The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 1-26

JOAN MARKLE MARRIED IN HONOLULU Lt. (j. g .) and Mrs. James Har- otM •Cronasider 'Joan Markle 1 are residing in Honolulu follow­ ing their muvrisge which 100 k place ir .t’ne submarine base chap­ el at Peal Harbor, Hawaii, on April 19. The bride, daughter of (’ apt. and Mrs. LaClede Markle, form­ erly o f Cedarville now residing in Makalapa, Hawaii, is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Davis, Cedarville. Lt. C-ron- ander’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Cronander, Vashon, Wash. Copt. Markle, chaplain of the Pacific fleet* and stationed in Honolulu, officiated at his daugh­ ter's wedding. The bride was giv­ en in m arri^e by Chaplain J. E. Johnson* UbN, a friend of the Markle family. Palms, white gladioli, madon­ na lilies and gardenias, flanked by white tapers in tall standards formed the setting for the wed­ ding. Miss Marilyn Markle, sister of the brie’ * was maid of honor. She wore a gown o f leaf green faille designed with a portrait neckline, can sleeves anti a bustle. She carried yellow roses. The bride appeared in an orig­ inal frown fashioned with a bad- ice o f white embroidered eyelet batiste and a marque t*tte H irt which extended into a slight ' train. Her veil of French illusion tulle was held in place with a net can caught with elustos of gardenias. She carried an heir­ loom handkerchief belonging to her grandmother. Mrs. Davis. Her bridal bouquet was fashioned o f gardenias and white orchids. Lt. (j. g.) John Porter served as best man and ushers were Lt. Joseph Ileald, Lt. (j. g.) Edward Cooke, Lt. (j. g.) A. A. Kerr and Lt. g.) A. M. MaLande. As Lt. and Mrs. Cronander left the chap­ el the” passed beneath an arch o f steel formed by the swords of the ushers. Following the ceremony a re­ ception was held in the patio of the Commissioned Officers’ Club in Makalapa. The buffet table was decorated with white flow­ ers and centered with a tiered wedding cake. Mrs. Cronander attended Woos­ ter College, Wooster, 0. Lt. Cro­ nander was enrolled at the Uni­ versity of Washington before en­ tering the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis from where he was graduated in 1946. He is serving aboard the submarine USS Cabe- 2 on. Her veil of French illusion tulle which extesded into a slight train, was held in place with a net cap caught with clustes o f gardenias. She carried an heirloom handker­ chief belonging to her grand­ mother, Mrs. Davis. Her bridal bouquet was fashioned of gar­ denias and white orchids. GREENE COUNTY WCTU INSTITUTE HELD The Greene County W.’ C. T. U. Institute was held at the James­ town Church o f Christ, Thursday, April 28. Mrs. Fred Engle, Ce­ darville, County president pre­ sided at the morning session, with The Cedarville, O- Herald Friday, May 6, 1949 Mis. Henry Key o f Xenia, lead­ ing the devotionals. Matters of vital interest to the work were discussed. A musical number in rung ' ‘hen by Mrs. Ethel ( u.i.r.iiugs and airs, i’ cn .iie .',i. iip, .Miss Donna Belle Evans gv. e a rcci.ation a.ul piano solo Mss Janet Whittington an : *c r.iian solo. A bountiful lunch .rve „i li e r.oon Lorn. Mrs. Engle pros (led et tne af­ ternoon session with Rev. Gray, o: Xenia, conducting devotional*. Mrs. Engle gave a brief account f 'h* iveon: state meeting held in Cci-sniLu.?. Mrs. Mar .e le Long, o: x .e.isant \ie»v gave two suk s and Rev. Paxton, pastor o f Clif­ ton Presbyterian 'Church gave an address. Thanks are extended to ail who helped in any way with this meet­ ing. THE W.S.C.S. TO MEET, MAY 9 The W. S. C. S. of the Methu- d’ st Church wdi meet at the chinch evening. May V at (5.30 for a eoveied dish din­ ner. There will be a picture show, “ Salt of the Eatti. ' and pled to service. Me.rber plea, e 1ring covered dish and table •t r- vice. MRS. RAMSEY L\ HOSPITAL Mrs. Paul Ramsey underwent a major operation at Springfield City hospital Tuesday morning. RE TURNS FROM ViSITING DAUGHTER la t week after hi Rev. Paul Elliott returned daughter, Mrs. G. E. Miller at the NA1TC Base in Memphiisis, Vein. Sunday lie spent with Mr. and Mrs. James Creswell ar.d Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lyle in Mar­ ianna. Arkansas This week Rev. and Mrs. Elliott are attends: r tire Mn or Recital of Marysville Col­ lege in Marysville, Term. Miss Ruth Ramsey is taking part in this rectal. MAX WILLIAMSON ICNTERTAINS Mn< Williamson, son o f Mr, and Mrs. li. T. Williamson enter­ tained a group o f friends after ing his 12th birthday. The child­ ren played ball and other games, later they were seated at the ta­ ble centered with a birthday Mru Bull conducted a prayer c>c-Ie. The regular missionary i ..» ram was given by Mrs. Ar- i:e! Gordon, Mrs. Joe IViryman „ ml Sirs.* Anderson. Mis. I inney’ was assisted by M l *. Emik 1-ii.ney and Mrs. ‘ Ir. jh .Turnbull in serving' ro- fi hmeuts to the group. * RETURN HOME r ib Mi FLORIDA M's. J. E. Kyle, Mrs. Esther I M.e Margaret Rife who have been spending the winter t *uu* la are ho ee. Mis. Kyle cake and served Mrs. Williamson. ice cream WOMAN'S MISSIONARY OF FIRST PRESBYTERIAN The Woman’s Missionary Soc­ iety met n the Fiist Piesbyter- ian church Thursday afternoon. Devotions were led bv Miss Anabei Murdock. Mrs. Lena Me- Callaugh and Mrs. S. C. Wright gave talks on Christian expansion of the rural church, Refreshments were served by Mrs. Nelson Cresswell ami Mrs. John Hilt. MISSIONARY SOCIETY WITH MRS. FINNEY Mr, E, E. Finney entertained the Missionary society of the United Presbyterian Church at her home on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Wagner led devotions and go to visit her : on, Willard h k i.c iv earning io Cc t:iv- v«;Ie. ENTERTAIN FOR SENIOR CLASS Ms. and Mrs. Ira Vayhinger ini- :ta:i..‘ l member* of the Ce­ darville College Senior Claes at :.‘:e:r home on Thursday evening. IiuI.D WEINER ROAST A E -l.EY CLASS Members of the Wesley class i f the Methodist Church and their families held a voilier roast on TThiay evening at the Shelter IIuLi.e. After the roast a busi­ es ••iee'npg was held. Devotion­ al won* given by Mrs. Carl Rit- anu the program was in charge of H. I.. Pickering and John Mills. The next meeting will i o at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sipe. BETTY WISECLT HONORED Mi-- Betty Wbecup was guest t f s' at a mit celhiueous show- er given by Mrs. Russell Wiseeup mi Thursday evening. Colors of pink and white were used. A huge white hell hung from the chandelier and pink and white streamers fell to the table on which the .gifts were placed. Tut- guests were served pink and white ice cream and cake. Miss Wiseeup will be married to Mr. Wilbur Howell on May 27. JU \ CLUB MEETS Mrs. Clayton McMillan enter­ tained the K. Y. N. Club at her home Friday afternoon. Nine­ teen membeis answered roll call by giving a house cleaning hint. Games and contests were played ami a dessert course was served by Mrs. McMillan. SUNDAY IN SPRINGFIELD Mr. and Mrs. J. 0 . Conner spent Sunday in Springfield with Mi. and Mrs. George Deck and family. GOLDEN RULE CLASS MEETS IN CHURCH The Golden Rule Class met in the Methodist Cum *h Friday evening. Mrs. Fred Iivine had i barge of devotions. Mrs. J. 0 . Conner wa* in charge o f the pro­ gram. Games and contests were enjoyed. Mrs. W. B. Collier and Mis. Roy Jacobs served refresh­ ments. ENTERTAIN GUESTS SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders o f Sandusky and Mr. and Mrs. IIow- erd Swain and family of New GOOD PRINTING and Full Value for Your Dollar! OUR PRINT SHOP IS AT YOUR SERVICE . . We Solicit There’ s a commonly used ex- I pression: “You get just what you pay for.” This applies to PRINTING just the same as most anything else you buy. Good PRINTING can’t he produced at a poor price. Poor Printing even at a low price is expensive, because it gives the prospective custo­ mer the impression that your services or products are not up to standard. We give full value fo r every dollar you spend with us for PRINTING —and our prices are always FAIR. Next Printing Order The Cedarville Herald Lebanon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Townsley. VISITS IN ' U iTICE HOME Miss Bertha Dean of Spring- iKIU spent the weekend with Mr. amt Mis. Arthur Cultice. H.IFF’S HAVE GCNDAY GUESTS Dr. und Mrs. Robert Jacobs and family of Dayton spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Walter lilif. ANNIVERSARY PARTY OF McKIBBEN BIBLE CLASS 'Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillich as­ sisted by Mr." arid-Mrs.-Delbert Mallory entertained the McKib- ben Bible Class at their home on Friday evening. It was the 13th anniversary of the class. The seven couples who formed the class wei'e present, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Rauph Spraeklin, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dobbins, Mr. and Mrs. Arnet Gor­ don, Dr, and Mrs. Donald Kyle, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul ToWnsley, Devotions were in charge of A. B. Evans. Mrs. A. B. Evans and Mrs. Raymond Spraeklin were in charge of the program. A birth­ day cake with IS candles center­ ed the table and the group sang “ Happy Birthday.” They spent the evening with games. There wei'e 44 members present and guests were Mr. and Mrs, Bert Jacks and Miss Martha Cooley. ATTENDS PRESBYTERY IN COiUMBUS Dr. R. A. Jamieson attended a called meeting of the Xenia Pres­ bytery in Columbus Tuesday, May 4. IN SPRINGFIELD HOSPITAL Alexander McCampbell went to Miami Valley Hospital in Day- ton Tuesday for an operation. MRS. HILT IS HOSTESS TO CLASS Mrs. John, Hilt entertained members of her Sunday School class at her home Tuesday after­ noon. Mrs. Hilt is resigning as the teacher o f the class as she is moving soon. The group play- •ed games and were shown a pic­ ture show by Mr. Hilt. Mrs. Hilt was presented a gift of a vase and matching candle holders by the children. - Refreshments were served to Genieve Burrough, Jane Mc­ Millan, Loretta Wells, Nancy Oreswell, Max Williamson, Jerry Judy. Kent Creswell and John Mc­ Millan. VISITS PARENTS HERE Mrs. Gary Gaiser and sons of Bloomington, Ind. are visiting at the home o f her parents, Mi', and Mrs. Robert Nelson, DR. BICKETT ATTENDS MEETING Dr. and Mrs. John Bickett of Clifton were in Columbus last Tuesday where Dr. Bickett was attending a called meeting of Xenia Presbytery.. CLIFTON LADIES MISSIONARY SOCIETY The young women’s missionary society of the Clifton United Pres­ byterian church was held last Wednesday evening at the home o f Charlotte and Carolyn Col­ lins. The leader of the meeting was Miss Martha Tannehill and the Prayer Cycle was conducted by Miss Marjorie Bradfute. The subject of the meeting was, Pre­ pare •'•e the way o f the Lord. Materials were brought by the ladies fo r the use of Dorothy Rankin in Ethiopia. DORCAS CLASS MEETS The Dorcas Bible Class of the United Presbyterian Church met Tuesday at tl]e home o f Mrs. E. E. Finney. Mrs. J.- M. Bull led devotions. After a business meet­ ing the group spent the after­ noon sewing comfort tops. A dessert course was served to 12 members by Mrs. Finney. YOUTH GROUP ENJOY” - INDIA PARTY • ? Sunday evening the 'Youth Group of the Methodist Ghurch enjoyed an India party. India food was served and the group eat India style'and some of the group wore India dress. A talk on India was giveh by Mrs. Coh lier. ■ BREAKS ARM IN FALL Mrs. C. II. Gordon suffered a broken arm when she fell in her home Wednesday morning. RETURNS TO HOME Harry Hammon has returned to Iris home after having spent • three weeks in the Miami Val­ ley hospital where he underwent an operation., MR. AND MRS. HALL VISIT BREWERS Mr. and Mrs. George Hall of Cambridge spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. C. C. Brewer. VISIT REV. TURLEY IN COIJJMBUS HOSPITAL Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Collier visited Rev. C. E. Turley in the White Cross Hospital," Golum- bus, Sunday. WEDDING BAND CLUB HAVE WEINER ROAST The College club, The Wedding ■Band Club, closed their season of activities with a weiner roast at the road side park Wednesday evening. Thirteen couples and after the roast the evening was their families enjoyed the event spent playing volley ball and other games, HARPY WORKERS MEET AT MOTT HOME Twenty-seven members re­ sponded to roll call when the Clif­ ton Happy Workers met recently at the home of the leader, Mrs. Mary Mott, Members worked on first aid project books, and conservation project books and two movies, “A Family A ffair” and “Winged Scourge,” were shown. Plans were made fo r a skating party and a county-wide square dance festivel. The club voted to pur­ chase new recordings for the coun­ ty recreational groups. Special meetings will beJield in May by the first-year bakers so they can complete their projects. Th.e next meeting will be held at Gedarville High School on Monday, May 9, when the girls will open their softball season and complete their first aid and conservation projects. The Gedarville Merchants base ball team won their opening league Sunday afternoon when they defeated Springfield mer­ chants 10-6. This Sunday there will be a double header starting at 1:30. Enon will meet Omar Bakery team and Gedarville will play Crowell-Colliers in the second game. „D,AR..MEETING - ... . . POSTPONED ' The DAR meeting has been postponed until Saturday, May 14 at the home of Mrs. R. W. Mc­ Gregor. HONORED ON 81st BIRTHDAY Mrs. Nancy Spraeklin was hon­ ored on her 81st birthday when Mrs. Carl Spraeklin entertained for her pleasure members of the immediate family and a few in­ timate friends of the honor guest. Mrs. Spraeklin received many / gifts. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Spraeklin,'of Bowers- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spra- cklin of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ferryman, Ralph, Richard and Lamar Spraeklin, Grace Bar- low all of Cedarville Ruth Spraeklin o f Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huffman and the family of the hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spraeklin and daugh­ ter. *«' ‘ Gardens Plowed* - - Disced - . ; contact Evans Grocery .S e l e c t [N o w ! ! ! BENRUS! GREEN! BELOVA! ELGIN! GROTON! HELBR0I2 Starting with Croton Watches at Price Includes Federal Tax RECENT BRIDE IS GUEST OF HONOR Honoring Mrs. Kenneth Spahr (Emma Lou Straley), Mrs. Carl Fields, entertained at a misce­ llaneous '“ shower” recently. Mrs. Spahr, a recent bride, was pre­ sented an array of gifts. Games were played and prizes vjL«re awarded to Mrs. Roscoc Straley, Mrs. Leroy Bates and Mrs. Lois Warman.' Others pre­ sent were Mrs. Mary Fawcett, Mrs. James Delph, Mrs. Porter Myers, Mrs. Robert Bates, Mrs. William Stewart, Mrs. Ralph Campbell, Mrs. Ida Bush, and the priest of honor. A dessert course was- served by Mrs. Fields, assited by Mr, Roscoe Spahr. GIRL SCOUTS ENJOY COOK-OUT Troop 16, of the Cedarville Girl Scouts took a hike Wednes­ day to the home of Jane Davis. The Senjiojc Patrol preparefi the food_ which consisted of hot dogs, baked beans, potato chips, apples cookies and chocolate milk. After the supper, the dif­ ferent patrols each had a stunjf. There were 19 girls present with their leader, Mrs. Harold Bernhard. MEMBER OF CHOIR AT OXFORD Miss Margaretta Frey, a stu­ dent at Western College, Oxford, and a member of the Choir, took part in the annual concert of the combined choral groups of Ken­ yon and Western Colleges, given recently in Presser Hall on Wes­ tern’s campus. The two choirs sang also at Christ Church in Cincinnati on Saturday, April 23 at 7:30 p. m. for the benefit of the Old Ken­ yon Restoration Fund. The Sunday afternoon program in Presser Hall included the num­ bers sung by each choral group individually as well as jointly. Miss Frey is the daughter of M,r. and Mrs. Philip Rachel Frey. RETURN TO HOME FROM FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Spahr and Frank Turner returned Friday from their home in Hollywood,. Florida. On the way home they visite/1 with Dr. Marston Hunt of Boaz, Alabama. PROGRESSIVE FARMERS MEET AT CHERRY HOME A program of games, in charge -o f the recreation leader, Thurman Baker, was conducted at the bi­ monthly meeting of the Cedai-- ville Progressive Farmers’ Club at the home of Bruce Cherry, near Cedarville. The business session was in charge of the president, Eugene Reese. Reports on their projects were given by Lowell Abels, Thurman Baker and Bill Arthur. Refreshments were served. The next meeting will be held at the home of Bill Arthur Wed­ nesday, May 11, at 7:30 p. m. HAPPTT WORKERS Six girls were initiated into the Happy Workers Club at a meeting at the home Dianne Brightman, recently. The girls were Sue Miller*, Jane Purdom, Linda Gordon, Larita Wills, Patsy Collier and Joanne Miller. Twenty - six members answer­ ed roll call. Biscuits were prepar­ ed by the first year baking group and the meal planning group worked on project books. A movie. “ Pattern for Smartness,” was shown. Partition Sought .Partition of Beavercreek town­ ship property is sought in a suit filed in common pleas court by .Roy W- Purdom against Ida M. Kinzig, Ethel Pearson, Benjamin F. Purdom and two minors, Wil­ liam and Jane Purdom, and their guardian, Ellen Purdom Barber. They are heirs in the estate of the late Mary Frances Purdom. E. D. Smith, Xenia lawyer, repre­ sents the plaintiff. Suit Filed W. II. Doster, Jamestown, R. R. 2, lias filed suit in common pleas court against Otho Eavers, Jamestown, fo r $250. The peti­ tion, prepared by Smith, McCal- lister and Gibney. local law firm, charges the defendant has failed to pay fo r a logging trailer sold to him by plaintiff on Nov. 26, 1947. Dismiss Case The action brought by Hazel Moore an dothers .against Flora Beck has been dismissed. Richard T. Clark, administra­ tor, estate o f George A Kaiser, late o f Xenia. Catherine M. Sharp, adminis­ tratrix, estate o f Ellen Sharp. REGISTERHERE! MAY 6 OR 7 FOROURBIG. . . GIVE-AWAY PARTY MAY7,1949 Drawings Will Start at 3:00 P. M. No PurchaseNecessary Past years have proved the popularity of our Give- Away Parties . . . and this year will be no exception! Prizes for adults and prizes for children. Children and adults come in and register. Register up to 3 :00 P. M., Saturday, May 7. Drawings will then begin and continue every hour until closing time. No obliga­ tion to purchase. See the Articles to Be Given Away on Display in Our Windows! * For Children Basketball Coaster Wagon Good Baseball Good Fishing Pole Good Fishing Reel Pedal Bike Tennis Racquet And Many Other Articles Too Numerous To Mention You Need Not Be Present to Win For Adults Sentinel Radio Winchester Rifle Sunbeam Iron y% Keg of 8d Nails Diston Handsaw ONE WAY AN ARTIST WOULD SHOW YOU TNE O f ' -ik- o ^ ^ - L U C O F U N T SUPER-WHITE ENAMEL lex L [ M F S I S p r in w ife ijg ifH g A li ir 1 j e fir r j-r ’• I If l / 4 * c The Whitest White ever,-the paint that wean like Porcelaut For cabinets as White as your refrigerator, for walls and woodwork gleaming white as your bathtub. Easy to wash as a china dish. Use Lucoflinfc for the ideal finish on wood or metal, indoors or out $2.15 Qt. V i b PRODUCES A SUPERIOR PRINT MODUR9 WMf RU tt* SttftP&CC )4 < t i l u ,.