The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 27-52
; *,* y i W * .* : .»*■£ The Cedarville, O. Herald Friday, July 22, 1949] MANY ATTEND DOBBINS REUNION Forty-five relatives were pres ent when the Dobbins family held a reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lauris Straley. Guests were present from, Indianapolis, N . Jersey^ Oxford, Columbus, Springfield and Xenia. COUPLE WEDS IN KENTUCKY Miss Geraldine Frame, daugh ter o f Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Frame “BETTER USED TRUCKS” -----Special — '47 CHEV. 2 TON LOAD- MASTER; Long whtelbase. Chassis & Cab. 2-speed axle. H. D. tires. ’37 FORD li/> TON CAB & CHASSIS With good platform, grain side and stock racks, new tires. '48 GMAC HEAVY DUTY 114 Ton Cab & Chassis 2-speed axle, oversize tires, like new. This is a reposses sion. Buy for balance due. ’37 FORD PICK-UP CHENGWETH MOTORCO. Rear o f 21 W. Second St. Phone 1770 o f South Main street, was married in Newport, Ky., recently to Clay ton C. Brown, according to an announcement just made. The bride is a graduate o f Cedarville high school, and the bridegroom of OSSO at Xenia. The couple is residing in Xenia, where Mr. Brown has a position with the Hotel Lawrence. GUESTS HERE FROM THE WEST Amos Miller and granddaugh ter Dorothy Clemant of Cold- well, Idaho, and Mrs. Mary Hawkes of Hood River. Oregon, are visiting relativees and friends here. They are staying at Char les Tourist home. Mr. Miller is a former resident here. ENGAGEMENT IS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. William Baldwin are announcing the engagement of their olderst daughter Mary Ellen to Kenneth Finney, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Finney of Jamestown. The wedding will take place this winter. BINGO CLUB TO PICNIC IN AUGUST . The 12 Bingo Club met Fri day evening at the home of Mrs. Elina Littler. First prize was won by Mrs. Esta Truesdale. Refresh ments were served by Mrs. Littler. In August the group will hold a picnic for their families at the Roadside Park. METHODIST. WOMEN AT SABINA CAMP „ Methodist 'Women attending Sabina Camp last week were. Mrs. Lula Harner, Mrs. Emma Riten- our, Mrs. Alberta Frame, Mrs. Ruby Jacobs, and Mrs. A . Kicn- ards, Mrs. David Reynolds spent the week at the camp._________ AN ANNOUNCEMENT Carl Taylor, auctioneer and salesman of long exper- t * lence in Jamestown and over Greene County has become associated with our company, to act as our representative in the area where he is well known and popular. THEBAILEY-MURPHY COMPANY Home Office: Wilmington, Ohio ENTERTAIN FOR MISS WILLIAMSON Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Stormont entertained Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Williamson and family, a few friends and relatives fo r the plea sure of Miss Janet Williamson and Kenneth Barker whose mar riage will take place on July 30 at the First Presbyterian church. Gueests were received on the lawn at the Stormont home. A Dessert course was served by the hostess, Mrs. James Ghesnut and son, Don, are home after a few weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. R, M. Conley in Grystal City, Mo. « Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McDon ald and children of Hillards spent the weekend with the latters par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Randal. Miss Josephine Randal spent the weekend with Miss Katharine Strong in Cincinnati and attend ed the Ice Follies. Mr. and Mrs. Myerl Charles spent the past week at Niagra Fall and New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Townsley spent Saturday and Saturday night Beaumont Inn, Harrods- burg Ky, and spent Sunday in Erlanger, Ky., with Mr. Smith’s sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Samual Gary. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Neal and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baldwin are spending the week at Gore Bay in Canada. Mrs. Pearl Sexton, and daugh ter Clara and son, Allen, Max Williamson an dMrs. Bonnie Dunn and daughter of Columbus are spending the week at Indian Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jacobs at tended the Golden Wedding an niversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. John Chitty in Bowersville Sunday evening from 7-9. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lodge of Dayton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oden Barlow. Mr. and Mrs. Guy LeForge and daughter apd Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Jones and daughter attend ed the Ice Follies in Cincinnati Sunday evening, family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ritenour and Mrs. Fred Crispin in West Jef ferson. Dr. Taylor, whfir (makes his home with Rev. and Mrs. Paul Elliott, had as gpests this past week, Miss Reese, Miss Joush, and Miss Huston from Baltimore, Md. Patty and Jimmy Bowen visit ed this past week with their moth er and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Edington in Bowersville. Patty and Jim make their home with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jacobs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reinhard returned Tuesday after several days visit with relatives in Cleve- lan, Enroute to Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. Reinhard visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shew in Norwalk. Mr, and Mrs. Herman Randal and Mr. and Mrs. Lauris Straley attended the ice follies in Cin cinnati Monday night. The Past Matron Circle o f .Ce darville Eastern Star will meet Monday. evening %fc„ 7:39. at the home o f Mrs. H. K. Stormont. HOSPITAL NOTES Mrs. Luella Bailey is in Spring- field City hospital where she. sub- i * . , Smiths phone the home folks about taming blessed event \[ 7 ln Arranged for Mom to be here when baby arrived %&***%& 5 .; i, **\ YOU ffOTTA GKAXtSO*' \ /M4 | ..... ! * r Flashed the glad news to Pop *vX;«*V! £«V‘Xv:<$ W / Keep grandparent in touch with weekly coils CA L L L O N G D I S T A N C E " I wouldn’ t have missed hearing Mom get all excited when we told her about the baby by Long Distance” says Sally Smith. A n d the cost? Less than a cou p le . minor layette items . . . which Mom knitted anyway. W h en y ou have b ig news, call Long D istance. It means so much and costs so little. Calls go through three times: os fast tulien you. give the . operator the telephone number of the out-of-town party. TH E OHIO BE Li. TELEPHONE C OM P A N Y mitted to major surgerv last [ week. She will be in the hospital | about three weeks. Miss Marie Fisher, college stu- * dent underwent an emergency I operation Sunday in Miami Val-J ley hospital in Dayton. Miss Agnes Kyle is in Spring- : field City hospital, suffering fr om ! a broken hip received when she fell from her wheel, chair. MisS Kyle makes her home with Mrs. Hurley, on Burlington pike, near Xenia. ■ ’ Mrs. Don Leamon submitted to major surgery at.Grandvieew hos pital in Dayton, Friday.** Her room is. 1-A. c * i , Mrs. Florence Wright is: 'home after a shoulder' operation in Springfieeld City hospital^' last week. • ’ Fish and Game Picnic July 27 The Fish and Game picnic will be held Ji?Iy. 27. Thev -will have trap shooting, - running d e e r shooting, contests for women and children. Bingo, serve lunch. Open to the public. To be held at Keiters Woods, Stone road, south o f Xenia. Along; the Greene County Farm Front By E. A . DRAKE Farm Forum Julv 25 Farm Forum members will hear Kenneth Graham, trust officer of the Winters Natibnal Bank of Dayton, at their regular monthly meeting Monday evening July 25 at 7:30 at Geyer’s Banquet Hall. Mr. Graham will explain the woi*kings of a trust department in a metropolitan bank and also explain the Estate Tax Law. Sugarcreek Township will have charge o f the program. Co-chair men of the program committee are Paul Brown and Ralph Black. Tickets for Fai-m Men’s camp which is sponsored by the Forum may be secured at the meeting. The camp will replace the regu lar August Forum meeting and willl be held at Camp Clifton August 20-21. Remove Combined Straw Don’t leave combined straw on red clover is the warning by C. J. Willard of 0 . S. U., Many far mers report good stands of clover in September and little or none the next spring on combined fields with heavy straw. The damage is apparently caused by a Fusarium disease which is favored bv a heavy growth of straw, clover and weeds. When summers are dry, cutting and removing the straw 'in July will prevent the disease. During wet summers, in addition to removing the straw, it may be necessary to remove the growth o f clover and weeds in late Au gust. ? ' Contouring Farming Pays It is difficult to accurately measure the value of soil saved due to planting crops on the con- our. However experiment sta tion tests show that the actual in crease in yield of soybeans and corn stood at an average of seven dollars an acre when planted on he contour. ; BetterUsed Cars LowestPrices 1940 Buick 4-Door Sedan: Original black. Tires, engine, body good. $645 1946 Ford 2-Door Sedan New car trade-in, One owner. This black super deluxe is completely equipped and excellent throughout, 1948 Chevrolet 4-Door Aeero-Sedan A real beauty. Complete. An hon est value. 4,000 actual miles. New care trade-in. Next to a new one. Best bet yet. $1595 1941 Plymouth 2-Door Sedan You will appreciate this ‘ service able and dependable Plymouth. Complete with radio and heater. $745 1946 Dodge 2-Door Sedan Right, bright and dependable. Very dean with radio and heater and fluid drive. $1325 1941 Buick Sedanette 2-Door An ever popular Buick better Buy, Completely equipped. •Very low mileage. This car is excellent. A- $825 ’ 1941 Chevrolet 2-Door Town Sedan As cleana car as you will find. Ex? eellent throughout. Well equipped;* many miles o f safe, serviceable transportation. $795 1941 Plymouth Special Deluxe 2-Door Original black paint. Like new, Engine, brakes ,body very good. A real value. $795 1947 Chevrolet 5-Pass. Coupe Smart and sharp. Gunmetal. A -l from any view point. A Buick Better Value. $1395 . See and Select from a Well- balanced Stock of Low Cost GMAC Terms Avail able if Financing is Desired Chenoweth MotorCo.Inc. Rear o f 21 W. Second and 301 S. Detroit Sts. Phone 1770 Xenia, 0. Find a During XENIA’ S SGreatShoppingDays Thursday Friday Sat’day July 21 22 23 THEY'LL BE. . . Gigantic! Stupendous!! Colossal!!! A CITY- SALE EVENT BEING PLANNED FOR YOU BY THE RetailDivisionofXenia’sChamber ofCommerc MerchantsParticipating inThese3GreatDays Lang Chevrolet Co. McDorman’s McDowell and Torrence Famous Cheap Store ~ McVay’s SchifFs Kresge’s Lucille’s Main Auto Supply Milton’ s Montgomery Ward Patterson Appliances Rieh Jewelers * Sol’s Store Tiffany. Woolworth’s Chenoweth C. A . Dabe and Sons Ellis Motors Fair Store Famous Auto Supply Co. Galloway and Cherry Graham’s Greene County Lumber Penney’s Eichman’s Adair’s Amlin’s Motors Braun’ s Criterion Harrison Supply * -Xenia Market Litt Bros. Goodyear Camera Shop _ Comer Pharmacy Gallaher’s Gueltig Hamer Electric James Bros. Jewel Box Justina’s K rakoffs Marshall, Motor Sales Richards ghoe Co. # Wine House Kroger Reliable Shoe 4 4 ?
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