The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 27-52

Xhe Cedarville, O- Herald Friday, Ju ly 1', 1949 MISS GALLOWAY VISITING FRIENDS HERE - . Mbs, Clara Gallowoy, Pasadena, Calif., fornjferly^ Ged:)rviile, is the guest o f her b r o t h e r - in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clgjk (Rebecca Galloway) in Dayton this su:*>cr. Miss Gal­ loway will be a senior at Scripps College, Cloremont, Calif., next year. She was aw’arded the school's Esterly scholarship for her senior year after receiving this same scholarship fo r her junior year. Miss Galloway will visit friends here during her stay in the state. BRIDE-ELECT HONORED AT CRUMRINE HOME Miss Janet Williamson, bride- elect o f Kenneth Barker, Gallon, was complimented at a miseellan- Farm Grain Tile Ditching Trenching Service RUSS COTTER P- « . Box 748 Phone 3-6810 Springfield, Ohio FARMS FOR SALE AND FARM LOANS We have many good farms for sale on easy terms. Also make farm loans at 4 c/o interest for 15 years. No application fee and no appraisal fee. Write o r Inquire McSavaney & Co. London, O. Leon H. Kling, Mgr. eous shower at the home o f Mrs. J. B. Crumrine, Saturday after­ noon. Mrs. Paul A# Whittington (Bet­ ty Crumrine) near Sabina, daugh­ ter o f Mrs. Crumrine, was host­ ess at the party. . This wasthe first in, a series of pre-nuptial affairs planned fo r Miss Williamson, who will be mar­ ried to Mr. Barker on July 30. The bride-elect is the daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Wil­ liamson. Contests were played and pri­ zes w a w a r d e d to Miss Carrie Rife and Mrs. Hazel Edwards. Gifts for the guest o f honor -were arranged on a table beneath a pink and vhite umbrella. Sum­ mer flowers decorated the Crum­ rine home. An ice course, with pink and white appointments, was serv­ ed to thirty-five guests. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT OF FORMER STUDENT r The wedding date of Miss Helen Squires nad Robert Tf^vant* Yellow Springs was announced Monday at a shower given by Mrs. Ernest Johnson at her home in Yellow Springs. The couple ivil be married in the Yellow Springs Methodist Church, Aug 7. Mr. Dunpvant was a graduate of Cedarville High School, com­ pleted his studies at Ohio State University, Columbus. He is an assistant bank examiner with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. HONORS BIRTHDAY MONDAY EVENING Mrs. Rankin MacMillan enter­ tained three girls fo r supper Monday evening hoijjring the sixth birthday of her daughter, Janet. After supper the four "iris enjoyed the picture show, So Dear To My Heart. Guests were, Sue Reynolds, Margaret Ann McMillan and Bar­ bara Mott. ANNOUNCING BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. John Richards,' uJ3igh Pressure Selling is Not Ota Policy? a word o f A ssurance from your local LENBBX_ dealer * y ' sssssssssammsamsesaassa. Your heating system— regardless of make— is very important to the happiness and daily comfort of your home. It is not our intention, ever, to exploit it as a means for high pressuring you into buying repair parts, gadgets, or services that do not benefit you or your heating system or which you do not want. When you call us for spring heating system cleaning service, youcan be assured that you will receive the kind o f honest, forthright, and competent service to which you are entitled. You can rely on. our established reputa­ tion for reliability and quality . . . a reputation built only upon a sincere desire to attain complete satisfaction — and comfort— in every home in which we are privi­ leged to enter. Call us today, won't you? Beeson, Arizona, are announc­ ing the. birth o f a 10 pound son, Rohert Charles, horn Friday, June 23. This is their third child and 'first son. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Richards are the paternal grandparents and Mrs. Ada Jones o f Xenia is the maternal grandmother. DORCAS CLASS MEETS FRIDAY EVENING Seventeen members o f the Dorcas Bible Class o f the U. P. Church called at the home o f Mrs. Harold Reinhard, Friday evening, to surprise Mrs. Rein- hard’s mother, Mrs. Ida Wright. Mrs. Wright has been ill fo r several weeks and is confined to her home. Refreshments were served. Mrs. J. M. Auld o f Spring- field was a guest. WEEKEND GUESTS AT SMITH HOME >, ' Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith had as weekend guests the lat- ters, brother and family, Dr. and Mrs. II. G. Beauman and family of Springfield, Missouri. Sun­ day guests were Mrs. M. L. Beau- man o f London, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Beauman o f Mt. Sterling and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Flatter o f Dayton. HOLD FAREWELL PARTY ADULT SEWING CLASS Ending a two year term o f sewing lessons the Adult Sening class met in the school cafeteria Monday and held a farewell party for their teacher, Mrs. Thorn Ridgeway, who is leaving soon fo r Cleveland. The group enjoyed a covered dish dinner and presented Mrs. Ridgeway with a Fostoria pit­ cher and relish dish. The entire group expressed their apprecia­ tion and thanks for the classes of the past two years. INJURED ON BICYCLE Karlh McCallister, son of Mr. and Mrs. Greer McCallister re­ ceived cuts and bruises when driven by William McClain o f Jiis bicycle collided with a car Columbus. Karlh was treated by Dr. Kyle and released with no serious injury. WSOS TO MEET WITH MRS. JACOBS The W. S. C, S. of the Metho­ dist church will hold a piiVic at the home o f Mrs. lloy Jacobs Wednesday, July 6, at noon. Bring covered dish and table service. VISIT SISTER IN COLUMBUS SUNDAY Dr. and Mrs. Donald .Kyle and family and Mrs. Millison spent Sunday in Columbus with Mrs. Kyles sister and brother-in-Iaiv, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones. RESEARCH, PICNIC JULY 8 The Annual family picnic o f YOWR CERTIFIED LENNBX DEALER 1 C. C. Brewer Cedarville. Ohio 'Phone 6-2251 We Clean and Service A L L Types of Heating Systems Typewriters and AddingMachines are expensive and valu­ able assets. Are You Pro­ tecting Yours? BETTER MAKE THEM LAST! Reconditioning by factory trained mechanics in a completely equipped shop is the only safe procedure! All Work Guaranteed WILMINGTON, OHIO the Research Club will he lield July 8, at 6:30 at the Comnuimty Shelter House at .Community Park.' . , +v-s_ Members are to fwmsn tneir own table service. -B^ierage, bread and butter will he furnish­ ed. ATTEND WEDDING SATURDAY EVENING Mrs. James Duffield, Miss Katharine Dillon, Mrs. "Cnry Dillon o f Yellow Springs, Ber­ nard Hawke and daughter ot Spring Valley atended the wed­ ding o f Mrs. Duffield s cousin, Miss Angela Burgger to J>n. Richard Theriac in St. Bernard Church, Springfield batu*auy morning. BIBLE SCHOOL PROGRAM GIVEN ON FRIDAY The comniunity Bible Softool ended last Friday in the High School auditorium. The program was well attended by parents and friends o f the boys and girls. Punch and cookies were served following the entertainment. The following teachers names Were omitted in last weeks paper • Misses Alta Murphy and - aula Turner o f the First Presbyter­ ian Church, Miss Helen Stan- forih, Church o f God and Miss Reginia Stewart o f the U. P. Church. VISIT MRS. LONGABOUGH_ Mrs. Doiv. Hubbard, Don Hub­ bard, Jr., Rita Corrigan and Bill Fife visited Mrs. Harry Longa- bough Tuesday. Mrs. Longabough is ill in Methodist Hospital at Indianapolis, Indiana. ENJOYS RECREATION PROGRAM Members of the Youjh Group of the First Presbyterian Church and their leaders Mr._ and Mrs. Albert Mott enjoyed a recrea­ tion program in the shelter house Tuesday evening. Refreshments were served to the group. IN COLUMBUS VISITING SON Mr. Hayes McClain is visiting at the home o f his son and fam­ ily Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mc­ Clain in Columbus. SWIMMING PARTY Miss Mary Louise Stormont accompanied her Sunday School Class of the U. P. Church on a swimming party at Xenia pool, Tuesday P. M. The class is the “ Twelve Diciples.” ENTERTAINS WEST MINISTER CLASS Mr. and Mrs. James Ramsey and Mr. and Mrs. James Steel entertained the West Minister Class of the First Presbyterian Church Tuesday evening. Rev. Carlsjm had charge o f devotions and Mr. and Mrs. John Hilt were In charge of the program and Mr. Hilt shelved .movies on electricity and farm accidents. Sandwiches and punch were served to the 29 members pre­ sent. - • BIRTHDAY PARTY HONORS KENT HARBISON Mrs. William Harbison, enter­ tained with a birthday party for her son, Kent, on his eleventh birthday. Gaines were played and the children were served ice cream with Kent’s birthday cake. RECEIVES INJURY Shirley Maxton, 11 year - old daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Roger Maxton received a crushed foot and ankle when her bicycle was G etter Guy M ese G etter *Guys? Pork’ii Beans Merrit Brand 3 No. 2 c a n s .................... 25c Mustard Merrit Brand Pt. J a r .......................... 7% c Coffee Boscul 2 lb. can 99c Tide Lge. B o x ................ - 25c Sweetheart Soap Bath Size 4 B a r s ....... !. ..................... 37c Coffee Merrit Brand i lb. B a g ...........................39c Wheaties Lge. B o x ............21c iced Tea Blend8 oz. box 49c Milk Green Pasture Tall Can........ ......................10c Oleomargine Golden Maid lb...... ............................... . 19c PICNIC SUPPLIES, CANNING SUPPLIES QUALITYMEATS Layer Bacon ................ lb. 49c Ocean Perch F ish ...... lb. 39c W ieners........................ , lb. 49c Franks — -—.-I- lb. 45c Fruited Picnic Hams lb. 63c Smoked Ham Ends Shank ,............ .......1.00 each DARNER& HUSTON GEDARVILE MARKET me BetterUsedCars LowestPrices 1947 Chevrolet Town Sedan Fleetmaster S e r i e s , beautiful ..mohair ..up­ holstery. Valve in head engine, ..knee ..action, Black finish. 1947 Olds 78 Sedanet Modern Hydramatic drive, eight cylinder preformance l a r g e roomy b o d y , , fully equipped, Maroon fin* ish. 1946 Olds 76 Sedan 4-Door model finish in Light Green, Low’mile­ age good tires, very clean inside and out. 1947 Buick Super Sedanet Americas most popu­ lar car, Fireball 8 cyl­ inder motor, beauti­ ful Black finish* seat covers, sun visor, low mileage, good tires. 1947 Chevrolet Sedan Stylemaster series, late model, low price, blue finish, new tires, load­ ed with extras.. 1947 Hudson Sedan Four door model, su­ per 6 series, luxury ride, low in cost, fully equipped, black finish. 1947 Buick Convertible. Beautiful black job, very low mileage, en* joy. all the, thrill that only Buick .offers fit 4 real price. A few Low priced older cars. Chenoweth MotorCo.Inc. 301 S. Detroit Si. XenU, 0* Phone 1770 Low Cost G. M, A. C. Terms struck by a Pennington Bread •truck at the corner o f Main and Xenia avenue Thursday morning. Shirley remains in the Spring- field Hospital. K Y N GLUE Mrs. Herbert Powers enter­ tained the K. Y. N. Club at her home Friday afternoon. Roll call Was answered by members giv­ ing their favorite .Bird and it’s habits. Mrs. Sheeley and Mrs. Rife were in charge of entertain­ ment. Mrs. Powers was assisted by her mother, Mrs. Alva Chaplin in serving a dessert course to 25 members. HONORS NIECE WITH SHOWER Mrs. J. O. Connor assisted by her sister, Mrs. Iguehi of Meehan- icsburg entertained with a mis­ cellaneous sjiower friday at her home. The shower honored her niece, Mrs. Norman McCleure (Carol Williamson) of Springfield. A rainbow ivas made between the double doors and a basket repre­ senting a pot of gald held the gifts. Ice cream and cake were served to twenty guests.- HONORS RECENT BRIDE Miss Naomi Connor entertain­ ed a group of college friends with a picnic at her home Wed­ nesday evening. Following the picnic the group belled Mr. and Mrs. William Vandivoyt (Helen Collier) and returned to the Con­ nor home for home made ice cream. ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF SON Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harpliant SPECIAL 1 t Chemically Treated Dry Mop ________________2.20 or any other Fuller Products Write Fuller Brush Representative JOS. F. GELS 1329 Schaeffer St. Dayton 4, Ohio CustomSpraying Orchards, Corn, Barns, Fence Rows, and any place in­ fested with Weeds. Book Your Com Spraying Early Donald Hagler Phone 6-2621 or 61781 Cedarville, Ohio are announcing the birth o f a son Thursday in Haines hospital. Mr. Harphant is employed at Cummings Garage. RETURNS HOME Miss Diane Reiter returned home Sunday after a visit at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall in Day- ton. CLEAN BEFORE YOU STORE Will your “winter things” be moth bait this summer ? , Not if you send them to New Cedarville Cleaners for expert dry cleaning. Dirt and grime work into fab­ ric — often invisibly . . . then moth worms have a feast. Before you store, let New Cedarville Cleaners t “ proof” your clothes against the menace of moths and silver fish. Xenia Ave., Cedarville Phone 6-3411 THEftNEST/N REFRtGEMTtON E L E C T R I C Avaitahie in 8- or 10- eublc-foot models — one of them, just right fa* your home. REFRIGERATOR- HOME FREEZER COMBINATION IT'S A REAL HOME FREEZER Maintains constant zero temperature for quick-freezing foods and ice cubes. R oom to store up to 53 pounds o f frozen foods up to twelve months. (lo -cu b ic - foo t model holds 70 pounds.) IT'S A BIG REFRIGERATOR A big, room y refrigerator packed with really usable special features. New moist cold ” means that it never needs defrosting — and y ou don’ t need to cover dishes. .You’ll especially like the convenience o f the butter conditioner in the door. YOU'LL NEVER REGRET buying this General Electric Combination— because General Electric is the name that means dependability in refrigeration. M ore than 2,000,000 G -E Refrigerators have been in use fo r 10 years or longer! Cedarville, Ohio