The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 1-26

•fSe IjecforvilTe, £>• HeralH MEDICAL AUXILIARY NAMES DELEGATES Delegates to the state confer­ ence o f the auxiliary to the Ohio State Medical Association were elected by the auxiliary to the Greene- County Medical Society at a meeting at the home of Mrs. Donald F. Kyle, Cedarville, Mon­ day afternoon. The convention will be held at the Seneca Hotel, Columbus, April 19-21. Local delegates will be Mrs. Harold C. Messenger, president! Mrs, Kyle and Mrs. H. C. Schick. Dr. Ray W. Barry, Xenia, and Dr. C. Kenneth Schloss, Osborn, have hiJen named by the county medical society as advisers to the women's group. Mr. Roy Dudrow, Xenia, presi­ dent o f the Greene County Health Council, organized recently, was guest speaker. Hee eexplained the operation. purpose o f the council and its A social hour followed the pro­ gram and tea was served by Mrs. Kyle. The next meeting will be held May 3 *when officers will be elect­ ed, The time and place o f meet­ ing will be announced later. MRS. HILT HONORED WITH PARTY Mrs. John Hilt, who with her family will move soon from Ce­ darville to Husted, Springfield pike, was honored at a party at the home of Miss Mary William­ son, Friday evening. The party was planned as a surprise on Mrs. Hilt, who was presented a “ shower" o f gifts f o r her new .home. Games were played and refreshments were served to the thirty guests by Miss Williamson, assisted by Mrs. Anna 0 . Wilson and Mrs. Miron Williamson. Mr, and Mrs. Hilt have been residing at the home of Miss Williamson. Mr. Hilt, former vo- ag teacher in the Cedarville schools, is now employed bv the Ohio Edison Company, Spring- field. Mrs. Hilt also formerly taught in the Cedarville schools. RESEARCH CLUB ENTERTAINS HUSBANDS Members of the Research Club and their husbands were enter­ tained to dinner Thursday eve­ ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Auld. The executive com­ mittee in charge of arrangements were Mrs. Raymond Spracklin, Mi’s. Huish, Mrs. Charles Duvall, Mrs. Robert Mac Gregor, Mr. J. A. Odegard of Xenia was guest speaker, he spoke on contour farming and soil conservation, film and, slides were shown on these two subjects. Five charter members o f the club and their husbands sat at the table with Mr. and Mrs. Auld. St. Patricks Day decorations were carried out. THREE CHURCH GROUPS MEET Fifteen ladies, representing 3 churches gathered at the home o f Mrs. Frank Creswell Wednesday afternoon fo r a Bible Study course. The Book “Newness of Life” by Estella Carver is being studied. The group will meet for the next five Wednesdays after noon and will welcome other ladies from any church that wish­ es to attend. Next Wednesday at 2 p. m. the group will meet again at the home of Mrs. Creswell. BAND MOTHERS HAVE MEET The. March meeting o f the Band Mothers Club was held Monday evening in the school cafeteria. There were sixteen members present. The evening was spent in counting Ohio Sales tax stamps that the club is collecting. De­ licious refreshments were served by the March Committee. Ap­ pointments and favors were in green and white. WEDDING BAND CLUB MEETS The Wedding Band Club meet last, week in the Co-op room on the College campus. St Patrick’s day decorations were used and the guests all came dressed as kids. Games and contests were enjoyed and Prof. James Ramsey won first prize for the best dressed “Kid,” Mrs. Park King, Mrs. James Dunn and Mrs. James Ramsey were hostess and served refreshments to the group. DAUGHTER INITIATED IN SORORITY Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Collier received word that their daugh­ ter Helen was initiated into the Kappa Delta Pi sorority last week. This is an Education Hon­ orary Society. Last year Helen was taken into the Home Eco­ nomics Honorary Society. She is a senior at Ohio Weselyan uni­ versity. ATTEND SERVICES IN SABINA Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Iliff and Mrs. Mary McCorkell, attended funeral services for Mr, Frank Benett, Sabina, at the Lukens Funeral Home, London,©. Friday afternoon. Mr. Benett formerly was employed as a foreman by Compaijy in London and Cedar- the Iliff Brothers Construction ville. CEDRINE CLUB IS ENTERTAINED Attired in dresse to represent o f the Cedrine Club arranged a their first party gown, members 'young women's party’ as a fea­ ture o f the program a t 1 their March meeting at the home of Mrs, William B, Ferguson, Clif­ ton pike, Thursday afternoon. Twenty-five members and two guests responded to roll call with “My First Party.” A talk on “How Young Girls Dressed in My Day” was given by Camera on Bickett. The program was in : charge o f .Mrs. Bjckett, Mrs. R. C. Ledbetter and Mrs. James I. Patterson. An ice course, with St. Pat­ rick’s Day appointments was served by Mrs. Ferguson, assist­ ed by Mrs. Albert Bickett and Mrs. Lawrence Hamer. , ENTERTAINS WITH DINNER PARTY Caroline Collins, daughter of v M m 1 % 1 ' 9“49 Guyer. Findlay, Ohio. Entertain­ ment will •include ‘ the Swanee River Boys from WLW. John W. Collins, Cedarville Township is president of the Association. State Coop Conference . The sixth annual meeting of the Ohio Council of Farm So- operatives and State-Wide Con- .ferenfie of Farm Cooperatives will, he held at Ohio State University Pelleting b f seeds involves coat­ ing the seed with inert material, thus increasing-the original size or bulk o f the seed as much as 20 or more tmes. This permits precision planting of small seeds with machinery. Materials may be combined' in the coating to combat-nsects, fungi” and weeds, as well as fertilizers and other elements to promote growth. . Baby Pig Disease is again March 21>E .-^*Eerguson;^ea^ \. -“ Baby. Pjgv, .«;Vercr6§k T«fj¥iS^R;4s a lUl^her'^’ b'ding'-repbtted. ^Researcher's say:, ""pfrthej.comnuftbGf’Srtan^ilig thb''''': -th6J‘trbuhl^':“is •liiik<Sd'‘‘to a low program. THRONGS PROTEST CONVICTION OF CARDINAL MINDSZENTY . . . Shown kneeling In-prayer at city hall, New York, are soma of the hundreds of people protesting the sentencing by a Hungarian peoples cour* of Cardinal Mindszenty, Hungarian primate, on a charge of treason. The Cardinal was4«nnd guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. Critics charged that the trial and verdict were politically inspired and that the cardinal was guiltless. Thin meeting plicured above was one of many filch gajthbfibSi! fe?Id aU over ..the nation to protest Hungary’s Commpalat-dominatfld court aoOnu. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Collins en­ tertained a group of friends with a dinner party at her home Fri­ day evening; A fter dinner the guests enjoyed skating at the Springfield 'skating rink. The girls returned to the Collins home and spent the night. Guests were Sally Kay Creswell, Nancy Cres­ well, Carol Sue Duvall, Patty Dav­ is, Janice Wilburn, Donald Laf- ferty, John McMillan, Max Wil­ liamson, Dale Reed and Allen Sex­ ton. RETURNS AFTER VISIT IN MICHIGAN Mrs. Lucy Turner has rc-furned after a weekend with her daugh­ ter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Tinsler and family in Morley Michigan. Mrs. Tinsler returned to her home after sev­ eral weeks here. Miss Bea Tur­ ner is visiting at the Tinsler home for several days. Return­ ing here Mrs. Turner visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beck in Toledo. DINNER GUESTS AT TURNER HOME Dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Greg Turner Wednesday evening were, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ulsh, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brewer and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corryf The party was honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ulsh, recently married and Mr. Brewer who left this week for Florida to enter the Boston Braves base ball training school. SPEND WEEKEND WITH PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Heif- ner and family of Ada spent Sunday with the formers par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clemans. Mrs. Homer McIntyre and daugh­ ter have returned to the Clem- ans home after a visit with Mr. Mclntyer’s parents in St. Louis. VISIT IN MANSFIELD SEVERAL DAYS Miss Annabelle Murdock spent a few days this past week with Miss Carrie Hill and Miss Gladys McDonald in Mansfield. Miss Hill and Miss McDonald are former residents of Cedarville. ATTEND BANQUET IN YELLOW SPRINGS Mrs, H, L. Pickering and Mrs. C. C. Brewer attended a banquet fo r Worthy Matrons and associ­ ate Matrons of the 18th district of 0 . E. S. at Antioch Tea Room, Saturday. IMPROVING IN SPRINGFIELD HOSPITAL Sandra Kay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marshall is improv­ ing in Springfield City hospital where she is suffering from pneumonia. SPENDS WEEKEND WITH PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Giffin and family o f Covington spent the weekend with the formers par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Towns- ley. MOVES TO LACKEY HOME Mrs. Alta Jobe has moved from the home of Mrs. S. C. Wright to make her home with Mrs. Lackey on N. Main St. OUT OF TOWN GUEST Mrs. J. M. Liggett of Ripley is visiting her sister Mrs. J. S. West fo r several days. RETURNS FROM CALIFORNIA John Wright ..has come from California to make his home with his mother Mrs. S. C. Wright. HOME CULTURE CLUB TO MEET MARCH 15 The Home Culture Club will meet Tuesday afternoon, March 15, at the home o f Mrs. A. E, Richards. RETURNS FOR A VISIT HERE - =• Mrs. Robert Mac Gregor Sr. has returned to visit her son and family before going on to her home in Orleans Mass. GUESTS AT COLLIER HOME Itev. and Mrs. W. B. Collier had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Botkins of IJpyton Saturday guest of Collier! was Mr, Lowell Winbolt of Eaton. ■ GUESTS AT * McCORKELL HOME Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McCorkell had as guests last week Mrs. Katerine Pierce of Columbus and Mrs. Robert Ziegler of Detroit. SPENDS WEEKEND WITH SISTER Miss Eleanore Rabe of Coluni- bus spent the weekend with her sister and brother-in-law Mr. and MrS. John Hilt. VISITS IN LOVELAND Prof, and Mrs. James Ramsey and son spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ramsey in, Loveland. ■* PLAN SKATING PARTY MARCH 3 f The Youth Fellowship of the Methodist Church is planning a skating party at Hodges Broth­ ers skating rink on Thursday eve­ ning March 31. The sale of tick­ ets will be announced at a later date. A Ion o'the Greene County Farm Front By E. A . DRAKE County Agricultural Agent Dairy Herd Evaluation School ‘ R. R. Starbuck, extension dairy specialist of Ohio State Univer­ sity, will assist Greene County dairymen analyze their herd pro­ duction records Wednesadav Mar. 16. The meeting will be held in the court house assembly room from 1:15 to 3:30 p. m. This herd evaluation school is fo r dairymen who are members o f the County Dairy Service Unit and have kept production records on their herds the past year. ■Glenif Charles" is county*“tCsteri1 He has kept records on individual cows for milk and butterfat pro­ duction, together with feed costs. Miami Valley Dairy Meeting There will be a lot of people at the Dayton Biltmore Hotel March 15 attending the annual membership meeting of the Mi­ ami Valley Milk Producers As­ sociation. They will be "dairymen from Greene and other valley counties who are association mem­ bers. Following the luncheon at 11:- 30, the program will get under way at 1:00 p. "m. Speakers in­ clude Charles W. Holman, Wash­ ington D. C. and Dr. Tennyson Guest. speakers on the after­ noon include John H. Davis, exe­ cutive secretary of the National ‘ Council of Farm Cooperatives of ■Washington D. C.,; J, K. Stern of the institute of Cooperation and Jack Yeager, secretary of the „ M.ehigr.n Association of •Fartfi Cooperatives. Congressman Clifford R. Hope will be ihe evening banquet speak­ er, discussing “ The Long Range Program for Agriculture.” Dairy Training Schools Training courses for milk test­ ing supervisors and artificial breeding technicians will be held at Ohio State University from March 24 to April 23. The testers course is from March 24 to April 9 and the breeders course April 11 to April 23. - The cost of each course will not exceed five dollars and appli­ cants are required to arrange for thei rmeals and lodging. Appli­ cation blanks and details regard­ ing the courses may be secured, at, the county agents office. .Pelleting Vegetable Seeds Pelleting o f seeds is new -and growers attending the Ohio Veg­ etable Growers Assn, last week were told that widespread use of pelleted seeds is a long way off. -Howevei’7 growers were asked to make trial plantings of pelleted melon, cucumber and sweet corn this year and compare the re­ sults with conventional plantings. blood-sugar' conrerft in young suckling pigs, due" io reducing the sow's ration Just before and iounodialely ht.e. farr-nvi.-g. Swine specialists suggest main­ taining the carbohydrates con­ tent of a sow’s ration right through farrowing. Corn, oats or other carbohydrates feeds keep up the sow’s own blood sugar sup­ ply so she cm nass the vital sub­ stance on to her litter in well fortified milk. A n o t h e r recommendation is mixing a cupfull of high-dextrose corn syrup with each gallon of drinkim? water for from three to seven days after farrowing. The syrup will help bring the sow into full milk flow. Nitrogen Spray One of the latest developments is orcharding is a nitrogen spray. Instead of applying fertilizer to the soil, the new fertilizer is mixed with water and sprayed on the foliage. Experiment sta­ tions have used it o » apple trees. Perhaps some day we will be using nitrogen fertilizer to friut, vegetables, and field crops along with chemicals which will kill weeds, insects, and plant diseases. BetterUsedCars dO Olds 66 Club Coupe &7 Buick Special Coach 41 Olds 66 Tudor Sedan 41 Buick Special. Sedan 41 Buick Super Sedan 41- Buick Century Sedan 4,2 Buick Special Sedan 41 DeSoto Custom Sedan 42 DeSoto Custom Sedan 41 Buick S pass. Coupe 42 Pontiac Sedan Coupe ,46 Buick Super Sedanette 47 Buick Roadmaster Sedan T R U C K S 41 Ford %ton Panel 45 GMC 1Vk ton cab and chassis 46 Chev. % ton Panel 47 Chev. 2 ton cab and 1chassis •iy2 Horse $179.50 3 Horse 234.50 All Attachments Available As little as $36 down delivers IV 2 H. P. Tractor W E E K . ' S P E C I A L S Grapefruit Sungold No. 2 ca n ....................... 18c Apple Sauce Sungold No. 2 c a n ....................... 15c Wheaties 12 oz. pkg. 21c Dog Food Rival3 cans .... 29c Tomatoes Salem Brand 2 cans..............................25c Apple Butter Good Taste 2 J a rs .............................25c Flour Gold Medal 25 lb. B a g ................... $1.79 Instant Cake Mix Swansdpwn 16 oz. pkg. 33c Corn Cream Style No. 2.. 10c Peas Pinecone No. 2 can 10c Pork Beans Merrit Brand .No. 2 ca n ..................... 10c Catsup Mt. Vernon 14 oz. Bottle........... ...... 10c Red Beans 303 can.—2 for 15c Package Garden Seed — Onion Sets — Yellow, White and Bottleneck Chuck Roast 5, ........... lb. 49c Perch Fillets....... ~ lb. Cube SteSks.............. lb. 79c Oysters Pt. C an ............ 59c Colby - Cheese ........... lb. 47c : . HARNER & HUSTON CEDARVILE MARKET Springfield, Ohio