The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 27-52
Hie Cedarville, 0 . Herald Friday, December 2, 1949 The Sterling Jewelry Company' Headquarters For Keepsake Diamonds 5 W est Main St. This modern jewelry store is quite a factor in the social life o f Springfield as its headquarters for every latest vogue in the jewelry o f the day. The Sterling Jewelry Co. car ries a select stock o f diamonds, pearls and precious stones, watch es, latest designs in wrist watches, rings o f all kinds, necklaces, fine silverware, clocks and costume jewelry. These are all o f the very latest style. They are offered at prices that are very reasonable. The repair and remodeling de partment covers all features o f the trade. No matter whether it Phone 2-6741 is jewelry repairing, watch work or remodeling and modernizing o f ; jewelry you will find that they o f- ■ fer a most complete service. ? Whether selecting jewelry f o r : yourself, fo r a wedding present or a gift, fo r any occasion, you will find that when you make your choice from the stock offered a t the Sterling Jewelry Store, you will not only he choosing in good ; taste, but will be selecting some- , thing' that will give pleasure fo r years to come. Sirs. Faria is own er and manager of the Sterling i j Jewelry Co. 5 SCHAEFER’S SUNBEAM BREAD SINCE 1872 Schaefer's are bakers o f enriched Sunbeam bread which is high in nutritive value so necessary for our health. The yery best materials enter into their bread. So great has service that their bakery has been equipped from a mechanical stand point with modem machinery. Sunbeam bread produced at his bakery is in great demand. Truly it has been said, “ The taste tells ’ tkf! tale.” That is why Schaefer’s •Sunbeam Bread is so popular. Sch aefer’s have provided the very la test in scientific equipment and use only the purest ingredients. ■ This, coupled with the fact that they employ master bakers, ac counts for their excellent bread which has met with such great success all over this section. > RIPLEY, INC. Sales and Service For Dodge, Plymouth and Dodge Trucks Birthday Parfor In Hornor of Jimmy Ramsey Jimmy Ramsey, son o f Prof, and Mrs. James Ramsey was honored on his third birthday with a party at his, home Wed nesday afternoon. Games and stories were enjoyed by the chil dren after which Jimmy opened his many lovely gifts. The table was decorated with , pink and white and centered with a birth day cake on a musical stand that played “ Happy Birthday.”'" Gup cakes topped' with a candle was placed around the large cake. Pictures were taken o f the table and the guests. Ice cream center ed with a turkey was served with the cake with baskets o f candy were given as favors. Guests were Delsie Rigio, Wanda LeForge, Roberta Wise man, Marsha Ramsey, Mary Lynn Jones, Allan Steele, Marcia and Bonnie Sue Crumrine, Garol Fields, Johnny Guthrie, Carol Hanna, Iris Frame, Janet and Janette Earner, Rita ‘ Powers, Mary Margafet Check, Linda Chapman, Susie Reynolds, Gil bert Dodd, Jr., Mrs. Huston Cor- satte, Mrs. William Wisecup, Mrs. Guy LeForge, Mrs. Gilbert Dodd, Mrs. Herbert Power, Miss Wini fred Myers, Mrs. David Ramsey, Sirs. James Crumrine, Mrs. Rob ert Guthri.", Mrs. Ivey Rigio, Airs. Roy Chapman, Mrs. J. M. Ramsey o f Loveland. REYNOLDS ENTERTAIN WESLEY CLASS Mr. and Mrs. David Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. •Wilbur Wise- cup entertained the Wesley class o f the Methodist church at the Reynolds home Tuesday evening. Miss Katharine Lane, county health nurse, gave a talk on the child welfare and the problem of meeting the expenses. Arrange ments fo r a Christmas party; to be held at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hamer were made. The class voted to buy Cod Liver Oil fo r needy children to he us ed under the direction o f Miss Lane. A salad course was served by the hostesses. FAREWELL PARTY GIVEN E. B. TURNER E. B. Turner, who left Thurs day fo r his new position in El- frida, Arizona, and Ms family were dinner guests Monday even ing at the home of Miss Irma Creswell. Following the dinner members of the Broadcasters class o f the Presbyterian chureh came to the Creswell home ofr a farewell party for Mr. Turner. The class fo r which Mr. Turner has been teacher, presented him with a gift. ______ That Dodge, Plymouth cars and Dodge Trucks are gaining fast populority is shown by the increas ing nterest n the new models now on dsplay at Ripley, Inc., in Spring- field at 100 W. North. I f your car is in need o f repair Ripley Inc., has every detail of equipment and the finest expertsi: among w’orkmen to give your auto mobile whatever attention it needs, also: remember them for G o o d ! Used Gars. t PATRIC FURNACE COMPANY NIAGARA AND PATRIC FURNACES Chas. Bauer, Owner Patric Furnace Co., offers a most comprehensive service on installa tion o f Patric and .Niagara fur naces available in either gravity or forced air fo r coal, gas and oil and ComhustioneerS stokers, having completed work on some o f the finest buildings in this part o f the state, either new construction or repairs. This fjrm are heating engineers with years o f experience and your _ furnace will give lasting. service i f installed by them. It takes years o f study and actual experience to be a good furnace installer. Superior to the vast majority of metal firms and surpassed by 1 none either in work or materials used, this firm is among the most efficient on installation and repairs of all makes of furnaces. WEST END BAIT STORE 1412 W . Main Springfield Phone 2-5326 W . S. c. S. TO MEET WITH MRS. HARNER ‘ The W. S. C. S- of the Metho dist church will meet Wednesday noon Dec. 7 at the home o f Mrs. Tom Haimer. Members are asked to bring g ifts for children at tlje Southside Settlement and their penny boxes. Clothing, school supplies, hooks are suggested for children 3 1-2 to 19 years of age. Luncheon to he served by the committee. Auxiliary And Legion Have Meeting The Wallace C. Anderson Le gion Post No. 544, and the newly organized Auxiliary o f Cedarville held their first joint meeting with a covered dish supper at the shel ter house Friday night, Nov. 25. About 35 members were present and Mrs. Grace Anderson of Ur- bana, uresident of the third dis trict, was a guest, A short business meeting was held. Mrs. Dorothy Evans was elected to the executive board. The remainder of the evening was spent in games and a pleas ant social hour. The committee in charge was Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McCorkell, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chapman and Mr. and Mrs. John Williamson. AUXILIARY TO MEET The Ladies Auxiliary o f the American Legion will hold their regular meeting Monday evening, Dec. 5 at 8 P- M. at the home of Mrs. P. J. McCorkell. The execu tive board will meet Saturday evening, Dec. 3 at 7:30 at the Cliff house, the home of Mrs. A. C. Davis. MRS. BUCK HAS GUESTS Mrs. Ethel Buck had as guests oyer Thanksgiving her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Buck and grandson and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Buck and daughter of Rosewell, New Mex ico. Thursday Mrs. Buck and her guests were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ramsey. Oth er guests at the Ramsey home were, Miss Ruth Ramsey of Knox ville, Tennessee, Miss Doris Ramsey of Bellefontaine, Miss Vivian Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bull and Mr. and Mrs. David Ramsey and. daughter, Marsha. FLY TO SOUTfi Miss Joann Jobe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delmar C. Jobe, ac companied by Miss Jean Rock well o f Milan went by plane to Atlanta, Ga., and spent the Thanksgiving vacation with Miss Jobe’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Grubaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Rife Have Guests , ’ From a Distance Mr. and Mrs.' Ralph Rife had as holiday guests Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Johnston and family of Wil loughby, Mr. and - Mrs. William Johnston of Ft. Benning Ga., Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Johnston of Akron, Misses Ruth and Sarah Johnston of Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston of Cuya hoga Falls, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Johnston of East Liverpool, Mr, and Mrs. Neal Johnston and Miss Mary Och of Springfield. Friday Mr. and Mrs. Rife and their guests spent the day in Cin cinnati. TO PRESENT PAGEANT The College class of the Meth odist church will present a pag eant at the church Sunday even ing,-Dec. 18. at 8. The children of the -primary department will al so present their Christmas pro gram at this same time. There will be special Christmas music at the morning service Dec. 18 and 25.. W. S. C. S. BAZAAR The W. S.*fo. S. of the Methodist church will hold their Christmas bazaar and market Dec. 3 at 1 P. M. at the Clerks office. Will members please have their Ba zaar articles there early Satur day morning. Market items will also be taken care of if they are brought in early. VISIT IN NEW CARLISLE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Creswell and daughter, Sally, Rev. and Mrs. William Waide, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Creswell and family, A. H. Creswell, Mr. and Mrs. Myeri Stormont, Mrs. Ida Stormont and Miss Mabel Stormont were guests of Mr. and Mrs.- Wilmer Funder- burg in New Carlisle for an an nual Thanksgiving dinner. ENTERTAIN CLASS Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan entertained the Westminster class of the Presbyterian church at their home Tuesday evening. Harold Guthrie had charge of de votions and Mrs. Rankin McMillan was in charge of the entertain ment. The Christmas party of the class will he held, Dec. 20 at the church. A salad course was served by Mrs. McMilan. VISITING IN COLUMBUS Mrs. J. W. Johnston entertain ed to dinner Wednesday, M r. and Mrs. Willard Barlow and son of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Aden Barlow and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gilbert of South Charleston. Mrs. Johnston accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Bai'low to their home in RIGHTS ENTERTAIN. Columbus tp spend a week. Mrs. Inez Rigio, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rigio and daughter, Debor ah, and Delsie Rigio were the Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl _Rigio in Springfield. Sunday guests at the Rigio home were Mrs. Pauline Dredge and daughter, Mary Jane and Bud Siebert of Middletown. ■• Church Ls Host to 115 Young People Friday afternoon and evening Cedarville Methodist church was host to 115 youth of the Sub-dis trict youth fellowship booth fes tival. Lunch was served by the' W. S. C. ,S. Following the supper a recreation hour* and program was enjoyed. Proceeds of the fes tival and all food donated are given to Worthington Children’s home and the old folks’ home in Cincinnati. This is an annual af- -fair and is well attended f y the youth as well as many adults. NEALS HAVE GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Neal had as guests Thursday Rev. and Mrs. Robert Stewart and" daugh ter of Circleville, Gomel* Neal and daughter and Bryan Drowns of Huntington, W. Va. Mr. Neal and Mrs. Drowns spent the week end at the Neal home, ENTERTAIN GUESTS Miss Florence Williamson of- Bowling Green spent the Thanks giving holiday _with her sister, Miss Mary Williamson. Thurs day Misses. Ma.ry and Florence entertained 20 guests with a family Thanksgiving dinner at their home. BARLOWS ENTERTAIN Mr. and Mrs. Aden Barlow en tertained at a Thanksgiving din ner, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bar- low and son of Columbus, Mrs. Lottie Reed , Tommie Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Reed and son, Mrs. Goldie Young and Mrs. J. W. Johnston. FINNEY-BALDWIN Mr. and Mrs. William Baldwin, of Cedarville are announcing the marriage of their eldest daugh ter, Mary Ellen, to Kenneth Fin ney, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Finney of Jamestown. The couple were married Friday morning in Jeffersonville, Indiana. They were unattended. Mrs. Finney chose a gray suit with black accessories for her wedding. The couple re turned to their home in Jamestown Sunday. Mr, Finney is employed by the Royal Electric in Jamestown. He Wears Them! We Have Them! Manhattan and Arrow SHIRTS §3.25 §3.65 up to"6.50 Monogrammed at no charge these lustrous white shirt: are considered by many L be one of the Finest shirts they have ever worn. { Every gift handsomely boxed and wrapped ■ FREE! OUR SELECTION IS COMPLETE NOW : The Kind He . Always Buys BEAU BRUMMEL TIES T ;es . . . Ties , . . Ties . . . more ties than ever before for yrai to choose from. ' 1.00 to 10.00 West End Bait Store, with “24- bour service the year ’round.” Here Is your fishing and hunting li cense headquarters, ammunition, complete line o f bait—fo r vaca tioners, fishermen and hunters from this district, who desire the best in equipment and bait* Many patrons from these areas have come tfi depend on this store for reliable and. accepted service. West End Bait Store occupies n important place in the lives o f sportsmen. They are a dependable and progressive firm accounting fo r their ever increasing business from all over Central Ohio. They have studied the needs o f fisher men. Here you can get just what te suit the season o r the exact kind of lure you need to catch a bull-head, bass or sturgeon. Wise fishermen make it a prae- Bait Store for lake or stream in formation before starting a trip. They know that stream and weath er conditions play a large part in success or failure on a fishing trip. These reports, and other timely information and hints are highly appreciated by our folks. They have always worked in the interests of fish and game laws and conservation projects. West End Bait Store j s deserv- which it holds in the lives o f our fishermen and sportsmen. We and our readers wish them continued success. McGREGGR SPORT SHIRTS Fine corduroys like these are seldom seen less than 10.00. Made by McGregor, they are tops, so get yours now. Use our layaway if you like. 3.95 to 15.95 None Can Compare W ith A ' G ift To W ea r V ogue S hop Springfield's Quality Gift Headquarters R. F. KELLY, M. D. Announces the opening of his office* and general practice’ 8 W. Market St. Xenia, O. KYN PARTY SET FOR TUESDAY .The annual Christmas party for members and their families of the. K. Y. N. Club will be held, .Tuesday evening, Dec. 6, a t the Clifton Opera House. A “ carried in” dinner will be served, cafe teria style at 7 P. M. There Will be a gift exchange for the chil dren. Mr. and Mrs. J, o . Connor and family were Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Iguichi fn Mechanicsburg. more Replace your old oil-thirsty heeded now with a beautiful, new o-’h«hrifty & i ! D uo -T hermheater ! You cant afford to let an inefficient oil-hog heater .vas’’e iuei, practically pick your pockets'! Tnat’s why owning a new o i l - thr i f ty Duo- Them is e smarter in- vestmeuu/w/ seerbefore. moreheat fromeveiydropofoil .-are o f this with a Duo- Therm because the Duo-Therm Dual-ChamlbcvBurner is amiser witli fuel. . . given greater heat transfer to your home . . , gives you billows o f clean, safe, silent heat. Only Duo-Therm has this!.. you get moreheating comfort Because the Duo-Therm Power- Air (a blower, not a fan) really circulates the heat evenly from floor to ceiling. , . moves it into every comer for complete com fort. And saves up to 25% on oil! Only Duo-Therm has this! See all the Puo^enn features See Duo-Therm’s beautiful “ furniture styling” too. (The model shown above is tbe Duo-Therm Hepplewhite with new duo-tone mahogany finish.) Come_ in—ask about our Easy Terms to suit your budget, ; Cedarville,. Ohio „v ‘,JY Our great expansion program is completed and ? now,a bigger, lovelier Hike’ s is ready for the / I - holiday season. Giant cathedral Candles light our -^A* ffil 1 marcluees*Breathtaking Christmas decorations / j ‘ ; I ; set the holiday mood on every floor. And a |p- i Jjg- jiarger-than-ever assortment o f gifts makes I shopping at R ite ’s a thrilling part,of your %. \ Christmas season. The spirit o f 97 Christmases i m ’■'V 5 . ^ f fills Rike’ s .with warm friendliness, \ y We welcome you as a friend and nei 1 4 ^ A - > Come down and bring the family, s* |f»»i A GIFT FROM KIKE’S MEANS MORE , W . v ■ -J i v * v i - * ?■ / . J \ \ IT’S THE 97tFCHRKTMAS'AT RIKE’S 1 / ? I I •- j -
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