousers and jackets, trimmend in white- Lfil-- itary style red hats, white-spits and sam-brown canvas heltfr com­ plete the new outfits. My Dreams I f I were all the things in real­ ity that I am in my dreams, my life would be full o f many occup­ ations. They say a persbn’s sub­ conscious mind is the cause, hut I hope my sub-conscious mind doesn’t thipk of all these things.' Sometimes I’m a dancer with beautiful clothes while other times I’m an actress or a captain in the W. A. K. Then I'm in a circus hefore thousands o f peo­ ple doing silly stunts. One night I was even killing someone. What fo r ? I don’t know, but I got him anyhow, i (Once in a while they get me.) I A ll o f this pounds as though I were very vicious, and, things look pretty bad fo r me* But yes, there is one bright note o f hope. Some dream experts maintain that dreams are contrary to real­ ity. A fter I iawake form a per­ fectly terrible dream session, this knowledge at least, is comfort­ ing. After all I guess dreams are just another part o f life, so don’t let them bother you, either. I “Mnda” enjoy them. —Naomi Luse Getting Around Cedarville ■Continued from Page One college student said, “ We really had to work hard for Prof. Steele inTiis classes but we learn­ ed a lot.” Yes we are referring to Dr. C. W. Steele who is on sabbatical leave for this year from his duties at Cedarville Col­ lege. Prof. Steele has earned his well-deserved rest and we wish his good wif and he the best that there is in the year to come . . . PARTING POME WHAT REALLY COUNTS Some folks spend all their living days s Gathering fortunes in var­ ious ways But God is pleased in heaven above When man shows man real brotherly love. FesstoSponsor SaferCorn PickerBill Greene County Representative Lowell Fess o f Yellow,, Springs will sponsor a bill in the house designed to require manufact­ urers to provide safety for mech­ anical corn pickers to protect their opei-ators on farms. Mr. Fess said the measure now is being drafted and will be of­ fered in the house as soon as ready. It is expected to' he hail­ ed as an important humanitar­ ian step in the effort to reduce the dangers in farming, now rat­ ed as the most hazardous occu­ pation. The Greene county legislator was inspired to introduce legis­ lation o f this nature by the mounting accident toll on farms in Greene and surrounding coun­ ties. He investigated the con- ■sti/qutionality o f the proposed legislation and learned that such a measure would be legal and would gain considerable support. FarmForum HoldsMonthly ed by forum members and their families last year. Engagement of Wanda Chandler . •A; • ’ «... - Is Announced - - Mr. and Mrs. H. Chandler, of Cedaryille, are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Miss Wanda Chandler, of Wil­ mington, R. F. D. 4, to Mr. James C. Williams, son of Mi‘. C. Williams, of Sabina. Miss Chandler is a senior in the Reesville high school. Mr. Williams an ex-Marine, is em­ ployed by the National Cash Reg­ ister .Company at Dayton. He is a graduate of the Sabina high school. The wedding will" take place some time after Miss Chandler’s graduation, although no definite elate has been set'. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE—Baled straw. Frank Harbison, Cedarville, Ohio. FOR SALE—Mahogany . E n d table and Record, player will sell both for $26. Write Box B %Cedar- ville Herald. . 112 RATS killed with a can of Star, harmless to animals; also have ANTU, Duvall Hardware. FOR SALE— 52 gal. electric hot water heater. $75. Old Mill Camp. FOR SALE—Good Table top Gas range. Price reasonable. Melvin Charles. '"Dated this 22nd day o f January, 1948. - . WILLIAM B. McCALLISTEE Judge o f the Probate Court, Greene .County, Ohio. : By Luella Howser Chief Deputy Clerk NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of W ., B. Masters, De­ ceased. Notice is hereby given that Es­ ther Master has been duly appoint­ ed as Executor o f the estate of W. B. Masters, deceased, late of Beavercreek Townsh i Greene Cbunty, Ohio. Dated this 21st day of October, 1349..- WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court, Greene Countv, Ohio. By Luella Howser Chief Deputy Clerk LEGAL NOTICE Chalmer D. Brewer, whose last place of residence is c-o Carl Brew­ er* .Trent,-Wolfe County, Kentucky, will take notice that on December 7 ■ 10% OFF u - on ALL Tools Cedarville Lumber Co. 31st, 1948, Erma B. Brewer, filed her petition against him fo r divorce on grounds of extreme cruelty and gross neglect of duty, before the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, said cause being No. 25710 on the docket of said Court, and that said cause will come on for hearing on or. after February 22nd, 1949. “ Shoup and Hagle'r, • Attorneys for Plaintiff. l-7-6t-2-ll PROBATE COURT GREENE COUNTY. OHIO ACCOUNTS AND VOUCHERS in the following named persons and estates have been filed -in the- Pro­ bate Cuort of Greene County, Ohio, for inspection, settlement and rec- •ord and unless there is a Motion filed for hearing same on or be­ fore the 7 th -o f,March, 1949, the Prevailing Prices paid for DEADSTOCK FARM BUREAU COOP. ASSN. call collect Xenia 756 Dayton KEnmore 5742 same will be ordered settled and recorded. FIRST AND FINAL ACCOUNTS Janet Queary and Eula M. Spitler, Executors, Vernon Copsey, de­ ceased. Mary G. Wallace, Administrator, Wilbur D. Wallace, deceased. Fred Woolery, Administrator,-Ly­ dia J. Woolery, deceased. FINAL AND DISTRIBUTIVE ACCOUNTS Alia Burden, Administratrix, Ed­ ward Burden, deceased, First, Final an Distributive Account. Michael F. Moran, Admr. W. W. A. John M. Withoft, deceased, Third, Final and Distributive Account. WILLIAM B.. McCALLISTER Probate Judge By Luella Bowser Deputy Clerk February 4, 1949 100 ft. K. & E. Steel Thpe Now 10*08 formerly 11.20 Cedarville Lumber Co. WANTED WANTED TO RENT— Country home in Cedarville township. Phone Jamestown 4-4691, call be­ tween 9 a. m and 5 p. m. WANTED—Would like to rent three rooms or more. Inquire Jesse Jones, Cedar St., at resident of Fred Kieser, Cedarville, Ohio. WANTED: Farm hand experi­ enced with livestock and machin­ ery. House, electric, milk, meat, garden, coat and chicken feed fur­ nished. Send two references to Box B, c-o GREENE COUNTY JOURNAL, Jamestown, Ohio. (Tw-2-3-J-c- NOTICE SAVE TRUCKING BILLS — Call Butler to have that Beef slaughtered at home. Roscoe But­ ler, Selma, Ohio, Phone South Charleston 2386, Reverse charges. CUSTOM BUTCHERING — Ce­ darville Slaughter House,. Route 42. We render lard, cut up meat and.make .sausage. Phone 6-1023. darville, Ohio; *"* . TJ&tfh' NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate o f Rebbecca Moon, De­ ceased. « Notice is hereby given that Aliee B. Bols and Helen E. Peterson, have been duly appointed as Ad­ ministrators' o f the estate o f Re­ becca Moon, deceased, late of Beavercreek Township, Greene County, Ohio. Stanley Hand Plane Now $5.94 formerly 6.60 Cedarville Lumber Co. Good managerial ability is be­ coming increasingly essential in running a farm, John Grierson, director and field supervisor, told the Greene County Farm Forum at a meeting at Geyer's in Xenia, Monday night. Within the next ten years many farmers now fairly success­ ful will fail because of poor man­ agement ability, the speaker warned the 150 farmers present. Stanley Hetzler, general chair­ man o f the stockmen’s banquet committee, announced latest plans for that event. The ban­ quet will he Feb. 21 at the Xenia Central high school field house. J. A , Odegard made a survey of farm and home accidents suffer- "Plumb Hammer * Now 2.35 formerly 2.61 Cedarville Lumber Co. 10% OFF on ALL Tools Cedarville Lumber Co. Interior and Exterior PAINTING JamesShaw Next to Old Mill Cedarville FARMS FOR SALE AND FARM LOANS We have many good farms for sale on easy terms. Also make farm loans at 4% interest for 15 years. No application fee and no appraisal fee. Write or Inquire McSavaney & Co. London, O. Leon H. Kling, Mgr. . Farm Grain Tile Ditching Trenching Service RUSS COTTER P. O. Box 748 Phone 3-6810 Springfield, Ohio # Why wait longer to enjoy pure soft water in your home? Order Servisoft now! Equipment is available for immediate installation. . . you can take advantage — oPthis modern utility service at once. Remember: you don’t invest one cent in the purchase of a softener. You pay only a low-cost monthly service charge. . . and we do all the servicing for you. No wonder so t many home-owners -— and home-renters —- are taking ~ .advantage _t>f .Seryisoftl - For complete details, phon$ -or come in now . . . SOFT WATER S E M E , INC. ■ . - In Cedarville Earl Chaplin c-o Chaplin Cleaners Cedarville 6-2231 WE SOFTEN THE WATER FOR Y O U ’ Now Available ElectricFloorPolisher Rental Service 35c Per Day Ten times as fast as the hand method. It is easier to use than a vacuum cleaner. G etsjn to c o r n e r s, around and under fixtures PolishfloorstheNEWWAY CedarvilleLumberCo 310 Balance does if! Pillsbury’s famous M axi-m eal is made to build ’em fast— make the most o f your home grains— and get your hogs o ff to market early. W e’ll be glad to tell you about the good results other feeders are getting. PRESTON MILLING COMPANY Clifton, Ohio GRClIllUES I VE^flBLES * MEATS f O Z V V THEATRE I Fri. and Sat., Feb. 4-5 Gene Autry - Gloria Henry . “The Strawberry Roan” Also Comedy and Musical . Sun. and Mon., Fefc. 6*7 "Victor Mature - Collen Gray .i “FURY at FURNACE CREEK” Fox News - Cartoon Wed. and Thurs., Feb. 9-10 Bed Skelton - Brian; Donlevy “Southern Yankee” ' Warner'Netva - Carfooh N o S e e d t o R u n A r o u n d f r o m S t o r e t o S t o r e . . . m i f m s m ® MEATS Lard 2 lb s .............. ....... .. 29c * * Franks .............. ........ lb. 47c Bologna ........... lb. 39c Bacon (Sliced5 lb. 59c Pork Chops .............. lb. 59c PRODUCE Potatoes (pk)*........................: 68c Potatoes 50 lb. b a g .................... 1.95 Mangoes ..................... ..... - 2 lbs. 21c Grapes . . ........... ... .7. 2 lbs. 35c Florida Oranges „............ ....... doz. 30c Tomatoes 1 lb. Celo ............. .............39c Parsnips " ........ 2 lbs. 29c Turnips_________..._____ . . 2 lbs. 19c New Cabbage............................... 6c lb. STAPLES Tomatoes No. 2 can _____ 2 for 29c A . B. C. Dog Food_____3-cans for 25c Connie Corn 2 No. 2 cans. Here is a real B u y ............. 1......23c PJello Pkgs. 22c gFisher Cheese ( 2 lb. Loaf) ........75c *ancake Flour (3 lb. Box5 ............ 25c RIGID N. Main St. SEtp CASHAND CAR Y SERVE Cedarville*