The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 1-26
'S rS H r *'*-4 > JVH a y , F eE fu a ry 1 ^ 1 9 1 9 COUPLE AT HOME IN MUROC Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bull (Betty K. Savage) are residing in Muroc, Calif., following their marriage which took place in Las Vegas, Nev., at noon on Satur day, Feb. 5. Mrs. Bull is the daughter of Mrs. James F. Savage, Xenia, and the l a t e Mr. S a v a g e . Mr. Bull is the son of Mr. Ray mond Bull, Cedarville, R. R. 2,- and the later Mrs. Bulj. The single ring service was read by Rev. Harold E. Brought ton in the First Methodist church in Las Vegas. Mr. adn Mrs, Harry Myers, Springfield* were atten dants. For her wedding the bride wore a gray crepe dress fashioned with a gray lace bodice and a crepe bolero jacket,' Her accessories were black and she wore a cor sage of pink camellias. Mrs. Myers wore a navy crepe dress with navy accessories and her flowers were gardenias. Mrs. Bull, who went to Calif ornia Feb. 1, is a graduate of Mi ami University and formerly taught in the Xenia public schools and Lebanon High School. She is a member- of Zeta Tau Alpha So rority. Mr. Bull is employed at the Wright-Patterson AF Base and is on special assignment in Muroc where Mr. Myers, who served as best man at the wedding, also is stationed. SPEAKER AT TEA New approach to temperence was the subject of Prof. Gilbert Dodds, when he spoke at a Fran ces Willard Tea given bv theWC-. TU Wednesday afternoon in the U. P, Church. Highlights in the life of Frances Willard was given by Mrs. John Boothby of Bowers- ville and two accorii&n solos were given by Mrs. Hollingsworth of Bowesrville. Three songs were sung by a group of high school girls. Mrs. Myerl Stormont was in charge of devotions. Mrs. Engle and Mrs. Wright presided at the tea table. Guests were present from Bowersville and Jamestown. ATTEND DISTRICT CONVENTION Mr. Arthur Hanna spent sev eral days this past week attend ing Salesman district Convent ion of the Eastern Division of the E. M. Pect Co. In Indianapolis Ind. . ATTENDS I FUNERAL 1 Friends here attended the fun-” eral services of Mr. Harry Schae- fer in Springfield Wednesday af- ~ternoon. Mrai Schaefer is the f or- mfer Edna Siefert of here and an aunt of the late Mrs. Dorothy * Wright, Mr. Schaefer was found dead In his truck Monday mor ning. They resided at 3216 W. Main St. in Springfield. HOME CULTURE CLUB MEETS Mrs. Harold Reinhardy presi- dent_ of the Home Culture Club presided when the club met at her home Tuesday afternoon. Members answered roll call by naming a recent book. Mrs. J. W. Johnston gave a book review of the “Little Mixer" by Lillian Shearon. Members brought food and clothing to be sent to a missionary family in Berlin. This box was the Easter project of the Club. Thirty-three members were served a dessert course by the hostess, Mrs. Reinhard. ATTENDS‘FUNERAL HERE Mr. Jason McMillan D. D. of Norfai«K Va., Mr. Homer McMil lan D. D. of Atlanta, Ga., Mr. Fred McMillan of Kansas City Mo., attended the funeral of their sister, Miss Clara McMil lan, held here Wedneesday after noon. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Bas kin of Akron also attended the funeral, VISITING IN FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. C, R. Wagner left Tuesday morning by bus to visit friends and relatives in St. Petersburg Fla. They expect to he gone two weeks. CELEBRATES loth ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Davis, Old Mill Camp celebrated theeir 15th Wedding Anniversary this past week by spending a few days in Cleveland. ENTERTAINS WITH FAMILY DINNER Mrs. W. L. Clematis entertain ed with a family dinner at her home Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clemaps, Mr. and THe tJeffaryille/ 0 - Mrs. Kent Clemana and son, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Heifner and children of Ada, Mrs. Homer Mc- Intire an daughter, and Mrs. H. D. Carrol of Jamestown. Mrs. Homer Mclntire and daughter Stacia will leave soon for St. Louis to v isit the, parents of Mr. Mclntire, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mclntire, Sr. .• * SPENDS SATURDAY IN CINCINNATI Mr, and Mrs. Paul Townsley and son, Jimmy and Mr. and Mrs. J. 0 . Conner and son Larry spent Saturday at Cincinnati. They at tended. Ruth Lyon’s Morning Ma tinee and Family Fair at WLW. At noon they visited Everybody’s Farm. D. A. R. WILL MEET The regular meeting of the Ce dar Cliff chapter of the D. A. R, will meet at the home of Mrs. Ralph Ferguson, Tuesday, Feb., 22, at 2 p. m. This will be a, George Washington, tea and an heirloon display. Mrs. F r e d Townsley will give a book review. Each member can bring one guest. Please make reservations with Mrs. Lucy Turner by Fri day, Feb. 18th- KYN CLUB TO MEET The K. Y. N Club will meet at the home o f Mrs. Lewis Lillich, Friday, February 25, at 2:00 p. m. Mrs. Roger Wildman and Mrs. Robert Cotter will be in charge of the program. BIRTHDAY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Neal enter tained at their home Sunday with a birthday dinner honoring Mr. Neals mother, Mrs. Lorena Neal on her 88th birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Goner Neal and family. Mrs. Arnie Neal of Hun tington W. Va., M— and Mrs. Ira Neal, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neal and family, Mrs. Cora Powr ell of Springfield and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Walker. GUESTS IN COLUMBUS Mr. and Mrs. J. 0 . Conner were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fox at Columbus, last Thursday. GUESTS FROM MICHIGAN Mrs. Vernon Tinsley and chil dren of Morley Mich., are visit ing Mrs. Tinsleys mother,, Mrs. I Lucy Turner for a few weeks. OUT OF TOWN GUEST ! Miss Ruth Chandler Waynes- ville spent two days last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Hilt. GUEST SPEAKER AT KENNSINGTON CLUB Cpl. Hurst of the State High way Patrol headquarters in Springfield was guest speaker Thursday evening when the mem bers of the Kennsington Club entertained their husbands at-the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dobbins. Cpl. Hurst spoke to the group on rules and regulations of Safety on the highways. Re freshments were served by the hostess with Valentine appoint ments. SPENDS SUNDAY IN BILLIARDS Mr. and Mrs. Herman Randall spent Sunday in .Hilliards with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Me Donald and family. GUESTS AT RUTH LYONS MATINEE Mr. and Mrs. Paul Townsley and son Jim and Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Connor visited the Ruth Lyons Morning Matinee in Cincinnati Saturday morning. VISITS SON Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ramsey of Loveland visited their son Prof, and Mrs. James Ramsey and son this week end. HONORED WITH SHOWER Miss Betty Rose Beattie was Interior and Exterior PAINTING JamesShaw N ext to Old M ill C edarville EVAN'SGROCERY ForFrozenFruits &Vegetables (READY To BAKE) Chicken Pot Pies Frozen Fruit Pies Frozen Fish .(Mary Teresa Chocolates) honored with a miscellaneous shower Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Harold Cory. Colors of blue and white were used. The guest of honof received her gifts from a table decorated with a blue and white umbrella, above the unmbrella was a minature surinkling can with artificial water falling on .the umbrella, , Refreshments were served the guests by Mrs. Cory. Miss Beat- tie is the bride-elect of Mr. Roger Ulsli and will be married Feb. 27th. DANCE IN SPRINGFIELD Misses Nancy Dean and Doro thy Lee Hubbard were two of the six girls chosen from the Kathar ine Haas Studio to dance, at the Masonic Temple in Springfield this past Saturday night. CELEBRATES SIXTH BIRTHDAY Danny Rc-ed son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Reed near Clifton cele brated his sixth birthday with a party at his home Tuesday eve ning. Gaines were played and sup per was served to Dale Lee Reed, Dickie Diehl, Jack Martin, Don ald Harphant, Gordon Boyer, Michael Grindle and the host Danny Reed. ENTERTAINED ON 10th BIRTHDAY Mrs. II. L. Pickering enter tained a few boys for dinner Tuesday evening honoring the 10th birthday of her son Nelson. WESLEY CLASS TO MEET The Wesley Class will meet Sunday evening in the Method ist church at 6:30. Members are asked to bring covered dish and table service. ENTERTAINS WITH DINNER MONDAY EVE Doris Ann Reynolds daughter of Mi*, and Sirs. David Reynolds enteitained eleven girls at her home for dinner Monday eve af ter school. The girls played games and dinner was served by Mrs. Reynolds. The girls sat at the table decorated with Valen tine appointments ami e a c h guest received a valentine heart basket with candy. CLUB MEMBERS ENTERTAIN “Cheaper by the Dozen," a humorous novel by Frank Gil- breth and Ernestine Gilbreth Carey, was reviewed by Mrs. Rankin McMillan at a meeting of the Cedarville Woman’s Club at the home of Mrs. W. C. Iiiff, Co- daivilie. Thursday afternoon. Mrs. William Lafferty, accom panied by Mrs. Paul Elliott, sang three solos. They were “My Days Have Eeen So Wondrous Free" “Toast to George Washington" and “A Winter Lriiaby.” Mrs. William Hopping presided at the meeting. A aiati course was served by the hostess to forty members and guests. WOMEN’S MISSIONARY _ .. . the History o f the New Testament A former president of Olivet [ SOCIETY MEETS/ will meet at the Presbyterian college has sued the institution | The Women’s Missionary bp-vrf|chm*ch Tuesday evening, Feb. 22. to collect a loan of $22,000. ciety of the Clifton United PreSr v «M r , and Mrs.AR. M. -Campbell byterian church met with .Mr®* —^Yi4 _-daughier, .Carol, . have re- Bertha g - S S & ' S g U g * * the ^K t S Society met Wednesday afternoon Ralph Rife led the devotional ^ Mr& c Cf’Eckman. Devot- « S d/ S ; S , & a t 3 8 3 Chico Marx, the piano-play ing, silent one of the quartette, is to star in a new picture, “Dus ty Trail."- .. .. FARMS FOR SALE AND FARM LOANS * * We have many good" farms for sale on easy terms. Also make farm loans at AS'c interest for 15 years. No application fee and no appraisal fee. Write or Inquire McSavaney & Co. London, O. Leon H. Kling, Mgr. a number of years in Burma* SENIOR SCOUT PATROL MEETS The Senior Scout Patrol met last week at the home of Miss Janet Gordon and constructed a bird feeder to he placed in the Community park. Different mem bers of the Senior patrol are as sisting Mrs. Cummings this next month with the Brownie scouts. CLIFTON Mrs. D. C. Bradfute, Mrs. Or ville Shaw, and Mrs. A. E. Swa- by met at the home of Mrs. John Bickett Monday afternoon. They are the committee chosen to make plans for the Day of Prayer for Missions, which is to be held at the Opera House, March 4th. _ The Restroation Fund offering Sunday, at the Presbyterian church amounted to $193. The Ladies Aid of the Pres byterian church entertained with a silver tea at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Robert Paxton, Satur day afternoon. Mrs. William Laf ferty sang several selections. The assistant hostesses were Mr. Mac Harris, Mrs. Carl Wasner, Mrs. Douglas Luse and Mrs: Gerald Hull. A class studying a Survey of Farm Grain Tile Ditching Trenching Service RUSSCOTER P. O. Box 748 Phone 3-6810 Springfield, Ohio f O Z V V THEATRE I Fri. and Sat., Feb. 18-19 Ted Donaldson and Flame tfMy Dog Rusty” Three Stooges Comedy - Sports Sun. and Mon., Feb. 20-21 Wallace Beery - Elizabeth Taylor “A'^atfeWith'Judy* - « » * Also Fox News Wed. and Thurs., Feb. 23-24 Guy Madison - Diajia Lynn “Texas, Brookyn and Heaven” • News - Cartoon - Musical Mi*, and Mrs. Jack LeVeck and son, David, of Pataskla, Ohio were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C.- Eckman Sunday afternoon. John Rife, son of Mr. agd Mrs. Ralph Rife, is recovering "nicely in his home fram a recent oper ation'. CONFESSES THEFTS An 18-year-old senior in Hills boro high school has confessed to tnree burglaries. Meat packers profits in 1948 were less than half what they were in 1947. /REDUCES VA COSTS The veterans administration has lopped off ten million dol lars from its operating costs by eliminating its 13 branch offices. Prevailing Prices paid foi DEADSTOCK FARM BUREAU COOP. ASSN. call collect Xenia 756 Dayton KEnmore 5742 FOR SERVICE CHOKING From - SMOKING That blue-gray cloud from your exhaust may be just a smoke screen hiding more s e r i o u s trouble. Don’t waste oil . . power . . . time! Let a quick Cummings Chevrolet Sales me chanic save motor and money with new piston rings. Immediate Service —? No W aiting Cummings Chevrolet Sales Cedarville Ohio GOOD Pillsburys Best BITE-SIZE ' CHICK STARTER “ *. _ , ; i2i Contains the properly-balanced nutrients chicks need for those vitally important first few weeks. . . a high quality feed made even b e tte r by Pillsbury’s BITE-SIZE process ing. Chicks like it, eat more, do well! Come in—see BITE-SIZE the next time you’re in town. PRESTON MILLING COMPANY * Clifton, Ohio YOU'LL APPRECIATE TH ESE MEATS Grade “A” Beef Roast Rib, Chuck and Arm ..... Grade “A” Beef Steak lb- 49c Sliced Paeon lb. 55c Loin and Round...................... lb. 69c Pranks.................... ................. lb. 39c lowel Bacon ....................... lb. 29c Lard .... ............................. 2 lbs. 39c Pries.... f. ........ ........................ . lb. 59c Sweet Pickles Qt* .................—~ 44c PRODUCE Lettuce....... ................... ...2'heads 19c Florida Oranges .................... doz. 34c Mangoes (large).................. 2 for 15c Potatoes ...............................,.68c V i . / : ride’ - - 2?c Rhubarb (Fresh) . lb; 29c Grapes_____ ...---------- ----2 lbs. 37c..... * *■> . ■£.*>*■ - * jt - -■ ■*#. Cauliflower (Large Heads) J....’. 39c * , s: , V 5 ii iP S S C A S I ANDCARY Libbys Orange Juice, (46 oz.) .... 29c :if*tn»! N. Main St~b po - joz ; C edarville, O. NEWIMS GENERALELECTRIC SPACEMAKERREFRIGERATOR tS=S I Jll 1. 1 Gives you % more refrigerated food storage space than previous models occupying the same kitchen floor space! And gives yon dependability based on an unmatched record of year-in, year-out perform ance! More than i,-’700,000 <|-E refrigerators have been in usp years or longer. 8-CU-FT MODEL $25B»00 AS LOWAS Installed Terms To Suit We Take Trade Ins Come in and see the NEW G E Electric Range g Why wait longer to enjoy pure so ft water in your home? Order Servisoft now! Equipment is available for immediate installation. . . you can take advantage o f this modern utility service a t once. Remember: you don’t invest one' cent in the purchase o f a softener. You pay only a low-cost monthly service charge..* and we do all the servicing for you. ,cNo wonder so many home-owners — and .honte^renters ™*ace taking advantage o f Servisoft! . Ed* OMnpIete d e ta ^ pfeOlie' - or come in now . . . SOFTWATERSERVICE, INC, In Cedarville Earl Chaplin c-o Chaplin Cleaners Cedarville 6-2231 [WE SOFTEN THE WATER FOR YOU
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