The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 27-52
The Cedarville, O- Herald Friday, July 8, 1949 GUESTS IN JAMIESON HOME Mr. and Mrs. Harley Bohlke and their children, Garole Aug usta, and Ralph Frank and also Mr. Bohlke’s mother, have been visiting Mrs. Harley Bohlke’s parents, the. R. A. Jamiesons this week. Their home is at Patter- sonville, New York, near Amster dam, where Mr. Bohlke is in the Dry Cleaning business. A family reunion was enjoyed at the home o f the local Jamie sons on the Fourth. In addition to the Bohlke’s, Dr. and Mrs. A. W« Jamieson o f Rushville, Ind iana and Dr. and Mrs. S. R. Jam ieson from Oxford, Ohio and Rev. *and Mrs. A. F. Huish and fajnily from Rushville, Indiana and Mr. Huish’s mother who is visiting them from London, England. " 4 Farm Grain Tile Ditching Trenching Service RUSS COTTER P 'T. Box 748 Phone 3-6810 FARMS FOR SALE AND FARM LOANS We have many good farms for sale on easy terms. Also make farm loans at 4% interest for 15 years. No application fee nd no appraisal fee. Write or Inquire UcSavaney & Co. London, O. Leon H. Kling, Mgr. CONOYER-PEEFER WEDDING SUNDAY Mr, Donald Conover and Miss Anna May Peefer from Cincin nati were married in the United Presbyterian Church last Sab bath, immediately following the preaching service. They were ac companied by the parents o f both parties and other friends. ANNOUNCEMENT . Announcement is being made o f the marriage o f Miss Avenelle Joyce O’Bryant, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Orville O’Bryant, near Jamestown, to Dale Roach, son o| Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Roach of South Charleston. The double ring ceremony was performed last Saturday evening in the Grape Grove Church of Christ with Rev. Kenneth T. Nor ris officiating. Members of the immediate families were present. Miss Patricia O’Bryant, sister o f the bride, was maid of honor. Serving as best man was Charles Weisheimer, South Charleston. The bride wore a street-length dress of yellow dotted Swiss with white accessories and an orchid qorsage. The maid of honor’s dress was white pique. She wore white accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. The bride is a graduate o f Ross High School and attended Wil mington College. The bridegroom is a graduate o f South Charles ton High School and is employed by the International Harvester Co. MISS COLLINS IS TO WED IN AUG. Mr. and Mrs. A. Roger Collins c/ the Clifton-Wilberforce pike, are announcing the approaching marriage .of their elder daughter, Miss Charlotte Ann, to Mr. Har old Stormont, son of Mr. and Mrs. Meryl Stormont, Federal pike. The couple will be married in the Clifton United Presbyterian Church on Friday, Aug. 12, at 7:30 p. m. Both Miss Collins and Mr. “ High, Presswre Spiting is N ot O u r Policy” a word o f Assurance from your local LENNOX dealer Your heating system— regardless o f make— is very important to the happiness and daily comfort c f your home. It is not our intention, ever, to exploit it as a means for high pressuring you into buying repair parts, gadgets, or services that do not benefit you or your heating system or which, you do not want. When you call us for spring heating system cleaning service, you can be assured that you will receive the kind of honest, forthright, and competent service to which you are entitled. You can rely on our established reputa tion for reliability and quality . . . a reputation built on ly upon a sincere desire to attain complete satisfaction — and comfort— in every home in which we are privi- * Stormont are graduates o f Ce darville High School. Miss Col lins. attended Bowling Green State University and was grad uated in June from Cedarville College where she majored in el ementary education. She has been employed as fourth grade teach er in the Yellow Springs schools fo r the coming year. Mr. Stormont attended Cedav- ville College and Ohio State un iversity where agriculture .was his major subject. He is engag ed in farming on the Federal .pike. SPEND WEEKEND IN DETROIT . - Mr; and Mrs. JanSas.Dfinn, a c companied by Mrs. Dunn’s moth er, Mrs. Earl Downs and her sis ter, Caroline, spent the weekend with friends in Detroit. ANNOUNCING BIRTH OF DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nier, Jr., are announcing the birth o f a daughter,. Friday, in Springfield City hospital. RETURN FROM KENTUCKY Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wiseman have returned from Cannonsburg, Ky„ where they were called be cause of the death of the latters father, Mr. John Griffith. ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF SON Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hol combe are announcing the birth ■ o f a son.Friday in Haines hos pital, Jamestown. ATTEND REUNION SUNDAY AT BRYAN PARK Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rheubert, Don Rheubert, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Dunlap. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Nagley and family, and Mr. and -Mrs. Eddie Sowell and son attended the McCoy reunion at Bryan Park Sunday. INJURES HAND IN WASHING MACHINE Mrs. Tinsley Corn received a badly mangled left hand when she caught it in the ringer of the washing machine, Wednesday morning. MOVE TO ROSEWOOD Mr. and Mrs, Max Bitner and son moved this past week to Rosewood. Ohio, where Mr. Bit ner will teach this coming year. The apart "lent vacated by the Bitnei’s will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thompson. Mr. Thompson is a college student. SPEND HOLIDAY WEEKEND IN INDIANA Mr. and Mrs. William Jones and daughter, Mary Lynn, spent the weekend in Clifty Falls, Ind. ENTERTAINS MEMBERS OF CHOIR Following the Music Festival held in the First Presbyterian Church Thursday evening, Mrs. Paul Elliott entertained the mem bers o f the choir and friends at her home. Mrs. Elliott is the choir direct- leged to enter. Call us today , won’t you ? YOUR CERTIFIED LENNOX DEALER | f t . ■ C. C. Brewer Cedarville^ Ohio Phone 6-2251 We Clean and Service A LL Types of Heating Systems CustomSpraying Orchards, Corn, Barns, Fence Rows, and any place in fested with Weeds. Book Your Corn Spraying Early Donald Hagler Phone 6-2621 or 61781 Cedarville, Ohio Setter Sup Mese Setter Iffays? or and directed the music festi val. Mrs. Elliott was assisied by some o f the mothers o f the choir members in serving. U. P. MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS AT STRALEY HOME Mrs. Lauris Straley entertain ed the Missionary Society off the United Presbyterian Church at her home Thursday afternoon. Mrs. John Davis, Mrs. Donald Kyle and'M rs. Fred Townsley were in charge of* *the program. The toujc for the afternoon was “ India” , Mrs. Fred Bobbins led devotions. Mrs. Straley was assisted by Mrs. Wilbur Cooley ; aird Mrs. Ronald r Engfe '4n? serv- *mg- refreshments.* *- * - IS ILL AT HOME Mr. J. Q. Connor has been con fined to bed for the past two weeks suffering from a nervous ailment. ENJOY CAMP : AT CHAUTAUQUA . & Mrs. Mary Mott, 4-H Club leader accompanied' a group of girls to Camp at Chautauqua —this past week. Girls from here attending are, Diana Brightman, Jane Purdon, Sue Miller, Linda Gordon* Pat Collier and Janet Gordon. -* VISITING HERE WITH RELATIVES Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Owens Milford are visiting relatives here. fi VISIT AT CLUB GAMP . - Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Collier, Mrs. Ruth Reiter, children and Miss Anne Huffman spent Mon day visiting at the 4-H camp in Chautauqua. HERE .FROM DETROIT Mr. and'Mrs. Richard Jamieson had as Monday guests tlieir .son, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rich-, aid Jamieson of Detroit and tlieir daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stallard and family of Dayton. MRS. GANO IS IMPROVING Mrs. Minnie Gano is improving after a nine weeks illness. Mrs. Gano is at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Joe Gordon. CHANGE DATE OF CLIFTON GARDEN CLUB A meeting of the Clifton Gar den Club, scheduled for July 12, has been postponed until July 19. The group will meet at the home o f Mrg. Maynard Neff, South Riv er Road. Mrs. Neff m il be as sisted by Mrs Russell Sanderson. Each meni ir Is to bring a duplicate of „le floral arrange ment to be .exhibited at the Greene County Fair. Mrs, E. M. Henderson, Dayton, district pres ident, will judge the arrange ments. HAVE RETURNED ; FROM N. C. Mrs. Cora Trumbo and Mildred,; have returned home after spend-’ ing two weeks at the .home of Mi’.* and Mrs. Burton McElwain in '• West Ashville, North Carolina. The trip was made via ■ the Smoky Mountains. On tlieir way home they* spent' the day with Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Westerfeld ,pf Cincinnati. OF FIELD CAMP ELECTED PRESIDENT John Reinhard, who is a sen ior in Civil Engineering at Ohio State *university, was elected president of th Student Council Cane Sugar Jack Frost 10 lb. B a g .................. 89c Milk Wilsons or Carnation 3 cans.................... 35c Coffee Hill’s Bros...... .. lb. 57c Tomato Soup 3 can s .......... 29c Bisquick Lge S iz e .............. 43c NuM aidO leo................ lb. 26c Wheaties Giant p k g ......... 21c Kidney Beans Joan of Ark 2 No. 2 cans .......... 27c Catsup 14 oz. Bottle ........ 10c Breeze 2 Boxes ............ 42c Corn Cream Style No. 2 can ........................ 10c Treet Armours 12 oz. can 39c PICNIC SUPPLIES, CANNING SUPPLIES . * QUALITYMEATS Sliced Bacon 53c Ocean Perch - Fillets - Lunch Meat (A ll Meat) B on es).............. lb. 29c ............ lb. 59c & 69c Ham Ends' - "Shank Each 1.00 HARNER&HUSTON CEDARVILLE MARKET BetterUsedCars LowestPrices 1947 Chevrolet Town Sedan Fleetmaster S e r i e s , beautiful ‘.-mohair ..up holstery. Valve in head engine, ..knee ..action, Black finish. 1947 Olds 78 Sedanet * Modern Hydramatic drive, eight cylinder - preformance l a r g e roomy b o d y , fully equipped, Maroon fin* ish. 1946 Olds 76 Sedan 4-Door model finish in Light Green, Low mile age good tires, very clean inside and out. 1947 Buiclc Super Sedanet Americas most popu lar car, Fireball 8 cyl inder motor, beauti ful Black finish, seat c&vers, sun visor, low mileage, good tires. 1947 Chevrolet Sedan Stylemaster series, late model, low price, blue finish, new tires, load ed with extras. 1947 Hudson Sedan Four door model, su per 6 series, luxury ride, low in cost, fully equipped, black finish. 1947 Buick Convertible Beautiful black job,, very low mileage, en- ■ j°y all the thrill that; •only. Buick .offers- at a> • «rea!l-pricte.'** *' • ! , V,. ♦, *•••<.,.' « A few low priced older cars. Chenoweth MotorCo.Inc. 301 S. Detroit St. Xenia, Q Phone 1770 Low Cost G. M. A . G. Terms afc their summer field camp this summer. There are about 100 Engineers in the camp this year. REBEKAH LODGE HAVE' MEETING The Rebekah lodge held their meeting Tuesday evening at the I. O. Q. F. hall. After the business meeting the gi'oup adjourned to the beauti ful -flower garden' of Mrs. ;Don Huhbai'd where they enjoyed re freshments and a social time. TO DANCE AT YELLOW SPRINGS Miss Alieg May .Evans, daugh- tex’''of •Mr.*’ and Mrs'.] 'Arthur Ev- axis; .and'Mis's Charlene 'Carlisle •daughter of Mr. and Mrs/ Edward . Carlisle will presept a dance num ber at the Home Talent Show in Yellow Spx'ings on July 7 and 8. SPEND FOURTH IN INDIANAPOLIS Mr. .and ^Mrs. Lauris Straley and soils spent the weekend vis iting Mrs. Straleys sister and'” family, Mr. and Mrs. John Hirt, in Indjanapolis. Linda and Kath erine Hirt are guests of the Stan leys this week. Mr., and Mrs. Hirt expect to come next week for the Dobbins reunion which will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lauris .Stanley. LISTERS ENTERTAIN •RELATIVES Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lister, Al- Bert/ Barbara and Dale of To- . ledo spent the weekend with the formers brother, Mr. and Mrs. William Lister and family. Billy Lister returned' home with them after spending two weeks in To ledo axid Oak Harbor. TO ATTEND MICH. STATE William Irvine has gone to Dun bar State Forest Experimental Station,' Sault St. Marie, Mich, to attend Michigan State Col lege’s summer school there for ten weeks. ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE IN KENTUCKY Announcement is being made of the marriage of Miss Betty Town sley, and Mr. Otto Andregg, Ce darville, which took place in New port, K",, June 25. Attendants at the ceremony were Miss Mary Alice Cummings, Bellbrook, and Robert Pollock, Cedarville. The bx-ide and her at tendant wore white crepe dresses with white accessories and cor sages o f x-oses. Mr. and Mrs. Andregg will re side in Cedarville; Mr=^_Andregg is the daughter o f Mx*s. Jeanette Townsley o f Cedarville and Mr. F. E. To\ynsley, Baltimore, Mr. REV. HUISH’S FATHER DIES SUDDENLY Pev. Fred Huish received word ree rtly of the death of this fath er In London, England. Mr. Huish’s mother is visiting hre son and family at their home in Rushville, Indiana* She plans to remain until October. Mr, Huish died suddenly of a heart attack. SPEND FOURTH IN COLDWATER Mr. and Mrs. Frgnk Bird ’ spent the weekend with- Mr. and Mrs. Charles ‘'Crawford and fam ily at Coldwater, Ohio. Mrs. Crawford is the former Bea Gray and attended .college here. MRS. PALMER IS HOSTESS , , Mrs. Elwood 1 Imer entertain ed the Missionai Society of the Church of God | „her home on - Thursday afterni x. Mrs. Bessie Shaw was the lei ?r for the aft ernoon. Her subject was “ Our Next Door Neighboi’s, the West Indies.” Refreshments were served by Mi's. Palmer. HAVE GUESTS FROM W. VA. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Walker had . as weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Yokp o f Pennsboro, W. Va. HOME.FROM / VISITING SISTER Mrs. Hohier McIntyre and, ’ daughter are home after a week with Mrs. McIntyre’s sister and • brotherdn-law, Ml', and Mrs. Frederick Heifner and family at Ada. ' VISIT PARENTS HERE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baldwin and son o f Columbus spent the weekend with the latters parents 'Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Brown. Mr. and Mrs, Ned Brown of Dayton visited here Monday enroute to Chicago where Mr. Brown is on a business trip. ■CAPT WILLIAMSON AND FAMILY HERE Capt. and Mrs. Lawrence Wil liamson and family of Washing ton D. C. spent the weekend here, ■with Mr; and-Mrs. R. T. William son and family. Tuesday Capt. Williamson returned to Washing-; ton D. G. and Mrs. Williamson and children remained for a few weeks visit. GOLDEN RULE CLASS AT CHURCH The Golden Rule class met in the Methodist Church Friday evening. Mrs. Cora Trumbo had charge of devotihons.' Hostesses for-the evening were Miss Maude .Burrell, Mfs; -Ruby Murphy : and Mrs. Ruby Jacobs. FIRST. PRESBYTERIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY The Missionary-Society of the First Presbyterian -Church.' met Thursday afternoon- at;-the home, of Mrs. 'CJyaTlqsrSfo'tmoht; Mrs. Rankin . .MacMillarPSwas - leader and Mrs. R. T. Williamson gave a report on _the Synodical she at tended at Wooster recently. Mrs. Stormont served delicious re freshments to twenty - members, DINNER* BRIDGE ..-HOLD PICNIC \ Members of the Dinner Bridge Club and j their families held a picnic Monday evening at the Creswell Shelter house. ATTENR QUARTERLY MEETING Rev. Paul Elliot, R. T. William son and Rev; William Waide at tended the quarterly meeting of the Dayton Presbytery in Day- ton, Tuesday. CRESWELL REUNION HELD MONDAY EVENING. A reunion of the Creswell fam ily was _held Monday evening at the home of Rev. and Mrs, Wil liam Waide. Refreshments were served to twenty five guests. MONDAY GUESTS 4 OF McCALLISTERS Mr. and Mrs. Greer McCallis- ter had as Monday guests Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roche and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Munna, Rex Smoot, Miss Marcella Disbro of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Den nis, Staff Sgt. and Mrs. John Mc- Callister and son of Faii-fi.eld and Mr. suid-Mry. P. J. McCorkell. GUESTS OF GORDONS Mr. and Mrs, George Gordon had as weekend guests tha lat ters sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kemper o f- Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. Russell j Guneio of St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Mr. and Mrs, Guneio lived together when the two men were stationed with the army in Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brooks of Jeff, Ky. spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tudor. Mr. and Mrs. E. E Neal spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs. Gomer Neal in Huntington, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Townsley and family of Landoner, Mr. are vis iting relatives here and in Col umbus. Rev. and Mrs, W. A. Condon have spent several days with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mary Gens in Ohio City. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lynch and daughter of Clarksburg W. Va. are spending two weeks with the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kritzer. * * Miss Bertha Dean of Spring- field is spending the week at the home of her sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cul- tice and fajnily. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bratton and son of Cincinnati spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Waddle. * Mr. and Mrs. John Brinkman of Springfield were Sunday guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ham pton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones spent the weekend in Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs.. Fonzo_ Sink and children of *T'hbrhville, " N ;'* C. spent a few clays this past week with Mr. and Mrs. Mendal E. Beattie. Prof, and Mrs. James Ramsey and son spent the weekend with relatives in Loveland; Railroad travel is o ff 30^ . Franco-Spain is not included The president’s doctors say he in the Atlantic naet. is six pounds overweight. GET ALL THIS.“ in the home freezer you buy! GENERAL H ELECTRIC HOME F R E i Z i S Bonderized steel cabinet! Rustproof aluminum liner! Sealed-in refrigerating systeml New .sliding baskets! New temperature indicating Eight! "Perfect Seal" construction! Get a General Electric Home Freezer. The 8-cu-ft model illustrated holds 280 pounds1You can put your confidence in General Electric! N A 4 4 cu. ft . $219.00 As little as $22 delivers 4 cu. ft. model NA 8 8 cu. ft. $319.00 . As little as $32 delivers 8 cu. ft. model EVAN’S GROCERY Cedarville, Qliio WeinersorFranks . . . . . . . . . . lb. 44c s p e c ia l “ GJiemicatly Treated ■ Dry Mop — -------------- 2.20 or any other Fuller Products Write Fuller Brush Representative JOS. F. GELS 1329 Schaeffer St Dayton 4,' Ohio NOTICE We W ill Be Closed r.. *. . ^* » ■;' * . . * ««*4 • •' ^ i ?./■- - ■ ■ , -v V ’ ■ ■ v' l ; ./Jidy t ltH itq l|>th Inclusive* Yidrtitt • l.sitOBti, ^ k FOR VACATION ' PICKERING ELECTRIC Bologna • ♦ ...... Ib. 40c .... doz. 40c NewPeachesand Apples ColdMelons Frozen Fruits and Vegetables OrangeJuice Fish CLEAN BEFORE YOU STORE Will your “winter things” be moth bait this summer? Not if yon send them'to New Cedarville Cleaners for expert dry cleaning. Dirt and grime work into fab ric — often invisibly . . . then moth worms have a feast. Before you store, let N ew ,Cedarville Cleaners “ proof” your plothes against the menace qf moths and silver fish. THENEWCEDARVILLECLEANERS Xenia Ave., Cedarville Phone 6-3411 UsedTrucks Just- a few left 1947,,Chevrolet 2 Ton, Loadmaster long wheelbase;,- ^/Chassis ,& Cab, t$'. Jpeed akie/ H. D. Tires | *1939 international ^/s’ Ton Pick-up | „ A nicedean little money-maker, Very good tires*’ 1937 Ford 1% Ton Cab & Chassis; With good plat- - form, grain side and stock racks, new tires 1948 GMAC Heavy Duty 1% Ton Cab & Chassis 2 speed axle, oversize tires, like new This is a repossession — Buy for Balance Due ChenowethMotorCo., Inc. Xenia, Ohio
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