The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 1-26

fEe UeEareille, O'. Heraia ULSH - BEATTIE VOWS SPOKEN In a setting o f palms and bas­ kets o f gladioli and snapdragons, Miss Betty Rose Beattie, Cedar­ ville; -was united in marriage to Mr. Roger W. Ulsh, Springfield, in tbe Cedarville United Presby­ terian. Church, Sunday at 2 p. nr. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mendell Beattie;, N. Main St., Cedarville, and the bridegroom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs, Harry Ulsh, 2030 Sunset Ave., Springfield. The double ring service was read by candlelight by Dr: R. A . Jamieson. Preceding the cere­ mony a musical program was pre­ sented with Miss Lena Hastings, Cedarville, as organist. Miss Phyl­ lis Bryant, sang “Because” and “ The Lord's Prayer;” Miss; Bever­ ly Carzoo sang T Love You Truly’ and “ Ah! Sweet Mystery o f Life” and Mr. Kenneth Huffman sang “ To Each His Own.” For her matron o f honor and only attendant the bride had Mrs. Harold. Corry, the bridegroom's sister. She .wore a gown of pink satin and carried a colonial bou­ quet o f mixed flowers. . The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a gown o f white satin, styled with a net yoke and trimmed in liSce. Her jewelry included a triplfe strand o f peafls, a g ift of the bride­ groom, and a ring which belonged to her paternal grandmother. She carried a lace handkerchief which had been carried by the bride­ groom’s mother at her wedding. Her bridal bouquet was fashioned o f white roses with an orchid center: Mr.. John Ulsh, Springfield, brother o f the bridegroom, served as best man and the ushers were Messrs,, Henry Beattie, t h e bride’s brother; Harold Corry, brother-in-law o f the bridegroom and John Townsley. Following the ceremony, 150 guests attended a reception at the Beattie home. Mrs. Beattie re­ ceived the guests in a navy crepe dress and wore a corsage o f yel­ low roses. Mrs. Ulsh, the bride­ groom’s mother, wore a gray crepe dress and corsage of vio­ lets. When Mr. and Mrs. Ulsh left Sunday evening on a wedding trip the bode wore a green suit with chocolate brown accessories. Mr, and Mrs. Ulsh will be at home in Cedarville after March 7. Mrs. Ulsh was graduated from Rio Grande, 0 . High School and attended Rio Grande and Cedar­ ville Colleges. She is a teacher in the Springfield public schools and is a member of Chi Sigma Phi Sorority. Mr. Ulsh is attending Cedarville College and is a mem­ ber o f Chi Mu Delta Fraternity. Out-of -town guests at the wed­ ding included Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brown and family, Marion, O.; Mr. and 5&s. John McNeal, Mans­ field ; Mr. Charles McNeal, Cleve­ land; Mr. and Mrs. L . F. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Jenkins, Mrs. Steven Burlile, Misses Mary Bur- lile and Marjie Fadley, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Rife, Rio Grande, 0 .; Miss Betty Jones, Gallipolis; Mr. and Mrs. A . W. Beattie, Pitts­ burgh; Mrs. Edna Polley. Niles, O.; Mr. and Mrs.- Clarence Thomlj3, Columbus; Mrs. W. P. Myers and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. R. p . Ewing, Rip Grande; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ryan, East Liberty, O.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ryan, New­ ark, O.; Mr. and Mrs. William Troute, Xenia; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rudisell, New Vienna; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rouse, Day- ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dean, Springfield. COUPLE PLANS WEDDING IN CEDARVILLE SOON Miss Dora Murphy, Cedarville, and Mr. Truman Carr, Bellefon- taine, whose engagement; was an­ nounced recently, will be married Friday evening. March 18, at the home o f the bride-elect’s aunt. Mrs. Tinsley Corn, Xenia Ave. Ce­ darville. Rev. David Markle, Forest, 0., former pastor o f the Gedarville Methodist Church and the broth­ er-in-law o f Mr; Carr, will o ffi­ ciate at the service. Miss Murphy and Mr. Carr were guests o f honor when Mrs. Ruth Downing, Beellefontaine, enter tained a group of friends at her home last* Friday evening. The occasion was Sir, Carr’s birth­ day, On Sunday, Miss Murphy and Mr. Carr were dinner guests o f Rev. and Mrs. Markle at their home in Forest. KYN FRIDAY MeSnbers of the KYN Club met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lewis Lillick. Twenty-one members answered roll call giv­ ing a fact o f the 1949 Inaugura­ tion, After the business meeting a progressive pinochle game was played with Mrs. Howard Arthur receiving high scores. Other games were played after which Mrs. Lilliqk served an ice course. GOLDEN RULE CLASS MEETS The Golden Rule Class met in the Methodist Church Thursday evening Mrs. Della Johnston was in charge o f devotions. A play- lette portraying grandmothers of today and yesterday was given by Mrs. Cora Richards and Mrs. Della Johnston. A committee of Mrs. Carl Plummer, Mrs. Char­ les Spurgeon and Miss Leola Corn served refreshments to the members, WEEK END IN SPRINGFIELD Miss Naomi Conner spent the weekend in Springfield with her cousin Jerry Lou Deck. VISITING LAWRENCE COLLEGE Miss Barabra Smith, Cedarville junior at Monmouth. College, Monmouth, 111., visited the cam­ pus of Lawrence Colege and the University o f Wisconsin last week as a member o f a Monmouth committee, chosen by the college dean, to, study a career-planning program o f these two schools looking toward the establishment o f such a program at Monmouth. Miss Smith is the daughter of Mrs. Ann Smith, Cedar St., Ce­ darville. SON BORN IN WEST AFRICA Word has been received from Dr. and Mrs. Murray Titur, Mor- adabad, India o f the birth o f a son to their daughter, Carol, the wife o f Donald Hardy, Accia, Gold Coast, W e st. Africa. The baby has been named Robert Mur­ ray Peveril. Mrs. Titus is a neice o f Mrs. Ervin Kyle and the Titus family have visited in Cedarville several times. Being missionaries o f the Methodst church, they hope to retire in 1951, MOVE TO ZIMMERMAN FARM Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jacks moved this week to the Stella Zimmer­ man farm South o f Cedarville. TO MOVE SOON TO SPRINGFIED *Mr. and Mrs. Jay Auld have purchased property in Sm-ing- field and will move there soon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harner will move to this property. VISITING RELATIVES IN FLORIDA Mrs. Don Hubbard and son, Don Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hubbard of Xenia are spending a few weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Johnston and other rela­ tives in Orlando and Miami Fla. CELEBRATE 48th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Evans cele­ brated the ir 48th Wedding with a dinner at their home Sunday. Guests were their children and grandchildren and their families. VISIT SISTER IN CHICAGO Miss Pauline Powers and Mr. Albert. Powers o f Dayton visited their sister Helen in Chicago this past weekend and Helen re­ turned here with them fo r a visit at the home o f her mother Mrs. Geo. Powers. SUNDAY GUESTS C IN JAMESTOWN Mrs. Minnie Gano was the Sun­ day guest o f Mrs. Anilla Baker Dye in Jamestown. Other guests at Community Shelter House on Wednesday, March 9,1949 beginning at 8:00 P. M. B IGGER YIELDS, cleaner fields, more money fo r crops—these are the results o f m odern w eed and pest control, Gome and discuss you r p rob ­ lems. G et the latest in form ation on h ow to protect your crops and live ­ stock fr o m d am a g in g w eeds and pests. See n ew m ov ies tha t sh ow ° fu s t h ow w e e d -k it ie r s p e r fo rm . K IU S WEEDS QUICK FRANK CRESWELL C edarville, O h io EVKIay, MsrcE 4,1949 were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Agle and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ogle o f Springfield. BROADCASTERS CLASS MEETS AT CHURCH The Broadcasters Class met in the First Presbyterian Church Tuesday evening. Devotions were in charge o f Ora Hanna. Rev. and Mrs. Waide* and Mrs. Chesnut gave talks on juvenile deliquency. Hostesses for the evening were Miss Ora Hanna, Mrs. Waide anc. Mrs. Howard Creswell. HOSTESS TO BIBLE CLASS Mrs, S. C. Wright was hostess to the Mizpah Bible Class o f the First Presbyterian Church at her home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. A. E. Huey, pres,,, presided over the meeting. Mrs. W. A. Condon had charge o f devotionals. Two hum­ orous stories were read, “ Star Boarder” by Miss Annabell Mur­ dock and “ Light in the Window by Mi's. Condon. Officers for the coming year were elected. Re­ freshments were served by Mrs. Wright. W . S. C. S MEETS WITH MRS. HARTMAN Fifty members and guests were present when the W. S, C. S. of the Methodist Church met Wed­ nesday at the home of Mrs. Geo. Hartman fo r their March lunch­ eon meeting. Devotions were led by Miss Lepla Corn. Mrs. C. R. Stearns o f Xenia gave a very interesting,j;alk on the Hawaiian Islands. Mrs. Stearns spent, 3 months on the islands and learned very much o f their customs and religion. Luncheon hostess were Mrs. Carl Ritenour, Mrs, Fred Wilburn, Mrs. Frank Evans and Mrs. J. W. Johnston. ENTERTAIN GUESTS Mr. John and Bill Pape o f Co­ lumbus and Mrs. Inez Chaplin spent Saturday in Batavia with Mr, Fred Pape. Mrs. John Pape spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Chaplin. VISITORS IN BREWER HOME Mr. and Mrs. Orville Prather and daughter and son in law and Mrs. Lula Vanvickle of Danville, 111., visited Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Brewer last week. DINNER HONORS BIRTHDAY Miss Marylin Kyle celebrated her 14th birthday Sunday with a dinner at her home Sunday eve­ ning. Out of town guests were her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.’ E. G. Jones o f Columbus. McICIBBEN CLASS MEET FRIDAY * The McKibben Bible Class of the U. P. Church met Friday eve­ ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A . B, Evans. A covered dish din­ ner was enjoyed by 59 members and guests. Devotions were in charge of Mr. Harold Dobbins. Games and contests were enjoyed under the direction o f Mrs. Law­ rence, Waddle and Mrs. Harpld Corry. Assisting hostesses were Mrs." Fred Dean~and Mrs. Her­ man Lewis. MRS. J. C. WRIGHT ENTERTAINS SOCIETY The Womans Missionary Soc­ iety of the First Presbyterian Church met Thursday afternoon at the home o f Mrs. S. C. Wright. Mrs. William Waide was in chage of devotions. Rev. Malcolm - McCullough, returned, missionary BetterUsedCars LowestPrices 40 Olds 66 Club Coupe 87 Buick Special Coach 41 Olds 66 Tudor Sedan 41 Buick Special Sedan 41 Buick Super Sedan 41 Buick Century Sedan 42 Buick Special Sedan 41 DeSoto Custom Sedan 42 DeSoto Custom Sedan 41 Buick 5 pass. Coupe 42 Pontiac Sedan Coupe 46 Buick Super Sedanette 47 Buick Roadmaster Sedan T R U C K S 41 Ford %ton Panel 45 GMC l l/z ton cab and chassis 46 Chev. Vk ton Panel 47 Chev. 2 ton cab and c h a s s i s Chenoweth MotrCo.Inc. *301 S. Detroit St. Xenia, O. Phone 1770 Low Cost* G. M. A. C. Terms from China was guest speaker. Rev. McCullough told o f the pro­ gress of Christanjty in China in the past 10 years also of their present needs and how the Chi­ nese are depending on the U. S. fo r their Spiritual and financial aid. Mrs. Wright was assisted by Mrs, Mildred McMillan and Mrs. Alfred Brightman. Mr. and Mrs.- Greer McGallis- ter entertained to Sunday eve­ ning dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ ert Roche, Mr. Rex Smoot, Miss Marcella Desbro and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Munna ofDayton and Mrs. John McGallister and son o f Os­ born. The dinner celebrated to the- birthday o f Mr. McCallister. ATTEND PARTY FOR RECENT BRIDE Mrs. Frank Creswell and Mrs. Ruth Reiter were among guests when Mrs. William Paney of Xe- * ' ", 1 ' ........ %""" »"" ' — 1■1■' m^[ nia entertained with a shower and party at her home Saturday evening, honoring Mrs. Lawrence Peterson (Zora Wright) a recent bride. ANNOUNCES BIRTH OF SON Mr. and Mrs. Gerdie Doolin are announcing the birt hof a son at Haines ‘hospital*1Saturday morn­ ing. UIEEIC-END SPECIALS — LENTEN FOOD SUGGESTION____ Macaroni 2 lb. p k g ........25c Jello all Flavors 3 pkgs... 23c Spaghetti 2 lb. pkg. ....... 25c Pineapple Sliced Kraft Dinner .... 2 pkgs. 29c -^°* ? ^a n .......................35c Red Kidney Beans Peaches No. 2% C an 25c 2 No, 300 cans............ . 15c Hominy Spring Garden Salmon Pink Tall can .... 59c ’ No. 2^ Can 12 % c Sardines Neptune Brand Com Yellow No. 2 Can .... 10c Can......................... 15c Peas No. 2 C an ........10c Tomato Soup Campbells Catsup Mt. Vernon Brand 2 Cans . ................ 21c 14 o z. B ottle ..... ............ 10c GaatityMeats Spare R ibs ................ lb. 45c Cheese............... ........ ........ lb. 49c Cube Steaks...... ........... lb. 79c Ocean Perch 39c KARNES ftHUSTON CEDARVILLE MARKET Organizations and in stitu tion s—eduoa&icnaiL, so c ia l, humanitarian—supported financia lly ' voluntary individual contributions are character­ i s t i c o f our way o f l i f e . . ..evidence o f our p e op le s readiness to help each others -3aa the&r fcnetfcsont is the American, Red' Ctnosa. Once a.year the Red45soss^G3*lfl^apro ■ i help carpy cm i t s woek. L B S> flB P ‘ ^ Each o f us has-bis owa^peraosaa ^seasois^ar answering: th is caSL. Those -an&,mgaee . V" ' . ■ ■ - . i . . . . V To men in the Armed Forces, the Red* prompt, e f f ic ie n t friend in persona!'emergencies-,'' To war veterans—partfcoufljaRfcy -those confined'••"be/ y o u , too., beds and wheelchairs in Veterans’ Hospitals—the Red Cross remains a constant friend and counselor. ^ And to aM o f us, the Red Cross is the recognized 5 c iv ilia n d isaster r e l ie f agency. Pt has the know- \ how- t o meet human needs growing out o f a .la rge -sca le / national ■emengency. . Btsp aQSL these deeds-and foe* the other services poofosnns, -tSie^Red'-Gross deserves our continuing^, . G i v e Ik sw !}