The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 27-52
C E D A R V I L K ^ OLDEST INSTITL'ii. f8t The Pub l i shed in the I n t e r e s t of Cedarvi l l e and S u r r o u n d i n g C ommu n i t y PER YEAR ........$1.56 PER COPY .. ..____ _ . .. 5e Volumn LXXIII Cedarville, Ohio, Friday, June 10, 1949 Number 27 Deserving Youth To Win Coif This registered Guernsey heifer from the herd ojLW . W. McKitrick, o f near Dublin, will be awarded to some deserving high school lad during Dairy Month ceremonies. The calf was presented to the Junior Associa tion o f Commerce, sponsors of the award, by the Farm Bureau Co operative Association, of Columbus. Jake Shawan, shown with the prize animal, is chairman o f tbt faycee Agricultural Committee and member o f the cooperative’s ‘ ‘ on. HonoraryDegres Givento Twoat Comencement Honorary degrees were con ferred upon Miss Mary B. Ervin, Columbus, former Xenian, and Rev, Edward S. Wones, Osborn, at Cedarville College’s fifty - third commencement in the United Presbyterian Church Sunday night. Miss Ervin, state of the Ohio WTCU and former dean o f women at Cedarville College, was awarded the degree o f doctor o f humanities. Rev. Mr. Wones pastor o f the Fairfield-Osborn Methodist Church, who preached the baccalaureate sermon to Ce darville graduates a week ago, was given an honorary doctor of divinity degree. Both Miss Ervin and Rev. Mr. Wones are Cedav- ville alumni. Degrees and certificates were presented to seventeen graduates by Dr. Ira D. Vayhinger, college president. Wade E. Miller, superintendent o f the Middletown public schools, was the speaker at the exercises, using as his subject, “ Men of To morrow.” “ The graduates of to day are the leaders of tomorrow,” he said. “Any movement that de fies God, such as communism, will never succeed,” he told the graduates. Rev, A . F. Huish offered pray er. Rev. Huish resigned recent ly as pastor of the Jamestown U. P. Church and is moving this week to Rushville, Ind. to be- pastor of the U. P. Church there, the Rev. and Mrs. Huish have been teaching at Cedarville Col lege but have resigned their po sitions here. Dr. Vayhinger announced the college’s summer school will open . Monday, June 13. Two sessions of five weeks each will be conduct ed. The first will continue through July 16. The second ses sion will be held from July 18 to August 20. Clara Sexton on North Bay. Trip Miss Clara Sexton, runnerup in the annual Miss Miami Valley Outdoors contest for 1949, along with Miss Jeanne Freed, winner of the event left Saturday to va cation a week at North Bay, Canada. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Horton. Mr- Horton* is president o f the Miami Valley Outdoors. They will be guests o f the Out door Writers Association o f A - merica for a week at Pine Manor Lodge on the shores o f Lake Nipissing. Included in the week’s activities will be fishng and hunting, sightseeing and aerial trips, parties, dances, fish fries and banquets. 4-II CLUB NEWS The Nifty Cedar Gals had their' 4-H meeting at the home o f Jan et Crumrine June 2, 1949. We had our recreation and then the meet ing came to order by answering present with the name of a bird. We discussed a tour to Dayton , through the Wonder Bread Fac tory and also the McCall Pat tern Co. to he held Friday June 17 fo r our club only. We planned to meet with the Xenia 4-H Club at Union School Wednesday June 8, at 1:30 p. m. for a base ball game and each club will give their regular meeting fo r the other. "We also discussed a swimming party at Xenia pool on June 9. The meeting was adjourned and we were served refreshments. Reporter Jo Duvall The new gas line into Moscow is named Stalin. Church Services CHURCH F GOD Elwood C. Palmer, Minister Sunday school 10:00 A. M. Mrs. David Strobridge, supt. Morning Worship 11:00 A . M. There will be no evening ser vices this week as the Internation al Camp Meeting of the Church of God will be in progress at Anderson, Indiana. All are urged to attend. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Paul H. Elliott, Minister 10:30 annual “ Childrens Day” service, in charge o f the child ren’s department. Mrs, Herbert Fields, ’ Supt. There .will be opportunity at this sendee for the baptism o f children. 7:00 to 9:00 Youth program meeting. Devotional program in charge of Kent Williamson. Wednesday evening, June 15, special Union service at the Meth odist church to hear Dr. Arthur E. Glass. Daily Vacation Bible School begins Monday, June 13. METHODIST CHURCH William B. Collier, minister Sunday School at 10:00 A . M. Whiter Boyer, Supt. Morning worship at 11:00, Lt. Col. Taylor, a chaplain at Wright- Patterson Air Force Base, will bring the messages Youth Fellowship at 7:00 P. M. The sub-district Youth Fellow ship will meet in our church on Tuesday night at 8:00 o’clock. All the youth o f our church -*re invited to come. An union service will he held in our church Wednesday night at 8:00 o’clock. Rev. Arthur Glass, a convert from the Hebrew religion o f Christianity, will speak. He has" an interesting story to tell. He is a missionary worker among the people o f his race in this country. Come and bring a friend. Qux boys and girls will join in attending the Union Vacation Bible School which begins Mon day afternoon at 2:00 o’clock. Boys and girls from the ages o f four to fourteen are urged to at tend. It meets in the Public School five afternoons a week June 13 to 24. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ralph A. Jamieson, minister Children’s Day Annual Service in a combined service which be gins at 10:30, instead o f 10 A . M. There well he a brief program by the children, in which the Jnuior Sabbath School chior will sing. The Communicants class will present their exhibit ©Y some things learned during their training for Church membership. The address o f the morning will be given by Mrs. Elizabeth T. Milligan of.Richmond, Indiana, on the subject o f “ Happiness.” W e should have one hundred Her cent attendance o f all mem bers o f both Sabbath School and Church fo r this service: The members o f the Commun ion class are asked to meet a half boor early Sabbath morning with the, pastor fo r a final re hearsal. Y.P.C.U. 3 p. m. Subject, is ' “ Heroes o f Service.” Leader, Dean Gordin. Remember that June 19 is our summer Communion, with recept ion o f members and baptisms. The religious film, “ Salt o f the Earth” will he shown at 8 p . m. on Sabbath evening. CLIFTON UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dr. John.W . Bickett, Minister Charlotte (lollins, Organist Sabbath School 10:00. Lesson topic “The Cost o f the Cross.” * William Ferguson, supt. The classes will meet fo r a few minutes! take roll and the offer ing and. at 10:30 will hold the FriendlySuit FiledforPay ByOfficials A friendly suit to determine whether they can collect an ac cumulation o f what they consid er back salary was filed Monday morning in common pleas court by two election members— a Republican and a Democrat. The officials, Roy V. Hull o f Xenia and George H, Smith of Spring Valley seek a decision by Judge Frank L. Johnson compel ling County Auditor James J. Curlett, defendant in the suit to pay the Vouchers. Mr. Hull is a Republican and Mr. Smith, a Xenia lawyer is chairman o f the Greene County Democratic Executive Committee Mr. Smith also is chairman of the board of elections. » The auditor, they said has re fused to pay the difference o f $220 a year to the men, an in crease voted by the general 'as sembly on Jan, 2, 1948, because of an attorney general’s opinion. This ruling holds, in effect, that appointed officials are the fame as elective officials where in current terms cannot be effect ive until the start" of new tenures in office. However, a common pleas decision elsewhere in Ohio has entitled election board offic iate in the midst o f their terms to collect the pay increased. A court decision supercedes an at torney’s opinion. Auditor Curlett said i f the court rules in favor o f Mr. Hull and Mr. Smith, he will accept such a decision as also approv ing a salary increase to the two election board members who served between Jan. 2, 1948 and March 1, 1948 and fo r the board's clerk, William H. MceGervey, Xe nia Republican. The plaintiffs in this suit seek aproval o f pay vouchers of $311.- 18 each for the difference in sal ary between Jan. 2, 1948 and the ©resent. Mr. Curlett said vouch ers o f $54.07 fo r Mr. McGervey and $36.08 each fo r R. C. Moor man,. Jamestown Republican, and township, Democrat, also would be paid if the court rules. The overall increase voted by the legislature allowed Greene County election hoard members a hike from $440 a year to $660 annually. Mr. Meredith and Mr. Thomas O. Houston, Spring Val ley township Republican who suc ceeded Mr. Moorman on the board have been eligible for the in crease since they began new terms March 1, 1948. Mr. Hull and Mr-. Smith have terms running through Feb. 28, 1930 and under the attorney gen eral’s opinion, would not qualify for the $GG0 a year unless re appointed for new terms. These election officials claim they are not elected and therefore not sub ject to this qualification clause provided by the legislature. Rev. A. E. Glass ToSpeakHere OnWednesday Skyway Vote Is Legal Holding that the citizen’s right to vote “ must not be abridged or interfered with except for suffi cient reason and the most mo mentous cause,” Judge George W. McDowell o f Hillsboro, who presided in common pleas court in the Skyway Park ballot test suit, ruled Monday that Demo crat Robert E. Grone of Osborn is a duly-elected county commis sioner. His opinion was against Ralph 0, Spahr, Xenia Twp. Republican and former county commissioner who went down to defeat at the polls last Nov. 2. Mr. Spahr, the plaintiff,'had contended Skyway a Bath Twp. housing project now incorporated in to the Wright- Patterson AF Base, was a fed eral reservation because exclu sive jurisdiction had been given IL S. government. Its residents, the ex-commissioner c h a r g e d , were therefore not legal voters No f Greene County. Mr. Grone had led a five-man race for commission’s two vacan cies but the result was close enough that invalidation of Sky way's 700 votes' have elected Mr. Spahr instead. Mr. Crone and Arthur Bahns,' New Jasper Re publican, were elected; Thurman Tidd, New Jasper Democrat, was third and Mr. Spahr fourth. An independent was far behind. Sky way voted heavily Democratic. Judge McDowell, in his eight- page opinion, cited two principal questions in the case: 1. Did the United States obtain and ^accept exclusive jurisdiction ©veer the teritory, embraced with in Skyway Park precinct. Bath Twp., Greene County, prior to Nov. 2, 1948? 2. If such exclusive jurisdiction was obtained and accepted by the United States, were the per sons residing in s'aid precinct on Nov. 2, 1948, entitled to vote in said..precinct at the general elec tion held on said date? The jurist’s decision said that Mr. Spahr had failed to show such exclusive jurisdiction existed. “Holding as we do that on Nov. 2, 1948 the United States had not obtained exclusive . jurisdiction over the territory embraced with in Skyway Park and. that resi dents there, otherwise qualified, ‘ were legal voters in Skyway Park precinct, Bath-Twp. Greene Coun ty, Ohio obviates the necessity of considering the second proposi tion submitted,” he wrote. Judge McDowell cited the ac quisition of Skyway Park under the. Lanham Act as a housing project and transfer later, o f its jurisdiction from the national housing agency to the war de partment, effective* Oct. 1, 1947. “ It is unnecessary, we think,” his opinion said, “ to discuss at length the powers and authority of the federal government to ac quire lands for 'the purpose men tioned tinder, article one, section eight of the Constitution o f the United States. \ .” “ Notwithstanding cession stat utes similar to those in Ohio, the supreme court of the United States has repeatly held that the federal government is not* com pelled to exercise exclusive jur isdiction over property acquired by it__ ” Judge McDowell went on to say Rev. Arthur E. Glass a noted Hebrew Christian will he the speaker a i the union services of the churches of Cedarville, to be held in the Methodist’ Church Wednesday evening. Rev. Glass has a deeply relig ious background o f the Old He brew type and having been horn in the cradle of Judiasm and reared in a strict rabinnical or thodox Jewish home, has an or iginal approach ,of the Bible. Children's Day program. This service will take the ©lace of the preaching service. The Child ren's Day program had been in charge o f a committee o f which Miss Joanne ‘ Sanderson is chair man* It will consist of songs, rec itations, dialogues, duets, pray ers and offering. The service will 1close about 11:30. This will be a fine Children’s Day program so: We urge you to attend. In the evening the young peo ple will hold their Bible reading contest. The winner in each age group will represent the Young people’s society at the Presbyter- ial Rally in the Glen Echo church in Columbus on June 19. TopHonorsWon ByLocalFFA Chapter inState Cedarville and Beavercreek Chapters of Future Farmers of America captured more awards than any other FFA Chapter in Ohio and the Xenia FFA Chap ter also received honors at the state FFA convention in Colum bus Friday and Saturday..^ A t the ©wards session, held Friday night in the Ohio State University chapel, Cedarville and Beavercreek Chapters o f which J, Ralph Harner, Xenia, is adviser, . received the greatest number o f awards o f any o f the 290 chapters, in the state. Five.members of Mr. Harper’s two chapters were named Estate fanners,” th is‘honor being-based on the quality of the boys’ farm ing programs and leadership abil ity of the applicant. They are David Burnbaugh, Darrell Fergu son, Edward Hawkins, Soger Coy and Roger Horney. Cedarville chapter was chosen as the best in the state in its work on rural electrification and Sam Butts received individual top .honors in this event and a cash award of $100, presented by the Future Farmers Foundation. He also placed first in the state chapter’s camp award. Cedarville a n d Beavercreek Chapters received the highest rat ings in the farm forestry contest, Standard Oil contest and farm Underwriters contest. Individual members receiving top awards were Robert William son, a scholarship to Ohio State University, and Roger Collins and - Sam Butts, scholarships to ne state FFA camp. James Luttrell received a “ silver” rating in the state reporters’ contest and Roger Coy was given honorable mention in this same contest. Edward Hawkins o f. Beaver creek was nominated as a candi date for vice president in the southwestern Ohio district. . In the finals o f the state pub lic speaking contest, scheduled Saturday, Donald Middleton, near Xenia, was to' compete with three other boys in the state.' He was one o f four chosen from a group of seventeen who participated in the semi-finals Friday. Officers.Named ByRacing GroupHere Names of officers and direct ors of the new Midwest Racing association were revealed Tues day when the Ohio State Racing commission took under advise ment an application for a run ning race meet at the Warren county fair grounds, G. Martin Weimer o f Cedar ville is president, H. W. Yendes o f Vandalia is vice president and treasurer and Evelyn Shaw if Dayton is secretary to the asso ciation, Yendes, the racing commission disclosed, is the principal stockr holder, with 80 of_the 100 shares outstanding. ~ The group applied fo r a rac ing permit to cover from July 23' to Aug. 13. inclusive. I f the dates are* eranted, the meet at Lebanon would come between the current River Downs meeting and the Hamilton session. HAPPY WORKERS CLUB The- Happy Workers 4-H club under the Direction' o f Mrs. Al bert Mott assisted by Mrs. Sam Dean, met Monday in the Shel ter House. The meetinr* was devoted to health and Rebecca Creswell, health leader was in charge. Miss Katherine Lane health nurse gave a talk and a picture o f Baby Care apd Grooming ‘were shown. % : r > .. ___L- t - h ..? - THREE TIMES ONE ARE THREE . . . That area o f New York inducing Brooklyn and the Bronx seems to have something in its atmosphere cnn<Iucive~to m ultiple births. Not so long ago the Collins quadruplets Were born. A few days later triplets arrived to another couple. But it’ s nothing new, as this photo demon- 1 etrates. Shown here arc Brooklyn’s Kane triplets, w ho arrived one year ago, celebrating their first birth- I V anniversary with becoming maidenly modesty. Left to right, they are Lucille, Maarees af Mr. and Mrs. Pat Kane, who have sis other children. Plans forFourth CelebrationAre ft Announced Plans for the 4th of July cel ebration, to be sponsored by. the American Legion have been com pleted. The days events will start in the afternoon. The local Cedarville Merchants Baseball team will play an after noon game. There will be a Donkey Baseball Game, being sponsored by the Cedar" ville Chamber of Commerce. A team o f local merchants, will play a team from the Regular Squad. There will he horseshoe con tests for the old. and young. Var ious contests are being arranged for the youth, with .prizes for the winners. The* Cedarville High School Band will give a band, concert, in the evening.. Prior to the Fireworks display, the merchandise- prize will be given away. It is planned to start the fireworks at approxi mately 8:30 p. m. with drawing to be hid at 8 p. m: With The exception of the Donkey Ball Game there will be no charge at any of the days events. *■ The American Legion Junior Baseball team will play Osborne, here Sunday the 12th. This is one of three games to determine who will represent?'the county in the District Tournament. Barger Named Cage Coach Don Barger, former Hamilton high star athlete, who graduated from Cedarville Col lege Sunday night, has been ap pointed head basketball coach at Randolph high school, Englewood, •according to an announcement made Saturday by O. R. Edging- ton, superintendent.. _ " Barger while at Cedarville won three, letters in basketball, three in baseball and one in football. Barger will coaph baseball and assist in football. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH G. A". Adams, minister • . 10:15 Sunday school 11:00 o. m. Morning Worship Tuesday 7:*30 Choir rehearsal Wednesday 7:00 p. m. prayer service. At Cedarville College Apf.iilpflt Tn 111 FIPQ The first session of summer A w l U C I H U I J U l l C S Fatal toMrs. BlancheLynch school at Cedarville College will begin with registration June 13. Registrar Cax-rie M. Rife has an nounced the following registra tion procedure: 8 a. m, to 5 p. M., June 13. 1. Obtain schedule, instruct ions, and registration card, in Room 5. Fill out the upper portion of ths registration card and plan tentative schedule. 2. Complete registration in Room 3. 3'. Take registration card to Room '6 for financial statement. 4. Take registration .card and financial statement to Room 1 for payment of fees. ' 5. Take registration card to Room 4; receive, class cards and leave registration card. 6. Buy books, at bookstore, Room 10 op second floor. 7. Deliver class cards to re spective instructors on June 14. The .normal load is 6 semester hours, Under no condition will a student be allowed to carry more than eight hours. A fee ‘ of one dollar per day will be charged for late registration after June 13. Changes in registration will not be made after June 17. All changes, and all course dropped must' be approved by the regis- ■ trar. No student may be enrolled for summer school and for an ex tension course,at the same time. A student is^expected to at tend every course for which he enrolls. A “ cut” is defined as an absence from class for which the student offers to the instructor no acceptable excuse. When the number of cuts equals the number of semester hours credit in the course, the student must pay one dollar to be readmitted to class. Each succeeding cut requires the same payment. Required convocation will be .held at 8":45 a. m. on June 22, June 29, July 6, and Julv 13. For the second and each succeeding convocation cut, the student will 'be assessed a fine ,of one dollar. The, minimum total possible hours, laboratory cbtudsels, fee courses, room, or hoard, is $55.' Two seniors jvere graduated cum laude Sunday night, with Mr. • Wade Miller, superintendent of schools of Middletown, Ohio, *as the speaker. His topic was .“Men • of Tomorrow.” The two honor graduates were Robert Filer, of Springfield,’ who received his de gree in_absentia, arid James Rowe, degree of Bachelor of Science in Education were Don Barger, Hamilton; Rollie Barton, Ham ilton; Max Hitler, Lancaster; A ft Greene County’s seventh traffic fatality this year wa'S recorded with the death of Mrs. Blanche Mae Lynch, 35, of Jasper Station, in Miami Valley Hospital, Day- ton, Saturday at 3:32 p. m. Mrs. Lynch, wife of Carl How ard Lynch, was injured April 13 in an auto accident on Route 35 four miles west of Jamestown. She suffered head injuries and did not regain consciousness aft er the accident. She was a pass enger in an auto which skidded on the pavement careened into a ditch and struck a tree.. The daughter of George and Elizabeth Freeland Honaker, she was born in Carlisle, Ky., Nov. 3, .1913, but had passed the greater • part of her life in Xenia and com munity. Besides her husband, to whom she was married Oct. 19, 1933, she is survived by her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Honaker, Xenia; three sisters, Mrs. Frank Graham, -New Burlington; Mrs. Howard Harness, Marion, and Mrs. Nel lie Comfqrt, Xenia, and a number of "nieces and nephews. NAVAL AIR CORP Richard, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Stormont-has en listed in the Naval .Air Corp and left Tuesday for San Diego where he will receive his training. MOVE TO* JAMESTOWN - Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wallace and son moved this week .to. Jamestown. They have been liv ing at the home of Dr. and Mrs, R. V. Kennon. * ■ , ' Lewis, South Webster; A1 Loos, Hamilton; Ray Mullen, South Webster; Norman Potts, South Webster; Harold Warix, Super ior; Paul* Price, Rushylvania; Marjorie Hill, New Burlington; Frances Miller, Springfield. Bachelor of Arts degrees were granted Richard Brown, Harris burg, Pa., and John Hawker, Tre- bein. ’ The R ev .. Edward S. Wones, class of. 1928 and pastor of the First Methodist Church in Os born, received the honorary de- •gree o f Doctor of' Divinity. Miss Mary Belle Ervin,-Class i f 1902 that the Lanham Act provides that it “ shall not deprive any state or political subdivision oi its civil and criminal jurisdiction in and over such property or im pair the civil rights under the state or local law or the inhab itants on such property.” He recognized the right of the U. S. to declare its intention to assume exclusive jurisdiction, in Ohio, by so notifying the gover nor. However, he disputed a let ter offered by Mr. Spahr’s coun sel, sent by Air Secretary Stuart Symington to then Gov. Thomas J. Herbert last Sept. 28, as being sufficiently clear on its scope of authority. r The judge ruled: “ It will he noted that in the third paragraph of the above communication the secretary says ‘notice is hereby given that the United States accepts exclusive jurisdiction over all lands ac quired by it for military purposes at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base___’ “ The words ‘acquired by it for military purposes’ certainly place some limitation on the lands or territories over which exclusive jurisdiction is sought, otherwise they would not have been in cluded in the notice. “ Other lands were qcquired by the United States government at Wright-Patterson AF Base at va rious times.for military purposes but as we have previously stated Skyway Park was acquired in the first instance fo r housing pur poses. “ Is the above quoted letter suf ficient under section 255, U.S.C. title 40, to place exclusive juris diction over Skyway Park in the department o f air forces? This question must be answered in the . negative. The notice to the gov ernor made no specific mention o f Skyway Park but only lands acquired fo r military purposes. We are not in accord with the reasoning that all lands over which the war department lias jurisdiction must bp used exclu sively for military purposes. “ If the head or other authorized officer of any department or a- gency of the government has the power and authority upon re quest to acquire complete exclu sive jurisdiction over lands ac quired by the governiient then we believe their opinions and be liefs and statements in regard ta such acquisitions are entitled to some weight. “ The judge advocate general in an opinion rendered to the chief o f engineers Dec. 3, 1948, held that the notice to the governor of Ohio dated Sept. 28, 1948 did not effeStively vest exclusive pur-" isdiction in the United States over Skyway Park; that tlie notice covered lands acquired only for military purposes. He further rec ommended that if such exclusive jurisdiction was desired that a notice of acceptance with speci fic reference to the area in ques tion he filed with the governor in accordance with section 355 of the revised statutes as amended. “ In a letter dated Deer 6, 1948 directed to the denartment o f jus tice, Lt. Gen. R. . Wheeler, chief of engineers, states: ‘. . . this office concurs .in the opinion of the judge advocate general and is o f the view that the United States does not have exclusive jurisdic tion over these areas.’ (Skyway Park). “ The department of justice, of fice o f the attorney general, a- greed with the holding of the judge advocate general as to the matter of exclusive jurisdiction over Skyway Park. “ It .is true that -Col. Morris did request that exclusive jurisdiction over Skyway Park be obtained and he gave as his reason that difficult problems of policing had arisen on the property. However, that request, purposely or other wise, was not carried into effect by the proper officials. The mere fact that such request was. made is not sufficient reason to dis qualify several hundred voters re siding on the -"remises. The Amer ican citizen claims and cherishes as one great heritage of our form of government, the. right . and privilege o f voting. That right must .not he abridged or interfer ed with except for sufficient rea son and the most momentous^ cause. . . i ’’ Whether Mr. Spahr, who is rep resented by E. G. Schuessler, Co lumbus lawyer, will appeal this decision was not learned immedi ately. George H. Smith, Xenia lawyer and chairman of the coun ty Democratic executive commit tee, presented Mr. Crone’s de fense. By gentlemen’s agreement, Mr. Crone has been receiving his pay as county commissioner since taking office last Jan. 3. He agreed, if the decision went a- gainst him, to reimburse Mr. Spahr. >The* litigation, since its incep tion Nov. 18, two w^eks after the election, has dragged through hearings nearly seven months. It and president o f the Ohio WCTU and vice president of the National WCTU receiyjed the honorary de- _ was taken under advisement by gree o f Doctor o f Humanities. Judge McDowell last March 22.
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