The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 1-26

'HViday, April 5, TSffi TEe 'CeSamlle, O'. Herall WEDDING REHEARSAL DINNER PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harner Federal pike, was hosts: at a din­ ner party at their Home Friday evening, honoring Mrs. Hamer's sister^ Miss Ruth Waddle, and her fiance, Mr. Daniel F . Prugh, o f this city. ' Fourteen guests attended" the dinner which will precede the re­ hearsal fo r the Waddle-Prugh nuptials. Miss Waddle and Mr. Prugh Manor. Dayton, pike. Saturday will be married at the Trebein at 2:30 p, m. Rev. J. Russell Du­ gan,, pastor o f the J^irsfc United Presbyterian Church, will offi­ ciate at the ceremony. A recep­ tion at the Trebein Manor will follow the service. , Honoring Miss Waddle, Mrs. LaRae Teel (Nancy Lou CoVault) Springfield, former Xenian, who will serve as matron o f honor at the wedding, entertained twenty "guests at a linen shower at her home Tuesday evening. Miss Mar­ garet Carroll, 125 E. Market St., entertained at her home here re­ cently^.honoring Miss Waddle. Miss Waddle is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J« E. Wad­ dle. Mr. Prugh is the son o f Mr, jind Mrs, Philip W , Prugh, 23 W. Church St. RETURNS FROM TRIP - Miss Junia J. Creswell o f Springfield has just recently re­ turned from a month’s trip out in the west visiting places o f in­ terest all along the coast from Victoria B. C. to Tijuana in Mex­ ico taking the northern route out and coming back the southern route stopping enroute in San Antonio, Texas to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Creswell and fam­ ily also in Sparta, 111.,, to visit 0 M O R E D A Y S T H U . ]. 8 EASTER JOIN THE PARADE IN CLEAN SMARTLY PRESSED CLOTHES Nothing like freshly cleaned and pressed garments to make you feel fit and presentable for the Easter Parade or any other occasion. Trust Chaplins . . . the cleaner that takes extra care to please you. Chaplin Dry Cleaners Cedarville, Ohio G cabeid ii© Su its for n r 4 £ m i n Special Purchase Special Purchase these suits are by one o f our regu­ lar suppliers — Clotfrcraft. are able to offer you these suits in natural shade 44,50 e WHERFGENTLEMEN BUY with Rev. and Mra. Robert W; Stewart .and family. While in San Francisco Miss Creswell was a voting delegate to the Y . W. C. A National ^con­ vention representing the Business Girls Club of Springfield, m s s Creswell was also official repre­ sentative from Forest Beach. Camp. New Buffalo, Michigan where she. is chairman o f the Business Girls Conference to be held there in June. HONORED AT PARTY ON 12th BIRTHDAY Tommy, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ewry, Bridge, St., Cedar- ville, who observed his 12th birth­ day Saturday was honored, at a party arranged by his parents Friday evening. Tommy . is a Gazette carrier in Cedarville. A dinner party was held at the Ewry home, followed by a theater party. Thos present were Jennie Bur­ ris, Carol Sue Duvall, Janice Kay Wilburn, Carolyn Collins. Nancy Creswell, Sally Kay Creswell, Pattie Davis, Mary Jane and Charlotte Ewry, Max William­ son, Jerry Judy, David Lafferty, Nelson Pickering, Elza .Litteral, Johnny McMillan, Dale Reed and Jimmy and Tommy Ewry. KENSINGTON CLUB TO MEET APRIL 13 The Kensington club will meet at the home o f Mrs. John Davis on Wednesday, April 13 at 2 p. m. VISITS IN COLLIER HOME Miss Marilyn Fish o f Brook­ lyn, N. Y . was a guest during the week at the home o f Rev and Mrs. W. B. Collier. VISITS „SON AND WIFE Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pflumer had as a guest this past week the formers •motrer, Mrs. Ella Pflumer. Mr. and Mrs. Pflumer accompanied hex* to her home in Mt. Orab Sunday. LUNCHEON WEDNESDAY The W. S. C. S. met Wednes- Following the business meet- in the- Methodist Church, day fpr their luncheon meeting ing Easter hymns were played and slide pictures on “ Latin A - mefica” were shown. Forty mem­ bers were served at the lunch­ eon by the committee, Mrs, Rob­ ert Huffman, Mrs. Fields, Mrs. Masters and Miss Leola Corn. Ice cream and cake were ser­ ved the guests by Mrs. Collier. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harkins o f Columbus, Mr. Lowell Winholt o f Eaton and Miss Marilyn Fish o f Delaware. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING HELD The annual congregation busi-_. ness meeting of the United Pres­ byterian Church was held in the Church 5n Tuesday evening with a good attendance. Following the covered -dish dinner the business session was held in the auditorium. Good re­ ports were given by the treasur-, ers o f each organization and the following officers were chosen fpr the coining year: chairman, Raymond Spracklin; vice-chair­ man, Harold Cooley; secretary, Miss Carrie Rife; treasurer, Robert Turnbull and trustee, I) r. LeoAnderson. RECENT BRIDE COMPLIMENTED AT SHOWER Mrs. Truman Carr (Dora Murphy) a recent , bride was guest o f honor When Mrs. Thom­ as Frame entertained ipith a linen “ shower” at her home on South Man Street Saturday afternoon. » Yellow and white streamers fastened to the chandeliers ex­ tended to the four corners o f the table. In the center was-a yellow and white wheel-barrow containing the gifts. . Games and contests were en­ joyed. An ice course was served by the hortess, using yellow and twentv guests present. HONORED ON 85th BIRTHDAY Mra. Fred Chase is ill at the Corn gathered at her home Sunday afternoon in honor o f her 85th birthday. Ice cream, i cake and coffee were served | the group. Mrs. Corn received many nice gifts. MRS. ULSH IS HONORED Mrs. Roger Ulsh (Betty Rose Beattie) was honored with a kit­ chen shower Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Evere.tte Ar- in Springfield. Mrs. XJlsh is a Guests were Mrs, Gracp Reed, Mrs. Mildred Endter. Mrs. May Young. Mrs. Mary Kostyo, Mrs. Enil SmiTi. Mrs. Helen Groves. Mrs. Or-ve McCoy. Mr, and Mrs. Walttr Carhart, Paula Carhart, James Amalt, the guest o f hon- i r and the hostess. ** IN GUTCN ^ FOR WEEKEND Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Williamson and son. Max, spent the weekend wtli Mr. and Mrs. E. V, Bark­ er in Cation. MISSIONARY SOCIETY HOLDS LUNCHEON Ihe Womans Missionary Soc ety held a luncheon meeting [ in the First Presbyterian Church ‘ "'hursdtiY. "Mrs. Walter Condon ’ led devot ons: The program “ A single purpose *, our mission schools” was given by r=. i L.yion iviouillan. Mis. Faul Ramsey, Mrs. Albert Mott ‘ and Miss Anna __Bell Murdock. Each lady discussing a differ­ ent mission school. „ The luncheon committee was, Mrs. J. B. Crumrine,. Mrs. J*aul Elliot, Mrs. J. B. Crumrins, Jr, and Misa Josie Charlton. VISITS SISTER IN MECHANICSBURG Mrs. J. O. Connor spent Tuesday with her sister and family, Mr. and _ Mrs. Harry Igrichi in Mechanicsburg. GOLDEN RULE ‘ CLASS HAS^MEETING The Golden Rule class met in the Methodist Church on Thurs­ day evening. After the business meeting the group played Chin­ ese Checkers, Refreshments were served to nineteen mem­ bers. v SEVERAL ATTEND CENTENNIAL Several persons from the Methodist Church attended the .•Centennial; celebration ait the High Street Methodist Church, in Springfield on Sunday. Haz- en Werner, Bishop of Ohio Dis­ trict was'the speaker. ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF SON * M r.-and Mrs.. Eddie. Sowell are announcing the birth of a son, Stephen Lee, Monday at 2:20 p. m. at -Haines hospital in Jamestown. Mrs. Sowell (Marjorie Zimmerman) is the daughter o f Mrs. Charles Rhu- bert. * ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT OF DAUGHTER Rey. and Mrs. W. B. Collier are announcing the engagement their daughter, Helen, to Wil­ liam Vandevort, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Vandevort o f Chic­ ago. Helen was honored with a party at her parents home on Saturday evening. A cat was let out of a bag, and carried a note, about its’ neck reading “ Helen and Bill, June 11.” The wedding will take place in the Methodist Churdh. The couple ' graduate from Ohio Wes­ leyan University in June. Mr. Vandevort is a 'member of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity' and Miss Collier is a member o f, the Alpha Gamma Delta soror- it... VISIT HERE FEW DAYS Mi’, aifd Mrs. Jack Brewer spent a few days the past Week at the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Brewer. Jack reported this week to Suffolk, Virginia, for more-ofoaseball training. MISS COOLEY RETURNED HOME Miss Martha Cooley is home after spending the winter in Florida. CHANGE OF DATE ANNOUNCED The Womans club will hold their annual luncheon and busi­ ness meeting Wednesday, Ap­ ril 13, in the Eastern .Star room at 1 p. m. Please note the change of the date. VISIT RELATIVES IN LOUISVILLE Miss Ina Murdock and Ralph Murdock spent two days this past week in Louisville, Ky. vis­ iting Dr. and ‘Mrs. W. W; Mor- ton.- HAVE'MEETING Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hanna, and Miss Ora Hanna entertain the Broadcasters’ class in the First Presbyterian Church on Tuesday evening. Devotions were led by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hanna and Mrs. Mary- Combs and Edward Turner discussed, “ Television in the Church” as the program. A salad course was served to 20 membex-s. IN DETROIT J3PEND WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cummings spent the past weekend with friends in Detroit. ENTERTAIN GUESTS SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hanna had as Sunday-dinner guests-Mr. and Mrs. J .B . Crumrine and Mr. and Mrs.' J, B. Crumrine, Jr. VISITS SISTER AND FAMILY Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schmidt o f Cleveland spent Thursday night with the latter sister, Mr. and Mrs. William Lister and family. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt were on their way home from a vacation trip to Florida. The state Is to spend a million dollars on the “ lower road” at Cincinnati. Prof. F. R. Harris, retired educator o f Greenfield, is writ­ ing a history o f that village. NOTICELIVESTOCKFEEDERS You are cordially invited to attend a feed meeting at The Community Park Shelter House Thursday, April 14th at 8 P. M. Guest speaker will be Mr. R. C. Tom, of the Swift & Co. feed research dept. Also Movies Refreshments FrankCreswel PIONEER is the Hybrid Seed Com you can buy with Confi­ dence— 'plant with Pleasure and harvest with PROFIT. Get your REQUIREMENTS NOW Lauris Straley ' Phone G-1798 [Cedarville, O. R. R. 2 .1 V; 8 «%’«•----- - « C A N C E f f ” J U S T MAH Wb con__t 0 £iay. ewe os generously 05 J y otder in an j«»» mail your .'Cancer"- Your envelopeo d d rW » ., ,0 ffe Amencan ^ office vnlljd sW,e. ConnerSociety*®**'® ’ i ^ ----- * ____ ^— ■“;.—•** Giveand keep g T v t n g d e f e a t the disease that strikes, on the average,ane out of every two homes in America. Soy to yourself.. *here is life-giving money to help those stricken'by*Oancer to live again, v ' . EVERY NICKLE AND D!ME,l give helps support ani educational program teaching new thousands how. to recognize Cancer and what to do about it. -NT EVERY QUARTER Tgfte helps set up and equip new research laboratories where scientists are dedicating their lives to find the cause—and cure of Cancer. EVERY DOLLAR I send’.helpsrbuyjnewiequipment, helps establish new faciUtie&foriteeating and curing * • Cancer, both still pitifufiy scarc^it^fhis country . . .> V Guard iovel^G^e?fo Conquer Cancer! ~ ~ r s o c i e t y