The Cedarville Herald, Volume 72, Numbers 27-52

Friday, June 10, 1949 GIVE RECITAL Mrs. Juanita , Rankin Fultz, Xenia p r e s e n t e d pupils ftom her elementary, intermediate and advanced piano classes in a solo and ensemble musical in Jean B. Elwell Auditorium, Central High School, Thursday at 7 p. m. gram will begin at 7 p. m. Selections were played from the works of contemporary com­ posers by the younger pupils and numbers by the younger pu­ pils and numbers from the major works o f the classic, romatic and modern c o m p o s e r s were pre- seented by the advanced group. During the intermission, Mrs. Fultz, a faculty member of the National Guild of Piano Teachers, presented awards to pupils who , participated in the national piano auditions conducted in Xenia re- cetnly. Certificates o f merit to other pupils and diplomas to three graduates were also being presented by Mrs, Fultz. Members o f the class this year are Joan Ankeney, Beverly Arno- vitz, Patty Black, Lynn Duckwall, Dickie Black, Francille Bone, Bet­ sy Braley, Sandra Collins, Con­ ley Coon, Larry Collins, Lee Dur­ bin, Barbara Jean Gibson, Lee Durbin, Joandel Darbyshire, Sue Ann Dalton, Mrs. S. E, Durbin, Patty Ferguson, Roger Fiison, Bobby Ferguson, Jane Finlay, Marilyn Foley, Ann Flora, Ellen Ford, Betty Glass, Nedra Glass, Wanda Grooms, Nancy Harris, Joanne Hawkins., Beverly Harlow, Omalee Hicks, Joan Hunt, Jane Chitty, Nancy Jeffryes, Carolyn Jones, Paula Jones; Ann Kraft, Suzanne Leahey, Caroline Limes, Bonnie Limes, Sue Miller, Northa June Manker. Marlene Manker, D’Anne Manor, Carol Martin, Ronald May, Dottle Meredith, Peggy Neeld, Nancy Neeld, Carol Patterson, Julia Jar- V:S, Shirley Pallatto, Judith Pav- ey, Freda Pelphrey, Margaret Ann Peters, Beatrice Peterson, Mary Iiidgeway, Joan Rose, Bar­ bara Rose, Mrs. Edna Rose, Sara Siefert, Colleen Swindler, Carol- een Swindler, Nancy Jo Thomas, Jane Thuma, Tommy Thuma, Mrs. Ralph Truesdale, Roger Truesdale, Robert Vadeboncoeur, William Wead, Sharon Weaver, Doris Waxier and Barbara Jean Wells. Pupls appearing in the recital, are residents of Bowersville, Bell- brook, Cedarville, Clifton, James­ town, Sabina, Spring Valley, Wil­ mington, Osborn, Yellow Springs and Xenia. HONORS BIRTHDAY Miss Esther McMillan was hostess to a group of friends on Monday evening in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Edith Barber. ■ Mrs. Barber received m a n y lovely gjfts. Games were played and prizes were won by Mrs. Donald Hagler and Mrs. Jennie Agnor, Refreshments were served to the following quests: Mrs. Bertha Graham, Mrs. Albert Abels, Mrs. Marvin Agnor and daughters, Sandra and Connie, Mrs. Jennie Agnor, Mrs. Theo Parker and daughter, Joan, Mrs. Louella Bailey, Miss Joyce Judy, Mrs. James Duffield, Mrs. Della John­ son, Mrs. Donald Hagler and son Roger, Mrs. John Vlanderpool*. Miss Janice McDorman o f Sel- Mrs. Harold Baker, and the guest' me .last Sunday, o f honor and the hostess. HOME CULTURE CLUB The business meeting and elec­ tion o f officers was held by the Home Culture Club at rthe; Shel-» HOT SHOTS MEET -TUESDAY EVENING The Cedarville Hot Shots met in the School- Agricultura build­ ing Tuesday evening with Cpl. when they held a ' one o'clock ; Hurst* o f the State Highway Pa- luncheon, Twenty-three members* -*rol wa« tlie speaker. Cpl. Hurst and one guest wpre p teSen t;T$V ‘-’-snowed a film, “ Devils on the Lies wer<r decorated with ros<?s .Highway” and answered quest- and other summer flow ers.' * fiou s fo r the boys. The officers of the club Vithi’ f ’r; Their-leader, Albert Mott show- the president, Mrs, Harold Rein- c'ed a film .xm Pig Projects. Their hard as chairman were hostesses, next meeting will be a Play Officers for the coming year, : yFarty, June 21, , elected were: Mrs. Harold p r r n r PTTWiT n -president; Mrs. Paul Ramse^ - r „ vice president; Mis. J. S. A J ^ Secretary.; Mrs. Margaret Payne, *■ tarned K ter. a triP to ^parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. $ ~ liamsom Mr. Pennypacker _«u graduate Friday from Ohio Lin- versity a t Athens and will go to Pittsburg to work as o n arcm- tectural engineer. Mrs. Penny- packer and daughter well remain here fo r some time; ~ ATTEND GRADUATION OF DAUGHTER Friday Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Wil­ liamson atended the graduation o f their daughter,. .Janet from Bowling Green College. VISITING BRIGIITMANS Mir. and Mrs. Alfred- Brightman The Cedarville, 0 . Herald and Phyllis Frame entered Fred- ®eauLy School An Spring- field Mondav for a course in Beauty Culture. Both girls were m the 1949 graduating class of Cedarville 'High School. GIRL SCOUT TROOP NO 16 ENJOYS HIKE Girl Scout Troop No. 16 with tneir leaders Mrs. Reinhard and Mrs. MacGregor enjoyed a hike and hamburger fry last week. Btoyes were "made of tin cans on which the--hamburgers were fried. In the evening they had songs and stunts-around a- camp- fire. * Nirfeteeii- members' -were JERSEYS SELL HIGH A quitting-farming sale of eight Jersey cows hv "Thomas Jordan. of Clinton county last ., week brought some season’s high prices, The average on the eight cows was oyer $250, and the top brought $30*0. assistant secretary; Mrs; C, Masters, treasurer. The regular meeting o f the club will be June 21 at the home of Mrs, Chester Murphy. Buffalo, NAY . when £)r. Elliott attended •the- Tfrlst general as­ sembly o f the First Presbyterian Church. He was sent as a com- •niissioner o f the Dayton Presby­ tery. Dr. Elliot reports the meet­ in g Was of a very friendly and .Christian spirit. On their return /home they visited’. Mrs, Elliot’s " sister Mrs. George Elliot in Johnstown, Pa., and her brother Mr. E. K. McWilliams in Pitts­ burg, Pa. had'as guests for several days the^-;,P£e_sept^_ latters - mother; Mrs. Minnie.-^ iinm jlA A -■^,T>ri--;'^TTr,TA Sharp o f Canton and Mrs. Floi- • f| T^ ST^ M :VISIT^- COLLEGE ALUMNI HAVE MEETING Dr! Clyde Hutchinson o f . Chi­ cago was principal speaker at the College Alumni Banquet at the College gymnasium Satur­ day evening. Dr, Hutchins is a former alumni and? is asgU^jat^- t HTTIUR with the University of Chicago GARDEN CLUB The welcome was givep ' by. m,™ ters of the Green Montgomery West and the.'Yer-- Garden Club madd a gar- sponse given by Norman,' Polfe- v d e •vjur. to Holla_ndia_ Gardens, President Vayhinger gave a /rfc* \ apd -Hartman s Historical Bock nnrt on affairs o f the college;- Gaxdhn, neai Springfield, Mon- ence Campbell of Seaman. STUDENTS IN VOICE RECITAL ON SUNDAY Miss Janet Crtfmrine were a- mong 23 voice students of Miss Dorothy Viegel presented in a recital in tl?e Y. W. C. A. in Springfield Sunday evening^ Di­ ana sang, “ Into th Night” by Ed­ wards and “ Pale Moon” by Lo­ gan. Janet sang, “Because” by D. Hardelot and “ A May Morn­ ing” by Denza. DINNER GUESTS IN W. VIRGINIA Mr. Herb Myers and' Billy Myers of Dayton are home after Several days .with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foster and son in Dun­ bar, W. Virginia. SPENDS FEW DAYS IN LANCASTER Mr. and Mrs. Max Bitner and son spent a few days this past week with relatives in Lancaster. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP TO ENTERTAIN The Youth Fellowship of the Mr and Mrs George Gordon - ¥ etliodisfc church will entertain had as dinner g u e sts Sunday Mr./ the »llowship- of the sub-district port ff irs f t c ll ; Mrs. Eleanor McCallister sang a group of solos accompanied by Mrs. Margaret Huish. Election of officers for the coming year were Mrs. Lloyd Benham, pres­ ident; Howard Swain, vice pres­ ident: Miss Mabel Stormont, treasurer and Mrs. John Mills, secretary, and David Bradfute was elected a member o f the alumni board. A social hour followed the busi­ ness meeting. The banquet was served by the Advisory Board. RETURN FROM VACATION IN THE EAST Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barber, Bill and Jane Purdom have re­ turned after a trip having visit­ ed places of interest in the East. They visited Natural Bridge in Va., Williamsburg, Va., and Washington D. C. SELLS GARAGE Mrs. Hazel Edwards has sold her filling station and garage to J. C. Stokes of Springfield. Mr. Stokes will take over July 1. Mr. Stokes with his wife and two daughters will move here soon. BROADCASTERS CLASS Rev. and Mrs. Paul Elliott, Mrs. Hazel Edwards and Mrs. Lee Lynch""entertained the Broad­ casters Class in-the First Presby­ terian Church Tuesday evening. Mrs. Led the devotions. Following the business meet­ ing refreshments were served to 20 members and guests. VISITING MRS. McMILLAN Dr. and Mrs. Homer McMillan of Atlanta, Georgia are spend­ ing a few days with: Mrs. Clay­ ton MfcMillan. Dr. McMillan came to officiate ■ .:.v " ■ - ....... :__ ---------- t.yW*--- ............. .............. r Don’ s Market Telephone €-2041 FRESHSIDE j I SAUSAGE Sliced 39c lb. j 1 Fresh 29c lb. VEAL ^ BEEF IBaconSquares j VEALCHOPS I 1 ~ 19c lb. 1 59c lb. 1 PORK HAM I Cream Chese i HAMBURGER 1 47c lb. 55c lb. BACON FRANKS 1 It's Fresh 7:30 ] I COFFEE 1 1 40c lb, I CATSUP I 1 14 oz. 15c day afternoon. This tour took the place of a meeting scheduled June 14, Those going on the tour were Mrs. Charles Eckman, Mrs. Ralph Bullen, Mrs. Robert Paxton, Mrs. Albert Sparks, Mrs. Pearl Sexton, Mrs. Ralph Rife, Mrs. Walter Miller, Mrs. Omer Sparrow, Mrs. Russell Luse, Mrs. Lloyd Devoe and Mrs. Maynard Neff, allof Clifton. CEDARVILLE OES HAVE ANNUAL INSPECTION Cedarville Chapter No. 418 Order o f the Eastern Star-’ met in special session Monday evening fo r the annual’ inspection by Mrs. Anna M. Smith. Osborn, deputy grand matron of the 18th Dis­ trict of Grand Chapter of Ohio O. E. S. Mrs.. Bulah Brewer, Worthy Matron and Mr. Charles Robin­ son, Worthy Patron, presided over the meeting. Mrs. Leona Weast was 'soloist and was accompanied by Mrs. Vi­ ola Brown. Visiting matron and patron, and past matrons and patrons were introduced hv the conduct­ ress, Mrs. Isabel Bull, .At the dose o f the inspection ceremonies guests and members were invited to the dining room where refreshment o f punch, cookies and mints were served by the Past Matrons Circle. Visitors were present from Fail-field, Springfield, Xenia, Cardington, Jamestown, Yellow Springs, New Vienna, Miamis- •burg, Plain City, New Carlisle, Christiansburg, North Lewisburg, London, Urbana, Sabina, Ohio and Roselle, New Jersey. Preceding the meeting, the fol­ lowing enjoyed a six o’clock din­ ner at the Old Mill: Mrs. Anna M. Smith, Mrs. Bulah Brewer, Mrs.’ Elizabeth Irvine, Mrs. Mar- Garet Nelson, Mrs. Anna Barlow, Mrs. Lula Hamer, Mrs. Hester Cultice, Mrs. Dorothy Huston, Mrs. Willa Beattie, Mr. and Mrs. John Mills, Air. and Airs. Amos Frame, Air. and Mrs. Charles Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bull, Mr. and Airs. Herbert .Pick­ ering and Nelson Pickering. VISITS PARENTS All*, and Mrs. Roy AIcAIahan of Cleveland were weekend guests o f the latters parents, Dr. and Airs. W. A . Condon. IS ILL Airs. Irvi.e Kyle, N. Main St. is ill and has been confined to her bed several days. VISITING IN INDIANA* Airs. Ruth Reiter spent Sunday amlvMq.nday in Indiacapolis, vis­ iting Mr. and Mrs, Gene Boze and family. Mi1. J, E.'.'R6st who i s 1 in the Merchant Marines was al­ so visiting in the Boze home. Mrs. Boze, the former Elsie Pnst ,vas a former Cedarville resident. VISITS PARENTS ENROUTE TO KY. Mr. and Airs. Ted Harsh stop­ ped at the home o f the latters parents Myerl Stormont last week, enroute to Wrigle** Ky. They had i been to Oak Dale 111. to the Wed-1 ding of Miss Jane Harsh a sis­ ter of Ted/ Claire was the at­ tendant of Aliss Harsh at her wading. Mr. and Airs. Harsh are conducting a dailv Bible school at Wrigley Mission in Ky., and will'return to Pittsburgh in Sep­ tember for Ted to fnish school*. PENNYPACKERS HERE Mrs. M. C. Pennypacker and daughter are at the home o f her ■l .S Chickens - Fjesh Fish Liver - Neckhones • Spareribs Sweet Bred - Hearts - Tongu|s Lunch Meats - Cheese WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR DAILYSPECIALS Quick and Friendly Service YOUR ONE STOP MARKET and Mrs. Audrv Gordon, Mr. and Airs. Harold Gordon and son of Washington C. H., Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ogle o f Springfield, Mrs; Jennie Gordon, Misg Janet Gor­ don and Gordon Boyer. HAS OPERATION Gharles Duvall is recuperating at his home from a recent throat operation performed at Miami Valley hosnital in Dayton last week. ATTEND ALUMNI BANQUET AT COLLEGE Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Hutchinson of Chicago spent last week end with the latters mother, Mrs. J. S. West. They came to attend the alumni banquet, at which Dr. Hutchinson was the principal speaker. AIRS. REYNOLDS SPEAKS Mrs. David Reynolds was*guest snealier when the W. S. C. S. o f Wilmington met in the church Thursday evening. VISITS MOTHER Mrs. Don Allen and children o f Sunbury visited her mother, Airs. Harry Dolby last week. ATTENR FUNERAL Rev and Mrs. W. B. Collier at­ tended the funeral of Hiram Lo­ gan in Morgantown, Indiana, Monday. ATTEND GRADUATION OF NIECE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stormont have returned rfom Princeton, ^Indiana where they attended the ‘ graduation of the latters niece, Miss Ann Morrow. FRATERNITY BANQUET Twenty seven couples, mem­ bers and guests o f the Kappa Sigma Kappa, fraternity of Ce­ darville College enjoyed a ban­ quet at Rest Haven Park Friday evening. The party was in honor of the pledges received in the secr ond semester of school. Grace was given by Jbhn Hawker. The Toastmaster was Arthur Lewis. An address was given by James. Mock and response by Mendel Beatie. Officers, fo r the coming year are James Ross, president; Donald Alock, vice president; James Dunn, Secretary; Ray Thompson, treasurer and James Lewis, sergeant at arms. TO ATTEND CONFERENCE Rev. W. B. Collier left Wed­ nesday to attend the annual Ohio Conference o f the Methodist Church at Lakeside, Ohio, Sat­ urday all the ministers will at­ tend the inauguration of the new president o f Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware. ENTER BEAUTY SCHOOL Misses Aice Marie Spracklin at the church June 14th at 8. The sub-district includes Greene, Glint-n, Fayette and Harlan Co. All youths of the" Church are in­ vited. * VISITING IN PENNSYLVANIA Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cheek and daughter are visiting relatives in Mt. Union and Lewistown Pa. for several days. ATTENDS TRUSTEE MEETING IN ILL. Rev. Ralph Jamieson spent a few days this past week attend­ ing a board o f trustees meeting at Mammouth College in Mam mouth 111. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Mrs.. John Gray of Mt. Sterling was surprised on her birthday Sunday when hej; children called at her home and prepared a covered dish dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Leforge and daughter and Air. and Mrs. David Ramsey and daughter were guests. Others were present from Dayton, Cin- cinnaja, * Xenia, Columbus and South Gate, Ky. KENNSINGTON CLUB TO MEET The Kennsington Club will meet June 16th at the home of Mrs. Ralph Ferguson north of Clifton. Mrs. Fred Clemans will be the assistant hostess, YPCU ATTENDS WEINER ROAST * The Y. P. C. U. of the United Presbyterian Church held weiner roast Tuesday evening at. the .home of. Mr. and;.Mrs.. Emile Finney, Mr.” and Mrs. Harold Cooley assisted. a r e lW l y to Tars I qq | Controlled COLD FUR STORAGE Can Revive the Beauty of Tired-Appearing Garments bjr preser ing natural oil? essential to f«r» beauty and luster. . . pro- tccting pelta from heat, hu idity, moths, fire and theft. ONLY Certified vaults are inspected •M approved by the Certified Cold Fur Storage Association, WITHPRECIOUSFURS Pickering Electric Cedarville, Ohio •Trad* Mark Used only by Certified Cold Fur Storage Am . ami lit Members. ©1948C.C.F.&A. * SPECIAL Chemically Treated Dry M o p _____ __________ 2.20 or any other Fuller Products Write Fuller Brush Representative JOS. F. GELS V -.1329 Schaeffer St. Dayton £ Ohio FARMS FOR SALE AND FARM LOANS . We have many good farms for sale on easy terms. Also make farm loans at 4% interest for 15 years. No application fee and no appraisal fee. Write or Inquire McSavaney & Co. London, O. Leon H. Kling, Mgr. CustomSpraying Orchards, Corn, Barns, Fenc& Rows, and any place in- * fested with Weeds. Book Your Corn Spraying Early x Donald Hagler Phone' 6-2621 or 61781 _ Cedarville, Ohio CLEAN BEFORE YOU STORE Will your “ winter things” be moth bait this^summer ? Not if you send them to New Cedarville Cleaners for expert dry cleaning. Olri: and^ grime work into fab­ ric — i often invisibly . • .' then moth worms have a feast. Before you store, let New Cedarville Cleaners “ proof” your clothes against the menace of moths and silver fish. IT WAS A TOY! An imitation .32 pistol was found by Sheriff Hays o f Fay­ ette.county rin possession of one of three prisoners ' planning a jail break. A prisoner fo r for­ gery is said to have made the gun —forged it, that is. THE NEWCEDARVILLE CLEANERS Xenia Ave., Cedarville , Phone 6-3411 INVALID GRADUATES Specializing on heart disease is the life ambition of James Kerns, 19, who was graduated from McClain high - chool in May. Since the sixth grade the lad h'as been confined to. his home with a heart' ailment. He has kept uo his studies, and plans to com.- plete his education as. a physi­ cian. LOOSING PHEASANTS. FFA lads are receiving phea­ sants for their field from the state. ;A, A MODERN ADAM Frank Pitstick of Y e l l o w Springs has 40 grandchildren and 72 great-grandchildren. HAS NO CONTROL Governor Lausche, on advice of the attorney general, has issued a ‘formal statement that he has BONES RISE AGAIN! Excavating in a lot that has • been • .undisturbed fo r 70 years, bones Of full-grown horse were unearthed in Hillsboro.- Disap­ pointed sidewalk superintendents - turned away when the coroner -and. sheriff 'assured them nobody had been . murdered and buried there. • GOES MODERN The C. S. Bell company of Hillsboro, makers of world fam­ ous bells, for about a century, has developed a streamlined pro­ duction system in its modern plant. did would have meant six months slave labor in Russia." THE NICELY BILL By a vote of 5 to 0 the Nicely bill, providing a renovation of Ohio's cumbersome salary struc­ ture and an increase o f some­ thing like five million dollars in payment to employes, passed the committee. The salary study com­ mission approves the measure, but recommends a slice o f 50% in employes. A young GI. member of the House led the movement, that killed a proposal to increase servicemen’s pay by about a half billion dollars yearly. He proved that most of -it would go to the “ brass." 3-YEAR LICENSES „ The govenor has signed the bill making the term o f drive's license three years instead of one. . 'i RUSSIA SOCKS ’EM A Russian-born woman, driv- , , . . . . . ing in New Jersey, figured in a no control over rent, legislation traffic accident. She-was fined Or regulation in Ohio. $12. She commented: “Wliat I Farm*Gram Tile Ditching Trenching Service ROSS COTTER P. o . Box 748 Phone 3-6810 Springfield, Ohio •IT THE OP BRIDAL SATIN IN <U i*ca4~ LUCOFLINT - s i JL SU PER -W H ITE ENAMEL Bts only rival for whiteness, washability and wear is PORCELAIN The whitest and toughest of enamels. Until you’ve used-Lucoflint, $2.15 Qt. it’s hard to believe that paint could look so snowy White . . . yet take the punishment of grease, steam and smoke. Washes to gleam like porcelain. Doesn’t yellow with age. Ideal for wood t or metal, indoors or out. DURAFILM ». " ONE -COAT > SEM I-GLOSS • GLOSS 'Companion products for matched walls and woodwork, i kV**«'**«* * »**«$& One Coat Flat $1.25 Qt. Semi-Gloss $1.60 Qt. LUCAS PRODUCES A SUPERIOR PAINT PRODUCT FOR EVERY SURFACE Better Mese Better "Buys Treet Armour Brand can ......:...................- 35c Bisquick 40 oz. box ....—-45c Tomatoes Salem Brand 2 No. 2 cans....... -.......- 25e Corn Yellow or White cr. style :.............2 cans ..-25c Certo Bottle ....... ....... ..... 23c QUALITYMEATS Layer Bacon, Ends —. lb. 39c j 0wel Bacon, piece .... lb. 29c Cottage*Cheese, pt.---- — 25c , Lunch Meat....... 69c Fruited Picnic Hams lb. 59c HARNER & HUSTON CEDARVILLE MARKET Coffee Merritt 1 lb. bag 39c 3 lb. bag........... ........- $1.12 Parawax pkg. 1 - - ....... 15c % • Sugar Pure Cane 10 lb. - 89c Oleo Merritt Brand 1 lb. 21c Macaroni or Spagetti 2 lb. box............. ................ . 29c Salmon Chum.....ta ll.... 41c Milk Green Pasture tall 10c